※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-11-29 21:29:08
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] Michael Jackson哪首歌最經典?
時間 Tue Nov 29 15:27:14 2016
Michael Jackson真是奇才
個人最愛smooth criminal
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OFItL3w (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1480404437.A.0FA.html
噓 : 逼咧~1F 11/29 15:27
推 : The man in the mirror2F 11/29 15:27
推 : 我難過3F 11/29 15:27
推 : 烏鴉的窩4F 11/29 15:27
→ : 翻唱施文施那首吧5F 11/29 15:28
推 : 11代跟1代最經典6F 11/29 15:28
推 : 抓小鳥7F 11/29 15:28
推 : 鳥之詩8F 11/29 15:28
→ : 彬9F 11/29 15:28
推 : 從罰球線起跳在空中唱的那首10F 11/29 15:28
→ : 還有Hollywood Tonight11F 11/29 15:28
噓 : 喬丹明明打籃球的12F 11/29 15:28
→ : 嘎 嘎 比利珍 ~13F 11/29 15:28
推 : smooth criminal14F 11/29 15:29
→ : Annie are you okie~15F 11/29 15:29
推 : 比利珍無誤16F 11/29 15:29
→ : Smooth criminal17F 11/29 15:29
→ : smooth criminal18F 11/29 15:29
→ : 一代真的好看 11代不好看 但好穿19F 11/29 15:29
推 : 太多了吧20F 11/29 15:29
→ : to legit to quit21F 11/29 15:30
→ : 內山姑娘要出嫁22F 11/29 15:30
→ : 認真講 最經典的應該還是 The Shot23F 11/29 15:30
推 : Bad24F 11/29 15:30
推 : you are not alone25F 11/29 15:30
噓 : 小城故事啊26F 11/29 15:30
推 : 逼勒27F 11/29 15:31
教主出沒 ob'_'ov推 : 都讚!dirty dinna !28F 11/29 15:32
→ : dangerous29F 11/29 15:32
推 : 安妮阿UOK 安妮阿UOK30F 11/29 15:33
Michael Jackson - Hold My Hand Duet ft. Akon - YouTube
Music video by Michael Jackson Duet with Akon performing Hold My Hand. (C) 2010 Optimum Productions
Music video by Michael Jackson Duet with Akon performing Hold My Hand. (C) 2010 Optimum Productions

→ : 灌籃那首吧32F 11/29 15:33
※ 編輯: mintQ (, 11/29/2016 15:33:49推 : 空中拉三竿那首33F 11/29 15:36
推 : 要看有沒有搭MV 若歌舞一起看是smooth criminal34F 11/29 15:38
推 : Who's lovin you35F 11/29 15:38
推 : Billie Jean36F 11/29 15:39
推 : Thriller吧 也是最經典的舞37F 11/29 15:39
推 : P.Y.T38F 11/29 15:39
推 : Dangerous39F 11/29 15:40
→ : 小時候看MV 45度角一出驚為天人 震撼小朋友心靈40F 11/29 15:40
推 : you are not alone41F 11/29 15:40
推 : smooth+142F 11/29 15:42
推 : 施文彬誰是老大43F 11/29 15:42
推 : 誰?44F 11/29 15:43
Michael Jackson - Human Nature (Live At Wembley July 16, 1988) - YouTube Performance of Human Nature from Wembley Concert on July 16, 1988. This particular concert took place on July 16, 1988, at Wembley Stadium in Wembley, London...

推 : they don't care about us46F 11/29 15:45
推 : 當然是 thriller阿47F 11/29 15:47
→ : Billie Jean派的站出來48F 11/29 15:51
推 : Billie Jean49F 11/29 15:54
→ : Billie jean50F 11/29 15:58
推 : Billie Jean 算是美國母★嗎?51F 11/29 15:59
推 : 我記得之前不是有一篇拿小賈跟MJ比的嗎52F 11/29 16:05
推 : smooth criminal53F 11/29 16:15
推 : 當然是billy jean 月球漫步太震撼了54F 11/29 16:16
→ : billie
→ : billie
→ : 太多啦!!!56F 11/29 16:23
推 : 油內褲57F 11/29 16:27
推 : billie jean58F 11/29 16:28
推 : 比利珍,每次聽MJ的專輯第一首一定先聽這首59F 11/29 16:33
推 : billie jean+smooth criminal60F 11/29 16:33
→ : they dont really care about us 也不錯
→ : they dont really care about us 也不錯
→ : You Are Not Alone62F 11/29 16:36
推 : 屄哩~63F 11/29 16:41
→ : 硬了~ 硬了~ 硬了~ 硬了~64F 11/29 16:52
推 : Anne are you ok65F 11/29 17:11
推 : 最近推我難過的人愈來愈少了我難過66F 11/29 17:18
推 : Billie Jean 真的好聽67F 11/29 17:49
推 : 拿下第六座冠軍的時候 真的感動68F 11/29 17:58
推 : Man In The Mirror69F 11/29 18:09
推 : Man In The Mirror70F 11/29 18:40
推 : 比利珍71F 11/29 18:47
推 : you are not alone72F 11/29 19:05
推 : Billie Jean73F 11/29 20:07
推 : Billie Jean74F 11/29 20:20
推 : 搜尋 麥克跳大悲咒75F 11/29 20:21
Michael Jackson "Billie Jean" - Live in Bucharest 1992 (HD) - YouTube Dear Viewers, The video shows my friend Michael Joseph Jackson performing "Billie Jean" at the Dangerous Tour : Live in Bucharest in 1992. Michael told me th...

Michael Jackson- Smooth Criminal (HD 1080p BluRay Official Version) - YouTube Song: Smooth Criminal (Official Release) Singer: Michael Jackson Quality: HD 1080p BluRay Official Version for wide screen

Michael Jackson - Black or White (Official Video) - YouTube
Michael Jackson's "Black Or White" was the first of nine short films from 1991's Dangerous. Directed by John Landis, "Black Or White" features groundbreaking...
Michael Jackson's "Black Or White" was the first of nine short films from 1991's Dangerous. Directed by John Landis, "Black Or White" features groundbreaking...

Michael Jackson - Beat It (Digitally Restored Version) - YouTube Music video by Michael Jackson performing Beat It. © 1982 MJJ Productions Inc.

Michael Jackson - Bad - YouTube
For the first short film for one of five consecutive record-breaking No. 1 hits from Bad, Michael Jackson and director Martin Scorsese created an epic 18-min...
For the first short film for one of five consecutive record-breaking No. 1 hits from Bad, Michael Jackson and director Martin Scorsese created an epic 18-min...

Michael Jackson - Thriller - YouTube
Music video by Michael Jackson performing Thriller. (C) 1982 MJJ Productions Inc. #VEVOCertified on October 29, 2010.
Music video by Michael Jackson performing Thriller. (C) 1982 MJJ Productions Inc. #VEVOCertified on October 29, 2010.

Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror - YouTube
In keeping with the lyrical message of "Man in the Mirror," which was strongly identified with Michael Jackson and reflective of his own philosophies, the sh...
In keeping with the lyrical message of "Man in the Mirror," which was strongly identified with Michael Jackson and reflective of his own philosophies, the sh...

推 : heal the world83F 11/29 21:17
Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us (Prison Version) - YouTube Music video by Michael Jackson performing They Don't Care About Us (Prison Version) (Michael Jackson's Vision). (C) 2010 MJJ Productions, Inc.

Michael Jackson - Dirty Diana - YouTube
Michael Jackson's "Dirty Diana" short film captured the high-intensity live experience of one of his concerts, complete with a guitar solo from guitarist Ste...
Michael Jackson's "Dirty Diana" short film captured the high-intensity live experience of one of his concerts, complete with a guitar solo from guitarist Ste...

Michael Jackson & Friends Live in München 1999 Dangerous - YouTube Am 27. Juni 1999 bot Michael Jackson im Münchner Olympiastadion ein musikalisches Riesenprogramm zugunsten der Kriegskinder im Kosovo mit What More Can I Giv...

推 : 說真的,太多了,隨便一列就落落長87F 11/29 21:27
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1347
作者 mintQ 的最新發文:
- 1.媒體來源: 蘋果日報 2.完整新聞標題: 上凱道挺同婚被家人囚禁 驚傳女同志自殺身亡 3.完整新聞內文: 婚姻平權音樂會日前在台北市凱道舉行,聚集25萬人力挺同性婚姻法制化, 不過今天包括社運人士 …272F 94推 86噓
- Michael Jackson真是奇才 很多歌現在聽還是非常前衛不退流行 不知道舞棍們最愛哪條? 個人最愛smooth criminal87F 63推 3噓