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※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-12-23 00:28:07
看板 Gossiping
作者 Yoshikia (神經科學)
標題 Re: [新聞] 國際特赦組織:台灣當局冷血殺人
時間 Sat Dec 22 18:01:41 2012

Thanks for your advice for Taiwan government's execution of the death
penalty,I am a Taiwanese,indeed more than 80% of the public support for the
death penalty in Taiwan,but you have ever thought about why so?

Because the homicides in Taiwan are too much,even the news of the social
order almost more than half of the newspaper,are the daily reported that the
almost a large number of homicides in the western countries media such as
the BBC or CNN ? If Taiwan is not execution of the death penalty,
how can stability the Taiwanese's minds?Although natural human rights,however,
when the murderer deprived of many of the human rights of the victims and
show no remorse, why countries can not deprive the murderer of human rights?
Compared to other countries in execution the death penalty , Taiwan has been
considered extremely humanely, our government is injecting anesthetic to the
death row inmates and let painless died.There are even some states in the
U.S. use the electric chair execute electrocution death row inmates ,Why do
you not condemn like such country?For U.S. aircraft carrier so you dare not
condemn it?And when the executed by hanging, such as Japan, you did not dare
condemn, because you need the product in Japan?In the face of the Chinese
Communist Party, and you are afraid for say anything about their execution
of the death penalty,for they have a powerful force and the fleet?



If you have claimed that human rights is based on interests and force,then
you claimed that the human rights only as a pretext to interfere of Taiwan's
internal affairs.From Norway after the killings, even the European Union has
nearly 40% of the population calling for restoration of the death
penalty.Recent shootings in the United States shocked the world, the United
States are afraid to abolish the death penalty.Than I ask you that the public
security in Taiwan is so corrupted why the death penalty should be
abolished?Because Taiwan does not have nuclear weapons with the aircraft


Former Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi been said, when force equal to
the two countries, the Foreign Affairs is power, but when the two force great
disparity that "force" is a diplomatic., In my view, you are think Taiwan
easily bullied so dare condemn.
We sincerely hope that you will understand the current situation of public
order, rather than take the excuse of human rights to intimidate the
Taiwanese government.



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◆ From:
yahiko:國際特赦在意的是馬政府出爾反爾....1F 12/22 18:02
cpc21478:馬英九出爾反爾我覺得還好阿2F 12/22 18:03
ynd: !!3F 12/22 18:03
exists:有哪個國家的元首沒有出爾反爾的紀錄的?4F 12/22 18:04
kimgordon:你跟那群人認真幹什麼= =5F 12/22 18:04
GAIEGAIE:哪個國家不出爾反爾的?6F 12/22 18:04
chivalry70:不把我們當成國家 又要我們遵守國家的責任?7F 12/22 18:04
erptt:不承認台灣是政府,是官方,還要說啥?8F 12/22 18:05
tommy421:回樓上 就大聲的說 幹 你娘9F 12/22 18:05
kopiayu:熱心推10F 12/22 18:05
kid725:推!11F 12/22 18:05
erptt:推12F 12/22 18:06
cwind07:有熱心是推一個 但你應該打國名(台灣) 人家不當你國家 但13F 12/22 18:06
sagarain:你沒有請她先認證台灣是個國家嗎14F 12/22 18:07
yahiko:馬政府自己跑去簽的  可沒人逼著它15F 12/22 18:07
indoasan:推16F 12/22 18:07
cwind07:你自己可不能不把自己當國家 不可自我矮化17F 12/22 18:07
handfoxx:國名是中國台北18F 12/22 18:07
arcss:馬政府不出爾反爾才該擔心吧19F 12/22 18:07
linji:期待看到回信20F 12/22 18:08
Beanoodle:死歪國人干涉啥小21F 12/22 18:09
yoher:如果認為台灣是中國台北 怎麼不譴責共產黨罵台灣官方有屁用?22F 12/22 18:09
a5727467:23F 12/22 18:09
yoher:直接回他們 去跟共產黨講24F 12/22 18:09
SuWeiLin:The Government of Taiwan才對,不過這篇用法也通~25F 12/22 18:10
hermanwing:美國最有人權,可以拿槍掃射,這就是人權最高境界26F 12/22 18:10
leemt:推!!!!27F 12/22 18:10
black205:!!!28F 12/22 18:11
erptt:挪威殺人魔表示:衣櫃不夠大29F 12/22 18:12
hhh770509:太讚了 有種就去叫中共廢死刑啊..柿子挑軟的吃31F 12/22 18:12
afewgoodmen:講太多了 直接叫他們不要靠北就行32F 12/22 18:12
dyas:Push!33F 12/22 18:14
nickylove:推 原PO是願意參與公共事務的好公民34F 12/22 18:15
PLAYMYCUNS:台灣的兇殺案件太多了??35F 12/22 18:15
hhh770509:不支持台灣的國際地位 又憑什麼干涉我國的司法36F 12/22 18:15
hhh770509:簡單的說啦 歐洲要廢死刑 干我們屁事 少把自己的價值觀
BigHotDog:的確簡單來說   叫他別靠杯39F 12/22 18:17
poker0210:推!!40F 12/22 18:18
merelive:我們有死刑 我們贏了 幹嘛理歐洲人在該什麼?41F 12/22 18:18
exists:我們有死刑,他們沒死刑,在那邊酸葡萄心理42F 12/22 18:19
ss163500:推43F 12/22 18:19
Felia:推44F 12/22 18:20
lmz1451:推有心45F 12/22 18:20
yjay:你英文好好!汗46F 12/22 18:22
darkx212:你英文也太好了!!!!!47F 12/22 18:24
phs5222:英文好真好...T.T.48F 12/22 18:25
MrLag:你最後一段是看走向共和的49F 12/22 18:25
gfneo:大推XD50F 12/22 18:26
xu3:推51F 12/22 18:27
tigernaxo:GJ52F 12/22 18:29
BaRanKa:我們沒有這麼大的艦隊但是我們還有你發出良善之言53F 12/22 18:29
BaRanKa:這些個洋人再GGYY的 我就去輔大姦光你們來的女學生
itachi0609:推 你好認真55F 12/22 18:30
tonykingtwo:一定會被無視56F 12/22 18:30
shikiDS:PUSH!57F 12/22 18:30
Anassian:推58F 12/22 18:31
Jarjayes:推,非常有心,謝謝你的認真發言59F 12/22 18:33
Rain0224:推!60F 12/22 18:33
yanmeier:推!61F 12/22 18:34
dragonsoul:62F 12/22 18:35
gemini2010:推,快po連結我們去幫忙63F 12/22 18:36
sulaman:一定要推的 只是就怕廢死在哪都是廢物到死64F 12/22 18:37
hahn:水 打臉文 爽啦65F 12/22 18:37
amethyst1101:讚!66F 12/22 18:37
XDDD:原PO是願意參與公共事務的好公民+1....:)67F 12/22 18:40
qazbgt:推68F 12/22 18:40
tupacshkur:推!!69F 12/22 18:41
cdn:Push!70F 12/22 18:42
lwsun:推原po的實際行動,惟建議寫好後讓英文比較好的朋友看一下,看71F 12/22 18:45
freak9:台灣治安並不差吧 = =72F 12/22 18:45
lwsun:了沒幾句就發現一些錯誤73F 12/22 18:46
blaja:你應該順便問他們說養死刑犯的錢他們要出嗎?74F 12/22 18:46
lwsun:因為這樣雖然立意不錯,但寫錯的話有可能不是所有的英語母語75F 12/22 18:48
DRAGON0324:或許是對牛彈琴吧77F 12/22 18:49
tenderman:推你的用心~ 可以發起一人一信給王八特色組織嗎\? 幹~78F 12/22 18:51
davi0621:推!!!  歐盟管很多 干他屁事 zZ79F 12/22 18:52
heartstrings:很好80F 12/22 18:55
Joey818:到底是給歐盟還是國際特赦組織?國際特赦組織是民間團體81F 12/22 18:55
tenderman:麻煩國際特色組織讓台灣參與國際事務 重返聯合國再來管82F 12/22 18:55
hhh770509:八成會被無視 這些自我感覺良好的團體會聽人話早就聽了83F 12/22 18:57
guaroro:用心給推84F 12/22 19:01
futsai:推原PO用心!!!85F 12/22 19:04
angel6502:86F 12/22 19:06
ImCPM:推推87F 12/22 19:08
bkm1:Don't cow bay cow moon!Lin Bay juice yao shoot dead them!88F 12/22 19:08
RIFF:             "在台灣治安是如此敗壞" -- 這句話歧視台灣人89F 12/22 19:09
RIFF: 其實 重點是馬英九反覆  馬19只要過去沒承諾過 就沒事了
r50824:水91F 12/22 19:12
a00049g:GJ!!!92F 12/22 19:12
deeplythink:推!93F 12/22 19:13
headcase:推一個94F 12/22 19:13
sulaman:bkml大 您還是說中文吧 XDDDDDDD95F 12/22 19:14
tomdannis:推96F 12/22 19:14
bluesofsky:推一個!!!97F 12/22 19:15
way5978:+198F 12/22 19:15
geraldwang:希臘西班牙人借錢都能不還 歐洲人是要跟我們講啥信用99F 12/22 19:20
fallen01:推100F 12/22 19:23
sazdj:讚啦,歐盟就是欠人教的小屁孩101F 12/22 19:24
riker729:推!102F 12/22 19:26
lightbox:103F 12/22 19:26
GUYDA:有行動  不嘴砲  推!!!104F 12/22 19:27
modjo:推!105F 12/22 19:30
ax227762:推~106F 12/22 19:30
Ardream:推107F 12/22 19:31
chocolater:推!108F 12/22 19:32
kccn:推一樓109F 12/22 19:32
leox243:推110F 12/22 19:33
OoJudyoO:推 雖然我覺得台灣治安其實比歐洲好很多111F 12/22 19:39
satyrs05:說馬政府出爾反爾,你是沒看過精選輯嗎?112F 12/22 19:40
RIFF: 更重要的是 會部會造成台歐貿易障礙113F 12/22 19:43
shanpeilee:推原po的實際行動114F 12/22 19:44
dragonsoul:115F 12/22 19:49
jay060191:大推!116F 12/22 19:52
livtyler0828:優秀喔!推!117F 12/22 19:54
yayaya0411:好文118F 12/22 19:55
twinklestar:推119F 12/22 19:56
hsien1105:push120F 12/22 19:56
potierstw:推121F 12/22 20:00
hamasakiayu:推122F 12/22 20:01
woajw:讚123F 12/22 20:02
ryowu:讚!!124F 12/22 20:04
iyyaaa:推!125F 12/22 20:07
isare:爆!126F 12/22 20:07
kidd0426:讚!!127F 12/22 20:08
feather26:愛台灣 推128F 12/22 20:08
Arim:129F 12/22 20:13
kid33:gj130F 12/22 20:15
Kreen:推!131F 12/22 20:16
domoto244:推132F 12/22 20:19
tsuyoshi5124:推133F 12/22 20:19
fueetf:        推134F 12/22 20:21
ElvesDaniel:讚!135F 12/22 20:22
dl123:幹的好136F 12/22 20:22
duam:推...但他們有三種選擇 1.無視 2.刪文 3.叫NPC自動回覆你137F 12/22 20:23
freezeblue:不推還有辦法說自己愛台灣嗎?138F 12/22 20:26
ftyu:打這麼多字 如果是我寄過去 我只會打 FUCK U139F 12/22 20:28
Asucks:這就是愛台灣的具體表現,推啦!140F 12/22 20:29
a1052026:出桶後第一推!!141F 12/22 20:29
licht:HERO!142F 12/22 20:34
pololo61201:原PO英文真好 0.0!143F 12/22 20:35
FirstAngel:推~~~144F 12/22 20:35
vickyshan:推~~~145F 12/22 20:35
littlenee:146F 12/22 20:36
tarus:推147F 12/22 20:39
darkx212:滿想知道他們會怎麼回  到時回文可以置底嗎?148F 12/22 20:39
lazyangel:推~149F 12/22 20:39
kyhkyh:推150F 12/22 20:39
yesman2210:推151F 12/22 20:40
jpeanut:怎麼這樣子誇獎我們呢~ 我感到辛慰152F 12/22 20:45
kingzzz:推154F 12/22 20:47
jajoy:斗下155F 12/22 20:48
jily:推!!!!!!!156F 12/22 20:50
d0808:新加坡運個毒都要死刑了 怎不去靠么它們157F 12/22 20:52
atana:每天有一半以上在報兇殺案? 是我不在臺灣還是?158F 12/22 20:54
jayhang:推159F 12/22 20:55
Yashiyuki:NICE160F 12/22 21:00
smy1126:161F 12/22 21:00
NotEasyToSay:英文太好了~~162F 12/22 21:01
fotumbra:兇殺案講的太扯了.163F 12/22 21:02
已經改成社會治安了 抱歉 英文文法前面修飾了一下 後面有空再繼續修飾
nightjoker:推一下164F 12/22 21:02
ryanw1982:推165F 12/22 21:06
luvnoom:本國媒體文化就是嗜血 你不能因此說歐美國家凶殺案較少166F 12/22 21:11
machinle:必推 歐盟就是廢啊 不敢靠北美日中的小孬孬167F 12/22 21:11
vingfing:台灣發展核武的話,相信邦交國會變多168F 12/22 21:13
leo1990910:推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!169F 12/22 21:18
BlackBriar:推!說得太好了!170F 12/22 21:22
※ 編輯: Yoshikia        來自:       (12/22 21:30)
bzbread:推!!!171F 12/22 21:36
AI3767:說的讚172F 12/22 21:42
kreator666:...173F 12/22 21:46
shannon311:GOOD174F 12/22 21:46
katanakiller:帥喔~175F 12/22 21:51
cj96su04:推176F 12/22 21:51
k145:推一個...每個國家國情不同   為什麼硬要我們接受你的想法?177F 12/22 21:59
flyfly13:水啦!178F 12/22 22:05
albb0920:.....179F 12/22 22:07
sendicmimic:你的中文部分很好,可是英文部分... 很慘...180F 12/22 22:12
daniel0922:推181F 12/22 22:20
Tamama56:推182F 12/22 22:23
sakuraorjill:大推183F 12/22 22:29
tmot:推推184F 12/22 22:32
gan:台灣兇殺案多?185F 12/22 22:35
mmnnm:推~~~~186F 12/22 22:37
eetheend:~~187F 12/22 22:43
mryf:推 上面一堆只會在這邊發廢文188F 12/22 22:44
attitudium:推 但是英文部分要再修 不然他們應該看不懂(不要直翻)189F 12/22 22:45
LOUISGRAY:讚190F 12/22 22:50
lwsun:建議看看周遭朋友有沒有英文較好的,請他幫忙修一下191F 12/22 22:51
ksksks:台灣不是沒有想試著發展核武 不是被美國給沒收了嗎?192F 12/22 22:51
johngyh:台灣不是槍決嗎?什麽時候變成針孔注射了?193F 12/22 22:54
ilgsu:對一群畜牲說這麼人性的話幹什麼194F 12/22 22:58
ilgsu:直接fuck you、stupid、幫伯樂等等送牠們即可。最後再加上一
cookie1115:GJ198F 12/22 23:02
longley:推推!199F 12/22 23:09
Derp:推200F 12/22 23:15
jghs121:英文= =201F 12/22 23:18
BD1983:台灣治安是如此敗壞?202F 12/22 23:21
rainyparis:推!!!!!203F 12/22 23:24
domago:讚204F 12/22 23:25
lin793156:....你有點矯枉過正了,[台灣兇殺案真的太多了]205F 12/22 23:32
rinsoukan:推啦206F 12/22 23:32
lin793156:這會讓國外的人認為來台灣好像性命沒什麼保障207F 12/22 23:33
white777:推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!209F 12/22 23:36
pikakami:挪威殺人魔:我要喝黑咖啡210F 12/22 23:40
relevart:推!!!!!!太讚了211F 12/22 23:45
EX37:好強!212F 12/22 23:53
Seed:推,不過美國電椅那段是某些洲給死刑犯選擇的死刑方式之一213F 12/22 23:53
imperfectJJT:ㄆJ4216F 12/23 00:09
sweetpiano:217F 12/23 00:21
trombone:good218F 12/23 00:21

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