看板 Stock
作者 lumilumi (我是嚕嚕米!)
標題 Re: [新聞] 美超微(SMCI):無法如期提出第三季財報
時間 Thu Nov 14 22:58:20 2024





※ 引述《ban8566 ()》之銘言:
: 今天沒什麼跌耶
: 是不是可以逢低買進了
: 有沒有網友可以分曉一下
: 引述《DrowningPool (My broken dreams)》之銘言:
: : 原文標題:Super Micro Computer stock falls after delaying 10-Q filling
: : 原文連結:https://reurl.cc/6dpYq5
: : 發布時間:2024-11-13
: : 原文內容:
: : Super Micro Computer (NASDAQ:SMCI) shares dropped over 4% in premarket
: : trading Wednesday following the company's announcement of a delay in filing
: : its quarterly 10-Q report for the period ending September 30, 2024.
: : A Form 10-Q is the company's quarterly financial report.
: : In its press release, Super Micro Computer attributed the delay to unresolve
: d
: : issues related to an ongoing internal review of the company's controls and
: : reporting processes.
: : The review, initiated by the company's board in response to concerns raised
: : by the company's former accounting firm, has resulted in delays for both the
: : 2024 annual 10-K filing and the current quarterly 10-Q.
: : In August, SMCI delayed the filing of its annual report, citing a need to
: : assess its internal controls over financial reporting.
: : Then, in late October, Ernst & Young resigned as SMCI's accounting firm,
: : saying it was no longer able to rely on management's and the Audit
: : Committee's representations and was unwilling to be associated with the
: : financial statements prepared by management.
: : The news sent SMCI shares tumbling more than 30% and deepened investor
: : worries about accounting practices at the artificial intelligence server
: : maker.
: : A special committee established by SMCI's board has concluded an initial
: : investigation but requires further time to complete additional work,
: : according to SMCI's latest press release.
: : Key tasks are said to include appointing a new accounting firm and finalizin
: g
: : the assessment of the company's internal controls as of June 30, 2024.
: : The company cited the need to engage a successor accounting firm and for thi
: s
: : new firm to conduct a thorough audit of financial statements and internal
: : controls before both the 10-K and the latest 10-Q can be filed.
: : 心得/評論:
: : 美超微:啊我就交不出來阿
: : 而且還需要找新的會計公司再讓他們看過季報後
: : 10-K 10-Q的季報才生的出來喔
: : 盡力了

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: lumilumi 2024-11-14 22:58:20
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dDX0EYu (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1731596302.A.8B8.html
※ 同主題文章:
Re: [新聞] 美超微(SMCI):無法如期提出第三季財報
11-14 22:58 lumilumi
roder: 有單給推1F 11/14 22:58
CMPunk: 尊重推2F 11/14 22:58
alex5566: 很猛喔3F 11/14 23:00
a0939877325: 勇者推4F 11/14 23:00
freshman: 太狂了!5F 11/14 23:00
LayLoLeo: 手骨很粗哦6F 11/14 23:00
Noberman: 有單 給尊重7F 11/14 23:01
schula: 哇,本很粗啊,祝順利8F 11/14 23:01
hohoho2010: 猛9F 11/14 23:02
distantblc: 哇10F 11/14 23:02
sagarain: 大哥11F 11/14 23:03
h3126187: 好有錢12F 11/14 23:03
payneblue: 穩贏的吧13F 11/14 23:04
junior020486: 你猛,我respect14F 11/14 23:04
guppys2005: 佩服15F 11/14 23:04
delnet: 本金粗勇16F 11/14 23:04
chalon: 太猛了吧17F 11/14 23:04
rbull: 對你來說 想必一定是小錢18F 11/14 23:06
tomdavis:          猛......猛男19F 11/14 23:06
kutkin: 會贏喔20F 11/14 23:06
papamonkey: 挖10萬美小買不怕歸021F 11/14 23:06
fdkevin: 有單給推...22F 11/14 23:06
Kappa: 會…會贏..嗎?23F 11/14 23:07
qwert123456: 太強了24F 11/14 23:07
tomdavis:         十萬美金買個不下市就大漲的機會 狂....25F 11/14 23:07
lbjameschen: 猛哥26F 11/14 23:07
sa87a16: 你會贏27F 11/14 23:07
sdbb: 勇者28F 11/14 23:08
skypennyleo: 覺得會贏,隨便提出財報就+30%先29F 11/14 23:08
kutkin: 我要是有260萬美金 寧可留著雙手抱小妞31F 11/14 23:08
sa87a16: 時勢造英雄,肯定就說你,讓時間證明32F 11/14 23:08
kutkin: 你了不起是三張233F 11/14 23:08
asidy: 厲害喔34F 11/14 23:08
F93935: 會贏35F 11/14 23:09
bcismylove: 小買==36F 11/14 23:09
gladopo: 你狠,這種東西也玩這麼大.......37F 11/14 23:09
amig0123: 很賭 但賭贏直接一棟房子38F 11/14 23:09
Momsoup5566: 狂39F 11/14 23:11
a210510: 會贏喔40F 11/14 23:11
a0921387223: 狂41F 11/14 23:11
ccdrv: 你如果贏 是應該的42F 11/14 23:11
faultless: 賭徒給尊重43F 11/14 23:12
ssarc: 300萬對你還說是小錢? 房子頭期款了耶!44F 11/14 23:12
gy206578: 有錢真好45F 11/14 23:12
ccdrv: 能擔風險 才能大賺46F 11/14 23:12
allen0080: 有錢大大,給推。47F 11/14 23:12
pippen2002: respect48F 11/14 23:13
clamperni: 好猛49F 11/14 23:13
newyorker54: 我也想買,小孩愛吃50F 11/14 23:14
losehope: 尊重!51F 11/14 23:14
atpx: 現在發文門檻一單十萬美元了52F 11/14 23:14
JingPingKing: Respect 真勇者53F 11/14 23:15
NEX4036: 會贏喔54F 11/14 23:15
yuys: 猛55F 11/14 23:16
greedypeople: 好猛56F 11/14 23:16
lplpyy: 真,別人恐懼57F 11/14 23:17
Kevinsa: 富貴險中求 會贏歐58F 11/14 23:17
kurogame: 有單就是推59F 11/14 23:18
we147121: 真賭徒耶,直接把美股當賭場,猛!60F 11/14 23:18
sola01078272: 勇者還是變泳者 哇哭哇哭61F 11/14 23:18
qazxc1156892: 穩了
別人恐慌 我加倉62F 11/14 23:19
sweetgold: 會輸歐64F 11/14 23:19
junior020486: 說不定財報生出來又躲過下市危機65F 11/14 23:20
zeuswell: 騙好幾次都敢買。佩服66F 11/14 23:20
arkin: 好猛 十萬放在這叫做小買67F 11/14 23:21
qazxc1156892: #相信梁董 賠錢就懂68F 11/14 23:22
gwboy: 猛 這是哪家券商?69F 11/14 23:22
Kappa: 戶頭有200多萬鎂 10萬確實小買 但還是超猛70F 11/14 23:22
kei1823: 人家有260萬 拿個3%賭而已XD71F 11/14 23:23
eternal0327: 看了是交給運氣了72F 11/14 23:23
Madridtop: 有錢人,怎麼玩都贏73F 11/14 23:23
hHolic: 賣掉記得再一篇 讓我上車74F 11/14 23:23
TeddyPig5566: 小賭怡情 我懂,但 乾爹,你會贏喔75F 11/14 23:23
fake: 有賭有推76F 11/14 23:24
qwe78971: 想不到不發財的理由 現在買以後會感謝我77F 11/14 23:26
leoz69927: 富貴險中求78F 11/14 23:27
wellsBD: 好喔  跟進玩玩79F 11/14 23:28
leoz69927: 就賭看看賭對上天堂賭錯也不會受傷太重的概念80F 11/14 23:28
moom50302: 趕快收吧…不然再兩天就掰掰了81F 11/14 23:29
hydra7: 200萬多鎂的帳戶,玩個10萬好像也還好82F 11/14 23:30
ccdrv: 一次下注就300萬 尊重83F 11/14 23:30
s56565566123: 你會贏84F 11/14 23:31
aimgel: 很勇喔85F 11/14 23:32
dch44dyw: 下半句好像是富貴險中丟86F 11/14 23:33
ericf129: 會贏喔87F 11/14 23:35
soliboy: aur你也抱得住 真的妖股王88F 11/14 23:35
s56565566123: 已經賺爛了89F 11/14 23:35
tom282f3: 別人恐懼我貪婪90F 11/14 23:37
The4sakenOne: 大哥很有錢啊91F 11/14 23:37
lusifa2007: 幹 賭徒 respect92F 11/14 23:38
kevinmeng2: 10萬鎂財報5%,果然有錢人的世界93F 11/14 23:38
Nino0114: 勇喔94F 11/14 23:41
a82412: BA賭嗎?95F 11/14 23:41
karta513165: 好猛96F 11/14 23:43
etset: 會贏嗎....97F 11/14 23:43
fuhoho: 會贏喔98F 11/14 23:43
Jerry469: 牛逼99F 11/14 23:44
film12: 320萬台票賭谷底!勇者!妳會贏!264F 11/15 16:19
jagger: 穩了265F 11/15 16:44
bizozi968: 收藏2025再來看266F 11/15 17:26
mangobing: 勇者給推,我覺得你這筆會輸267F 11/15 17:48
xuepanda: 神串留名268F 11/15 19:44

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