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※ 本文為 npc 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-29 11:19:37
看板 Gossiping
作者 mydreamcome (*緣盡情未了*)
標題 Re: [爆卦] 4am網站開始運作了!!!
時間 Sat Mar 29 09:03:13 2014

  香蕉圖好可愛!!(from http://4am.tw/  檢視原始碼)  





<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="zh-TW"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta
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name="viewport"><title>Democracy at 4am : What unprecedented protest means
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                                      ,,,.,,,,,:::::::::::   太陽花好吃嗎?
                                     .,..,,,,::::::::::::;   問秋意。

<meta content="Democracy at 4am : What unprecedented protest means for
Taiwan." property="og:title"><meta content="4am.tw"
property="og:site_name"><meta content="http://4am.tw/"
property="og:url"><meta content="http://4am.tw/images/fb800.png"
property="og:image"><meta content="To defend the hard-earned democracy. We
occupied the Legistlative Yuan of ROC, peacefully and rationally, Since
2014-03-19, tens of thousands citizens have joined us. Taiwan needs your
attention and support. Today, we ask you to join us, in support of basic
democratic values." property="og:description"><meta content="website"
property="og:type"><meta content="612130717"
property="fb:admins"></head><body class="off-canvas open-menu"><div
class="page"><div class="menu"><div class="menu-inner" id="scrollable"><div
class="header"><h1 class="logo"><em><a href="/">Democracy at
4am</a></em></h1><img class="story" src="/images/headline.jpg"><div
class="slogan"><p>Morning without YOU is a dwindled dawn.</p></div><a
class="story btn" href="#">Story</a></div><ul class="menu-list"><li><a
href="/photos/">Photos</a></li><li><a href="/videos/">Videos</a></li><li><a
href="/press/">Press</a></li><li><a href="/we-need-your-support/">We need
YOUR support</a></li><li><a href="/who-we-are/">Who we are</a></li><ul
class="social"><h2>Sharing the Truth.</h2><li><a
href="https://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button"
data-lang="en">Tweet</a></li><li><a href="#"
'facebook-share-dialog', 'width=626,height=436'); return
false;">facebook</a></li></ul></ul></div></div><div class="main"><div
class="main-inner"><a class="back toggle-menu-btn" href="#">← 4am.tw</a><h2
class="sub-header">Story</h2><h2 id="we-occupied-the-parliament">We occupied
the parliament.</h2>

<p>We are students from Taiwan.
We occupied the Legistlative Yuan of ROC, peacefully and rationally,
to defend the hard-earned democracy.
Since 2014-03-19,
tens of thousands citizens have joined us.</p>

<p>It’s 4 AM in Taiwan. The constitutional democracy is sinking to its
shadiest moment.
Witness the coming dawn with us.</p>

<hr />

<h1 id="democracy-at-4-am">Democracy at 4 am</h1>

<h2 id="morning-without-you-is-a-dwindled-dawn">Morning without YOU is a
dwindled dawn.</h2>

<p>At 4am on March 19th, 2014, 400 students occupied the Legislative Yuan in
Taiwan to protest the Service Trade Agreement with China. The Agreement
raises national security implications and poses major risks to Taiwan’s
economy. Over 10,000 students have joined the protests in peaceful sit-ins,
galvanized by strong opposition to the government’s secret negotiations and
handling of the Agreement. The Agreement was rushed through the Legislature
without an item-by-item review as originally envisaged in an inter-party
agreement. The “anti-black box protests” rejects the government’s lack of
transparency and responsiveness to the people’s concerns. The occupation of
the Legislative Yuan has become a people’s movement to wrest power back to
the people. Professors, musicians, lawyers, doctors and tens of thousands of
people from all walks of life have joined the protests in support.</p>

<p>After the President and ruling party failed to respond, the students
expanded their protest at 4am on March 24th. The authorities sent police to
remove the peaceful protesters with batons, riot shields, belts and water
cannons, beating them into submission. Police brutality resulted in multiple
injuries to the protesters, who only had their bodies to shield themselves.
The media, too, were removed from the scene.</p>

<p>One single Agreement has plunged Taiwan’s democracy back into the darkest
hour of the night. All protesters and supporters of Taiwan’s democracy are
unified in their resolve not to rest and not to give way. We will safeguard
the bedrock of Taiwan’s democracy – that the government must be transparent
and responsive to the people’s interests.</p>

<p><strong>Taiwan needs your attention and support.</strong> Today, we ask
you to join us, and hundred of thousands of supporters from over 50 cities,
in support of basic democratic values.</p>

<p>We invite you to www.4am.tw. See the event firsthand through citizen’s
eyes. Support us by leaving a message for us with a photo of you and a

<p>4am may appear to be a dark hour, but we believe that as more people
awaken to the truth, the sunrise of democracy will not be far away.</p>
<div class="main-foot"><div class="logo-4amtw"><a
href="/">4am.tw</a></div><p>Sponsored by 3621 Taiwanese
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※ 引述《makyan (bbN)》之銘言:
: ※註:有電視或媒體有報導者,請勿使用爆卦! 違者視為新聞篇數 超貼新聞劣退
: http://4am.tw/
: 一片黑得更讓人感覺沉重,
: 希望能夠讓更多人支持台灣的民主、自由。
: 天佑台灣

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1396054998.A.029.html
f1234518456:1F 03/29 09:03
giyoshi:你可能要去專版==....在這問這......2F 03/29 09:03
punksir:3F 03/29 09:04
a34567:XD好隱蔽的梗4F 03/29 09:04
Simposon:XDDD 超好笑 沒有想到要看source code..XD5F 03/29 09:04
mobile02:我覺得第七頁第八行改成這樣比較好 {9d(dkiid1223)}6F 03/29 09:05
rocfrank:政治不正確 會被噓7F 03/29 09:05
AirWinters:XDD 超屌8F 03/29 09:05
yuuirain:XDDDDDD 太有才了9F 03/29 09:05
oolongpush:XD10F 03/29 09:06
widec:有彩蛋 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww11F 03/29 09:06
HowLeeHi:原始碼彩蛋!!12F 03/29 09:06
giyoshi:看懂惹.....推一下 XDDDDDDD13F 03/29 09:06
HAHADEAD:推網站 推原始碼 XDDDDDDD14F 03/29 09:08
lithaimo:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 彩蛋16F 03/29 09:08
sarada:神喔17F 03/29 09:08
angellll:比起那個白色xx聯盟小學生水準的美工這才是真的公民正義18F 03/29 09:09
Bookdaily:XDDDDDD20F 03/29 09:11
sarada:政府砸上億納稅錢外包的官網 永遠就是達不到這種水準和效率21F 03/29 09:11
p41413:問秋意XDD22F 03/29 09:12
DWR:這太靠爸了23F 03/29 09:14
xup6xu6:幹誰會去發現這個 你一定黨工XDD24F 03/29 09:14
luelue:反觀政府每次請的小廢廢25F 03/29 09:15
theropod:2500的果然還是有差26F 03/29 09:17
chiangwei:幹嘛藏香蕉在code裡面啦XDD27F 03/29 09:18
goldman0204:這......有屌到 看不懂的...算了 我也懶的翻譯= =29F 03/29 09:19
SallyArthur:超可愛的啦!!30F 03/29 09:19
yisdl:幹 笑死.....檢視原始碼內有藏梗XD31F 03/29 09:20
madoka82:翻譯歐... 請整篇 source code 貼到 notepad 存成 html檔32F 03/29 09:20
b77887:酷!!!!!!!!!!!33F 03/29 09:20
supsme79:等等 你怎麼發現的!?34F 03/29 09:21
widec:政府砸上億 永遠就是達不到這種水準和效率+135F 03/29 09:21
sutekidesune:誰無聊會去看原始碼啦  XD36F 03/29 09:21
madoka82:就不小心 ctrl + u 就按到了 (誤) XD37F 03/29 09:22
Heiken:很有才嗎38F 03/29 09:23
stts:太屌惹39F 03/29 09:23
gerkk:哈哈哈  這個讚40F 03/29 09:24
evaflee:哇喔~太陽花藏在細節裡XDDDD(是說為什麼會去看原始碼啊?)41F 03/29 09:27
gn00063172:吼,誰平常沒事會去看原始碼啦XDDD42F 03/29 09:31
eowa:放香蕉幹嘛啦 XDDDD43F 03/29 09:34
dwk:香蕉XD44F 03/29 09:37
lucy07030703:哈哈哈哈阿XDDDDDDDDDDD45F 03/29 09:46
thincloud:太有才了XDDDDDD46F 03/29 09:54
chester06:註解 GJ XDDDD48F 03/29 09:55
LonyIce:其實你是員工吧!?49F 03/29 09:59
ashinla:靠盃阿    阿不是做得很趕   還有空玩香蕉   XDDDDDDD50F 03/29 10:05
nightocean:這個好笑XD51F 03/29 10:05
Linzoma:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD52F 03/29 10:35
achu520:推53F 03/29 10:36
gtx:記者趕快拿去問秋易  這是不是香蕉?54F 03/29 10:37
drexer66:你是在藏頭什麼啦55F 03/29 10:37
q76211635:太強了.....56F 03/29 10:40
innocent5857:讚嘆57F 03/29 10:53
BMHSEA:靠背  真的有xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD58F 03/29 11:11

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 5 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 4353 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b goest101, tresmiel, lolki, anarchy87 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2014-03-29 11:29:14 (台灣)
  03-29 11:29 TW
2樓 時間: 2014-03-29 11:39:07 (台灣)
  03-29 11:39 TW
   (編輯過) TW
4樓 時間: 2014-03-29 12:31:27 (台灣)
  03-29 12:31 TW
這一定是在忙  也要餵你吃香蕉
5樓 時間: 2014-03-30 04:05:59 (台灣)
  03-30 04:05 TW
太陽花學運讓我們發現 裡面真的好多人好有才華
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