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作者 標題 Fw: [新聞] 墨西哥發現馬雅時期被斬首的俘虜骨骸
時間 Thu Sep 12 18:46:56 2013
※ [本文轉錄自 Ancient 看板 #1ICPhm0b ]
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Beheaded Maya Massacre Victims Found
Scholars report the discovery of dismembered war captives from seventh century. ...
Beheaded Maya Massacre Victims Found
Two dozen Maya war captives were beheaded, dismembered, and buried
unceremoniously some 1,400 years ago at the site of Uxul, an international
team reported on Tuesday.
星期二,一個國際研究團隊發表,在墨西哥 Uxul 發現24名被斬首、肢解、亂葬的
The victims were likely rulers of nearby towns at war with Uxul, located in
southern Mexico, or the dethroned rulers of the town itself, according to the
researchers. The discovery of the mass burial in an artificial cave adds to
the evidence that the brutal warfare, torture, and sacrifice of captives widely
depicted in ancient Maya artwork were real practices, says discovery team
archaeologist Nicolaus Seefeld of Germany's University of Bonn.
這些骨骸也許是與 Uxul 交戰的鄰近城鎮的統治者,位於南墨西哥,或者是被罷黜王位的
Nicolaus Seefeld 如是說。
Of the two dozen skeletons discovered at the site earlier this year, the team
was able to determine that at least 13 were men and 2 were women. Their ages
at death ranged from 18 to 42. "Some of them had jade inserts in their teeth,
which we think means they were high-status members of the ruling class," says
間,「有些人的牙齒有鑲玉,表示他們是具有高地位的統治階層。」Seefeld 說。
"All of them were decapitated, and the bones were scattered," Seefeld adds.
The neck bones of the victims exhibit hatchet cuts, and several of the skulls
bear unhealed marks from hatchet and cudgel blows. The skulls were piled some
distance away from the skeletons in the burial chamber, a 344-square-foot
(32-square-meter) rectangular cave once used to store water.
「所有人都被斬首,骨頭四處散佈。」Seefeld 補充道。頸骨部位顯示出斧頭的砍痕,一
The victims were buried without any of the offerings or jewelry typically
seen in royal burials, aside from a few potsherds that allowed the researchers
to roughly date the time of their massacre. At the time, Uxul was apparently
ruled by a local dynasty, though it later came under the control of Calakmul.
The latter city was the superpower of the classic Maya era, which ended after
A.D. 800 with the widespread abandonment, or collapse, of the pyramid-filled
cities of Central America.
究人員可以推敲出這場慘案大概的發生時間。在當時,Uxul 地區被當地的王朝統治,雖
究人員可以推敲出這場慘案大概的發生時間。在當時,Uxul 地區被當地的王朝統治,雖
然在後來被納入 Calakmul 城邦的統治之下。後者(指 Calakmul)曾是中美洲馬雅古典時
"Most likely these were soldiers dispatched after being captured in warfare,
or else [were] the local rulers themselves after being usurped," says
archaeologist Arthur Demarest of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, who was
not part of the discovery team.
納什維爾范德堡大學的考古學家 Arthur Demarest 說道。
Seefeld originally investigated the burial site looking to unearth the water
system of the town, which was abandoned before A.D. 800, early in the era of
Maya collapse. Instead of a cistern, he found the buried skeletons under 6.6
feet (2 meters) of sand and a layer of clay. "The cave once provided water to
nearby elite residences, but we don't know if there is any connection to the
people who lived there," he says.
Seefeld 原本是在調查西元800年之前被遺棄的城鎮水道系統。但是他找到了這個在2公尺
曉得是否與居住在那裡的人有任何關聯。」Seefeld 說。
曉得是否與居住在那裡的人有任何關聯。」Seefeld 說。
For now, the team hopes that chemical isotope analysis of the bones will reveal
whether the beheading victims were local nobles or invaders captured during a
war between Maya cities. The results should be known in November, Seefeld says,
offering more insight into who won and who lost this one particularly fierce
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: shinshong 來自: (09/12 18:47)
→ :馬雅時期就有毒梟了1F 09/12 18:47
推 :mayaman表示:2F 09/12 18:47
→ :你想釣馬雅人吼3F 09/12 18:47
推 :原來斬首是傳統習俗.....4F 09/12 18:47
推 :召喚嗜插貓! 啊講錯是瑪雅人5F 09/12 18:47
推 :1400年前就搞這個……6F 09/12 18:47
推 :召喚~~~~~~7F 09/12 18:47
推 :結束這一回合 召喚mayaman8F 09/12 18:47
推 :阿波卡獵逃9F 09/12 18:47
推 :召喚馬雅人10F 09/12 18:48
推 :埤雅人表示11F 09/12 18:48
推 :墨西哥捏~這下要一次召喚兩個了12F 09/12 18:48
→ :\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/13F 09/12 18:48
推 :美中不意外14F 09/12 18:48
推 :就決定是你了馬雅人!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15F 09/12 18:49
推 :MAYAMAN超好上鉤16F 09/12 18:49
推 :召喚馬雅人17F 09/12 18:50
推 :就決定是你了Mayaman18F 09/12 18:51
推 :召喚mayaman19F 09/12 18:51
推 :馬被斬首?20F 09/12 18:51
推 :墨西哥 會不會招喚到那個人XD21F 09/12 18:51
推 :mayamanmayamanmayamanmayamanmayamanmayamanmayamanma22F 09/12 18:52
→ :馬雅時期就有毒梟了 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD23F 09/12 18:52
推 :意圖招換馬雅人24F 09/12 18:52
推 :犧牲樓下 招喚mayaman25F 09/12 18:52
推 :maxmaster26F 09/12 18:52
推 :招喚mayaman27F 09/12 18:52
推 :max大大塊陶阿~~~~~結果遇到mayaman ㄎㄎ28F 09/12 18:53
推 :犧牲樓上的雞雞召喚maxmayamasterman29F 09/12 18:54
→ :樓下馬雅人30F 09/12 18:55
推 :意圖釣出瑪雅人 (誤31F 09/12 18:55
推 :你英文不錯馬32F 09/12 18:56
推 :想釣二個 太貪心囉~33F 09/12 18:56
巧合而已※ 編輯: shinshong 來自: (09/12 18:56)
推 :\mayaman/ \mayaman/ \mayaman/ \mayaman/ \mayaman/\mayaman/34F 09/12 18:57
推 :馬雅人35F 09/12 19:00
推 :召喚mayaman36F 09/12 19:02
推 :招喚~馬雅人!37F 09/12 19:02
→ :max max max max38F 09/12 19:03
推 :召喚卡好大~~~~~ψ(???)ψ39F 09/12 19:04
推 :我認真的英文部分看完了…八卦板居然還能練英文!40F 09/12 19:04
推 :maxmayamasterman41F 09/12 19:07
推 :是從Ancient版轉來的 看來召喚mayaman的意圖非常明顯XD42F 09/12 19:08
推 :八卦版要不要出什麼每日英文之類的文章阿 哈哈43F 09/12 19:09
推 :這篇有辦法同時召喚出MAX跟馬雅人嗎?44F 09/12 19:13
推 :犧牲樓上所有人的LP,,召喚馬雅人!45F 09/12 19:18
推 :召喚MAX+馬雅人合體!!!46F 09/12 19:19
推 :mayaman47F 09/12 19:22
推 :\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/48F 09/12 19:23
推 :mayamanmayamanmayamanmayamanmayamanmayamanmayamanmay49F 09/12 19:24
推 :還沒釣出來!!!50F 09/12 19:25
推 :印和闐印和闐印和闐印和闐印和闐印和闐印和闐51F 09/12 19:25
推 :maxmaster ft.mayaman52F 09/12 19:25
推 :招喚~馬雅人!53F 09/12 19:28
推 :mayaman!54F 09/12 19:29
→ :召喚 mayaman !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!55F 09/12 19:30
推 :\maxmayaman/\maxmayaman/\maxmayaman/\maxmayaman/56F 09/12 19:35
推 :\megaman/\megaman/\megaman/\megaman/\megaman/\megaman/57F 09/12 19:36
推 :招喚 max大 X mayaman58F 09/12 19:36
推 :肯定在編寫文章啦59F 09/12 19:41
推 :有請---------------------=================>>馬雅人60F 09/12 19:45
→ :獻祭召喚~~~~61F 09/12 19:48
推 :maxmaster + mayaman 耶 XDD62F 09/12 19:51
推 :maxmayaman63F 09/12 19:52
推 :mayaman:閱讀文章64F 09/12 19:54
→ :maxmaster 上次上站:9/12 19:18
→ :maxmaster 上次上站:9/12 19:18
推 :\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/66F 09/12 20:12
推 :mayamaster67F 09/12 20:12
推 :召喚max大!!68F 09/12 20:18
推 :mayaman 馬雅人 中華電信 E:發表文章69F 09/12 20:22