※ 本文為 oidkk 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-08-14 19:58:18
看板 C_Chat
作者 標題 [問題] 求一個構圖分鏡的範本
時間 Sun Aug 12 12:47:12 2012
1.小町つぐみ(Ever17) 6.B.I.Frostheart(ヴァンパイア十字界)2.御坂美琴 (とある科学の超電磁砲) 7.椎名真冬 (碧陽学園生徒会議事録)
3.長門有希 (涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱) 8.藤原雅 (Memories Off~それから~)
4.双海詩音 (Memories Off) 9.暁美ほむら (魔法少女まどか★マギカ)
5.竹井久 (咲 -Saki-) 10.桂ヒナギク (ハヤテのごとく!)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :雙手撐著頭嗎? 還是高視角浮在空中1F 08/12 12:49
→ :都可以2F 08/12 12:50
→ :這啥圖 超黑0.04F 08/12 12:52
→ :........... 囧6F 08/12 13:06
推 :這算錯誤嗎7F 08/12 13:09
→ :knife wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww8F 08/12 13:09
→ :AngelBeat Yui那一話找找?
→ :通常啦,靈魂出竅狀態會從床尾方向看,其他人會從側面看
→ :至於在床邊的....因為是幽靈所以無法握著手。
→ :AngelBeat Yui那一話找找?
→ :通常啦,靈魂出竅狀態會從床尾方向看,其他人會從側面看
→ :至於在床邊的....因為是幽靈所以無法握著手。
→ :至於靈體跨坐騎在昏迷者身上的...不是驚悚片就是色情片XD13F 08/12 13:12
→ :5F 詳細希望15F 08/12 13:19
→ :需要轉到繪圖板嗎 那邊應該會教你
→ :需要轉到繪圖板嗎 那邊應該會教你
Game of life
Hello everyone, this is my first finished work.It is a picture about reflections of life, where I want to go after I die,and what is the most valuable in life,But to God it is just a mere game, something small to gamble upon. Just a cycle of trifling moment.Therefore regardless of what we go through ...
Hello everyone, this is my first finished work.It is a picture about reflections of life, where I want to go after I die,and what is the most valuable in life,But to God it is just a mere game, something small to gamble upon. Just a cycle of trifling moment.Therefore regardless of what we go through ...
推 :感覺方向錯了18F 08/12 13:27
→ :後來想了一下,從圓神的tag去找搞不好會有?19F 08/12 13:32
推 :黃昏乙女的應該很多20F 08/12 13:40
推 :zbrush做出來的品質真不錯= =+21F 08/12 14:09
→ :每次看到這就鼻酸…24F 08/12 15:26
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