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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-07-28 15:29:11
看板 EAseries
作者 DarthVader (黑武士)
標題 [新聞] 絕命律師Bob Odenkirk片場緊急送醫
時間 Wed Jul 28 12:38:08 2021

Bob Odenkirk Hospitalized After Collapsing on ‘Better Call Saul’ Set – Variety
“Better Call Saul” star Bob Odenkirk was rushed to the hospital on Tuesday after collapsing on the set of the AMC show, Variety has confirmed. Odenkir ...


飾演「絕命毒師」和番外影集「絕命律師」主角Saul Goodman的演員Bob Odenkirk 今天

“Better Call Saul” star Bob Odenkirk was rushed to the hospital on Tuesday a
fter collapsing on the set of the AMC show, Variety has confirmed.

Odenkirk is currently in production on the sixth and final season of “Better
Call Saul,” a spin-off of the wildly popular series “Breaking Bad.” Odenkir
k collapsed on Tuesday at the show’s set in New Mexico and crew members immed
iately called an ambulance. Odenkirk is still receiving medical care, though t
he cause of the collapse has not been disclosed.

Odenkirk, who is 58, portrays con-man lawyer Saul Goodman in “Better Call Sau
l” and “Breaking Bad.” “Better Call Saul” zeroes in on the character’s t
ransformation from the criminally-inclined Jimmy McGill to powerful criminal d
efense lawyer Saul. Odenkirk’s work on “Better Call Saul” has yielded him f
our Golden Globe nominations for best actor in a television series drama, and
four Emmy nominations for outstanding lead actor in a drama series.


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turkeyma: 希望無礙 QQ1F 07/28 12:58
a04u4: 目前正在看第五季 希望律師早日康復!2F 07/28 12:59
loveyourself: 早日康復~~3F 07/28 13:10
JessePinkman: 希望沒事 坐等最後一季啊4F 07/28 13:12
jason840226: 天,希望一切安好5F 07/28 13:17
tomlin121283: QQ6F 07/28 13:31
guppys2005: 跟戲中在Cinnabon昏倒一樣!?希望沒事...7F 07/28 13:32
berserk: 保重8F 07/28 13:46
uglykevin199: QQ9F 07/28 13:53
Bogeenash: 殺毀10F 07/28 13:58
knust: 正在看S5E4,希望早日康復11F 07/28 14:01
BW556: 希望他沒事 我還在等他的第六季啊!12F 07/28 14:02
dm4113: !希望沒事阿!13F 07/28 14:22
c80352: 我的天,老天保佑啊14F 07/28 14:29
william8403: 哇 早日康復啊15F 07/28 14:35
elainecriss: 希望沒事~16F 07/28 14:47
paselalps: 早日康復,不能沒有BCS17F 07/28 15:01
turkeyma: 看他好友的Twitter 好像有點嚴重的感覺QQ18F 07/28 15:04
kei2363013: 怕 QQ19F 07/28 15:11
DarkKnight56: !!?   早日康復 ! 還在等大結局!20F 07/28 15:18

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