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作者 標題 [爆卦] 有沒有冰淇淋店照片跟國外87%像的八卦?
時間 Fri Dec 9 13:43:32 2016
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原始照片連結出處 symbiotics
原始照片連結出處Like Mother, Like Daughter - Food
No Churn Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream - LMLDFood
This No Churn Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream is so easy to make for a delicious chocolate ice cream full of peanut butter and peanut butter cup ...
原始照片連結出處Pastry Affair
Pastry Affair | Chocolate Salted Almond Ice Cream
The end of the school year has always signified the beginning of summer to me. When I was younger, the school bell ringing for the final time was the ...
The end of the school year has always signified the beginning of summer to me. When I was younger, the school bell ringing for the final time was the ...
原始照片連結出處the kitchen mccabe
Passion Fruit Vanilla Bean Cheesecake Ice Cream - The Kitchen McCabe
This Passion Fruit Vanilla Bean Cheesecake Ice Cream combines creamy, rich cheesecake ice cream with a passion fruit swirl and chunks of shortbread co ...
原始照片連結出處how sweet eats
原始照片連結出處 diethood
Vanilla Caramel Gelato Recipe | Diethood
Vanilla Caramel Gelato: Creamy, cold, sweet and delicious, this Gelato recipe is the perfect Summer treat! ...
原始照片連結出處 a cozy kitchen
Roasted Plum Ice Cream
This Roasted Plum Ice Cream is beautifully-hued ice cream that was perfectly tart and perfectly sweet. ...
原始照片連結出處 broma bakery
No Churn Coffee Oreo Ice Cream - Broma Bakery
So creamy and delicious, it's almost too good to be true: less than 10 minutes and it's into the freezer for this stellar Coffee Oreo Ice Cream. ...
原始照片連結出處 the kitchn
Meet Your New Favorite Ice Cream: Lavender with Chocolate-Tahini Bits — Delicious Links | The Kitchn
If you're lucky enough to own an ice cream maker, summer is the perfect time to turn your kitchen into your own personal ice cream lab. You have the t ...
原始照片連結出處 super nummy
Fudgiest Chocolate Ice Cream | Super Nummy
Extraordinarily fudgy ice cream that ...
Extraordinarily fudgy ice cream that ...
原始照片連結出處 minimalistbaker
Salted Caramel Coconut Ice Cream | Minimalist Baker Recipes
Simple, 7 ingredient Coconut Ice Cream with a luxurious, sea salt date-caramel swirl. This ice cream is thick and custard-like, perfectly sweet and so ...
原始照片連結出處 nourishedkitchen
Milk, Pasteurized milk and Raw milk on Pinterest
10 Reasons to Drink Raw Milk - Reason #1: Raw Milk is a Living Food, Reason #2: Raw Milk is rich in beneficial bacteria, Reason #3: Raw Milk is rich i ...
10 Reasons to Drink Raw Milk - Reason #1: Raw Milk is a Living Food, Reason #2: Raw Milk is rich in beneficial bacteria, Reason #3: Raw Milk is rich i ...
原始照片連結出處love and olive oil
Aztec Chocolate Caramel Ice Cream | Love and Olive Oil
What is there to say about this ice cream? It's all gone, I'll tell you that much. Need I say more? Considering this is my 3rd batch of ice cream this ...
原始照片連結出處Like Mother, Like Daughter – Food
Caramel pecan, Salted caramels and Pecans on Pinterest
This Salted Caramel Pecan Ice Cream has a salted caramel custard base, swirled with salted caramel swirls and full of crunchy toasted pecans! ...
This Salted Caramel Pecan Ice Cream has a salted caramel custard base, swirled with salted caramel swirls and full of crunchy toasted pecans! ...
原始照片連結出處Like Mother, Like Daughter – Food
Orange and basil sorbet recipe - olive
The addition of basil rounds out the orange flavour in this family favourite sorbet. With just 3 ingredients it couldn't be simpler, and there� ...
原始照片連結出處 olivemagazine
Orange and basil sorbet recipe - olive
The addition of basil rounds out the orange flavour in this family favourite sorbet. With just 3 ingredients it couldn't be simpler, and there� ...
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推 : 你知道的太多了1F 12/09 13:45
推 : 所以哪間啊2F 12/09 13:46
→ : 所以是哪家阿?3F 12/09 13:46
推 : 跟跑步游泳是一樣滴4F 12/09 13:46
推 : 這不只87%像了5F 12/09 13:46
推 : 止兀開的?6F 12/09 13:46
噓 : 要爆料就不要遮店名7F 12/09 13:47
推 : 99.87%像8F 12/09 13:47
推 : 最後一張FB說柿子口味,可是國外卻是芒果口味9F 12/09 13:47
推 : nice什麼???10F 12/09 13:47
推 : 出局!Out11F 12/09 13:47
推 : 哪家 有卦給推12F 12/09 13:47
→ : 這還真奇妙13F 12/09 13:47
→ : 抄好抄滿14F 12/09 13:47
推 : 這我一定吉15F 12/09 13:48
→ : 所以他真的有賣這些冰淇淋嗎?還是圖片僅供參考16F 12/09 13:48
推 : 99.8717F 12/09 13:49
推 : 丟臉18F 12/09 13:50
推 : 有卦有推19F 12/09 13:50
推 : 真八卦20F 12/09 13:50
推 : 丟臉21F 12/09 13:51
推 : 角度問題啦22F 12/09 13:52
推 : 長得像芒果的柿子冰淇淋?w23F 12/09 13:53
推 : 有掛24F 12/09 13:54
→ : 爆料遮什麼店名啦25F 12/09 13:54
→ : cream26F 12/09 13:54
推 : 店名 nice cream27F 12/09 13:56
噓 : 建議去中國打官司28F 12/09 13:56
推 : 忠孝東路四段29F 12/09 13:57
→ : nice cxxxx30F 12/09 13:57
推 : 是學法國尼斯的FENOCCHIO冰淇淋嗎?31F 12/09 13:57
→ : 致敬 懂?32F 12/09 13:58
推 : 一些原圖都有浮水印,還被切掉XDDDD33F 12/09 13:59
噓 : 爆料不要遮店名34F 12/09 14:00
噓 : 本來就是外國的店啊35F 12/09 14:01
推 : 加盟店啊36F 12/09 14:03
噓 : 要遮就不要爆料37F 12/09 14:07
噓 : 沒店名嗎38F 12/09 14:15
推 : 看完只想吃點心...39F 12/09 14:16
推 : 高調40F 12/09 14:18
推 : 與他牌冰淇淋對照來做爲宣傳 小心保留法律追訴權喔41F 12/09 14:18
噓 : 遮個屁42F 12/09 14:27
推 : Nice Cream啦。遮太少了XD43F 12/09 14:28
噓 : 爆料還遮啥44F 12/09 14:38
推 : 有掛46F 12/09 14:59
推 : 太扯了47F 12/09 15:02
推 : 好強48F 12/09 15:07
推 : 有鄉民去留這篇的連結結果被刪惹49F 12/09 15:17
推 : 厲害,不如上傳到圖庫大家一起用吧50F 12/09 15:24
推 : 有掛有推51F 12/09 15:29
推 : 鄉民們!go52F 12/09 15:39
推 : 有掛有推53F 12/09 17:04
推 : 丟人現眼 還文創勒54F 12/09 17:27
推 : 高調55F 12/09 18:08
推 : 扯爆56F 12/09 19:21
推 : 冰店界的祭止兀57F 12/09 19:58
推 : 好用心的致敬58F 12/10 03:44
作者 mtvswqw11 的最新發文:
- 26F 9推
- 60F 16推
- 這其中一定有什麼誤會!? 為什麼某家冰淇淋店照片跟國外網站87%像!!! QR CODE為原始照片連結。 2016/09/11原始照片連結出處 2016/09/16 原始照片連結出處 symbioti …58F 42推 8噓
( ̄︶ ̄)b klin1 說讚!
2樓 時間: 2016-12-11 14:04:05 (台灣)
12-11 14:04 TW