※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-03-15 06:42:13
看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] Matt Olson去勇士
時間 Tue Mar 15 02:15:44 2022
BREAKING: Atlanta and Oakland are in agreement on a trade that will send star fi
rst baseman Matt Olson to the Braves, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN.
@jeffpassanBREAKING: Atlanta and Oakland are in agreement on a trade that will send star first baseman Matt Olson to the Braves, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN.
Oakland will receive OF Cristian Pache, C Shea Langeliers, SP Ryan Cusick and SP
Joey Estes, sources tell ESPN. Massive haul for Matt Olson, the Braves’ new fi
rst baseman.
@jeffpassanOakland will receive OF Cristian Pache, C Shea Langeliers, SP Ryan Cusick and SP Joey Estes, sources tell ESPN. Massive haul for Matt Olson, the Braves’ new first baseman.
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推 : 嗚嗚嗚嗚 自由人1F 03/15 02:16
※ 編輯: jason7111994 ( 臺灣), 03/15/2022 02:19:30
推 : 百大出了兩位2F 03/15 02:20
→ : 1換43F 03/15 02:20
→ : 去年勇士隊上新秀排名1.2.6.144F 03/15 02:22
推 : 真的要去道奇了嗎5F 03/15 02:24
推 : 兩年控制權換兩個百大新秀算賺吧?7F 03/15 02:28
推 : 感覺蠻賺的 Cusick 也是第一輪選的8F 03/15 02:31
推 : Freeman QQ,勇士的臉走了9F 03/15 02:34
推 : Olson是老家在亞特蘭大 看來勇士之後會很積極留下他....10F 03/15 02:37
→ : .但球迷應該很不解球隊怎麼不簽回Freeman
→ : .但球迷應該很不解球隊怎麼不簽回Freeman
推 : 年紀大要價太高啊,不會不解12F 03/15 02:38
推 : 自由人掰14F 03/15 02:49
推 : 史望森:我今天要大醉一場慶祝一下!15F 03/15 03:04
推 : 官方社群留言直接炸裂16F 03/15 03:13
推 : 宇宙勇17F 03/15 03:40
推 : 終究還是留不住18F 03/15 04:13
推 : 自由人真的自由了19F 03/15 05:39
推 : 超大包啊 chapman再交易掉你看綠帽農場會有幾個百大20F 03/15 05:42
推 : GREAT! 也祝福自由人拿他企盼大約~ 分手快樂21F 03/15 05:46
推 : 洋基要打贏這包大概Volpe、Dominguez跟Peraza三選二搭配22F 03/15 05:57
→ : 菜吧
→ : 菜吧
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