作者 Wojnarowski (@wojespn)
標題 [情報] Federer:只有Mirka和Rafa能觸動我落淚
時間 Fri Jun 21 14:09:44 2024

"Only 2 things that would trigger me, Mirka and Rafael Nadal" - Roger Federer
on breaking down in tears at Laver Cup retirement ceremony

"Only 2 things that would trigger me, Mirka and Rafael Nadal" - Roger Federer on breaking down in tears at Laver Cup retirement ceremony
Roger Federer revisited his emotional moment at the 2022 Laver Cup, where he played his final tournament in front of fans. ...


Roger Federer在最新的紀錄片裡重溫了他在職業生涯最後時刻,2022年的Laver Cup

"Just seeing all the other players, that was hard. It was so emotional. Their
whole career, I've been there. Andy, I think he saw his career flash in front
of his eyes. Novak, I told him things also at the very end, that were very per
sonal and that maybe triggered something with him as well," Federer said (1:17
:00) in the Amazon Prime exclusive release.

"And then, I think there's only two things only I realized that would trigger
me, and that was Mirka and then the Rafa angle."

"A lot of emotions. A lot of memories. The feeling before a Grand Slam final a
gainst Roger, it's different. Different atmosphere, different kind of pressure
. To know that I will not have this feeling again for the rest of my life, it'
s something that's painful," Nadal said.

"Even if we have a great rivalry on court, we were able to have a very good fr
iendship outside. And that's something very difficult to find in this very com
petitive world," he added.

"I think I can feel that too, you know? That it is very unique. Getting along
so well and having the respect for one another. It's definitely special, to sa
y the least," Federer said.

"I guess we both went through a lot, you know, in our own ways, that we both h
ave been injured a lot, you know, so... Obviously we can both relate, and I'm
happy we made it to the end," he added.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Wojnarowski 2024-06-21 14:09:44
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cTHagpj (Tennis)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1718950186.A.CED.html
icedog122: 可以不要再閃了嗎1F 06/21 14:11
twtpcsilence: Mirka:??2F 06/21 14:11
f222051618: 真愛3F 06/21 14:12
sunsirr: Mirka:當我塑膠嗎XDD Bromance >>>>>> Romance4F 06/21 14:18
sandiegopadr: Fedal 費達拿度5F 06/21 14:21
micbrimac: Mirka:你再想想要怎麼講話6F 06/21 14:29
kevinduh4: QQ7F 06/21 14:32
kakashi71: Mirka:???來 給你重新好好說一次的機會8F 06/21 14:39
freeview: Mirka:...聽說跪在算盤上吃飯也會落淚對吧9F 06/21 14:41
sky79717: Mirka:我該高興嗎?10F 06/21 15:07
clockwise: 把納豆和費嫂放在一個類別...XDDD11F 06/21 15:10
Gardenia0603: 好閃好感人12F 06/21 15:18
PLS1312: 老婆跟大老婆13F 06/21 15:23
Notif520: 把納豆跟嫂子放同等地位 費爸保重XD14F 06/21 15:26
BusterPosey: 第二個老婆15F 06/21 15:30
cruisewu2003: 歐洲真的開放又多元 網球運動引領風潮16F 06/21 15:45
TheRoots: 笑死17F 06/21 15:47
elvis30901: 欸,收斂一點啊18F 06/21 15:57
AJIMMY: Mirka:???19F 06/21 16:02
kobe741107: 最愛的女人與最愛的男人  費爸真的屌炸天20F 06/21 16:18
JustWinslow: Bisexual?21F 06/21 16:25
cloud50266: 笑死XD22F 06/21 16:28
shingo: 費爸,你……23F 06/21 16:47
DflowerT: 那個…是不是因為退休了就不怕跪鍵盤呀XDD24F 06/21 16:55
ivivan: 還好還有先講Mirka XD25F 06/21 17:15
blademan: 侵門踏戶呀26F 06/21 17:23
ExcellentSun: 太誠實了啊!27F 06/21 18:08
coffeemilk: 費德勒要變雙了嗎?這句話聽起來好雙性戀XD28F 06/21 18:16
wwwwwwww: 他的小孩情何以堪29F 06/21 18:46
alan1231005: 剛看完 頗感動30F 06/21 18:50
fb194854: 甲味四溢 愛了愛了31F 06/21 19:24
hongchanghsu: 閃爆32F 06/21 19:32
halle79: 還來!33F 06/21 19:39
runrun: 公開告白內~34F 06/21 19:42
calculus9: 真愛35F 06/21 19:47
sadmonkey: 確定Mirka不是意思意思講的嗎?36F 06/21 19:52
nightmoon007: 這裡是網球版,不是男....37F 06/21 20:04
Eldnine: 他們倆就互捧也不是一天兩天….38F 06/21 20:24
king3768: 這部可以難得聽到費納講髒話39F 06/21 20:30
hanne: 快點空運一個算盤去給Mirka40F 06/21 20:37
Godshou508: 太閃啦!41F 06/21 20:38
bovobago000: 豆哥IG也放閃XD42F 06/21 20:52
gp03dan: 這裡是網球44F 06/21 21:06
charlie01: ...真的逐漸男以理解 XD45F 06/21 22:08
wilson200106: 還好啊這不就一夫一妻制,Rafa是一夫的部分46F 06/21 22:38
coffeemilk: 本來是對手,後來在比賽中逐漸在各自勝負之下越來越理解對方,於是也越來越感情加溫,在一場大賽時,費終於忍不住伸出來的手,握著納......47F 06/21 22:39
IlovePete: 只有我好奇費爸跟囧說了什麼私人的事嗎XDDD50F 06/21 22:41
CGary: 哈哈 一夫一妻制...lol51F 06/21 22:47
SYUAN0301: 一夫一妻XD52F 06/21 22:57
reincarnate: >//////<53F 06/21 23:36
Ferrero0212: Mirka:你要不要聽聽看你自己在說什麼…54F 06/22 00:00
domoto0101: 一夫一妻制   XDDDD55F 06/22 00:01
xxxholic031: 費納真的是競技運動的榜樣,場上殺翻場下惺惺相惜,運動界很需要這種溫暖的氣氛56F 06/22 01:04
mitiemu: 老費把老公跟老婆放在同等地位好像也是合理58F 06/22 03:13
a12841: 申鬼申怪59F 06/22 04:09
hpfan: 真愛!60F 06/22 06:49
CaminoI: 原來是一夫一妻制 這樣把老婆和老公並提就合理了(欸記得費透露小孩也喜歡豆 根本和爸爸一樣口味 www61F 06/22 07:13
Jinx: 最愛的女人跟最愛的男人 沒毛病63F 06/22 07:17

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