※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-03-12 10:12:35
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 世界各國新聞簡報4 3月11號
時間 Wed Mar 11 21:39:21 2015
‧ The Islamic State launched a major assault on the northern Syrian town of
Ras al-Ain.
伊斯蘭國對敘利亞北部的一個小鎮Ras al-Ain
‧ A statement from the U.S. military said that forces backed by the
anti-Islamic State coalition had cut critical supply and communication lines
for the jihadist group in northern Syria.
‧ Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari dismissed Saudi concerns that
Iran was taking control of Iraq.
伊拉克外交部部長Ibrahim al-Jaafari反駁了
‧ The Islamic State has seized the center of the Libyan city of Sirte,
exploiting the chaos in Libya to expand its control.
‧ Iraqi security forces and allied Shiite militias captured large parts of
the city of Tikrit from the Islamic State.
‧ Officials in India charged 42 people for their involvement in the murder
of a suspected rapist. The man was taken from prison by a mob and killed.
ps: 那名強姦嫌疑犯是被一群黑道從監獄理抓出來的...(OMG)
‧ China jailed two men for allegedly selling military secrets to foreign
‧ A Sri Lankan court banned Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, the former president's
brother, from leaving the country.
斯里蘭卡法庭限制Gotabhaya Rajapaksa,前總統的兄弟,的出境
中東MiddleEast (不要搞混了 上面是頭條 這裡是比較小道的)
‧ Islamic State militants reportedly kidnapped nine foreign oil workers in
‧ Iraqi Kurdish forces, with air support from the United States, began an
offensive against Islamic State militants in Kirkuk province.
伊拉克籍庫爾德軍隊, 在美軍空襲的掩護下
‧ One civilian was killed and 24 policemen were injured after a suicide
bomber attacked security force barracks in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.
‧ Ukraine confirmed that pro-Russian rebels are withdrawing heavy weapons.
‧ French police detained four people for their involvement in the attacks
in Paris on a satirical magazine and a Jewish supermarket.
‧ The United States imposed targeted sanctions on at least seven Venezuelan
officials for alleged human rights abuses.
‧ The Missouri high court appointed a state judge to oversee the court in
the town of Ferguson after a federal report documented routine violations of
residents' constitutional rights by the justice system.
‧ Brazil enacted a domestic violence law that sets new penalties for the
killing of women and girls.
‧ A regional force retook the Nigerian town of Damasak as part of a major
offensive against Boko Haram.
‧ A court in the Ivory Coast sentenced former first lady, Simone Gbagbo, to
20 years in prison for her involvement in the 2010 election violence.
象牙海岸(一個非洲國家)判前第一夫人Simone Gbagbo
‧ Tanzanian officials alleged that Mohammed Emwazi, known as "Jihadi John,"
had previously aimed to commit "acts of terrorism" in Tanzania.
坦桑尼亞官方聲稱 Mohammed Emwaz(就是那位英國小開卻去參加聖戰的人)
但是請註明出處: Foreign Policy
譯者kare :
Orz.... 我真的中文要重修了
可能需要人幫忙= =
一樣: 有提議請使用噓文
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1L04MBNA (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1426081163.A.5CA.html
推 : 頭推1F 03/11 21:40
推 : 感謝你的整理2F 03/11 21:40
→ : 大推!!3F 03/11 21:41
推 : 翻譯錯誤 "供稱" 是犯人被抓後對調查單位的陳述4F 03/11 21:42
→ : 這伊斯蘭國武裝份子沒被抓 應用"宣稱"
→ : 這伊斯蘭國武裝份子沒被抓 應用"宣稱"
推 : 感謝6F 03/11 21:44
→ : 一"名" 自殺炸彈客 一"名"毒販7F 03/11 21:44
推 : 加油~!8F 03/11 21:45
推 : 用心推9F 03/11 21:51
推 : 用心推,不過上色有點不好看10F 03/11 21:52
推 : 台灣應該習慣翻庫德族11F 03/11 21:52
推 : 用心推~~~謝謝12F 03/11 21:54
推 : 歐洲的顏色不好看13F 03/11 21:59
推 : 感謝整理!!14F 03/11 22:02
→ : <---聯合國總統 站在地球頂峰的神人15F 03/11 22:02
推 : 推16F 03/11 22:05
推 : 好文不用噓17F 03/11 22:07
推 : 推18F 03/11 22:07
推 : 謝謝!19F 03/11 22:09
推 : 推20F 03/11 22:09
推 : 謝謝21F 03/11 22:10
推 : 被黑道拖出監獄搞到死,那強姦犯到底惹到誰了…22F 03/11 22:10
推 : 推23F 03/11 22:11
推 : 推24F 03/11 22:14
推 : GJ!25F 03/11 22:15
推 : 顏色可以考慮使用亮色26F 03/11 22:16
推 : 退27F 03/11 22:19
→ : 推...
→ : 推...
推 : 推29F 03/11 22:21
噓 : 保暗→保安30F 03/11 22:22
推 : 感謝!!31F 03/11 22:23
推 : 讚32F 03/11 22:24
推 : 推33F 03/11 22:25
推 : 推34F 03/11 22:25
推 : 推35F 03/11 22:25
推 : 大推! 早上正好找不到,結果晚上就出來了。36F 03/11 22:27
推 : 55537F 03/11 22:32
推 : 推38F 03/11 22:41
推 : 感謝推39F 03/11 22:42
推 : 推40F 03/11 22:43
推 : 推41F 03/11 22:44
推 : 下獄改成入獄會不會好點?42F 03/11 22:48
噓 : 猶太超是不是猶太主義超市 諷刺性雜誌社在講查理43F 03/11 22:49
推 : 這才是新聞!44F 03/11 22:50
推 : 感謝45F 03/11 22:53
推 : 推用心 支持到底!46F 03/11 22:54
推 : 推47F 03/11 22:57
推 : 荷蘭那個好像是說在因為錯誤的證詞而被判毒品罪的貿48F 03/11 22:59
→ : 易商(?)獲得議會給予賠償之後,司法部長表示請辭硬
→ : 易商(?)獲得議會給予賠償之後,司法部長表示請辭硬
推 : 推一下50F 03/11 22:59
→ : 硬照著字面來弄,好像更悲劇了51F 03/11 22:59
推 : 推52F 03/11 23:09
噓 : 荷蘭司法部部長引咎辭職 這樣會不會好點?53F 03/11 23:09
譯者表示 :由於他本人沒有完全了解新聞意思
推 : 標題變好給推 之前的標題根本小學生程度54F 03/11 23:09
推 :55F 03/11 23:11
推 : 感謝整理!辛苦了~~推!!56F 03/11 23:11
噓 : 烏克蘭那邊可能要翻譯成支持俄羅斯的反抗軍 會精確57F 03/11 23:13
推 : 用心推58F 03/11 23:14
→ : 法國那邊應該是猶太超市59F 03/11 23:17
※ 編輯: irene2772193 (, 03/11/2015 23:19:16※ 編輯: irene2772193 (, 03/11/2015 23:19:56
推 : 推60F 03/11 23:20
噓 : 紐西蘭奶粉有人下毒可以翻譯一下 謝謝61F 03/11 23:23
推 : 推62F 03/11 23:24
※ 編輯: irene2772193 (, 03/11/2015 23:26:45推 : 推! 黑道 劫獄63F 03/11 23:27
推 : 推!!!!!!!64F 03/11 23:35
推 : push65F 03/11 23:40
推 : 謝謝你 !!!!66F 03/11 23:48
推 : 終於有一篇好文67F 03/11 23:50
推 : 推68F 03/11 23:51
推 : 好恐怖,武力強襲小鎮。69F 03/11 23:52
推 : .70F 03/12 00:01
噓 : 這"裡"是小道,另外用小道看不太懂,是小道消息嗎?71F 03/12 00:04
推 : 推72F 03/12 00:07
※ 編輯: irene2772193 (, 03/12/2015 00:08:09推 : 推!73F 03/12 00:12
推 : 補推回來!74F 03/12 00:13
推 : 推75F 03/12 00:14
推 : 推!76F 03/12 00:14
推 : 好文推77F 03/12 00:25
噓 : 其實reportedly翻宣稱也不對 應該是據報 ISIS至今未出78F 03/12 00:31
→ : 面說明 這件事是奧地利爆出來的(因他們有公民被抓)
→ : 面說明 這件事是奧地利爆出來的(因他們有公民被抓)
推 : 推啊80F 03/12 00:31
推 :81F 03/12 00:35
推 : 超棒的,這才是新聞82F 03/12 00:39
推 : 辛苦了83F 03/12 00:49
推 : 推這一篇,感謝樓主幫忙分享世界動向!!84F 03/12 00:51
推 : 大推 感謝85F 03/12 00:52
推 : 結果有一大半都跟IS有關....這組織根本是打游擊的吧86F 03/12 01:00
推 : 推87F 03/12 01:21
推 : 推88F 03/12 01:35
推 : 推89F 03/12 01:36
推 : 推90F 03/12 01:57
推 : 推91F 03/12 02:04
推 : 推92F 03/12 02:06
推 : 推93F 03/12 02:20
推 : 有看有推 加油 堅持94F 03/12 02:48
推 : 推 謝謝翻譯95F 03/12 02:59
推 : 推96F 03/12 03:12
推 : 推97F 03/12 03:39
推 : 推98F 03/12 04:04
推 : 推 瞭解世界發生的事情99F 03/12 04:05
推 : 推100F 03/12 04:27
推 :101F 03/12 07:30
推 : IS的新聞超多,推翻譯102F 03/12 08:10
推 : 推103F 03/12 08:23
推 : 超棒!!難得的八卦好文,請堅持下去啊啊啊啊啊104F 03/12 08:33
推 : 推105F 03/12 08:34
推 : 推106F 03/12 08:53
推 : push107F 03/12 08:55
推 : 推108F 03/12 08:57
推 : 好文推109F 03/12 09:00
推 : 用心 推110F 03/12 09:12
推 : push111F 03/12 09:27
推 : 加油!112F 03/12 09:32
推 : 推!113F 03/12 09:36
推 : push114F 03/12 09:40
推 : 推!115F 03/12 09:42
推 : 嗯哼~116F 03/12 09:46
推 : 推117F 03/12 09:54
推 : 感謝118F 03/12 10:04
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1392
作者 irene2772193 的最新發文:
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