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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-12-02 14:05:52
看板 Gossiping
作者 waynelaio (司徒)
標題 [問卦] 有沒有黑暗又深沉的音樂
時間 Tue Dec  1 21:54:47 2015

 八卦板務請到 Gossippicket 檢舉板詢問                          
 b.一天只能張貼 "兩則" 問卦,自刪及被刪也算兩篇之內,          






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Yude0109: 我1F 12/01 21:55
PeterJackson: 我難過2F 12/01 21:55
jimmmy: i'm sad3F 12/01 21:55
「メリークリスマス」 を弾いてみた 【ピアノ】 - YouTube
まらしぃです。 先日嵐さんの「THE DIGITALIAN」が発売されたのですが、 とてもありがたいことに、1曲ピアノで参加させていただきました。 二宮さんのソロ曲「メリークリスマス」です。 今回感謝を込めて、ピアノで演奏させていただきました。 いつも見てくださってありがとうございます。ご一緒できて幸せです。 み...

rsbbs0611428: わかんこう5F 12/01 21:56
Death Metal Friday - YouTube
 Song by: Rebecca Black Cover song by : Jarett Norton and Danny Dodge

a7818239: the sound of silence 聽看看吧7F 12/01 21:57
NanaoNaru: Black Metal8F 12/01 21:57
Golf19: 貝多芬-月光9F 12/01 21:57
lturtsamuel: 我的心情10F 12/01 21:57
lturtsamuel: google: doom metal12F 12/01 21:58
sisn: 黑色星期五。13F 12/01 21:58
jajoy: a day in the life 都不黑暗14F 12/01 21:58
key123987: 幻想廢人15F 12/01 21:59
jajoy: 但不黑暗16F 12/01 21:59
WeGoYuSheng: Doom Metal http://is.gd/kaCZS617F 12/01 21:59
COLOSSEUM-Towards The Infinite(Music video) - YouTube
Official music video of "Towards The Infinite" from the album Chapter 2: Numquam, by Finnish funeral doom band COLOSSEUM  http:/...

Avenged Sevenfold - A Little Piece Of Heaven [Official Music Video] - YouTube GET HAIL TO THE KING: DEATHBAT MOBILE GAME TODAY Buy for iOS:  Buy on Google Play:  Learn more at htt...

reader2714: 中華民國國歌19F 12/01 22:00
pulesiya: doom metal20F 12/01 22:00
loveisth520: Gloomy Sunday21F 12/01 22:01
leoleovip: Pink Floyd ~22F 12/01 22:01
bth060104: NINE INCH NAILS23F 12/01 22:02
人形电脑天使心 - YouTube

Diablo Theme Song 10 HOURS - YouTube
10 hours of theme song from Diablo 1. Hope u like it ;).

Muse - Feeling Good (Video) - YouTube
2008 WMG Feeling Good (Video)

Uncontinue: life's struggle- 宋岳庭27F 12/01 22:03
楊芳儀 徐曉菁 【聽泉】Official Lyric Video - YouTube
【數位收聽】 ♫ iTunes下載→ ♫ KKBOX→ ♫ myMusic 音樂在我→ ♫ Omusic→ 聽泉 演唱:楊芳儀 徐曉菁 詞曲:陳雲山...

Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Full Length: Parts I - IX) - Pink Floyd - YouTube This is for people who have always wanted to listen (or download) Shine On You Crazy Diamond in full. All nine parts of Shine On You Crazy Diamond, which is ...

Silent Hill - Room of Angel - YouTube
Just a bunch of silent hill video game clips bunched together to make a movie. The song is Room of Angel. I'm not sure who sings it, but its on the soundtrac...

Pink Floyd - Echoes HD - YouTube
Song of the known psychedelic rock band Pink Floyd.

organ63521: 國歌32F 12/01 22:04
black sabbath-black sabbath(lyrics in description) - YouTube
this was requested so here it is What is this that stands before me? Figure in black which points at me Turn around quick, and start to run Find out I'm the ...

AwokeN: The XX34F 12/01 22:04
a001223: Black Sabbath - black sabbath35F 12/01 22:04
PSY - DADDY(feat. CL of 2NE1) M/V - YouTube
Available now on iTunes @  #PSY #DADDY #나팔바지 #NapalBaji #7thALBUM #7집싸이다 More about PSY@  

Leoniath: 中華民國國歌啊37F 12/01 22:05
GenesisXD: 少年仔 安啦38F 12/01 22:06
a001223: 平克佛洛德哪裡黑暗了拉ob'_'ov39F 12/01 22:06
【GUMI & CUL】 Rotten Rotten Zombie 【MV】【English Subs】 - YouTube PV reprint from NND:   Furan Furan Zombie~ Original NND Song Upload: http:/...

recount: 教父啊 經點41F 12/01 22:08
TaiwanJunior: 鬼束千尋的"Infection"不知道算不算你要找的...?!43F 12/01 22:10
lemonjye: 舒伯特 冬之旅44F 12/01 22:12
apjj: 龍貓風之通道https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f4ubMHhsao45F 12/01 22:13
kibou: 以錢email時代瘋傳的一首聽了會想自殺的歌46F 12/01 22:14
kibou: 嚇得我都不敢聽
immer: Nine inch nail: hurt48F 12/01 22:15
hothotdog: 周董的分裂50F 12/01 22:21
patrickop: doom metal51F 12/01 22:22
John Cage's 4'33" - YouTube
A performance by William Marx of John Cage's 4'33. Filmed at McCallum Theatre, Palm Desert, CA. Composer John Adams wrote the following in The New York Times...

Daedolon: John Cage 4'33"53F 12/01 22:24
鬼新娘cover (殭屍先生配樂) - YouTube
睇完殭屍聽到呢首歌, 真係好有共嗚 Am Am 天際朗月也不願看 天際朗月也不願看 Am Em 明月吐光 陰風吹柳巷 Fmaj7 Cmaj7 是女鬼覓愛郎 Dm7 Em 誰人願愛 淒厲鬼新娘 F Em Am 倍伴女鬼 深宵偷拜月光 Am Em 明月吐光 冤鬼風裡蕩 Fmaj7 Cmaj7 夜更深霧更寒 Dm7 E...

i8r4f5g2hedg: 聽完 你就懂了55F 12/01 22:31
gn0481914: 馬英九競選主題曲?56F 12/01 22:36
smilekiven: Dir en grey - mushi57F 12/01 22:36
holybless: 逗陣的好朋友58F 12/01 22:39
Angelo Badalamenti - Soundtrack from Twin Peaks [FULL ALBUM] - YouTube Original Twin Peaks Soundtrack by Angelo Badalamenti Released in 1990 1 - "Twin Peaks Theme" 2 - "Laura Palmer's Theme" 3 - "Audrey's Dance" 4 - "The Nightin...

Requiem For A Dream HD Full Theme Music Video - YouTube
This is my first video edit of a film. Be indulgent. I don't claim any copyright of this. The music is full orchestral version of Clint Mansell Lux aeterna( ...

luciffar: 那粉紅猴子那首聖誕歌 最後拿撒隆巴斯出來是幹嘛61F 12/01 22:43
Alice: Madness Returns Soundtrack (Full) - YouTube
Alice: Madness Returns OST. Composers: Jason Tai, Chris Vrenna, Marshall Crutcher. 0:00 Alice: Madness Returns Theme 1:24 Dr. Bumby 1:53 Orphanage 3:16 Alice...

hahabis: 居然沒人推經典的Alice Madness Returns...63F 12/01 22:46
yuisgood: 請直接搜尋 dark music64F 12/01 22:46
luciffar: https://goo.gl/FddlZg 水滸傳ED 聽完想到英雄都死光惹65F 12/01 22:47

JizzBurger: "Trip Hop"66F 12/01 22:49
JhouHank: d小調卡農 別聽太多67F 12/01 22:52
第13任總統副總統宣誓就職演說 ( 較高畫質版,2012.5.20) - YouTube 第13任總統副總統宣誓就職演說 (2012.5.20) 馬英九總統今天(20日)發表就職演說,提出確保台灣安全的「鐵三角」,分別是和平兩岸、活路外交與堅強國防。在兩岸關係方面,總統強調,20年來兩岸的憲法定位就是「一個中華民國、兩個地區」,這是最理性、務實的定位,也是保障台灣安全的憑藉,兩岸應正視這個現實。 馬英...

RsssRb: requiem for a dream69F 12/01 23:00
少年安 - YouTube

Dora9: Joy Division https://youtu.be/1EdUjlawLJM72F 12/01 23:09
Joy Division - Atmosphere [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO] - YouTube
Watch the official music video for Joy Division - Atmosphere Get Joy Division music: iTunes:  Amazon:...

yumemi25: https://youtu.be/QqIOyVee6iU MUCC 路地裏僕と君へ73F 12/01 23:10
Andy Stott - Luxury Problems [Full Album] - YouTube
1. Numb 0:00 2. Lost and Found 6:30 3. Sleepless 12:36 4. Hatch the Plan 18:26 5. Expecting 27:06 6. Luxury Problems 35:01 7. Up the Box 40:06 8. Leaving 45:...

art216169: Andt stott75F 12/01 23:16
howaboutX: Love Crime - Hannibal season ending song77F 12/01 23:19
yamina: 等著你回來78F 12/01 23:22

bustyma19: http://youtu.be/yTN9jn8_FZ0 Requiem For A Dream80F 12/01 23:27
Requiem For A Dream HD Full Theme Music Video - YouTube
This is my first video edit of a film. Be indulgent. I don't claim any copyright of this. The music is full orchestral version of Clint Mansell Lux aeterna( ...

howaboutX: Joy Division - in a lonely place81F 12/01 23:27
howaboutX: http://youtu.be/f2cGxy-ZHIs
Ólafur Arnalds - So Close (feat. Arnór Dan) - YouTube
Song from the ending credits of Broadchurch by Ólafur Arnalds featuring Arnor Dan on vocals. All rights belong to their respective owners. You can buy the so...

ePaper: 韋瓦第 月光83F 12/01 23:34
fujimoto: Joy Division84F 12/01 23:39
grass30630: GD-Black85F 12/01 23:41
kamayer: 推鬼束千尋86F 12/01 23:41
kawazima8869: 鬼束千尋 月光 整個很陰沈87F 12/01 23:50
kiriomaple: 樓上推Alice 二代的,一代才是神OST88F 12/02 00:06
nickflying: Radiohead - Street Spirit89F 12/02 00:08
Deafheaven - Luna - YouTube
Track 2 off New Bermuda iTunes:  Bandcamp:  I do ...

zaqmkovfr: 黑暗騎士 夠黑暗了嗎?91F 12/02 00:30
ssdog: 幹你娘!一群廢物!推薦的歌不是太吵就是沒啥感覺!92F 12/02 00:31
ssdog: 肥宅~能振作點嗎????????????????????????????????????????
Workshy: 找trip pop, gothic 或黑金屬   試試94F 12/02 00:32
kiriomaple: Qntal95F 12/02 00:49
aureate: the drugs don't work96F 12/02 01:17
Murs & 9th Wonder - The pain (with lyrics). - YouTube
My new playlist with a lot of dope songs from 2010 till 2014 - try it out! [  ] Song ...

SeanBoog: Murs and 9th Wonder - The Pain98F 12/02 01:18
BRRRT: 春之祭  要配舞蹈一起看99F 12/02 01:30
st002650: 君の銀の庭,看一下歌詞也挺深沉der100F 12/02 01:32
ceowu: 應景一下 黑武士的音樂101F 12/02 01:59
corner0111: The Antlers-Kettering102F 12/02 06:26
corner0111: kafabindünya - binlerce özür
Dark Souls: Gwyn, Lord of Cinder boss fight music 1 hour. - YouTube Loved Gwyn's music when I was fighting him but it didn't last very long so I made a 1 hour version of it. First time making a music video! Enjoy!

Foster The People - Pumped up Kicks - YouTube
Foster the People's official music video for 'Pumped Up Kicks'. Click to listen to Foster the People on Spotify:  As...

babyQ: 難得孤寂108F 12/02 09:28
juyac11: ecm唱片公司的音樂109F 12/02 09:32
muserFW: 自殺黑金屬110F 12/02 09:38
sunnic: http://youtu.be/aFUzvbkEvRk111F 12/02 09:44
idkwmni: Easy(switch screen)112F 12/02 09:46
amy3563867: suuns113F 12/02 10:16
timyoung: Beb -siempre me quedara114F 12/02 11:50
chad60711: 有人釣魚沒人理耶ㄏ,好啦我上鉤惹開心嗎?115F 12/02 12:32
chad60711: Swallow the Sun的Dont Fall Asleep
chad60711: 這首有著最優美的吼腔和最沉重的氣氛營造
immut: Chelsea Wolfe118F 12/02 13:05
prankjc: Emancipator - Wolf Drawn119F 12/02 13:13
prankjc: Radiohead - talkshow host; airbag

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  • +125 [影音] 山頂國小防疫影片 - joke 板
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  • +80 [問卦] 有沒有黑暗又深沉的音樂 - Gossiping 板
    作者: (台灣) 2015-12-01 21:54:47
    看板 Gossiping作者 waynelaio (司徒)標題  有沒有黑暗又深沉的音樂時間 Tue Dec  1 21:54:47 2015  八卦板務請到 Gossippicket 檢舉板詢問   …
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1樓 時間: 2015-12-02 14:17:44 (台灣)
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居然沒人推Theatre of Tragedy
Theatre of Tragedy - And when He Falleth - The Masque of the Red Death - YouTube Theatre of Tragedy - And when He Falleth - With some footage i took from "The Masque of the Red Death" directed by Roger Corman. 1964.
7樓 時間: 2015-12-02 21:53:46 (日本)
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8樓 時間: 2015-12-02 23:21:39 (台灣)
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