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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-23 01:03:08
看板 Gossiping
作者 Demogorgan (Superconductor)
標題 Re: [爆卦] (拜託看我)  鍵盤心戰 PTTA4K (ψ)
時間 Wed May 22 23:02:32 2013

1) 英文版航跡圖報導  http://goo.gl/U9ouK
Taiwan publishes fishing boat log to refute Manila's claims | Latest | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS Taipei, May 21 (CNA) Taiwan's top fishery official on Tuesday published the record of a Taiwanese fishing boat's voyage to refute claims that it was operating in the Philippines territorial waters when it was attacked by a Philippine government vessel. ...
2) 蘋果動新聞的影片  http://goo.gl/bCzBA
Truth about the Taiwanese Fishing Boat Shooting 廣大興28號漁船事件始末英語版) - YouTube Truth about the Taiwanese Fishing Boat Shooting 廣大興28號漁船事件始末英語版)






  Just chemistry!                                Helium
Boron    Carbon    Nitrogen   Oxygen    Fluorine Neon
Aluminum Silicon   Phosphorus Sulfur    Chlorine Argon
Gallium  Germanium Arsenic    Selenium  Bromine  Krypton
Indium   Tin       Antimony   Tellurium Iodine   Xenon
Thallium Lead      Bismuth    Polonium  Astatine Radon 

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: Demogorgan      來自:        (05/22 23:03)
LIZEN310321:沒在關切1F 05/22 23:02
Norther:蘋果動作有點慢 不過總比沒做得好2F 05/22 23:03
※ 編輯: Demogorgan      來自:        (05/22 23:03)
GalLe5566:3F 05/22 23:03
purpose:推4F 05/22 23:04
HermesKing:高調5F 05/22 23:04
wheels:一樓噓了好讓人知道他是中二6F 05/22 23:04
※ 編輯: Demogorgan      來自:        (05/22 23:04)
liyuoh:1f= =7F 05/22 23:04
RedDog:辛苦了8F 05/22 23:04
c33uviiip0cp:推~辛苦了!!!9F 05/22 23:05
opces:10F 05/22 23:05
ian90911:辛苦了!11F 05/22 23:05
ren1072:辛苦了!!12F 05/22 23:05
jhs710041:等等推13F 05/22 23:05
fuhaho:辛苦了!14F 05/22 23:05
Man69:推!!!!!!15F 05/22 23:06
opces:16F 05/22 23:07
fongling:辛苦了!!17F 05/22 23:07
jhs710041:推18F 05/22 23:07
fball:加油19F 05/22 23:07
opces: y20F 05/22 23:08
kstopplayer:辛苦了!21F 05/22 23:08
purpose:22F 05/22 23:09
roader28:辛苦了23F 05/22 23:10
roxcido:加油24F 05/22 23:11
jsy0820:推25F 05/22 23:12
purpose:26F 05/22 23:12
ihatesesame:推27F 05/22 23:12
vacawind:推28F 05/22 23:12
phantaci:good29F 05/22 23:12
forever07:感謝勇者(¯ (∞)¯ )30F 05/22 23:13
n17a2:31F 05/22 23:14
mc12355:辛苦了 幫高調32F 05/22 23:15
mamaka:辛苦了 幫高調33F 05/22 23:15
aqlec:辛苦了 幫高調34F 05/22 23:15
a0170801708:推推35F 05/22 23:16
m1a1s1a5:推!36F 05/22 23:17
mengjertsai:推37F 05/22 23:18
windschnee:辛苦了 ~38F 05/22 23:18
rinsoukan:推了再說39F 05/22 23:18
i52100:高40F 05/22 23:18
jane60421:辛苦了 幫高調41F 05/22 23:19
haotim2009:推推42F 05/22 23:19
wagner337540:43F 05/22 23:20
purpose:44F 05/22 23:20
cdn:加油!45F 05/22 23:21
Licheno:推!46F 05/22 23:21
joesarira:推47F 05/22 23:22
Fiendyux:推! 持續關注!48F 05/22 23:22
purpose:49F 05/22 23:23
astonic:差不多退燒了.......這篇有一直鬼打牆的感覺50F 05/22 23:24
tsarnfeng:幫高調51F 05/22 23:25
wai0924:推!!!做的真好~52F 05/22 23:25
eddy1221:推53F 05/22 23:26
wei7614:幫高調54F 05/22 23:26
jackhg:<( ̄ㄧ ̄ )55F 05/22 23:27
icps:push56F 05/22 23:28
rabbitrobert:57F 05/22 23:31
Roarwolf:推58F 05/22 23:31
pololo61201:推59F 05/22 23:32
cheko:幫高調60F 05/22 23:36
q4111wei:推61F 05/22 23:38
freeze0968:還是高調62F 05/22 23:40
bitcheggs:幫高調63F 05/22 23:42
flyoverthemo:高調推64F 05/22 23:42
Odark:推推推65F 05/22 23:44
krjkrj168:幫高調66F 05/22 23:46
sundy2003:推!67F 05/22 23:47
ymcg:現在放棄,比賽就結束了68F 05/22 23:48
mdkn35:辛苦了69F 05/22 23:49
s1499k025:推推70F 05/22 23:51
sxskr1001:推71F 05/22 23:52
Eric3105:PUSH72F 05/22 23:55
TD11:推73F 05/22 23:57
aimond17:+74F 05/22 23:58
rave760422:推  已轉75F 05/22 23:59
Trowa179:推76F 05/22 23:59
kasaki:推推 每天都辛苦了77F 05/22 23:59
hwp1006:78F 05/23 00:00
eternal3496:推79F 05/23 00:01
daniel3551:推80F 05/23 00:01
clover1211:推81F 05/23 00:02
guardian93:高調推82F 05/23 00:04
jami:幫高調83F 05/23 00:04
Comebuy:推 !84F 05/23 00:04
hot4321:push85F 05/23 00:05
timiscool:推86F 05/23 00:06
fanecerce:辛苦了87F 05/23 00:06
kcity:辛苦了  加油!88F 05/23 00:07
iamgyfan:bump89F 05/23 00:07
zzxtc:高調推90F 05/23 00:07
cyuan0301:加油!!!91F 05/23 00:10
Amitabha:推推92F 05/23 00:11
dragoni:推!93F 05/23 00:13
kevin820308:推94F 05/23 00:14
dennislkf:PUSH!!!!!!!!95F 05/23 00:14
qwe7538:推推推96F 05/23 00:15
shikiDS:PUSH!!97F 05/23 00:16
ariasonata:推推98F 05/23 00:18
ltameion:推99F 05/23 00:19
iamfenixsc:推100F 05/23 00:20
Amosasa:辛苦了101F 05/23 00:20
jacob815123:推102F 05/23 00:21
kwin5566:推103F 05/23 00:22
penny55:辛苦了!104F 05/23 00:24
JCS15:推105F 05/23 00:26
JohnGod21:推106F 05/23 00:33
loveasy:推及分享!107F 05/23 00:33
nightwindce:推推!!108F 05/23 00:33
itachi0609:推109F 05/23 00:37
hiyida:加油!!110F 05/23 00:37
your135:推111F 05/23 00:39
Man69:爆!112F 05/23 00:41
yesman2210:推阿!!113F 05/23 00:48
charcarl:推114F 05/23 00:56

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 4 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1753 
※ 本文也出現在看板: Doracacazin traume
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b a791071, brander, alivn00005 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2013-05-23 01:47:04 (台灣)
  05-23 01:47 TW
2樓 時間: 2013-05-23 06:07:18 (台灣)
  05-23 06:07 TW
3樓 時間: 2013-05-23 12:41:06 (台灣)
  05-23 12:41 TW
辛苦了 幫高調
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