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作者 標題 Re: [爆卦] 反駁菲菲抹黑用的打臉文宣
時間 2013年05月17日 Fri. PM 05:36:09
本人菲律賓華人, 在這件事是站在台灣這邊的,
中文不是很好, 如果文法不當, 敬請原諒
關於這一張地圖 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ph_Territorial_Map.png
那條紅線(ITL)是Treaty of Paris(TOP)畫的, 是西班牙要將紅線以內的島嶼賣給美國:
"Spain cedes to the United States the archipelago known as the Philippine Islands, and comprehending the islands lying within the following line..."
-- Treaty of Paris, 1898 (http://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/sp1898.asp)
再參考這個 www.virginia.edu/colp/pdf/Bali-Bensurto.pdf :
"“The natural import of these words is, it is submitted, that what was intended to be ceded was the land area found within the said imaginary lines. The regular geometric nature of the line suggests that its purpose was not so much to mark a political boundary but rather to make certain that all the islands comprising the archipelago were included in the transfer.”"
-- by Florentino P. Feliciano, Philippine Int’l. Law Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 160-161
" 所割讓的是土地 "
" 其目的不是要畫政治界線 "
" The US is adamant in denying that the TOP includes the maritime area. In response to a Philippine declaration that its territorial water extends to the limits of the TOP, the US stated:
“The Government of the United States does not share its view concerning the proper interpretation of the provision of those treaties as they relate to the rights of the Philippines in the waters surrounding the Philippine islands. The Government of the United States continues to be of the opinion that neither those treaties, nor subsequent practice, has conferred upon the United States, nor upon the Republic of the Philippines as successor to the United States, greater rights in the waters surrounding the Philippine islands than are otherwise recognized in customary international law.”"
" 美國不認同TOP包含著海域 "
菲律賓不可用那條紅線當國界, 因為TOP並沒有包含Batanes(巴丹島), Spratly(南沙群島), 和Scarborough Shoal(黃岩島)!
※ 作者: byte 時間: 2013-05-17 17:36:09
※ 同主題文章:
05-17 16:11 ■ [爆卦] 反駁菲菲抹黑用的打臉文宣
● 05-17 17:36 Re [爆卦] 反駁菲菲抹黑用的打臉文宣
05-17 19:38 ■ Re: [爆卦] 反駁菲菲抹黑用的打臉文宣
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( ̄︶ ̄)b displayer, cuteman0725, natukiting, arseneloop, SmileStingr, fish30196, burburs, marsduck, edredr0518 共 9 個人 說讚!