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作者 標題 [閒聊] 處刑BGM
時間 Thu Jan 16 18:30:11 2014
Tales of Xillia 2 - If It's For You ~Song 4 U~ (Final Boss theme) - YouTube So I decided to be awesome today and upload the OST quality version of the final boss theme for Tales of Xillia 2! I haven't even played the game, and yet it...

WHITE ALBUM2-After All ~綴る想い~(附原文、中文翻唱歌詞) - YouTube 中文歌詞翻唱改寫NO.23:After All ~綴る想い~ (中文翻唱曲名:After All ~連綴的思念~) 這首曲子為PC美少女遊戲"WHITE ALBUM2"的插入曲IN 由上原れな所演唱 這首插入曲應該是我在WHITE ALBUM2中最喜歡的一首IN吧 鋼琴的前奏給人很多的想像空間、旋律中透露著孤寂 ...

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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :遊戲王很多1F 01/16 18:30
→ :第一個就是遊戲王5d`s clear mind2F 01/16 18:33
Jigoku Shoujo OST - 23 Jigoku Rock - YouTube
Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl) Soundtrack Track 23 I do not own any of this. I hope you like it :)
Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl) Soundtrack Track 23 I do not own any of this. I hope you like it :)

→ :果然有【星の輝き】w7F 01/16 18:38
果真是處刑曲→ :當然是テーレッテー8F 01/16 18:39
推 :彈幕遊戲的BGM基本都可以算啊XD9F 01/16 18:40
→ :除了明鏡止水我想不出其他的10F 01/16 18:40
鋼彈系列印象最深刻的就是Meteor了...Star Driver: Monochrome [TV Version] - YouTube
I do not own this picture, nor this song. Credits to Haruka Tomatsu and the Star Driver Staff (Aniplex, Bandai Namco Games, Bones, Dentsu, Square Enix, and t...
I do not own this picture, nor this song. Credits to Haruka Tomatsu and the Star Driver Staff (Aniplex, Bandai Namco Games, Bones, Dentsu, Square Enix, and t...

→ :對玩家的處刑w12F 01/16 18:42
白色相簿2那首就是對玩家處刑呀,嘿嘿Zeta Gundam - Invoke/ Zガンダム ゼータの発動 (宇宙を駆ける) - YouTube BGM集での曲名は「ジェリドとマウア」 作曲: 三枝成彰 Composed by: Shigeaki Saegusa Playlist:

→ :這才是wa2的處刑呀呀呀XDDD15F 01/16 18:52
→ :answer超處刑....根本是虐菜專曲....16F 01/16 18:59
聽著精神都起來了,難道我是m?SUPER DANGANRONPA 2 OST 2-27 おしおき feat.アーケードラビット - YouTube Composed by Masafumi Takada and Satoshi Iwase All rights belong to the artists, no copyright infringement is intended.

→ :↑還在/還沒跑彈丸二的請【千萬】不要點18F 01/16 19:00
→ :神得到忍者哈特利的戰鬥音樂嗎?等等等等等~~等~等~20F 01/16 19:09
「BLAZBLUE: CONTINUUM SHIFT II」 「深蒼 - Shinsō - 今井麻美 - Imai Asami」 Opening HD - YouTube Comunidad BLAZBLUE México : Opening del Juego BLAZBLUE : Continuum Shift II Titulo: Shinso...

→ :樓上對機戰玩家來說就是處刑用BGM24F 01/16 19:22
→ :碧軌 聖女處刑曲29F 01/16 19:47
推 :柯南那首, 開始放的時候兇手會被痛扁31F 01/16 19:50
是痛扁嗎,跟我的印象不符呀?劇的ビフォーアフターのテーマ inscrutable battle 【2台ピアノ&Band】 - YouTube Inscrutable battle / 松谷卓(Suguru Matsutani) ピアノ2台とバンドで演奏してみました。Piano duo & band style Piano 事務員G"ZimuinG" まらしぃ"Marasy"

推 :聽到聖女處刑曲就想到一週目想打贏她跟劍聖打到起笑34F 01/16 19:59
那是你HARDCORE GAME打不夠多吧XDFly Me To The Moon - Bayonetta - YouTube
Fly Me To The Moon - Bayonetta Lyrics Fly me to the moon Let me dance among the stars Let me see what spring is like On Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold...
Fly Me To The Moon - Bayonetta Lyrics Fly me to the moon Let me dance among the stars Let me see what spring is like On Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold...

※ 編輯: jhs710041 來自: (01/16 20:06)
推 :一周目故意不看攻略玩以為必輸打兩次就放棄了36F 01/16 20:08
推 :WA2真正的處刑曲是Answer37F 01/16 21:24
魔王、力を取り戻す Hataraku Maou-Sama! OST - YouTube
Hataraku Mao-Sama! OST 26 i dont have any rights to this song.... hope you enjoy!!!!
Hataraku Mao-Sama! OST 26 i dont have any rights to this song.... hope you enjoy!!!!

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