標題 [新聞] 《驚奇隊長2》假髮細節公開:我們很努力
時間 Thu Dec 14 21:34:38 2023

化妝師Wakana Yoshihara公開《驚奇隊長2》假髮細節!


Wakana Yoshihara:「首先我研究了布麗拉森和驚奇隊長在之前電影中的照片。我認為金


Wakana Yoshihara on Instagram: "✨Process of Creating Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)✨

Firstly I looked pictures of @brielarson and those from previous film.
I believed that opening up her face, also blonder hair and sun kissed skin could be more suitable for Brie. Also makeup should be softer, only to emphasise her feature nicely and effortlessly.
I thought that @annaewers has similar face structure to Brie, so I looked for images of Anna that I could present to @niadacosta our director, what I meant “natural, beachy, effortless but effective sun kissed look”
It sounds I’m mad, but makes more sense if there are images that can speak better than I could.

We opted using wigs.
(made by my favourite @samuel_james_wigs_ )

I wanted her wigs to look as natural as possible.
So colouring process was very important.
I found images of a model who’s hair is naturally blonde and her hair colour brightened when it was sun kissed.
So I religiously copied her colour pattern, putting undertone and lift lighter more predominantly around face line and surface of the hair.

I cut wigs, when they were on Brie’s head, then after I coloured again, mainly to lift ends so it looks natural.
Once the colour is set, I copied Brie’s hair pattern to her wigs so that hair growth would match hers exactly.
Once we were signed off, wigs were handed over to Laurel Kelly (Personal Hairstylist) who was an incredible collaborator.

In beginning, side plaits was only supposed to use second half of the story, but Nia recommended that this should be the hairstyle for Carol. 👍🏻

@mihomakeup was personal makeup artist.
She brew my mind with her dedication to keep Brie’s skin in good condition throughout, and enhancing all features in the best possible way.

Carol looks effortless and flawless on screen, and that’s what we wanted. Although I’d love to mention that there were lots of efforts and preparation went behind!

Thanks to our hair sponsors:
@bumbleandbumble @theouai @marianilastockholm

#brielarson #captainmarvel #caroldanvers #marvelcomics #wig #hairandmakeupdesigner #sunkissed #sunkissedbalayage"


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: CYKONGG 2023-12-14 21:34:38
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bUmHmks (movie)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1702560880.A.BB6.html
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[新聞] 《驚奇隊長2》假髮細節公開:我們很努力
12-14 21:34 CYKONGG
godofsex: https://i.imgur.com/k8hupgX.jpg1F 12/14 21:35
exyu: 喔。
所以又是個天價造型費嗎?2F 12/14 21:36
dog29635841: 沒人在乎4F 12/14 21:37
godofsex: 蛤蜊貝蠣的假髮髒辮頭表示:5F 12/14 21:40
MakeAWash: 那個造型比她居家打扮還難看好嗎 ==6F 12/14 21:40
fragmentwing: 現在政確要標配貴又無意義的假髮了嗎7F 12/14 21:43
meowyih: 一個髮型設計師在自己的IG上寫的短文也叫「新聞」??8F 12/14 21:44
exyu: 有種下次全部剃光頭拍 省造型費啦
雖然光頭能好看 極度看人了wwwwwwwww9F 12/14 21:44
darkbrigher: 劇情爛成一坨屎 就算頭髮整成會發光也沒救好嗎11F 12/14 21:47
Yohachan: id13F 12/14 21:57
kyouya: 這還需要假髮?用真髮吹一吹不就好了14F 12/14 22:14
a456618: 花一年養一坨屎也不會有人覺得你很棒15F 12/14 22:17
PKming: 笑死☺  沒人在乎16F 12/14 22:18
uuss: 快要下檔了你的工作快要結束了...17F 12/14 22:18
bth060104: 能不能先把電影拍好18F 12/14 22:20
kingmusk: 當開始吹努力的時候 代表真的爛到沒有什麼可以誇19F 12/14 23:48
kaizea: 現在的壞人都不搶銀行了 他們都幫迪士尼拍電影去了20F 12/15 00:08
neos042: 剪接超亂,整片風格像鬧劇一樣,這用什麼髮型都一樣...21F 12/15 00:21
gundom: 這造型需要用假髮?你跟我說這不是洗錢?23F 12/15 01:24
philandsam: 我強烈懷疑這些人完全不了解觀眾到底在意什麼、想看什麼24F 12/15 04:05
hy00085she: 閱26F 12/15 05:26
rogner7777: 假髮本身很好看,但怎麼安在她頭上感覺就沒什麼了?27F 12/15 07:07
NEWinx: 拿掉假髮就可以加入玩命光頭了28F 12/15 07:49
hilemon: 這頂需要15萬美金嗎29F 12/15 08:31
jxigjll:  ?30F 12/15 10:08
aeoleron: 光頭隊長?31F 12/15 10:13
movieghost: 好喔 為了看清假髮的細節 我準備多刷幾次32F 12/15 10:54
meowyih: 還沒下檔喔33F 12/15 11:34
Portland: 布麗本來就是金髮,為何還要戴假髮?34F 12/15 12:03
adasin: 金靠北 這也要用假髮喔 難怪成本壓不下來35F 12/15 12:12
syk1104: 誰在乎假髮...滾36F 12/15 13:09
wcre: 問題不在主角,在另外二個年輕人吧37F 12/15 15:25
icexmoon: 其他東西比頭髮顏色更重要吧,經常搞錯重點的感覺@.@38F 12/15 17:04

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