※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-01-25 18:26:02
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 日本人質湯川已身亡 後藤還活著
時間 Sat Jan 24 23:19:57 2015
另外 後藤健二的文字聲明如下,太長了懶得翻,自己看
Japanese Hostage Haruna Yukawa Beheaded, Second Hostage Stipulates New
IS Demand in Video
Latest Articles
SITE Monitoring Service, a service of the SITE Intelligence Group ...
SITE Monitoring Service, a service of the SITE Intelligence Group ...
[Voice attributed to Kenji Goto Jogo]
I am Kenji Goto Jogo. You have seen the photo of my cellmate Haruna slaughtered in the land of the Islamic Caliphate. You were warned. You were given a deadline and so my captives acted upon their words.
[Prime Minister Shinzo] Abe, you killed Haruna. You did not take the threats of my captors seriously and you did not act within the 72 hours.
Rinko, my beloved wife, I love you, and I miss my two daughters. Please don't let Abe do the same for my case. Don't give up. You along with our family, friends, and my colleagues in the independent press must continue to pressure our government.
Their demand is easier. They are being fair. They no longer want money. So you don't need to worry about funding terrorists.They are just demanding the release of their imprisoned sister Sajida al-Rishawi. It is simple. You give them Sajida and I will be released. At the moment, it actually looks possible and our government are indeed a stone throw away.
How? Our government representatives are ironically in Jordan, where their sister Sajida is held prisoner by the Jordanian regime.Again, I would like to stress how easy it is to save my life. You bring them their sister from the Jordanian regime and I will be released immediately.
Me for her. Rinko, these could be my last hours in this world and I may be a dead man speaking. Don't let these be my last words you ever hear. Don't let Abe also kill me.
Sent from my Android
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→ : 湯川學1F 01/24 23:20
→ : 影片不見了 求備份2F 01/24 23:20
→ : 湯川教授!3F 01/24 23:20
推 : 伽利略?4F 01/24 23:20
推 : 嫌疑犯X5F 01/24 23:20
推 : 現象には必ず理由がある6F 01/24 23:21
推 : 安倍:該解禁嘍~7F 01/24 23:21
→ : 影片掰惹9F 01/24 23:21
推 : 実におもしろい10F 01/24 23:21
推 : 湯川:完全沒有頭 緒11F 01/24 23:21
→ : ハッハッハッハッ......さっぱり分からない12F 01/24 23:21
→ : 樓下點13F 01/24 23:21
→ : 僕は犯人が誰だとかには興味ない14F 01/24 23:22
→ : 実に面白い
→ : 実に面白い
→ : R.I.P.16F 01/24 23:22
→ : 本來就死定了 rip17F 01/24 23:22
推 : 魯蛇的悲劇18F 01/24 23:22
推 : yukawa19F 01/24 23:22
→ : 影片不能看20F 01/24 23:22
→ : 影片已遭移除21F 01/24 23:22
噓 : 幹 影片ㄋ22F 01/24 23:23
推 : 香川可以過去了23F 01/24 23:23
→ : RIP24F 01/24 23:23
推 : 很難想像這種即將被殺死的感覺有多恐怖25F 01/24 23:23
→ : 自宮的魯蛇死了但戰地記者還活著?26F 01/24 23:23
推 : 影片砍超快27F 01/24 23:24
噓 : 別亂搞... 不是湯川學啦28F 01/24 23:24
→ : 日本政府會震怒嗎?29F 01/24 23:24
→ : 湯川學GG30F 01/24 23:24
推 : 哀.....31F 01/24 23:24
推 : RIP...32F 01/24 23:25
推 : 活著更慘 不知道什麼時候死的恐懼....33F 01/24 23:25
推 : 科34F 01/24 23:25
→ : 再次呼籲大家別前往中東35F 01/24 23:26
【更新】日本一人質遭斬 後藤向政府喊話 | 即時新聞 | 20150124 | 蘋果日報
(更新:新增影片與口白內容)《The Daily Beast》報導,被俘日本人質後藤健二及湯川遙菜據信其中一人已經被砍頭,伊斯蘭國在Twitter放出風聲,要約旦釋放遭逮的女炸彈客蕾莎薇(Sajida ...
推 : 真的很恐怖37F 01/24 23:26
推 : 安倍不用負責嗎38F 01/24 23:26
推 : 湯川教授 嗚嗚39F 01/24 23:26
推 : 先殺肥的....果然不能吃太胖,會被殺的40F 01/24 23:26
推 : 影片勒41F 01/24 23:26
推 : 剩下的那位承受的壓力更崩... RIP43F 01/24 23:27
→ : 日本人根本不care,台灣人在喊燒,還是中國靠譜至少強力譴責~44F 01/24 23:27
推 : 有沒有被綁架這麼多天記者鬍子都沒長的八卦45F 01/24 23:27
→ : 對喔 怎麼沒長鬍子 = =46F 01/24 23:28
推 : 這種時期去中東只能說要做好心理準備...rip47F 01/24 23:28
→ : 日本酸宅搞不好會說砍死最好,民族性就是這樣,難怪被看不起48F 01/24 23:29
推 : 影片很假阿 沒有實況 真實性懷疑49F 01/24 23:29
推 : 自宮了...怎麼會有鬍子?50F 01/24 23:29
噓 : ..日本民族性比台灣好多了..51F 01/24 23:29
推 : 我是說拿照片那個不是被砍頭那個XD52F 01/24 23:30
→ : IS打算用拿照片那位戰地記者去換他們被約旦關的炸彈客53F 01/24 23:31
→ : 之後應該會有人這樣釣魚,要小心...54F 01/24 23:31
→ : 可能因此被看管的待遇會稍微好些55F 01/24 23:31
推 : 接下來的要求是要約旦釋放Sajida al-Rishawi56F 01/24 23:32
→ : 有可能喔 自宮肥宅跟戰地記者應該待遇不太一樣XD57F 01/24 23:32
→ : 果然料中,底下就有回文~58F 01/24 23:32
推 : 好可怕59F 01/24 23:33
推 : 圖好小60F 01/24 23:33
→ : 回文被ShinyaNakano秒刪61F 01/24 23:34
※ 編輯: taotzu (, 01/24/2015 23:43:03推 : 這後藤不是有名的記者嗎?利用價值比軍武宅有用多了63F 01/24 23:39
→ : R.I.P. 好可怕64F 01/24 23:40
→ : 日本也把抓到的那個砍頭給ISIS看好了65F 01/24 23:40
→ : youtube 使出了 阿邦快速劍 砍了連結66F 01/24 23:42
推 : 好恐怖...67F 01/24 23:44
推 : 不能反擊就是日本為自己發動二戰所付出的代價68F 01/24 23:49
→ : [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C9Tccphtyc[/url]69F 01/24 23:51
Archive: Japanese hostage acknowledges risks before Syria trip - YouTube Islamic State hostage Kenji Goto posted a video message before he entered the militant group s Syrian stronghold, acknowledging that "all responsibility is o...

→ : [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ8Z9NYM1Gs[/url]70F 01/24 23:51
→ : 聲音不太像?71F 01/24 23:55
推 : 寄生獸後藤的話.....IS應該已經被幹掉惹72F 01/24 23:58
→ : 日本在這個議題上跟美國是同一邊的 另一個恐怕凶多吉少73F 01/25 00:00
推 : 求備份74F 01/25 00:05
→ : IS拍一張高畫質的照片很難嗎...每次都用這種糊糊的..75F 01/25 00:06
→ : 讓人質疑真實性有甚麼好處
→ : 讓人質疑真實性有甚麼好處
推 : 後藤的臉色比之前更差了....77F 01/25 00:07
→ : ISIS的影片若拍得太清楚,美國就知道這大概在哪拍的78F 01/25 00:09
→ : 之後就是無人機來丟炸彈了
→ : 之後就是無人機來丟炸彈了
推 : 怎麼覺得好像合成的....80F 01/25 00:12
推 : R.I.P.81F 01/25 00:22
→ : 神刀手82F 01/25 00:28
推 : 合成+1 手跟衣服間的縫隙很假..83F 01/25 00:31
推 : 看起來真實度成謎啊,這次整個事件都怪怪的84F 01/25 01:07
推 : 哀~還是被砍了85F 01/25 01:12
推 : 好可怕! 被砍頭應該超痛苦的吧86F 01/25 01:53
推 : 哪會難想像 去重症病房問問就有了87F 01/25 02:51
噓 : 詛咒ISIS和相關人士死後被72個魯蛇肛到炸裂88F 01/25 04:19
推 : 我是魯蛇,所以我可以詛咒IS?89F 01/25 06:12
推 : 教授!!!!!!90F 01/25 07:21
推 : 搞不好網友改圖真的發揮功效 讓IS反而自己被羞辱91F 01/25 08:13
噓 : 湯川學...你...92F 01/25 12:40
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2652