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看板 MobileComm
作者 標題 Fw: [情報] iPhone 5s/5c 外媒評測陸續出爐!
時間 Wed Sep 18 10:15:34 2013
※ [本文轉錄自 iPhone 看板 #1IEGKfaA ]
看板 iPhone
作者 標題 [情報] iPhone 5s/5c 外媒評測陸續出爐
時間 Wed Sep 18 09:42:51 2013
iPhone 5s
iPhone 5s Review - SlashGear
We've come to expect evolution not revolution from the S update to Apple's iPhone range, but the iPhone 5s could be enough to buck that trend. Inside the ...
We've come to expect evolution not revolution from the S update to Apple's iPhone range, but the iPhone 5s could be enough to buck that trend. Inside the ...
iPhone 5s Review: Apple’s Latest Smartphone Goes For (And Gets) The Gold | TechCrunch
Apple's new iPhone 5s is set to go on sale this Friday, Sept. 20, and the phone is already generating a lot of buzz. The 5s is the more advanced of two n.. ...
Apple's new iPhone 5s is set to go on sale this Friday, Sept. 20, and the phone is already generating a lot of buzz. The 5s is the more advanced of two n.. ...
A New Touch for iPhone - Walt Mossberg - Personal Technology - AllThingsD
Reliable fingerprint technology and a major system overhaul make the iPhone 5s the leader of the smartphone pack. ...
Reliable fingerprint technology and a major system overhaul make the iPhone 5s the leader of the smartphone pack. ...
The Loop
Review: iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s | The Loop
Shortly after Apple’s iPhone event ended on September 10, I walked into a room to speak with Apple executives about the new devices. During that meeting, I... ...
Shortly after Apple’s iPhone event ended on September 10, I walked into a room to speak with Apple executives about the new devices. During that meeting, I... ...
iPhone 5c
Apple iPhone 5C review - Pocket-lint
The C in iPhone 5C stands for colourful, and that's the experience Apple wants you to have with its plastic-backed reimagination of the earlier iPhone ...
The C in iPhone 5C stands for colourful, and that's the experience Apple wants you to have with its plastic-backed reimagination of the earlier iPhone ...
iPhone 5c Review: Apple’s Colorful Take On The iPhone Is A Refreshing Change Of Design Pace | TechCrunch
Apple's iPhone release schedule has been predictable in the past when it comes to number of devices: each year, a single new smartphone. For 2013, that&#.. ...
Apple's iPhone release schedule has been predictable in the past when it comes to number of devices: each year, a single new smartphone. For 2013, that&#.. ...
iPhone 5C Review: Thrifty Upgrade in Colors - WSJ.com
The iPhone 5C is a solid premium phone that's good for first-timers or users looking for a thrifty upgrade ...
The iPhone 5C is a solid premium phone that's good for first-timers or users looking for a thrifty upgrade ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :touch id好評,看來不用擔心辨識率跟速度的問題1F 09/18 09:46
推 :WSJ說指紋辨識沒出過錯,找了其它20個人試也沒誤判
推 :WSJ說指紋辨識沒出過錯,找了其它20個人試也沒誤判
推 :5c真的有質感3F 09/18 09:49
推 :黑灰色好漂亮!!!4F 09/18 09:56
推 :羨慕推5F 09/18 10:05
→ :AnandTech 的看了一下,A7 的效能太驚人了6F 09/18 10:05
※ 編輯: SicInfit 來自: (09/18 10:09)→ :大推一下 AnandTech 的 5s 評測,A7、64 位元的介紹很讚7F 09/18 10:15
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: SicInfit (, 時間: 09/18/2013 10:15:34
推 :一打開又看到洞洞殼......嗯質感XD1F 09/18 10:26
→ :金色的5S真的蠻漂亮的w
→ :金色的5S真的蠻漂亮的w
推 :這禮拜五就要去apple旗艦店朝聖一下 看一下一群人排53F 09/18 10:37
→ :s的盛況XD
→ :s的盛況XD
推 :營幕只有四寸很可惜5F 09/18 11:14
推 :hand-friendly phone 。6F 09/18 11:23
→ :效能真的很強,沒想到有5的A6的3倍左右7F 09/18 11:56
→ :沒想到我的ipad3的CPU已經是現役的1/6效能了(1.5年)
→ :沒想到我的ipad3的CPU已經是現役的1/6效能了(1.5年)
推 :看的到用不到啊9F 09/18 12:07
推 :洞洞裝感覺不差阿...XD10F 09/18 12:23
推 :A7效能真是不錯11F 09/18 12:50
推 :我的ipad頓到我去哭了...蘋果最爛的產品12F 09/18 13:49
→ :安粉:不管啦64位元就是行銷手法沒有意義13F 09/18 15:01
→ :三星:明年跟進64位元處理器14F 09/18 15:02
推 :64bit的確是類似行銷手法的,A7是本身就很強15F 09/18 15:17
→ :手機的RAM跟ROM越來越大,遲早也是必須走上64bit的吧16F 09/18 15:18
→ :是說很多軟體要重買一次有點顆顆
→ :是說很多軟體要重買一次有點顆顆
→ :IPAD4比IPAD3順好多喔18F 09/18 15:37
→ :但是電池的表現卻在Wifi項目下降了?!21F 09/18 17:03
推 :黑灰好銷魂22F 09/19 01:24
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