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看板 C_Chat
作者 aidssm1234 (久逃)
標題 [閒聊] 跪求帶有搖滾風格又燃的bgm
時間 Sat Jun 24 23:58:54 2017

最近玩完伊蘇8 發現 音樂依舊是他的強項


Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana [BGM RIP] - You'll See Out the End of the Tales (Final Dungeon Theme) - YouTube Music: You'll See Out the End of the Tales Composer: Falcom Sound Team jdk (Hayato Sonoda and/or Takahiro Unisuga) Source: Gamerip Playlist:



Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana [BGM RIP] - A-to-Z (Final Boss Theme 2) - YouTube Music: A-to-Z (Final Boss Theme 2) Composer: Mitsuo Singa with Falcom Sound Team jdk Performance:  Source: Gamerip Playlist: ht...




パワプロ2013 甲子園決勝戦 BGM - YouTube


パワポケ13 「逆襲の時!」 - YouTube



最近需要這種很燃的歌 跪求各位大大推薦阿

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[BALDRHEART soundtrack ost] - Unbreakable Heart - YouTube
BALDRHEART title:Unbreakable Heart [商品サイト]  [official]

Yosoro: 最二王冠  為王的誕生 獻上理世2F 06/25 00:01
Satoman: https://youtu.be/j3pE1yyEGRk 機の律動3F 06/25 00:05
ゼノブレイド 機の律動 - YouTube

Satoman: https://youtu.be/6Xidu5lQrms  rebirth the edge4F 06/25 00:06
Sengoku Rance OST - Rebirth the Edge - YouTube
Enjoy! Sengoku Rance OST (Alicesoft Sound Album Vol.10) Tracks: 01.Title 02.Sengoku Rance 03.Turn Top 04.Sengoku World 05.Burtal man's daily life 06.In the p...

shamanlin: 標題是搖滾風格,可是你貼的這兩個都不是搖滾啊...5F 06/25 00:09
shamanlin: 我是說伊蘇那兩個
aidssm1234: 好吧 那我錯解風格惹7F 06/25 00:14
返校 - Detention 售前宣傳影片(備份) - YouTube
版權所有 赤燭遊戲 Red Candles Game 本影片僅作備份之用 此上傳與遊戲公司無關

mayolane: 請搜尋澤野弘之9F 06/25 00:25
patrickleeee: ONE PUNCH MAN的OP10F 06/25 00:25
jack86326: 刀劍神域GGO篇的11F 06/25 00:28
jack86326: https://youtu.be/OS-UjCmrJh0
jack86326: 另外還有一拳超人的處刑曲13F 06/25 00:28
jack86326: https://youtu.be/E8XaV1yjabk
12 2EM13_EM20_Alterna - YouTube
12 2EM13_EM20_Alterna

Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya OST - Emiya Illya Theme - YouTube Illya joins the bandwagon of "Emiya Remixes" with her own remix from her own anime! I will provide a download link to anyone who might request. For now enjoy...

P2: http://youtu.be/i29Au3eXXKk  伊蘇19F 06/25 00:51
イース バレスタイン城メドレー - YouTube

rolldada: 頭文字D20F 06/25 00:59
daniel12447: 我的英雄學院    林友樹的音樂很有他自己的風格21F 06/25 01:14
q16588188: ys7 boss theme https://youtu.be/bsNzIsBeyjE22F 06/25 01:18
Vacant Interference [Boss Theme] - Ys Seven OST (High Quality 1080p HD) - YouTube Vacant Interference, the first major boss battle theme from Ys Seven. Uploaded in high quality audio 1080p HD, enjoy. Composer: Falcom Sound Team jdk Image: ...

lv256: YS那個不是搖滾的話該是甚麼風格 金屬嗎? 快速鼓那裏很像23F 06/25 01:23
Devil May Cry 3 Soundtrack - Vergil Battle 2 - YouTube
I really enjoyed this soundtrack and i continue to listen to it from time to time. Its full to the brim with the sort of vibrance and rhythm you'd expect fro...

hdes937119: 頭文字D是eurobeat吧,比較偏電音25F 06/25 01:48
F2307925: 廚一下 https://youtu.be/NI9Sa8LpZ3g26F 06/25 02:18
Way of the Samurai 4 OST: 10 - Last Battle - YouTube
I don't own this, all rights go to Acquire and the regional publishers (Spike, XSEED Games and NIS America)

sillymon: https://youtu.be/IlV1hsOd_WA  STAR OCEAN 328F 06/25 10:54
Star Ocean 3 OST - The Divine Spirit of Language - YouTube
Star Ocean 3 OST - The Divine Spirit of Language Crosell's theme, one of the best battle theme ever created =)

chad60711: DmC用的Combichrist那張專輯無人聲版本很適合啊29F 06/25 12:12
Sigma 2nd - Megaman X6 Music Extended - YouTube
Fitting when fighting Tabuu, I must say. Megaman X6 music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. This video was uploaded from

bobby4755: RMx6 老西經典remix31F 06/25 12:46
swingingbear: 伊蘇啊…小時候看動畫覺得不錯 但這系列想玩還有地32F 06/25 13:28
swingingbear: 方買嗎0.0
stillinhere: 我的英雄學院 you say run34F 06/25 13:38

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1樓 時間: 2018-03-24 12:06:41 (台灣)
  03-24 12:06 TW
紅白機時代的 克拉米社遊戲bgm 都是走這路線的.. 
個人認為 惡魔城二代 的bgm 差不多只有超任ff6的bgm 能夠抗衡...
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