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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 蘋果紐約旗艦店淹水了
時間 Thu May 9 21:31:46 2013
Leak sends water pouring into Apple Store on Fifth Avenue - NYPOST.com
A small leak suddenly send water pouring into the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue and 59th Street in Manhattan this morning. ...
Leak sends water pouring into Apple Store on Fifth Avenue
A small leak suddenly sent water pouring into the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue
and 59th Street in Manhattan this morning.
"I was down there at 5:45am because I had trouble backing up my computer and
everyone started yelling," customer Errol Rappaport, 68, told The Post.
"There was a leak then--boom--the whole thing opened up out of the ceiling.
Then everyone started scrambling, moving tables...It didn't look like there
were any electrical issues otherwise they would have evacuated the store."
The flood began around 8 a.m., Rappaport said, as a heavy rain was falling
across the city.
Errol Rappaport
Workers mopping up water at the Apple Store this morning.
Apple employees quickly got to work removing the water, he added, noting that
roughly 15 customers were in the store at the time.
"It didn't look like any electronics were damaged," he said.
The leak appeared to be confined to the west side of the store.
According to one worker, today's deluge of water may have been due to
problems with construction completed last year on the roof of the store.
"It's because of the construction they did last year on the roof," the worker
said. "They didn't do it right. There are large flat stones up there [that
you walk across as you go into the store]. And with the heavy rain this
morning, [the water] came through."
Another worker added, "There was a drainage problem with heavy rain."
Shortly before 10 a.m., it looked like most of the water had been mopped up,
but there was still a wet, 40-45-foot section of the store that was blocked
The store remained open the whole time, though.
A few of the ceiling tiles, two of which were badly warped by the water, were
still dripping into dumpsters. There were also six or seven square plastic
buckets on the floor of the affected area.
A long table on the west side of the store displaying iPads was covered with
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◆ From:
→ :太潮了1F 05/09 21:32
→ :真是太潮啦2F 05/09 21:32
推 :XDDDDDDDDDD3F 05/09 21:32
→ :太潮了4F 05/09 21:32
推 :朝到出水了5F 05/09 21:32
推 :真的是潮到出水6F 05/09 21:32
→ :潮翻了7F 05/09 21:32
推 :騙人8F 05/09 21:32
→ :潮潮表示:出水惹9F 05/09 21:32
噓 :有比核四會淹嗎?10F 05/09 21:32
推 :太潮了XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD11F 05/09 21:33
推 :潮報了12F 05/09 21:33
推 :濕了13F 05/09 21:33
→ :真的潮到出水了 xddd14F 05/09 21:33
推 :天哪....15F 05/09 21:34
推 :有夠潮的16F 05/09 21:35
推 :XDDDDDDDDDDD 潮到出水啦17F 05/09 21:36
推 :潮翻了!!18F 05/09 21:36
→ :潮貴人19F 05/09 21:36
推 :太潮了啦~~~20F 05/09 21:36
推 :XDDD21F 05/09 21:38
推 :不愧是最潮的蘋果22F 05/09 21:38
※ 編輯: mtwtfss 來自: (05/09 21:45)推 :太朝了24F 05/09 21:46
推 :真的潮到出水XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD25F 05/09 21:49
→ :太潮了27F 05/09 21:56
推 :太潮了28F 05/09 22:03
→ :潮暴了XDDD29F 05/09 22:03
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