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※ 本文為 cuteman0725 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-21 19:58:49
看板 Gossiping
作者 mlkj (                    )
標題 Re: [新聞] 經濟學人對台菲事件的報導
時間 Fri May 17 20:31:23 2013


也都是美國的盟友 — 而美國是台灣國防的最後擔保人。以大局觀之,涉及此類爭議,最

為「排他性經濟海域(exclusive economic zone)」,跟菲律賓的排他性經濟海域重疊。


黨營報 — 環球時報,盡責地報導說台灣是中國看管下的準一省,理應得到中國的保護。

灣來說,並不會對中國任何型式的保護傘產生感激,更別說要統一了。另一個爭議中 —
控制在日本手中的五座島嶼,中國跟台灣稱為釣魚台(島),而日本稱為尖閣諸島 — 台灣



經濟學人 Water-gunfighting 台灣跟日本打水仗 @ mlkj24 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
Economist Sep 26th 2012 小魚如台灣,因為其外交被孤立的角色,通常不會選擇同時跟亞洲兩個最大的經濟體吵架。但某個日本稱其為尖閣諸島而中國稱其為釣魚島的爭議島鏈,在東中國海形成了 ...

My country, which is thee?

權。台灣跟中國一樣,堅持模糊的「九段線(nine-dashed line)」,主張主權即於幾乎整


Read more:
經濟學人 麻煩之海 Seas of troubles @ mlkj24 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
Economist May 18th 2013 在中國周遭錯綜複雜的海洋大戲中,台灣通常扮演著跑龍套的小角色,只是許多競逐爭議領土的冗長名單之一。但5月9日一位65歲的台灣漁民被菲律賓岸巡隊射殺後, ...

※ 引述《ternway (do my part)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: 請寫出完整媒體來源!例如中國時報、TVBS等,沒寫者一率刪除。
: 英國經濟學人
: 2.完整新聞標題/內文:
:  a.(該新聞是否超過三天?搜尋一下有沒有OP?)
:  b.(社論特稿都不能貼!違者劣退,貼廣告會被劣喔!)
: Seas of troubles
: Taiwan and China share the same maritime claims, but have very different
: interests
: 台灣跟中國在海權主張一致,但利益截然不同
: IN THE convoluted dramas in the seas around China, Taiwan is often cast as a
: bit player, the optional extra to the lengthy lists of contending parties to
: the many territorial disputes. But the fatal shooting on May 9th of a
: 65-year-old Taiwanese fisherman by the Philippine coastguard has shifted
: Taiwan to centre stage. The killing provoked a crisis in its relations with
: an important economic partner that happens also to be a treaty ally of America
: —the ultimate guarantor of Taiwan’s own defence. In the bigger picture, its
: involvement in such disputes inevitably draws attention to the island’s
: unsettled international status, and to the future of its relations with China.
: 在中國周遭海域的主權紛爭,台灣平常都只是無關輕重的角色。但這次不同。
: 因為本國漁民遭射殺,台灣與菲律賓--台灣重要的經濟夥伴之一
: 同時也是美國條約盟友--摃上,使得台灣的主權狀態及未來不得不被關注
: Because China bars Taiwan from international treaties, Taiwan cannot ratify
: the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). But it follows
: the convention’s principles. The shooting took place 164 nautical miles
: (about 300km) south-east of Taiwan, where the “exclusive economic zone” it
: would be entitled to under UNCLOS overlaps with that of the Philippines.
: 由於中國阻礙台灣的國際參與,台灣沒有適用(?)聯合國海洋法的合法地位
: 但若依法,此次事件地點應於台菲兩國的重疊專屬經濟區域
: Taiwan’s fishing fleet has a reputation as voracious, and in this incident
: the Philippines said its coastguard was acting against illegal fishing; it
: opened fire to disable the engine of a Taiwanese vessel after it tried to ram
: a Philippine cutter. Taiwanese officials said the dead man was unarmed, and
: his boat was riddled with bullet holes. The public, whipped up by a
: tub-thumping press, was outraged. The government demanded an apology, an
: inquiry and compensation and imposed tough sanctions, including a freeze on
: the hiring of Filipino workers and the recall of ambassadors. It has
: conducted a naval drill in the contested waters. Meanwhile, hackers from both
: countries mounted cyber attacks on the other’s official websites. The
: Philippines’ first apologies were rejected as “insincere”, though one came
: from an envoy appointed by President Benigno Aquino and seemed abject.
: 台灣的漁船有著貪婪的名聲,同時依菲方說法,台灣這邊非法捕漁在先
: 而台灣認為漁民既無武裝並且船身都是彈孔,引發國內公憤,
: 因而政府提出制裁並且進行海上軍演;此外,兩方的駭客已互相網攻。
: 目前菲國總統指定的大使已道歉,但台灣認為誠意不足
: China helped fan Taiwan’s fury. Its foreign ministry was quick to condemn
: the “barbaric act”. The reliably bellicose Global Times, a Communist Party
: paper, dutifully recalled that Taiwan is in China’s eyes a
: province-in-waiting, deserving of its protection. The paper quoted Zhuang
: Guotu of Xiamen University, just over the strait from Taiwan: “China has
: reiterated over time that Taiwan is an integral part of China. Now is a good
: opportunity to show that China will not tolerate the shooting of our
: fishermen, whether they are from the mainland or Taiwan, and that our
: government is determined to protect the life of its people.”
: 中方加入譴責菲律賓,並且具官方色彩的媒體認為,依一中原則,
: 中國政府此時該站出來保護自己(的台灣)人民
: Taiwan’s president, Ma Ying-jeou, has presided over a big improvement in
: relations with China, through increased trade and tourism. But that has not
: brought much sympathy in Taiwan for any kind of Chinese security umbrella,
: let alone unification. And in another dispute—over the five,
: Japanese-controlled islands in the East China Sea known as the Senkaku
: islands in Japanese and the Diaoyu in Chinese—Taiwan has incurred China’s
: wrath.
: 台灣總統馬英九任內帶來了很大幅度的兩岸關係進展,
: 不過台灣民意目前不認同台灣應該要受中國保護,例如釣魚台爭議
: In China’s view, the uninhabited islands are a historical part of what was
: the Taiwan prefecture of Fujian province (and, from 1887-95, the province of
: Taiwan). Taiwan and the islands it controlled were snatched from the
: declining Qing empire in 1895 as war booty by an ascendant Japan. China
: argues the islands should have been returned to it on Japan’s defeat in
: 1945. Japan, however, regards the Senkakus as part of the Okinawa (formerly
: the Ryukyu) chain, and says they were unclaimed by any power until it “
: discovered” them in 1884. (China’s People’s Daily has raised doubts as to
: whether even this interpretation of history would give Japan sovereignty,
: questioning its claim to all the Ryukyus, the modern-day Okinawa prefecture).
: 中國認為歷史上,釣魚台是台灣的,台灣是中國的,日本人應該要把釣魚台吐還中國
: So Taiwan was among the fiercest opponents of the Japanese government’s “
: nationalisation” last year of three of the islands by buying them from their
: private owner. Last September the Taiwanese coastguard fought a rather silly
: water-cannon battle with Japan’s near the islands. But last month, to China’
: s fury, Taiwan cut a deal with Japan, allowing both countries’ fleets to
: fish in the waters round the islands. It was a reminder that, for all its
: ardent nationalism, Taiwan has close ties to Japan—which occupied it for 50
: years—and also that it pursues its own interests, not those of the Chinese “
: motherland”.
: 台灣也強烈反對日本對釣魚台的主權行動,並且在海上跟日本船互噴過水
: 然而令中國不爽的是,台灣自己在上個月與日本簽了漁業協定
: 反映兩件事:台日歷史相近的關係,以及台灣追尋自身利益而非祖國在乎的利益
: My country, which is thee?
: Worryingly for China, the emotions now on display are driven by patriotism
: for Taiwan, not China. The biggest reason the first apologies from the
: Philippines were dismissed was that they did not formally come from the
: government, because of its “one China” policy of recognising only the
: government in Beijing. Resentment at this in Taiwan unites both Mr Ma’s
: relatively pro-China ruling party, the Kuomintang (KMT), and the opposition
: Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which favours formal independence for
: Taiwan. The DPP also supports the government’s claims to territory that
: historically had nothing to do with Taiwan, except as the seat of the KMT
: government after it lost the civil war to the Communists in 1949. Taiwan
: adheres to the same vague “nine-dashed line” claim as China, asserting
: sovereignty over almost all the South China Sea. It has a garrison on the
: largest island in the Spratly chain in that sea. Last year, the DPP accused
: Mr Ma of a wimpish reaction when China declared that it had set up an
: administrative structure for the sea.
: 令中國煩惱的一個問題是,台灣目前在與菲國的爭執中顯示其不斷強化的自身主權意識。
: 例如台灣不接受菲國道歉的其中一個主因,就是菲國不願以政府名義道歉,
: 因為他們接受一中原則,而一中不代表台灣。
: 不對等道歉的事實,台灣不論是朝野、藍綠、親中或台獨都難以接受。
: Just as it has long tolerated Taiwan’s control of tiny islands just off the
: mainland, so China probably welcomes Taiwan’s bizarre claim to the South
: China Sea. Taiwan’s government has long discarded most of the fictions that
: used to sustain its claim to legitimacy over all of China: parliamentary
: seats for mainland constituencies, government bodies planning for the
: reconquest, and so on. That Taiwan and China make the same territorial claims
: is a last vestige of a shared “one China” outlook. Yet its handling of the
: row with the Philippines shows how even a “pro-China” government in Taiwan
: in fact believes in “one China, one Taiwan”.
: 兩岸雖然目前在一中的大前提下往來,不過由事件的台灣反應,
: 即使看來親中的台灣執政政府,心裡大概也是相信「一邊中國、一邊台灣」
: 3.新聞連結:
: (超過一行或有中文網址請縮個網址! 板規內文有提供縮網址網站)←看完可刪除此行
: http://ppt.cc/S34Z
Banyan: Seas of troubles | The Economist
IN THE convoluted dramas in the seas around China, Taiwan is often cast as a bit player, the optional extra to the lengthy lists of contending parties to the many... ...
: 4.備註:
: 有沒有經濟學人瞎扯一堆就是不叫菲律賓道歉的八卦
: (一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,"被刪"或"自刪"也算額度內,超貼者劣文"請注意")

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
sofaly:謝謝分享@@"1F 05/17 20:32
sofaly:話說是這雜誌說馬英九 大智若拙 的嗎???
Thesis:經濟學人認為馬英九也是要 一中一台?3F 05/17 20:34
icou:有點慘,國際輿論貌似不站在我們這邊...4F 05/17 20:34
tidworker:輿論可以吃嗎?5F 05/17 20:35
NokiaX9:就是這個雜誌認証邦伯馬的6F 05/17 20:36
zeumax:馬英九的真實政治立場,其實很清楚。7F 05/17 20:37
seeback:推8F 05/17 20:37
bachelour:My country標題應該比較接近:「何處是我(國)家?」9F 05/17 20:37
kai761:為何說台灣漁隊有"貪婪的聲譽"?10F 05/17 20:37
SnakeO:文章看起來很中立阿,把這幾天發生的雙邊想法都有寫出來11F 05/17 20:38
GermanNavy:台灣漁民常常到爭議領海或其他國家領海捕魚12F 05/17 20:38
clifflee:無論是中國吃豆腐,或是台灣刻意藉中國聲勢來施壓13F 05/17 20:38
kai761:朝日一篇新聞也說"看到台灣漁船的話,沖繩漁船都不會靠近的"14F 05/17 20:39
ff760725:很簡單,因為台灣人錢多船大,而且就是因為主權問題模糊15F 05/17 20:39
auden: 國際輿論  很重要嗎? 還是美國爸爸的腿抱緊點比較實際16F 05/17 20:39
zeumax:因為幾乎沒人認為一個漁民死亡會鬧這麼大。他們不知道我們17F 05/17 20:39
GermanNavy:說好聽就是"進取心強"18F 05/17 20:39
zeumax:積怨已深19F 05/17 20:39
clifflee:只要台灣跟中國做出類似同一陣線的舉動,就很難獲得同情20F 05/17 20:39
ff760725:,所以通常都會無視一些捕撈的國際環保公約...XD21F 05/17 20:40
ternway:感謝翻譯22F 05/17 20:40
mankaro:真的講得極好 看語氣應該真是西方人寫的 但很客觀又詳實23F 05/17 20:40
mlkj:馬邦伯的文章 我應該是中文世界第一個翻出來的24F 05/17 20:40
clifflee:不會有國家希望中國藉此找到更多涉入南海爭議的口實~25F 05/17 20:40
hebe10356:推26F 05/17 20:41
Tenging:謝謝分享 經濟學人到底是哪邊的啦 肏27F 05/17 20:41
GermanNavy:台日海域每次有爭議好像也全是台灣人過界被抓引起的?28F 05/17 20:41
zeze:最後一段很好29F 05/17 20:41
uisnegr:推z大,真的是長期積怨在這一次爆發30F 05/17 20:42
lhsieh:台灣過去濫捕,沿海漁源枯竭 有些魚具國外也是禁用的31F 05/17 20:42
kai761:原來如此  謝32F 05/17 20:42
bluebugi:翻的很好33F 05/17 20:44
ProductionIG:這篇文章的重點應該是在說台灣主權意識擴張吧?34F 05/17 20:44
lc301:這篇翻得比上篇好 但上篇也不錯35F 05/17 20:45
rubidus:他比較偏向於用國家政治的手段寫   並沒有真正點到真實的36F 05/17 20:46
hwai01:翻譯的好棒...您有網路版本可以供分享嗎?38F 05/17 20:47
clifflee:對外國來說,事實如何沒那麼關鍵,後續影響才重要39F 05/17 20:47
cul287:感謝熱心翻譯40F 05/17 20:48
opfish:41F 05/17 20:51
mlkj:最下面的連結是我網誌 可以自由引用42F 05/17 20:52
onetwo01:不妄下論斷是對的44F 05/17 20:56
winiS:唉 沒人提到改來改去的聲明跟放鴿子的特使45F 05/17 20:57
tony121010:整篇都在打一個中國的臉46F 05/17 20:58
sxskr1001:感謝翻譯49F 05/17 21:00
processior:台灣漁民素有貪心的稱號..好像有誰講過50F 05/17 21:01
caesar95:這報導很貼近事實核心,一中架構就像緊箍咒把台灣勒死...52F 05/17 21:02
lhsieh:昨天挖哇哇有談到焚寄網,菲律賓抓到判死刑53F 05/17 21:03
tony121010:台灣漁民名聲的確是不太好,先前洗魚的事情就是54F 05/17 21:04
winiS:貪心我以為是大陸漁民 結果台灣也不輸?55F 05/17 21:04
sleepyrat:以前台灣最令人詬病的是魚刺網作業,現在已經禁用了!!56F 05/17 21:04
tony121010:更之前捕鯊魚只取魚翅的事情,在歐美也廣為流傳57F 05/17 21:05
onetwo01:經濟學人不會管你國家之間外交的小手段,他們看的是大方向58F 05/17 21:06
moocow:最後一段 還打了政府的臉 自以為擁有大陸XD59F 05/17 21:07
query:推! 應該要發表 地球上有一個台灣 是一個獨立國家60F 05/17 21:08
lhsieh:現在熱頭上,冷靜後其實漁業政策與漁民生計出路都要檢討61F 05/17 21:08
asdlkjfgh:這翻譯水準很高62F 05/17 21:09
playerscott:推63F 05/17 21:09
winiS:都特別提很謙卑了._. 事實上滑頭的態度不宣傳一下嗎?64F 05/17 21:09
Fiendyux:感謝熱心翻譯65F 05/17 21:09
Norther:66F 05/17 21:10
Tenging:再次感謝翻譯67F 05/17 21:11
KirinP:推!68F 05/17 21:18
Kalobbs:謝翻譯 ,一個中國 一個台灣,本來就是事實!!!69F 05/17 21:20
cashliu:專業推70F 05/17 21:21
kiuygtde:也太唬爛了吧@@71F 05/17 21:22
sghergee:推 好看72F 05/17 21:29
keroppi1127:73F 05/17 21:30
clowve:謝謝翻譯74F 05/17 21:36
clubee:一邊一國是事實 中國想吞掉台灣也是事實75F 05/17 21:41
Trionychidae:推76F 05/17 21:48
quincy2264:好棒的翻譯77F 05/17 21:51
shikiDS:專業推 !!78F 05/17 21:56
summersky20:經濟學人看的很全面79F 05/17 22:09
Hnchuan:鄭哥推80F 05/17 22:10
niwatorigoha:推81F 05/17 22:16
HornyDragon:專業翻譯82F 05/17 22:24
widec:翻得很專業 @_@83F 05/17 22:27
turbomons:推84F 05/17 22:27
SnakeO:台灣的討海人你有接觸就知道,有些根本只顧著捕魚,啥海洋資85F 05/17 22:30
StoneRose:87F 05/17 22:35
yanchu:推翻譯88F 05/17 22:36
legendrl:最大問題就是搞"一個中國"這種鬼東西,現在狀況是沒主權89F 05/17 22:38
lulocke:台日打水槍90F 05/17 22:39
Odark:謝謝翻譯!寫的很中肯 ..91F 05/17 22:42
joesoul:SnakeO所以這就值得被殺嗎?就事論事好嗎?92F 05/17 22:52
riversbest:感謝翻譯93F 05/17 22:57
davdd:專業推94F 05/17 23:02
goodcack:推95F 05/17 23:15
chouhen:推96F 05/17 23:24
cgabear:推這篇97F 05/17 23:35
kwin5566:推98F 05/17 23:36
bbuda:感謝專業翻譯99F 05/17 23:48
worldtree:這篇本來就寫的很好囉 感謝翻譯 翻的很讚!!100F 05/18 00:04
KAOKAOKAO:這篇對水母哥應該是一記重擊喔101F 05/18 00:57
liz1119:愚蠢的水仗XDDD102F 05/18 01:01
FESTUM:感謝翻譯 台灣跟中國漁船的過漁行為在國際早就惡名昭彰...103F 05/18 01:20
exrocist:推 專業105F 05/18 01:34
kaed:推106F 05/18 01:44
F1ower:專業107F 05/18 02:04
OoJudyoO:推 英國人好強108F 05/18 02:21
idesyo:先推原po的辛苦翻譯109F 05/18 02:34
dragonsoul:110F 05/18 02:35
idesyo:再噓經濟學人的立場偏頗111F 05/18 02:37
kaiao:推 謝謝翻譯112F 05/18 02:39
dotZu:沒偏頗,他只是沒有搞什麼義氣相挺那些玩意兒而已113F 05/18 02:41
nolander:推115F 05/18 02:47
roy1123:臺灣漁船很貪婪??116F 05/18 03:15
DavidEaston:Exclusive Economic Zone是專有名詞"專屬經濟區EEZ"117F 05/18 03:56
apporience:覺得台灣漁船不貪婪才奇怪吧118F 05/18 04:13
valenci:4f 這不是早就該知道的?119F 05/18 07:15
tsgd:趁這個時候讓現在鄉民知道某些事實也好 台灣漁船就真的過漁120F 05/18 08:40
moustique:早就該注意國際媒體了…國內的新聞可以全關了。122F 05/18 11:17
spfd:感謝翻譯  這篇報導算中肯123F 05/18 12:29
kraven:經濟學人對台灣漁船很有研究還是很有偏見,很貪婪?124F 05/18 12:36
h4k:台灣哪有最強烈反對  我們只是徵文比賽而已127F 05/18 14:19
hanway:"which is thee" 是說 "我的國家--哪一個啊?"128F 05/18 14:50
hgfck:翻譯優 但原作立場有夠偏頗129F 05/18 15:24
gingu:good130F 05/18 15:24
Westan:nice131F 05/18 17:11
jhsu889:which is thee應該是:哪一個是我的國家?132F 05/18 18:33
cymine:推翻譯133F 05/18 18:45
mlkj:感謝指導 修正134F 05/18 20:14
ahpc82:which is thee的典故是美國的愛國歌曲135F 05/18 21:16
ahpc82:"My country 'tis of thee"
Yie:137F 05/21 01:21

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( ̄︶ ̄)b theoneejun, Deformity, tanya8725 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2013-05-17 22:05:26 (美國)
  05-17 22:05 US
2樓 時間: 2013-05-17 22:21:39 (台灣)
  05-17 22:21 TW
一個中國 一個台灣 中華民國過去主張的中國早就消失 台灣國何時看得到呢
3樓 時間: 2013-05-17 22:36:48 (台灣)
  05-17 22:36 TW
4樓 時間: 2013-05-17 22:42:21 來自:
  05-17 22:42
5樓 時間: 2013-05-17 23:36:08 (台灣)
+1 05-17 23:36 TW
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