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※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-15 03:09:25
看板 Gossiping
作者 playerscott (playerscott)
標題 Re: [爆卦] 鍵盤開戰 PTTA4K (ψ)
時間 Tue May 14 23:09:31 2013

※ 引述《alog (A肉哥)》之銘言:
: PTTA4K (ψ)
: http://ptt4ck.ap01.aws.af.cm
: 這方法是以前某退伍老兵教我的,
: 我想歷練過半世紀的老兵是不會錯的
: 請大家將訊息傳達給那些打一般網站的 loser hacker
: 還有自認自己國家沒錯的賓賓、群眾們
: 你們盡量的傳,要求那群白痴駭客把錄影帶弄出來
: 如果伺服器費用超過十萬,我也吃得下來



【Red Cloud】

listen here noob face... your peaople were the first ones to attack. they
hacked our government sites. we silenced ourselves for 3 days but the attacks
keeps on going... so what would you want us to do? just sit back and watch
you people attack pour websites? we did not start the cyber war as you are

we only retaliated because your attacks are too much. if your
people are angry for the lost of one taiwanese fisherman, why involve the
cyber space?

if you are looking forward for a better stand, why do you need
to attack our websites first?why not let our governments do the talking
instead of you starting the cyber war?

i never studied IT but i was trained
by american hackers to be in line with hacking.

i do hacking for a purpose...
and that is to let the world governments hear the cries of the people.

the moment i saw that taiwanese hackers continuously attack philippine websites,
then i said to my self that i better join the cyber war that the taiwanese
people have started... look into the logs of your taiwanese anon hackers that
you may know when did the cyber war started.

we also wanted peace.

but your hackers started the war...
so we have to stand our grounds like you do to yours...


不太確定有沒有效果啦 但A大這是你們要的嗎??


honestly, i do not belong to anonymous philippines...
i stand alone for what i believe.
it only happens that we are all looking for a fair judgement. we
must let our governments do the negotiations.

if you are willing to help, i
am also willing to help. tell your people to calm down and i will talk to my
internet friends to calm down also....

your anonymous taiwan is the same as our anonymous philippines...
they should work together with a transparent belief and impartiality.

thank you also for sharing your ideas and i hope
this problem will be settled soon.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
lefthander:推1F 05/14 23:09
goldman0204:幹 殺回去~2F 05/14 23:09
zooxalju:釣到一個看不懂英文跟看不清楚真相的小菲狗3F 05/14 23:10
p845286:我承認看不懂4F 05/14 23:10
kobe0307:後面的跟上5F 05/14 23:10
verydisco:台灣的電腦幾乎人手一台 鋤頭鋤到讓他叫爺爺6F 05/14 23:10
pupuputtt:沒有翻譯我也看不懂>"<7F 05/14 23:10
kunpin:問他們自己 到底是誰先開槍8F 05/14 23:11
Ives20130:掘啊掘,掘啊掘9F 05/14 23:11
bear0418:白癡嗎 就是因為它們的態度才會開始網戰10F 05/14 23:11
bluelamb:看起來拼錯了幾個地方11F 05/14 23:11
kents1201:結果最後菲律賓跟臺灣求償因網路攻擊所造成損失12F 05/14 23:11
paladin90974:我們連行動裝置都有攜帶型鋤頭 菲菲怎麼比?13F 05/14 23:11
arrowq:簡而言之,只要回這幾個字就好,FUXK OFF14F 05/14 23:11
verydisco:沒有邦交 要什麼賠償?15F 05/14 23:11
melinux:叫他說中文16F 05/14 23:12
jackace:問題是菲菲你們技術很爛阿17F 05/14 23:12
vito7874598:這賓賓XD18F 05/14 23:12
chachayu:只看懂war19F 05/14 23:12
taimu:by american hackers to be in line with hacking...20F 05/14 23:12
v7q4:錯字一堆 英文有夠爛21F 05/14 23:12
arrowq:或者回, YOUR MOM IS SO FAT, THAT's WHY I COULDN'T22F 05/14 23:12
HornyDragon:這賓賓完全還在離題  就叫你們把影片挖出來了你們是23F 05/14 23:12
arrowq:GET MY ICECREAM LAST NIGHT!!!24F 05/14 23:12
jackace:打到現在都沒打出甚麼屌點的成果 師父在哭25F 05/14 23:13
HornyDragon:arrowq  XDDDDDDD26F 05/14 23:13
s866217:===>your peaople were the first ones to SHOT&KILL27F 05/14 23:13
ymcg:番人果然腦衝28F 05/14 23:13
daniel0939:叫他講台語29F 05/14 23:13
yanli2:我完全看的懂這破英文,意思是說他覺的我們太弱,要讓我們30F 05/14 23:13
windhsu:沒學過IT但是被HACKER訓練過…………他訓練你宅在家?31F 05/14 23:13
op5566:  快推免得被發現看不懂32F 05/14 23:13
season002:打就打  實戰打不成連打網戰也不行喔33F 05/14 23:13
yanli2:見識啥叫Hack!34F 05/14 23:14
abola921:沒什麼好說的,菲律賓沒一個能打的35F 05/14 23:14
raok:可見得美國老爸真的在背後撐腰36F 05/14 23:14
jackace:yanli2你亂翻拱火是吧....37F 05/14 23:14
windhsu:我好想回信哦…38F 05/14 23:15
coolron:歡那就是歡那39F 05/14 23:15
HEYHEYHEYHEY:其實他沒很嗆 yanli2亂翻40F 05/14 23:15
s866217:=====> 他的駭客技術是美國訓練的 他只是不要 要不然不輸41F 05/14 23:15
revorea:所以我們別involve cyber,直接中壢火車站開幹?42F 05/14 23:15
Mood310400:駭客英文不會這麼爛吧44F 05/14 23:16
playerscott:我沒打算跟他吵啦 我很禮貌的回信要他們幫忙找影片45F 05/14 23:16
arrowq:OF FISHES!!!46F 05/14 23:16
s866217:=====> 他只是不要駭  要不然也不輸台灣魯蛇駭客47F 05/14 23:16
kents1201:的確是這樣....現在看來是中國對上美國48F 05/14 23:16
sc1146:開槍殺人就不對 藉口一堆 不馬上道歉 還在那邊說我們妨礙49F 05/14 23:16
arrowq:我要拔線了...等下會不會來駭我 太可怕了XD50F 05/14 23:17
mmurdoc:好痛苦,講話一直原地繞,看得我好痛苦 XDDD51F 05/14 23:17
KGarnett05:寫這麼長重點很少52F 05/14 23:17
auroraing:s8大,我沒看錯的話,他沒這樣說53F 05/14 23:17
tomatopotato:喔?!我們開始網戰 你們就網戰回來,看來我們也要殺一54F 05/14 23:17
tontonplus:開槍殺人叫想要和平喔,中二55F 05/14 23:17
s866217:=====> 不要逼他出手!!  要不然ㄎㄎ56F 05/14 23:17
tomatopotato:個回去 ?57F 05/14 23:17
HEYHEYHEYHEY:某s也在亂翻拱火 別丟臉好不好58F 05/14 23:18
mmurdoc:救命哦!希望台灣各大校內外考試不要擷取這段當閱讀測驗59F 05/14 23:18
s866217:===>我不是照字面翻翻譯  我看他傳達的意思是這樣60F 05/14 23:18
mmurdoc:因為真的看得好痛苦,講話一直原地繞,看得我好痛苦 XDDD61F 05/14 23:18
t315866k:他說他是火車嗎62F 05/14 23:18
denjon:他就是沒搞清楚他們總統的嘴臉,要我們跟哎奎諾談話63F 05/14 23:18
ericleft:不愧是東南亞國家64F 05/14 23:19
s866217:i was trained by american hackers to be in line with h65F 05/14 23:19
denjon:早能談話還需要擴大到國防層面嗎? 白目狀況外66F 05/14 23:19
s866217:i do hacking for a purpose..67F 05/14 23:19
hohotest:沒錯 沒搞清楚他們總統跟軍方為什麼惹怒我們68F 05/14 23:19
profyang:根本狀況外69F 05/14 23:20
arrowq:其實他每句話都可以戰回去......不過我要做報告了...70F 05/14 23:20
hohotest:只在那邊靠盃網路被駭 說實在 剛好而已71F 05/14 23:20
s866217:從i was trained by  到 i do hacking for a purpose..72F 05/14 23:20
denjon:哪個國家的執法人可以隨意掃射他國漁民? 索馬利亞嗎?73F 05/14 23:21
kanakanavu:這個菲律賓駭客裝死喔,匿名者不是為不公不義而戰嗎74F 05/14 23:21
KGarnett05:菲猴:為什麼不讓政府對政府談判76F 05/14 23:21
s866217:意思就是  我是美國訓練的駭客 不輸你台灣 不要逼我出手77F 05/14 23:21
KGarnett05:(因為你們政府是無賴騙子,馬桶卵蛋很軟)78F 05/14 23:22
kanakanavu:我們只是針對他們的政府網站直接送達台灣人民的不滿。79F 05/14 23:22
arrowq:有句話自打嘴巴,從i do hacking for a purpose80F 05/14 23:22
ericleft:重點是他很弱 還自以為很厲害嗎?81F 05/14 23:22
kanakanavu:是你們的政府先惹我們的,我們也只是單找你政府網站。82F 05/14 23:23
arrowq:the cries of the people83F 05/14 23:23
auroraing:第一句大意:我有被美國駭客訓練過。第二:我駭是為了一85F 05/14 23:23
kanakanavu:話說,你們自己菲律賓匿名者今年三月駭了總統府86F 05/14 23:24
auroraing:個理由...87F 05/14 23:24
arrowq:ALL OF THE BULLSHIT, CAUSE YOU SAID "....."88F 05/14 23:24
kanakanavu:喔..駭了你們自己的菲律賓總統府網頁,你們自己可以做89F 05/14 23:24
yanli2:i dont want peace,  i just want fuck you.90F 05/14 23:25
kanakanavu:我們只是有樣學樣,你們實在沒資格說話。91F 05/14 23:25
arrowq:語言邏輯那麼弱還做駭客...八九成也是上不了大場面...92F 05/14 23:25
kaito12:他強調「俺可是米國訓練出來的嗄~」93F 05/14 23:28
arrowq:看看就郝,格達費也是...94F 05/14 23:28
kanakanavu:請問樓主那個Red Cloud的回應原文在哪裡?95F 05/14 23:29
a1e:美國訓練出來的?那台灣政府機關還沒被攻破,不就表示這傢伙96F 05/14 23:30
※ 編輯: playerscott     來自:      (05/14 23:34)
a1e:可能只學不到一成就出來嗆聲了,你可以請他去攻政府機關97F 05/14 23:30
s866217:他意思是他還沒出手 不要逼他  要不然...你們走著瞧98F 05/14 23:30
AKUSA:Do you fuxxing know more than 1000 guiltless Taiwan99F 05/14 23:32
AKUSA:fishman was murdered by your fuxx government in
AKUSA:last 30 years?  Those who attacted your government
AKUSA:website might just be a son or a grand son of the
AKUSA:fishman who was murdered and robbed even still jailed
AKUSA:in your fuxxing country!
AKUSA:Don't tell us about any fuxxing justice.
AKUSA:No more talking no more negotiating,
AKUSA:this is a war and the war started by your country.
f544544f:叫他說華文 OK108F 05/14 23:35
arrowq:AKUSA你霸氣外露!!!109F 05/14 23:37

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