※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-04-23 21:21:07
看板 LoL
作者 標題 [閒聊] 英雄聯盟「主題音樂」整理分享
時間 Mon Apr 22 16:09:06 2013
有些作者真的改編的歌曲非常厲害,提供給大家除了打GAME以外的一點樂趣,enjoy it!
http://tinyurl.com/dy2w4k7 一開始聽很熱血到後面很無力 就原始版本啦XD
League Of Legends: Trailer / Champion Select Music - YouTube
Here's the music playing during the new League Of Legends cinematic trailer for season one. It also plays during the champion select screen. The music & anim...
Here's the music playing during the new League Of Legends cinematic trailer for season one. It also plays during the champion select screen. The music & anim...

http://tinyurl.com/cps923x S1經典登入音樂 聽到的時候真的是懷念到落淚QAQ
Classic / Season One - Login Screen - YouTube
General Season One League of Legends Screens - Old / Classic Patch 2009-2011 (27th October) DOWNLOAD MUSIC [ You want this Log...
General Season One League of Legends Screens - Old / Classic Patch 2009-2011 (27th October) DOWNLOAD MUSIC [ You want this Log...

http://tinyurl.com/cg65fpw S1宣傳影片原聲帶 同樣為年代物
Season One Cinematic - Trailer Music - YouTube
Season One Cinematic Trailer (12.07.2010) DOWNLOAD MUSIC Official Trailer:
Season One Cinematic Trailer (12.07.2010) DOWNLOAD MUSIC Official Trailer:

http://tinyurl.com/blbpfm6 S1聖誕節登入音樂 雪默丁格你好!
Christmas 2011 - Login Screen - YouTube
League of Legends Login Screens - Christmas Patch 2011 (14th December) DOWNLOAD MUSIC [ You want this Login as your current Lo...
League of Legends Login Screens - Christmas Patch 2011 (14th December) DOWNLOAD MUSIC [ You want this Login as your current Lo...

http://tinyurl.com/d7jt2ub S2水晶之痕登入音樂 水晶之痕大改版的音樂
League of Legends - Season 2 Login Theme - YouTube
The League of Legends Season 2 Theme! I uploaded this theme for them who want to hear it without starting YouTube all the time ;-)! To download this Song use...
The League of Legends Season 2 Theme! I uploaded this theme for them who want to hear it without starting YouTube all the time ;-)! To download this Song use...

http://tinyurl.com/ccrw4tr S2露璐版本登入音樂 奇幻版本
Lulu - Login Screen - YouTube
C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!! Gimme moar =D League of Legends Login Screens - The Great Hunt 2012 Patch / Lulu Release (20th March) DOWNLOAD MUSIC
C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!! Gimme moar =D League of Legends Login Screens - The Great Hunt 2012 Patch / Lulu Release (20th March) DOWNLOAD MUSIC

http://tinyurl.com/c9gx9gh 兩周年生日登入音樂 當時推出稻草人生日派對造型
2nd LoL Birthday / Surprise Party Fiddlesticks - Login Screen - YouTube League of Legends Login Screens - 2nd LoL Birthday Patch 2011 (27th October) DOWNLOAD MUSIC [ You want this Login as your cur...

http://tinyurl.com/dxddxeq S2東方新年登入音樂 索娜龍宮造型
Lunar Revel 2012 - Login Theme [Track 6] - YouTube
League of Legends Login Themes - Lunar Revel Patch 2012 (11th January) DOWNLOAD MUSIC LOGIN SCREEN
League of Legends Login Themes - Lunar Revel Patch 2012 (11th January) DOWNLOAD MUSIC LOGIN SCREEN

http://tinyurl.com/bwwo363 S2 Final 現場MV版 感動還在心裡 純音樂版請自己找XD
League of Legends World Finals Orchestra Opening - YouTube
The opening for League of Legends Season 2 World Finals. Theme song.
The opening for League of Legends Season 2 World Finals. Theme song.

>重頭戲:玩家自製(非官方)版本,其中有不少影片是上過summoner showcase
http://tinyurl.com/cfoogqq by HollowRiku 鋼琴改編版 影片資訊有載點
League of Legends - Champion Select ~ Piano version (A Champion Approaches) by HollowRiku - YouTube Hi! League of Legends ( ) is a free online game for the PC that has actually become quite popular~ I've ...

http://tinyurl.com/bmp9ylm by Ferdk 搖滾版,緯來TeSL採用的背景音樂 影片資訊有載點
http://tinyurl.com/8ufyb7t by charlieparradelriego 同樣是搖滾版
Charlie Parra del Riego - League of legends METAL GUITAR - YouTube Inspired in ViolinTay version. Hi guys, I made my own metal arrangement on League of Legends theme. Is no secret I'm obsessed with videogame soundtracks. Tha...

http://tinyurl.com/ckmaqvm by Taylor Davis 小提琴單人多部演奏 觀看人數破百萬
League of Legends Theme Song (Violins) - Taylor Davis - YouTube Please check out my new video game cover album "Gaming Fantasy" on iTunes! Also available on Amaz...

http://tinyurl.com/d4cpswt by Corobizar 口技 Beatbox 版本 請跟我一起大叫WT__!!
[Spéciale 5000 doux] League of Legends Theme Beatbox - YouTube Merci à tous ! Beatbox spécial 5000 abonnés. Beaucoup de gens demandaient à ce que je poste un beatbox du thème de LoL et bien le voilà ! Have fun :D

http://0rz.tw/2VWZL 登入畫面 (by cat0405)
http://tinyurl.com/czvsfed Riot官方純音樂+載點
如果有遺漏歡迎各位補充,玩家版本僅挑選觀看次數較高之影片 (口技除外XD)
特典為大家獻上:S2 Final 中場休息音樂 CLG.eu vs WE 的 1小時版本
http://tinyurl.com/ctd8sot Comling Soooooooooooooooon!!!!
1 Hour League of Legends World Championship Break Music - YouTube This is a 1 Hour mix of the music that played on the break of the League of Legends World Championship (Season 2). Song Name: Silver Scrapes Artist: Danny Mc...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :S1好懷念 有錯字 背影音樂XD1F 04/22 16:10
推 :Push2F 04/22 16:11
推 :朱自清。橘子。音樂3F 04/22 16:11
推 :推推推4F 04/22 16:12
推 :s2 final聽過的時數可能超過前面全部的總合XD5F 04/22 16:14
推 :S2加入 果斷全點開朝聖6F 04/22 16:15
感謝貓大提供! (已在頁尾附註)
推 :推!8F 04/22 16:17
推 :懷念!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9F 04/22 16:18
推 :推~10F 04/22 16:18
推 :推整理11F 04/22 16:18
推 :S2大賽音樂很好聽...可是會有陰影.....12F 04/22 16:18
推 :推13F 04/22 16:20
推 :用心推!14F 04/22 16:20
※ 編輯: oscarss07 來自: (04/22 16:21)推 :第一次打rank的震撼往往來自選角配樂阿15F 04/22 16:25
推 :第一次打rank的震撼好像來自十連敗的爆炸...orz16F 04/22 16:27
推 :bbox XD17F 04/22 16:27
推 :推 第一次打rank聽到那個配樂真的超緊張..18F 04/22 16:27
推 :請問TESL的背景音樂是哪首呢?19F 04/22 16:29
推 :話說swl過場的中國風rank配樂有誰有啊?20F 04/22 16:31
→ :文章內/TESL就有了21F 04/22 16:31
→ :中國風的是新年那首吧
→ :中國風的是新年那首吧
推 :小提琴好優雅23F 04/22 16:35
推 :喔喔 我眼殘了 感謝24F 04/22 16:36
推 :推25F 04/22 16:43
推 :VI是唯一有歌詞的?26F 04/22 16:44
→ :菲艾跟黛安娜有歌詞 伊莉絲則是自白27F 04/22 16:47
推 :推!話說瑟雷西版的登入bgm有萬聖節的氣氛wwwww28F 04/22 16:49
推 :beatbox好智障xdd29F 04/22 16:50
推 :懷念推30F 04/22 16:51
推 :推metal版本!!31F 04/22 16:53
推 :1小時版本 那時候真的是....XD32F 04/22 17:04
推 :辛苦了33F 04/22 17:07
推 :一小時版本根本無限洗腦啊34F 04/22 17:07
推 :S2現場版MV每次看都會起雞皮疙瘩...
推 :S2現場版MV每次看都會起雞皮疙瘩...
推 :有沒有阿卡貝拉版本阿36F 04/22 17:11
推 :一小時太威了XDDDDDD37F 04/22 17:15
推 :S2 現場MV 起了超多次雞皮疙瘩38F 04/22 17:21
推 :S2 現場MV 起雞皮疙瘩+139F 04/22 17:23
推 :S2 現場 看了眼眶溼溼的40F 04/22 17:23
推 :S2 final鼻酸Q_Q41F 04/22 17:28
Ahri - "Charmed" (League of Legends Champion Rocks) - YouTube like us on facebook! follow us on twitter: Summoner name: SillyCandy Region: NA Origina...

→ :Ahri這首很歡樂~43F 04/22 17:33
推 :推44F 04/22 17:36
推 :S2Final最後那個擁抱 ... (淚)45F 04/22 17:40
推 :這篇值得一M!46F 04/22 17:42
Howling Abyss - Complete Soundtrack - YouTube
League of Legends Map Themes - Howling Abyss/ARAM - Complete OST/Soundtrack Complexe Theme with various parts & extras: # Intro - Start # Part 1 - Start - De...
League of Legends Map Themes - Howling Abyss/ARAM - Complete OST/Soundtrack Complexe Theme with various parts & extras: # Intro - Start # Part 1 - Start - De...

推 :S2 Final真的很磅礡~好感動~48F 04/22 17:48
推 :S2的榮耀QQ49F 04/22 17:49
推 :!!50F 04/22 17:54
推 :推51F 04/22 17:56
推 :S2 剛剛聽了之後還是哭了 真的感動52F 04/22 18:14
推 :這篇佛心來的阿 一定推54F 04/22 18:30
推 :露璐版本超棒55F 04/22 18:40
推 :這篇真的該M56F 04/22 19:30
推 :推57F 04/22 19:56
League Of Legends Login Screen - YouTube
Phreak login screen for League of Legends. He seems happy with it. =) Sign up to League of Legends for free at
Phreak login screen for League of Legends. He seems happy with it. =) Sign up to League of Legends for free at

→ :Phreak version (誤60F 04/23 07:29
作者 oscarss07 的最新發文:
- 今天更新進度了 NCC發布新聞稿: 「NCC回應最新民意,針對海外郵寄自用第二級電信管制射頻器材輸入核准審查費將再檢討 ,並依規費法相關規定對750元規費之收取為適切調整;調整前暫緩收取」 看起來意 …111F 47推 4噓
- 12F 9推
- 33F 13推
- 31F 18推
( ̄︶ ̄)b susuki747 說讚! ( ̄︿ ̄)p slacklining 說瞎!