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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-07 21:21:39
看板 book
作者 lilit (None)
標題 [推薦] Kindle DX 特價 199
時間 Thu Nov  7 12:39:21 2013

 目前看到Kindle DX 199鎂 皮套10鎂 的特價

Amazon.com: Kindle DX, Free 3G, 9.7" E Ink Display, 3G Works Globally: Kindle Store Amazon Kindle DX: Large 9.7" e-ink display that reads like real paper even in bright sunlight. Now with 50% improved contrast. Free 3G wireless, no contracts. ...

 因為還要加稅跟運費, 想請問有人有興趣一起買分攤這些費用的嗎?

 不看運費跟稅 好便宜喔@@


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