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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-11-29 21:29:08
看板 Gossiping
作者 mintQ (不是我不明白)
標題 [問卦] Michael Jackson哪首歌最經典?
時間 Tue Nov 29 15:27:14 2016

Michael Jackson真是奇才



個人最愛smooth criminal

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OFItL3w (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1480404437.A.0FA.html
xjp004123: 逼咧~1F 11/29 15:27
wemee:    The man in the mirror2F 11/29 15:27
iam18qt: 我難過3F 11/29 15:27
s505015: 烏鴉的窩4F 11/29 15:27
mobley2005: 翻唱施文施那首吧5F 11/29 15:28
leon82guy: 11代跟1代最經典6F 11/29 15:28
ronale1104: 抓小鳥7F 11/29 15:28
JFNfrog: 鳥之詩8F 11/29 15:28
mobley2005:         彬9F 11/29 15:28
hyder1024: 從罰球線起跳在空中唱的那首10F 11/29 15:28
wemee:    還有Hollywood Tonight11F 11/29 15:28
CCPenis: 喬丹明明打籃球的12F 11/29 15:28
Hooz: 嘎 嘎 比利珍 ~13F 11/29 15:28
linfon00: smooth criminal14F 11/29 15:29
wemee:    Annie are you okie~15F 11/29 15:29
Krishna: 比利珍無誤16F 11/29 15:29
Montgomery: Smooth criminal17F 11/29 15:29
laba5566: smooth criminal18F 11/29 15:29
kaoh810237: 一代真的好看 11代不好看 但好穿19F 11/29 15:29
stilu: 太多了吧20F 11/29 15:29
wemee:    to legit to quit21F 11/29 15:30
yuchianbu: 內山姑娘要出嫁22F 11/29 15:30
jasonliu0105: 認真講  最經典的應該還是 The Shot23F 11/29 15:30
jason0330: Bad24F 11/29 15:30
nevergone56: you are not alone25F 11/29 15:30
khst3man: 小城故事啊26F 11/29 15:30
obov: 逼勒27F 11/29 15:31
教主出沒 ob'_'ov

bullock: 都讚!dirty dinna !28F 11/29 15:32
nevergone56: dangerous29F 11/29 15:32
littlearmani: 安妮阿UOK 安妮阿UOK30F 11/29 15:33
impact999: Hold My Hand https://youtu.be/-oCCnxBos1031F 11/29 15:33
Michael Jackson - Hold My Hand Duet ft. Akon - YouTube
Music video by Michael Jackson Duet with Akon performing Hold My Hand. (C) 2010 Optimum Productions

ubike5566: 灌籃那首吧32F 11/29 15:33
※ 編輯: mintQ (, 11/29/2016 15:33:49
BrandyEye: 空中拉三竿那首33F 11/29 15:36
Baumgartner: 要看有沒有搭MV 若歌舞一起看是smooth criminal34F 11/29 15:38
idgas: Who's lovin you35F 11/29 15:38
top068: Billie Jean36F 11/29 15:39
sellgd: Thriller吧 也是最經典的舞37F 11/29 15:39
e90635: P.Y.T38F 11/29 15:39
Rusty2684: Dangerous39F 11/29 15:40
Baumgartner: 小時候看MV  45度角一出驚為天人 震撼小朋友心靈40F 11/29 15:40
proxil: you are not alone41F 11/29 15:40
Bacteria412: smooth+142F 11/29 15:42
BF109Pilot: 施文彬誰是老大43F 11/29 15:42
poloo9: 誰?44F 11/29 15:43
frankloue: https://youtu.be/ujDSiL600nc 這首讚45F 11/29 15:45
Michael Jackson - Human Nature (Live At Wembley July 16, 1988) - YouTube Performance of Human Nature from Wembley Concert on July 16, 1988. This particular concert took place on July 16, 1988, at Wembley Stadium in Wembley, London...

christu: they don't care about us46F 11/29 15:45
s88813: 當然是 thriller阿47F 11/29 15:47
IO8OP: Billie Jean派的站出來48F 11/29 15:51
TWdxfan: Billie Jean49F 11/29 15:54
kducky: Billie jean50F 11/29 15:58
RUYAO: Billie Jean  算是美國母★嗎?51F 11/29 15:59
fakerrr: 我記得之前不是有一篇拿小賈跟MJ比的嗎52F 11/29 16:05
dean1990: smooth criminal53F 11/29 16:15
bomin0624: 當然是billy jean 月球漫步太震撼了54F 11/29 16:16
bomin0624: billie
figgy: 太多啦!!!56F 11/29 16:23
spinlol: 油內褲57F 11/29 16:27
AJS: billie jean58F 11/29 16:28
CelicaGT: 比利珍,每次聽MJ的專輯第一首一定先聽這首59F 11/29 16:33
YaLingYin: billie jean+smooth criminal60F 11/29 16:33
YaLingYin: they dont really care about us 也不錯
gaddafi: You Are Not Alone62F 11/29 16:36
ePaper: 屄哩~63F 11/29 16:41
x0003: 硬了~ 硬了~ 硬了~ 硬了~64F 11/29 16:52
aq200aq: Anne are you ok65F 11/29 17:11
derekg8: 最近推我難過的人愈來愈少了我難過66F 11/29 17:18
dyolf: Billie Jean 真的好聽67F 11/29 17:49
Yan5566: 拿下第六座冠軍的時候 真的感動68F 11/29 17:58
mcho1831: Man In The Mirror69F 11/29 18:09
ZOTA15: Man In The Mirror70F 11/29 18:40
jajoy: 比利珍71F 11/29 18:47
balcony5566: you are not alone72F 11/29 19:05
cul287: Billie Jean73F 11/29 20:07
fransice7: Billie Jean74F 11/29 20:20
antigidu: 搜尋  麥克跳大悲咒75F 11/29 20:21
clockwise: 比莉珍 https://youtu.be/DeVqllxhoe876F 11/29 20:53
Michael Jackson "Billie Jean" - Live in Bucharest 1992 (HD) - YouTube Dear Viewers, The video shows my friend Michael Joseph Jackson performing "Billie Jean" at the Dangerous Tour : Live in Bucharest in 1992. Michael told me th...

clockwise: 安妮你還好嗎  https://youtu.be/f58Hg5jtjAM77F 11/29 20:58
Michael Jackson- Smooth Criminal (HD 1080p BluRay Official Version) - YouTube Song: Smooth Criminal (Official Release) Singer: Michael Jackson Quality: HD 1080p BluRay Official Version for wide screen

clockwise: 黑或白 https://youtu.be/pTFE8cirkdQ78F 11/29 21:02
Michael Jackson - Black or White (Official Video) - YouTube
Michael Jackson's "Black Or White" was the first of nine short films from 1991's Dangerous. Directed by John Landis, "Black Or White" features groundbreaking...

clockwise: 筆咧 https://youtu.be/oRdxUFDoQe079F 11/29 21:06
Michael Jackson - Beat It (Digitally Restored Version) - YouTube Music video by Michael Jackson performing Beat It. © 1982 MJJ Productions Inc.

clockwise: 壞  https://youtu.be/dsUXAEzaC3Q80F 11/29 21:09
Michael Jackson - Bad - YouTube
For the first short film for one of five consecutive record-breaking No. 1 hits from Bad, Michael Jackson and director Martin Scorsese created an epic 18-min...

clockwise: 戰慄 https://youtu.be/sOnqjkJTMaA81F 11/29 21:13
Michael Jackson - Thriller - YouTube
Music video by Michael Jackson performing Thriller. (C) 1982 MJJ Productions Inc. #VEVOCertified on October 29, 2010.  

clockwise: 鏡中人 https://youtu.be/PivWY9wn5ps82F 11/29 21:16
Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror - YouTube
In keeping with the lyrical message of "Man in the Mirror," which was strongly identified with Michael Jackson and reflective of his own philosophies, the sh...

ALOVET: heal the world83F 11/29 21:17
clockwise: 他們不在乎我們 https://youtu.be/t1pqi8vjTLY84F 11/29 21:19
Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us (Prison Version) - YouTube Music video by Michael Jackson performing They Don't Care About Us (Prison Version) (Michael Jackson's Vision). (C) 2010 MJJ Productions, Inc.

clockwise: 骯髒戴安娜 https://youtu.be/yUi_S6YWjZw85F 11/29 21:21
Michael Jackson - Dirty Diana - YouTube
Michael Jackson's "Dirty Diana" short film captured the high-intensity live experience of one of his concerts, complete with a guitar solo from guitarist Ste...

clockwise: 危險 https://youtu.be/F48ABwmQVVk86F 11/29 21:23
Michael Jackson & Friends Live in München 1999 Dangerous - YouTube Am 27. Juni 1999 bot Michael Jackson im Münchner Olympiastadion ein musikalisches Riesenprogramm zugunsten der Kriegskinder im Kosovo mit What More Can I Giv...

clockwise: 說真的,太多了,隨便一列就落落長87F 11/29 21:27

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1347 
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