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作者 標題 [閒聊] PIXIV最愛加的繪師破千了!!
時間 Fri Feb 22 15:32:02 2013
這樣光看每天喜歡的繪師更新就夠了 (〞︶〝*)
1.碇 マナツ http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=42031
Online community for artists[pixiv]
pixiv is an online artist community where anyone can browse or submit their own anime and manga illustrations, collaborate with others, and even join official contests. ...
pixiv is an online artist community where anyone can browse or submit their own anime and manga illustrations, collaborate with others, and even join official contests. ...
畫了很多K-ON跟京阿尼的作品 之前出過一系列的 畫風越來越棒w
2.えらんと http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=878373
同樣畫了很多K-ON 根本是野生的京阿尼w 最喜歡這張
3.呉風 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=8981
Online community for artists[pixiv]
pixiv is an online artist community where anyone can browse or submit their own anime and manga illustrations, collaborate with others, and even join official contests. ...
pixiv is an online artist community where anyone can browse or submit their own anime and manga illustrations, collaborate with others, and even join official contests. ...
這個不用講了 大家應該都認識w 超強!
4.刃天 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=512849
Online community for artists[pixiv]
pixiv is an online artist community where anyone can browse or submit their own anime and manga illustrations, collaborate with others, and even join official contests. ...
pixiv is an online artist community where anyone can browse or submit their own anime and manga illustrations, collaborate with others, and even join official contests. ...
畫風相當好認 很有自己風格 我喜歡他濛濛的感覺
5.ミカ氏 http://tinyurl.com/bz4ftjr
因為太糟糕了 所以貼難得沒上車的圖就好 全部都是蘿莉圖ww
6.CORE http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=13415
Online community for artists[pixiv]
pixiv is an online artist community where anyone can browse or submit their own anime and manga illustrations, collaborate with others, and even join official contests. ...
pixiv is an online artist community where anyone can browse or submit their own anime and manga illustrations, collaborate with others, and even join official contests. ...
京社的圖居多 畫風有很棒的清新感
7.えふぇ http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=292644
東方繪師 光這張就足以說明他的強大
8.上山道郎 http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=53823
同樣很有自己風格 常常會畫藤子不二雄的畫風W
9.葛西 心 http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=47398
特別喜歡他畫的眼睛 像這樣
10.HP花 http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=791141
台灣繪師 畫風整個打到我 看這精美的腹肌
其他還有很多 但我一時找不到帳號..總之每天能看到這麼多好圖
真是太棒了 (〞︶〝*)
測驗自己是否為蘿莉控 1~3 輕度 4~6 中度 7~8 重度 9~12 喂喂,警察嗎..
1.走在路上比較喜歡看蘿莉 5.想摸蘿莉的頭 9.頭上有蘿莉天線
2.喜歡貓 6.被五個人以上叫過蘿莉控 10.有超過1G的蘿莉圖
3.看過十本以上蘿莉H漫 7.對14歲以上沒興趣 11.偷看過蘿莉內褲
4.知道藍是誰 8.喜歡貧乳 12.閃光都是蘿莉體型
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :我收的畫師大部分是東方、C恰板友、商業作這三部分1F 02/22 15:37
推 :我都是看到覺得畫得讚的就加,也沒在分類@@2F 02/22 15:40
→ :我大部分是東方 初音 京社的繪師 加很多的好處是看圖3F 02/22 15:40
→ :很方便XD
→ :很方便XD
→ :剛看了一下火狐的書籤有1774個pixiv畫師= =5F 02/22 15:41
→ :好多!6F 02/22 15:41
→ :原po這篇讓我新增了6個吶XDDD7F 02/22 15:41
推 :冷泉、桃屋、前島龍……8F 02/22 15:43
推 :加太多畫師 每天收圖的時候會很累._.9F 02/22 15:48
→ :HP花有出現在板上阿0.0
→ :HP花有出現在板上阿0.0
推 :改天我也來回回這篇XD 看我有沒有最愛繪師也一樣的XD11F 02/22 15:56
→ :差不多加到40上下後,每天就很夠看了XD
→ :差不多加到40上下後,每天就很夠看了XD
→ :剛剛想找之前很愛的繪師 但看大頭會看不出來ww13F 02/22 15:57
→ :囧..我都是加了沒在看XDD14F 02/22 16:17
推 :請問一下要如何加繪師?15F 02/22 16:21
推 :我最近喜歡的畫師剛破300 幾乎都東方的16F 02/22 16:21
→ :然後我發現本來左邊有個推薦的畫師不見了
→ :然後我發現本來左邊有個推薦的畫師不見了
→ :我是加到火狐的書籤,要用pixiv加的話只能加你喜歡的圖18F 02/22 16:23
→ :隨便點一張作品,畫師頭像下方有個加關注。19F 02/22 16:23
→ :pixiv可以改使用語言 改成中文比較知道我在說啥
→ :pixiv可以改使用語言 改成中文比較知道我在說啥
推 :感謝樓上兩位大大教學,原來要點選作品才有辦法加關注啊21F 02/22 16:28
→ :不用啊 點畫師首頁就好了22F 02/22 16:29
推 :大推 應該要m23F 02/22 17:15
推 :推推24F 02/22 17:56
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 883
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