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作者 標題 Re: [暴雪] 暗黑之父:請給暴雪1個嘗試手遊的機會!
時間 Wed Nov 7 17:05:04 2018
David Brevik responds to Diablo Immortal announcement - Diabloii.Net
The father of Diablo reacts to the Diablo Immortal announcement at BlizzCon yesterday. ...
有板友貼了一篇連結, 發現跟這新浪網的描述天差地遠捏...
菜b8我流翻譯, 傷眼請多包涵
Last night David Brevik was back on his Twitch stream where he talked about
yesterday’s Diablo Immortal announcement and he remains open-minded about
the game but Blizzard announced this all wrong.
昨晚(從日期推算應該11/2), 回到圖其直播關於DI的相關公告的看法,
並且針對遊戲保持開放(無偏見)的看法, 但是暴雪的公告方式似乎是錯了(?)
Now that the announcement has sunk in, David talked candidly about the news
on his latest It Lurks Below stream. While fans may be upset by the
announcement and are talking about protesting in various forms, David thinks
that says that “protests will fall on deaf ears”. Some fans have suggested
that this announcement will finance future Diablo projects but David
disagrees adding that it is “not a funding feeder for future Diablo projects
”. However, David was intrigued that Blizzard outsourced this project saying
that outsourcing has been a “disaster for Blizzard in the past” referring
to Starcraft Ghost which was eventually canned.
基本上就是說群眾的抗議, 從他的看法應該是裝睡的人叫不醒 (?)
有些粉絲認為這是為了暗黑後續作品進行的募資, 但是他不認同, 並表示
"暗黑系列產品不需要這種募資", 他比較好奇的是暴雪選擇外包出去,
"從以前的觀點來看根本ㄟ害 (大災難R)",
參考之前的"星海爭霸:暗影獵殺" 甚至是取消了
Brevik wondered if any Blizzard executives would be brave enough to admit
that, “this is not the absolute best it could be”. He wondered if they
would be able to say “we need to fix this or cancel it”. He added, “I don
’t know the answer to that.” Brevik went on to say, “Maybe it is, maybe
this is the best mobile game of all time, I don’t know. Has anybody played
it here? Why is everyone judging something before they play it? It doesn’t
make any sense to me at all.”
"我不知道答案", "也許這有可能是最好的手遊, 但是我不清楚, 這邊有人玩過遊戲了嗎?
為什麼會再玩過之前就先評論呢? 這個不符合常識吧"
David had quite a lot to say on the matter but was certainly surprised at the
fan reaction adding:
“I think its super weird they are having Netease doing this game. For two
reasons. One, I thought that Blizzard was high on getting mobile experience
and expertise. That’s why the did Hearthstone on mobile which was a stepping
stone to doing soemthing bigger. Why have the pivoted to, from what I have
heard, a skin of a particular game from Netease to Diablo is strange. It
seems very un-Blizzard like.”
"基於兩個理由, 我想最奇怪的應該是屬於讓網e做遊戲,
1. 我以為暴雪對手遊應該是相對的有經驗跟專業,
為什麼會要把遊戲交給網易, 據說只是套換上暗黑的皮, 這點看起來非常的不像是暴雪
“Maybe they saw the potential in that particular game to become something
great and with a few tweaks it becomes something way better than any other
mobile game. It seems weird, it’s caught me off-guard. I don’t know what to
say other than this is unusual”.
"也許他們有看到甚麼潛力, 說不定只要調整一些小地方,
就可以讓這款遊戲成為超級好的手遊, 這感覺很奇怪, 我也只能說這很不正常
“In general, I am not going to judge it until I actually play it. The idea
of Diablo on mobile sounds fun. I am intrigued. I understand people are
disappointed, they wanted Diablo 4, they wanted Diablo 2 remastered and I don
’t think Blizzard did a good job of announcing this at BlizzCon and raised
the expectations of a lot of the PC gamers and hardcore gamers through the
roof to announce this. This would have been better announced with the Diablo
3 Switch version. At the same time, do I think it’s the end of the world? No.
在我實際玩到遊戲之前我不會去評判他, 暗黑@手遊聽起來是個好玩的計畫,
我能理解其他人的失望, 他們想要D4, 他們想要D2重制版,
他認為這遊戲應該是在D3 @ Switch的時候就該向玩家提出的, 這樣狀況會好一些些,
“Next year when they announced Diablo 4, on whenever, people will be excited
about it. I have been saying for months don’t get excited, they aren’t
going to announce Diablo 4. Diablo 4 is probably years away and there is no
advatnage to announcing a title early. If you announce early, the hype train
is too high and expectations are crazy high. It makes more sense to announce
Apple style and say it’s out in six weeks.”
明天等他們宣傳D4的時候, 不管甚麼時候, 大家都會很興奮der,
我之前就在告訴大家說不要太激動, 因為D4肯定還有好幾年才會出來,
太早放出消息不會有好結果. 不然大家就會變得太興奮&要求會越來越高,
最好還是像果果一樣, 消息發出來之後的幾周內就開始銷售才最安全.
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※ 同主題文章:
11-07 15:48 ■ [暴雪] 暗黑之父:請給暴雪1個嘗試手遊的機會!
● 11-07 17:05 ■ Re: [暴雪] 暗黑之父:請給暴雪1個嘗試手遊的機會!
11-07 17:08 ■ Re: [暴雪] 暗黑之父:請給暴雪1個嘗試手遊的機會!
推 : 推翻譯1F 11/07 17:07
推 : 沒那篇是潤過稿的 原始那影片的確是有罵玩家 評論區也2F 11/07 17:07
→ : 蠻生氣
→ : 蠻生氣
推 : 推翻譯4F 11/07 17:08
David Brevik of Blizzard North Responds to Diablo Immortal - YouTube David Brevik New Game "It Lurks Below" - David Brevik Twitter:

→ : 喔喔 感謝補充, 因為我沒有實際去看影片 T_T6F 11/07 17:09
→ : 想翻案結果失敗 白翻譯了7F 11/07 17:10
推 : 罵玩家這種當然不能寫進去 不然火燒更大8F 11/07 17:12
推 : 推文的影片五十秒的時候就聽到一個dont be a dick XD9F 11/07 17:16
噓 : 第一節最後一句就翻錯10F 11/07 17:21
推 : 這件是最爛的從來不是手遊 是外包手遊11F 11/07 17:24
推 : +手遊壓軸12F 11/07 17:26
→ : 單是手遊也不會怎麼樣 頂多被酸
→ : 壓軸公布+一半外包給名聲堪慮的中國公司 GGGGGGGG
→ : 單是手遊也不會怎麼樣 頂多被酸
→ : 壓軸公布+一半外包給名聲堪慮的中國公司 GGGGGGGG
推 : 話說回來 外包跟賣IP沒有兩樣阿15F 11/07 17:29
推 : 跟賣IP當然有差 賣IP基本上就是甩手不管 宣傳也不會16F 11/07 17:33
→ : 幫忙 像宇竣做軌跡手遊 這次BZ自己跳下來當宣傳主軸
→ : 消息註冊也是用Battle.net 表示他是把DI綁成自家作品
→ : 幫忙 像宇竣做軌跡手遊 這次BZ自己跳下來當宣傳主軸
→ : 消息註冊也是用Battle.net 表示他是把DI綁成自家作品
→ : 實際上外包對評價來說可能會比較好 那是找人幫忙代工19F 11/07 17:35
→ : 最慘的是像他們這樣用"共同開發"的名義
→ : 最慘的是像他們這樣用"共同開發"的名義
→ : 今年中國遊戲業監管的問題,如果說進中國需要中國公司幫忙21F 11/07 17:37
→ : 這理由我覺得不到說不過去啦,當然大氣點不要中國市場也是可
→ : 以的選擇
→ : 這理由我覺得不到說不過去啦,當然大氣點不要中國市場也是可
→ : 以的選擇
→ : 跟往年那些"合作"一樣 網易負責代理 這樣就搞定了24F 11/07 17:39
→ : 說穿了 DM只要宣佈是網易幫BZ代工+掛名仍然是BZ+非壓軸
→ : 會比共同開發來得好很多
→ : 說穿了 DM只要宣佈是網易幫BZ代工+掛名仍然是BZ+非壓軸
→ : 會比共同開發來得好很多
→ : 其實我覺得最大的錯誤只有一個,就是擺壓軸,然後一個月前還27F 11/07 17:40
→ : 宣傳的像是要出D4一樣
→ : 哦,還有砍負評這點,媽的有夠蠢
→ : 宣傳的像是要出D4一樣
→ : 哦,還有砍負評這點,媽的有夠蠢
→ : 就算不擺壓軸一樣會被罵的 別擔心30F 11/07 17:41
→ : 如果是在中間像是插廣告一樣秀一下馬上帶過哪有這麼多問題31F 11/07 17:41
→ : 壓軸鎮的住腳,其他產品很少有人抓來狂鞭啦....32F 11/07 17:44
→ : 問題是今年就沒壓軸的東西啊 不過這也是BZ無能化的原因33F 11/07 17:45
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 147
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