隱藏 ✕
※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-03-24 19:15:50
看板 Gossiping
作者 starahsu (既不回頭何必不忘)
標題 Re: [問卦] 自動發p幣程式
時間 Fri Mar 24 14:11:55 2017




[推薦] 自動快速發P幣給多人程式 - 看板 EZsoft - 批踢踢實業坊
自動發P幣程式大改版啦! 最新版本: 2.00 coming soon~ (等做完最後調校後再放上來)  新增功能:






每2樓發5P 發到500樓


※ 引述《starahsu (既不回頭何必不忘)》之銘言:
: 大家好
: 小弟的發錢程式有新版本惹
: http://i.imgur.com/PPK1Mmk.jpg
: 新增兩個功能
: 1. 重覆ID的跳過規則有三種可以選
: 2. 紅包袋文字可以選顏色
: https://goo.gl/E7zfTo
[推薦] 自動快速發P幣給多人程式 - 看板 EZsoft - 批踢踢實業坊
自動發P幣程式大改版啦! 最新版本: 2.00 coming soon~ (等做完最後調校後再放上來)  新增功能:
: 照慣例發錢
: 每10樓100P 重覆ID順延下一樓 發到爆
: 感謝
: ※ 引述《starahsu (既不回頭何必不忘)》之銘言:
: : 小弟總合大家的意見
: : 最後決定做成要發100P以上才能修改紅包袋
: : 並且只能寫一行最多30字,不可有超連結
: : 先看大家使用的情況
: : 下載連結:
: : https://goo.gl/E7zfTo
[推薦] 自動快速發P幣給多人程式 - 看板 EZsoft - 批踢踢實業坊
自動發P幣程式大改版啦! 最新版本: 2.00 coming soon~ (等做完最後調校後再放上來)  新增功能:
: : 照慣例發錢
: : 每10樓100P 發到爆
: : 感謝

   . .   .˙ ..  .  . ::  ::.  . ∴:::: :::::::˙    .     . .  ∴  
  .      .           ::::     .::::::     ::::   .       .  :::  .∴ . :
::   .          ※ ::   :: . ::. ※:__ \ \  █ :   .  .         ※  . ::. ◢█
██◣. .  .           ※  :: ::  . █\ \  █   ˙..     . ::  ◢██
███ :   ∴  ∴       .   :※: .▏▏ \ \ █   ▕∴     .  . :◢███
████  :             ::. .  ◥_        ▕  ˍ  .   . ∴.███▅▇

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OrBYljw (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1490335919.A.B7A.html
Comebuy: 11F 03/24 14:12
bupup: 推2F 03/24 14:12
formatted: 嗯哼3F 03/24 14:12
formatted: 推4F 03/24 14:12
Yaask: ??5F 03/24 14:12
xup6y3ru04: 推6F 03/24 14:12
ComeThrough: 2227F 03/24 14:12
s9414h: 推8F 03/24 14:12
followwar: test9F 03/24 14:12
LianD: 5p 積少成多10F 03/24 14:12
chemer: 推11F 03/24 14:12
bananaaa: 推12F 03/24 14:12
Lumia625: XDDDD 5P13F 03/24 14:12
frank355571: 0.014F 03/24 14:12
Mesenne:15F 03/24 14:12
plcya: ????16F 03/24 14:12
zkc: 給箭頭17F 03/24 14:12
hik1015: 推18F 03/24 14:12


jimybbsxe: 推19F 03/24 14:12
jan58912: 0.020F 03/24 14:13
frank355571: ++++++++21F 03/24 14:13
Mesenne:22F 03/24 14:13
xEclipse: 推23F 03/24 14:13
chemer: 推24F 03/24 14:13
z09211290: 加減拿25F 03/24 14:13
yoyodiy: 掰26F 03/24 14:13
yvmi: 推27F 03/24 14:13
lifestyle101: ya28F 03/24 14:13
plcya: XDDDD29F 03/24 14:13

frank355571: 0.0+30F 03/24 14:13
Isveia: 試試看31F 03/24 14:13
clark2644: 好32F 03/24 14:13

abc0922001: 我要錢33F 03/24 14:13
dianalf: Ok34F 03/24 14:13
frank355571: ++35F 03/24 14:13

yenkin: 推36F 03/24 14:13
plcya: xD37F 03/24 14:13
tkc7: 加減拿38F 03/24 14:13
SellCall: TT39F 03/24 14:13
silly03: 推40F 03/24 14:13
yukiyuki28: 推41F 03/24 14:13
xup6tp6u4: 推42F 03/24 14:13
Tarlach: 推43F 03/24 14:13
aswq17558:44F 03/24 14:13
christu: 推45F 03/24 14:13
asd14526: 推46F 03/24 14:13
kyumin: 我47F 03/24 14:13
SellCall: 1D48F 03/24 14:13
Lycoris1290: 推49F 03/24 14:13
a1551: 推50F 03/24 14:13
burma: 錢51F 03/24 14:13
cdrgv: 來52F 03/24 14:13

ainni: 推53F 03/24 14:13


yjlee0829: 500樓耶 試試54F 03/24 14:13
p8020444: 推55F 03/24 14:13
auowentai: 推56F 03/24 14:13
s06076276: 推57F 03/24 14:13
plcya: XD58F 03/24 14:13
SellCall: +59F 03/24 14:13
HuoJung: 推60F 03/24 14:13
Tanakaki: 哈囉61F 03/24 14:13
s9245034: Push62F 03/24 14:13
miss32: 推63F 03/24 14:14
DistanceJD: 好64F 03/24 14:14
fissive: 推65F 03/24 14:14
leelydia: !66F 03/24 14:14
engineer1: 推67F 03/24 14:14
ko13796540: 推68F 03/24 14:14
kbty245: 錢69F 03/24 14:14
c902112: 推70F 03/24 14:14
Inland: 謝謝71F 03/24 14:14
sunnybody907: 錢??72F 03/24 14:14
s06076276: ya73F 03/24 14:14
ArchiLee0601: 推74F 03/24 14:14
kbty245: 錢75F 03/24 14:14
plcya: QQ76F 03/24 14:14
s06076276: yee77F 03/24 14:14
chooxs: 推78F 03/24 14:14
WCPang: 好79F 03/24 14:14
fragmentwing: 推80F 03/24 14:14
fissive: 發81F 03/24 14:14
aaa457001: 我82F 03/24 14:14
abc0922001: 乾 我是奇數樓,再推83F 03/24 14:14
HSGJR77: http://goo.gl/7Dt1lX84F 03/24 14:14
梁文音Wen Yin [寂寞之光] 官方完整 MV - YouTube
梁文音「漫情歌」 [數位專輯下載]  [線上音樂搶先聽] KKBOX  myMusic

chinnez: 推85F 03/24 14:14
kbty245: 錢86F 03/24 14:14
winlaba: 推87F 03/24 14:14
yuyoyp: 推88F 03/24 14:14
RainbowHeart: 推89F 03/24 14:14
iWatch2: WOW90F 03/24 14:14
plcya: QQ91F 03/24 14:14
kbty245: 錢92F 03/24 14:14
shan2420EE: 推93F 03/24 14:14
mmrhahaha: 11194F 03/24 14:14
maynightdado: +95F 03/24 14:14
chan531218: 推96F 03/24 14:14
qk56: 推97F 03/24 14:14
S780122: 感謝大大無私分享98F 03/24 14:14
cowba17: 推99F 03/24 14:14
orz1314: 推100F 03/24 14:14
denny3299: 推101F 03/24 14:14
tomlala123: 推102F 03/24 14:14
johnwu: 推103F 03/24 14:14
kbty245: 錢104F 03/24 14:14
cherish0105: 發發發105F 03/24 14:14
bubble7827: 推106F 03/24 14:14
auowentai: 多領多推107F 03/24 14:14
tinnerjoy: 0.0108F 03/24 14:14
lo890: push~109F 03/24 14:14
mine027204: 推110F 03/24 14:14
kbty245: 錢111F 03/24 14:14
fragmentwing: 快把姆咪程式幹掉112F 03/24 14:14
TWYorick: XD113F 03/24 14:14
jwy: 推114F 03/24 14:15
s870262: 領錢115F 03/24 14:15
dan5120: 推116F 03/24 14:15
adssltw0123: 錢117F 03/24 14:15
chinnez: 還沒爆118F 03/24 14:15
aaexist: 推119F 03/24 14:15
woogee: 推120F 03/24 14:15
vowpool: 來121F 03/24 14:15
kbty245: 錢122F 03/24 14:15
dustsstar79: 推123F 03/24 14:15
tamadick6842: 推124F 03/24 14:15
tsengks: 推125F 03/24 14:15
wenOWO: ㄊㄨㄟ126F 03/24 14:15
orz1314: 推推127F 03/24 14:15
mo0325117: 推啦128F 03/24 14:15
milk23as: 推129F 03/24 14:15
dameontree: 好130F 03/24 14:15
adssltw0123: 錢131F 03/24 14:15
woogee: 推132F 03/24 14:15
bzen9848: 推推133F 03/24 14:15
fissive: 再推134F 03/24 14:15
belas: 推135F 03/24 14:15
hades14: 推136F 03/24 14:15
bubble7827: 推137F 03/24 14:15
adssltw0123: 有錢啊138F 03/24 14:15
wood2012: 5p?139F 03/24 14:15
tkucuh: 我試試。140F 03/24 14:15
wenOWO: 推啦 一直打到注音141F 03/24 14:15
hurricane: 推142F 03/24 14:15
vivihk215: hi 謝謝143F 03/24 14:15
chemer: 發財囉144F 03/24 14:15
queenp: 推145F 03/24 14:15
ykyk: 好146F 03/24 14:15
gameboy0618: 推147F 03/24 14:15
winlaba: 再推148F 03/24 14:15
BombAsh: 推149F 03/24 14:15
adssltw0123: 推推推150F 03/24 14:15
daniel50506: 黑黑151F 03/24 14:15
soomla: 拿152F 03/24 14:15
sion1993: 好喔153F 03/24 14:15
theHum: ㄊㄘㄨㄟ154F 03/24 14:15
WhyThe: 推155F 03/24 14:15
adssltw0123: 錢錢><156F 03/24 14:15
ienari: 錢157F 03/24 14:15
kay00503: 推158F 03/24 14:15
tkucuh: 沒錢啊。159F 03/24 14:15
dustin79427: 拉拉160F 03/24 14:15
fissive: 一直奇數161F 03/24 14:15
pl20035: 推162F 03/24 14:15
ykyk: 積少成多163F 03/24 14:15
zxciop741: 推164F 03/24 14:15
axc2003: ya165F 03/24 14:15
h73o1012: ?166F 03/24 14:15
nadleeh: 推167F 03/24 14:15
linjin2: 試試168F 03/24 14:16
auowentai: 再推169F 03/24 14:16
ykyk: 給我170F 03/24 14:16
meowmii: 讚~171F 03/24 14:16
x526542012: 推172F 03/24 14:16
winerya: 測試173F 03/24 14:16
lilicoco33: 好自動化174F 03/24 14:16
AK56: 嗯嗯175F 03/24 14:16
e347331: 推176F 03/24 14:16
asd3600120: 推177F 03/24 14:16
AtsuHiro: 推178F 03/24 14:16
dehors:179F 03/24 14:16
s58111158: Ppppp180F 03/24 14:16
abcccbbs: 樓下乞丐181F 03/24 14:16
nirvanalex: 推182F 03/24 14:16
puput: 好的183F 03/24 14:16
jkkkj123: 幫測試184F 03/24 14:16
alittlelight: 我185F 03/24 14:16
celephone: 乞丐的霸主是什麼 還是乞丐(伸187F 03/24 14:16
nakanokana: 推188F 03/24 14:16
OldDaiDai: 喝189F 03/24 14:16
kukki403: 推190F 03/24 14:16
Honkuo: 推191F 03/24 14:16
z80520xx: 好我來192F 03/24 14:16
bogi15058: push193F 03/24 14:16
v810801: 推194F 03/24 14:16
inmore: TEST195F 03/24 14:16
Noopsfilm: 哇196F 03/24 14:16
a0187307: 推197F 03/24 14:16
azer7890: 00.00198F 03/24 14:16
e8795623: 推199F 03/24 14:16
scxKinsey: http://i.memeful.com/media/post/jRLkX4M_700wa_0.gif200F 03/24 14:16
chemer: 希望測試成功201F 03/24 14:16
yashunBlair: 推202F 03/24 14:16
b10304109: 嗚妞203F 03/24 14:16
james114: 你們這些臭乞丐204F 03/24 14:16
ant752752: 推205F 03/24 14:16
adssltw0123: 錢錢耶206F 03/24 14:16
tyrande: 推喔207F 03/24 14:16
wibe: ㄎㄎ208F 03/24 14:16
KydoiMos: 推209F 03/24 14:17
alex640107: 推推210F 03/24 14:17
tatata: 幫211F 03/24 14:17
jejo: 嗯212F 03/24 14:17
gwabauoo: 好的213F 03/24 14:17
BANAGHER: 謝謝214F 03/24 14:17
smartcatcher: 推215F 03/24 14:17
adssltw0123: 我要錢錢216F 03/24 14:17
CandyIsALie: 推217F 03/24 14:17
jim543000: 啥?218F 03/24 14:17
wilsonn: 推!219F 03/24 14:17
DreamHssH: here220F 03/24 14:17
myloso: 推221F 03/24 14:17
pkd20: test222F 03/24 14:17
saike0424: ok223F 03/24 14:17
icem: 幫測試224F 03/24 14:17
damasci: 推225F 03/24 14:17
jordan1227: PUSH226F 03/24 14:17
xulei: 廢227F 03/24 14:17
KeyboardPro: 我我我228F 03/24 14:17
dsa3717: 幫測試229F 03/24 14:17
DARSA: PUSH230F 03/24 14:17
Albert723: +1231F 03/24 14:17
dehors: 沒收到232F 03/24 14:17
auowentai: 我好缺錢啊233F 03/24 14:17
alqnop: 測試234F 03/24 14:17
angelmugi: 推235F 03/24 14:17
mytoychiu: 推236F 03/24 14:17
gh29903260: 推237F 03/24 14:17
doritos88: 哈238F 03/24 14:17
arcanite: ++239F 03/24 14:17
anthony13015: 推240F 03/24 14:17
momentpeace: 推241F 03/24 14:17
KeyboardPro: 我我我242F 03/24 14:17
rexy: push243F 03/24 14:17
Daiwa: Ok244F 03/24 14:17
cth0204: OK245F 03/24 14:17
toyeee: test246F 03/24 14:17
NEWSTAY: 測試什麼功能247F 03/24 14:17
TyrantTex: 推248F 03/24 14:17
jgkd: 推249F 03/24 14:17
a0814a1216: 推250F 03/24 14:17
brownstone: 推推推251F 03/24 14:17
CandyIsALie: 推推推252F 03/24 14:17
m5566660: 推253F 03/24 14:17
PGCHAI: 推254F 03/24 14:17
DCBS: 來255F 03/24 14:17
KeyboardPro: 還沒500吧?256F 03/24 14:17
onesadman: [朕知道了257F 03/24 14:17
adssltw0123: 有錢錢258F 03/24 14:17
blueash: 推259F 03/24 14:17
Rasin: OHHHHHH260F 03/24 14:17
NOKIA8888: 推261F 03/24 14:17
sevenny: 推推推262F 03/24 14:17
fiftydollar: 謝謝263F 03/24 14:17
abc210950: Push264F 03/24 14:17
love113w: 暗暗265F 03/24 14:17
jean5220: 推266F 03/24 14:17
tt748596: ㄊㄨㄟ267F 03/24 14:17
woggininder: 推268F 03/24 14:17
travaches: 推269F 03/24 14:17
auowentai: 推270F 03/24 14:17
narrenschiff: 有這種東西271F 03/24 14:17
m5566660: 推272F 03/24 14:17
aqrt66558: 5273F 03/24 14:18
adssltw0123: 錢錢啦讚讚274F 03/24 14:18
UccUccc: 推275F 03/24 14:18
sky936122: 推276F 03/24 14:18
iscl6: 推277F 03/24 14:18
gn02248596: 推278F 03/24 14:18
JimRayNa: 來279F 03/24 14:18
kobe9527: 還有嗎280F 03/24 14:18
DsLove710: 加減拿281F 03/24 14:18
Palanthas: 推282F 03/24 14:18
bruce1119: 推283F 03/24 14:18
zzs123344: 推284F 03/24 14:18
sofaly: TEST285F 03/24 14:18
Daley777: 推286F 03/24 14:18
brian0314: 推287F 03/24 14:18
NOKIA8888: 推288F 03/24 14:18
DCBS: 好289F 03/24 14:18
tung216: 推290F 03/24 14:18
KeyboardPro: 再來一發291F 03/24 14:18
cholly90512: 推292F 03/24 14:18
mike42: k293F 03/24 14:18
Nitration: 推294F 03/24 14:18
qqq771015: 推295F 03/24 14:18
vinex518: 好296F 03/24 14:18
ARREYU: 推~297F 03/24 14:18
tkucuh: 有人有收到嗎?298F 03/24 14:18
ac79631: ?299F 03/24 14:18
f544544f: 推300F 03/24 14:18
yosuka: 喵301F 03/24 14:18
vjkru: 推推302F 03/24 14:18
pony666: 喔喔喔喔303F 03/24 14:18
KeyboardPro: 機器人快給我錢304F 03/24 14:18
hsk847: 6666305F 03/24 14:18
comp6118: 推306F 03/24 14:18
j9517823: 測 都測307F 03/24 14:18
fugitive24: 推308F 03/24 14:18
dennis1203: 推309F 03/24 14:18
macauboy: 雨八310F 03/24 14:18
vass0819: 給我錢311F 03/24 14:18
trainfriend: 推312F 03/24 14:18
redmool: 好313F 03/24 14:18
DCBS: 再來314F 03/24 14:18
paternchag: 測315F 03/24 14:18
ayasesayuki: 啥功能316F 03/24 14:18
chemer: 推 就是要錢317F 03/24 14:18
l0215e: 推318F 03/24 14:18
PlayPtt: 推319F 03/24 14:18
isaactw: 推推!320F 03/24 14:18
KeyboardPro: 喵321F 03/24 14:18
patrick0172: 推322F 03/24 14:18
unloli: 試試看323F 03/24 14:18
shuwei12: 推324F 03/24 14:18
SuWeiLin:325F 03/24 14:18
cul287: 推326F 03/24 14:18
nawabonga: P幣炒作327F 03/24 14:18
asb123: 推328F 03/24 14:18
pixiv: 推329F 03/24 14:18
fanif: 推330F 03/24 14:18
JudgmentLin: 推331F 03/24 14:18
hsk847: 推332F 03/24 14:18
adssltw0123: 老師 我要錢錢333F 03/24 14:18
Honorguard: 推334F 03/24 14:18
※ 編輯: starahsu (, 03/24/2017 14:18:58
linta06: 推335F 03/24 14:18
newzero5566: 推336F 03/24 14:19
p402m1: 推337F 03/24 14:19
pttkiller: 推338F 03/24 14:19
※ 編輯: starahsu (, 03/24/2017 14:19:15
alex94539: 好339F 03/24 14:19
l00011799z: 推340F 03/24 14:19
xiexieni9527: 推341F 03/24 14:19
shirou123: 推342F 03/24 14:19
joyclerk: 推343F 03/24 14:19
reticentcrow: 推344F 03/24 14:19
james7890: 錢345F 03/24 14:19
a80070: 推346F 03/24 14:19
ken812025: TEST~347F 03/24 14:19
chemer: 奇數沒有喔348F 03/24 14:19
vjkru: 推~349F 03/24 14:19
adssltw0123: Cd中補推350F 03/24 14:19
cw22: ㄏㄠㄛ351F 03/24 14:19
sausage3025: 5352F 03/24 14:19
xm3u42k6: 推353F 03/24 14:19
auowentai: 推354F 03/24 14:19
fit52122: Push355F 03/24 14:19
dehors: 推好幾次惹 都沒有356F 03/24 14:19
slashliu: 多357F 03/24 14:19
k800606: 推358F 03/24 14:19
※ 編輯: starahsu (, 03/24/2017 14:21:33
a96316: 推359F 03/24 14:19
kindredd: 推360F 03/24 14:19
ripmelo: 推361F 03/24 14:19
funkD: TEST362F 03/24 14:20
sowgotoHELL: 推363F 03/24 14:20
ApAzusa126: ok364F 03/24 14:20
ekin1983: 測試365F 03/24 14:20
jacky9185: 推366F 03/24 14:20
chemer: 再推啊367F 03/24 14:20
dan1196: 推368F 03/24 14:20
bunbunblue: 推369F 03/24 14:20
new45123: 來了370F 03/24 14:20
vjkru: 推371F 03/24 14:20
sinars: 來372F 03/24 14:20
Lichtseme: 好373F 03/24 14:20
cysh0621: 我374F 03/24 14:20
ulycess: 偶想要跟千反田真琴炮姊卡邦醬玩5P375F 03/24 14:20
mkokcok: 推376F 03/24 14:20
auowentai: 推377F 03/24 14:20
hamubochen: 推378F 03/24 14:20
PlayPtt: 偶數379F 03/24 14:20
jkkert: 推380F 03/24 14:20
mikuo3939: ???381F 03/24 14:20
bug914: OK382F 03/24 14:20
vjkru: 推383F 03/24 14:20
allenbuggy: 來384F 03/24 14:20
hamubochen: 推385F 03/24 14:20
smst: 推386F 03/24 14:20
pttnowash: push387F 03/24 14:20
chemer: 推推388F 03/24 14:20
ks2384im: 推389F 03/24 14:20
fjuke: 推390F 03/24 14:20
cdefgh77: test391F 03/24 14:20
hirasawa: 讚392F 03/24 14:20
jack0216: 推393F 03/24 14:20
haha878: 推394F 03/24 14:20
hamubochen: 再來395F 03/24 14:20
icou: 紅的喜氣396F 03/24 14:20
ladder: 推397F 03/24 14:20
k66458971: 推398F 03/24 14:20
pttnowash: 到底有沒有呢399F 03/24 14:20
RickyRubio: 推400F 03/24 14:20
vjkru: 推401F 03/24 14:20
omc: ya402F 03/24 14:20
roc181814: 五百沒403F 03/24 14:20
YukiSiro: 推404F 03/24 14:20
stevenycw: 推405F 03/24 14:20
hamubochen: 繼續406F 03/24 14:21
j101412: 耶407F 03/24 14:21
ko13796540: 推408F 03/24 14:21
vjkru: 推409F 03/24 14:21
addison123: 推410F 03/24 14:21
auowentai: push 400了411F 03/24 14:21
ommgpqaz: 推!412F 03/24 14:21
ianpoint: 推413F 03/24 14:21
vvrr: 推推414F 03/24 14:21
jahfone: 推415F 03/24 14:21
puput: 推416F 03/24 14:21
waxigu: 來吧417F 03/24 14:21
ggyyd:418F 03/24 14:21
hamubochen: 推419F 03/24 14:21
LA24: 推420F 03/24 14:21
highyes: 兩P是發個毛喔421F 03/24 14:21
nlhs21211: 好422F 03/24 14:21
tsumara: 推423F 03/24 14:21
atmcola: TEST424F 03/24 14:21
s110126: try it425F 03/24 14:21
iHaLa5566: 推426F 03/24 14:21
legate: 推推427F 03/24 14:21
df123765: 1428F 03/24 14:21
initial13254: 推429F 03/24 14:21
HaHusky: 錢430F 03/24 14:21
tomlala123: 錢431F 03/24 14:21
j101412: 嘻嘻432F 03/24 14:21
auowentai: 推433F 03/24 14:21
wangjk812: 推434F 03/24 14:21
lika32: 推435F 03/24 14:21
ben75311357: 推436F 03/24 14:21
rex0707: ++437F 03/24 14:21
tikusa844: 推438F 03/24 14:21
boboboys: 推439F 03/24 14:21
raysun011081: ya440F 03/24 14:21
ja8256: 推441F 03/24 14:21
koko0988: 推442F 03/24 14:21
k782782000: 刺刺443F 03/24 14:21
blades: 安安444F 03/24 14:21
eeekkkkkk: 推推445F 03/24 14:21
chith: 好446F 03/24 14:21
willy5566: 感謝447F 03/24 14:21
billpig: 推448F 03/24 14:21
fvbcgn124578: 推449F 03/24 14:21
fu1vu03: 推450F 03/24 14:21
tw2000: 推451F 03/24 14:21
auowentai: 推452F 03/24 14:21
dnkofe: 推453F 03/24 14:21
df123765: 推454F 03/24 14:21
einejack: 推455F 03/24 14:21
ParTor: PP456F 03/24 14:21
gen0326: 推啦457F 03/24 14:21

※ 編輯: starahsu (, 03/24/2017 14:22:09
forever1020: 推458F 03/24 14:21
tikusa844: 安安459F 03/24 14:21
chemer: push460F 03/24 14:21
umenosola: 推461F 03/24 14:21
Mars1229: 推462F 03/24 14:21
jimzx0147: 好463F 03/24 14:21
amama9527: 推464F 03/24 14:21
stevenycw: 我465F 03/24 14:21
passersK: 推466F 03/24 14:21
Skyblueway: 推467F 03/24 14:22
kujirazzzzz: 來468F 03/24 14:22
KazaSou: 錢錢469F 03/24 14:22
chemer: 推470F 03/24 14:22
karta1119371: 推471F 03/24 14:22
Xinzey: 台472F 03/24 14:22
twinklestar: 推473F 03/24 14:22
auowentai: 推474F 03/24 14:22
JCSwifty13: 推475F 03/24 14:22
bigtien6292: 恩恩476F 03/24 14:22
windmin: 推477F 03/24 14:22
qazxc1156892: 推478F 03/24 14:22
chou6099: Push479F 03/24 14:22
stevenycw: 我要480F 03/24 14:22
devilbrave: 推481F 03/24 14:22
diau9527: 推推482F 03/24 14:22
sanyu1010: ㄤㄤ483F 03/24 14:22
nueer: 推484F 03/24 14:22
passersK: 在來485F 03/24 14:22
auowentai: 推486F 03/24 14:22
dkchronos: 500487F 03/24 14:22
flame706418: ~~488F 03/24 14:22
chemer: 推489F 03/24 14:22
rodrick88: 卡490F 03/24 14:22
ohmygod0715: 123491F 03/24 14:22
JingmeiSta: 推492F 03/24 14:22
candy40189: 推493F 03/24 14:22
kirstencheng: 推494F 03/24 14:22
zxc321asd: 推推495F 03/24 14:22
leo0873: 推推推496F 03/24 14:22
auowentai: 500497F 03/24 14:22
JLiang: 推498F 03/24 14:22
summer217: 推499F 03/24 14:22
simon7330: 推推500F 03/24 14:23


yehon860708: 嗯哼501F 03/24 14:23
dannyabc123: 錢502F 03/24 14:23
joanchase7: 推503F 03/24 14:23
smectic: 推504F 03/24 14:23
armedlove: 摳摳505F 03/24 14:23
kevin8256: 推506F 03/24 14:23
Faulco: !!!!!!!507F 03/24 14:23
vingson: 加減收508F 03/24 14:23
angienu: 推509F 03/24 14:23
※ 編輯: starahsu (, 03/24/2017 14:23:36
chemer: 推510F 03/24 14:23
thisis0207: 推511F 03/24 14:23
system32: 推512F 03/24 14:23
kumicky: 推513F 03/24 14:23
ggqtc5019: 好514F 03/24 14:23
husefox: 推515F 03/24 14:23
auowentai: 推516F 03/24 14:23
motorla11: 推517F 03/24 14:23
ppo7741: 推518F 03/24 14:23
eronine: 推519F 03/24 14:23
spicyway: 5p....520F 03/24 14:23
wendyruwei: 錢521F 03/24 14:23
MrAIR: 推?有份嗎?522F 03/24 14:23
neptuns: 推啦523F 03/24 14:23
SHORTRED: 推524F 03/24 14:23
ppo7741: 好525F 03/24 14:23
qtest: 推526F 03/24 14:23
TUTOTO: 77777777777777527F 03/24 14:23
dbdudsorj: 推528F 03/24 14:23
dogmodogmo: TEST529F 03/24 14:23
ppo7741: 我也要5p530F 03/24 14:23
saber10086: 推531F 03/24 14:23
geniushowie: 我也要532F 03/24 14:23
sheetingyi: ya533F 03/24 14:23
ygv951: 推534F 03/24 14:24
liu5875: 推535F 03/24 14:24
dbdudsorj: 這樣536F 03/24 14:24
stevenlfn: 推537F 03/24 14:24
wolver: 好像很有趣538F 03/24 14:24
mahaha2309: Push539F 03/24 14:24
leolkkcs8251: 推540F 03/24 14:24
pupuputtt: 推541F 03/24 14:24
auowentai: 推啦542F 03/24 14:24
dbdudsorj: YA543F 03/24 14:24
impnf: 給你試544F 03/24 14:24
southpeace: 好吧 推545F 03/24 14:24
neptuns: 推過換噓546F 03/24 14:24
a032100: 推 ya547F 03/24 14:24
e7660239: 123548F 03/24 14:24
dbdudsorj: YES!!549F 03/24 14:24
champhon: 推550F 03/24 14:24
lovemeandyou: 推喔551F 03/24 14:24
leolkkcs8251: 推552F 03/24 14:24
dbdudsorj: 456553F 03/24 14:24
chen06540654: 推554F 03/24 14:24
TimmyDD: 來了555F 03/24 14:24
Gwdz: Qq556F 03/24 14:24
blueskymaple: 好喔557F 03/24 14:24
kkoam: 給錢558F 03/24 14:24
leolkkcs8251: 推559F 03/24 14:24
fan187: 推560F 03/24 14:24
leolkkcs8251: 推561F 03/24 14:25
ccq1: 推562F 03/24 14:25
kenndy: 推563F 03/24 14:25
Crazyfire: 推 錢564F 03/24 14:25
weeklyquiz: 錢!565F 03/24 14:25
ppxabcxqq: 推566F 03/24 14:25
zone0317: 好喔567F 03/24 14:25
sunly3: 推568F 03/24 14:25
osp0179: 推569F 03/24 14:25
deniro: 222570F 03/24 14:25
arlismall5: 推571F 03/24 14:25
ALDNOAH5566: 推572F 03/24 14:25
CIIIO: hi573F 03/24 14:25
maxbob: 推574F 03/24 14:25
imbatman: 推575F 03/24 14:25
leolkkcs8251: 謝576F 03/24 14:25
samualjoey: 推577F 03/24 14:25
cheng399: 推578F 03/24 14:25
welderlin: 推579F 03/24 14:25
leolkkcs8251: 謝580F 03/24 14:25
uplyl: 推581F 03/24 14:25
m2a2r2k2: 推582F 03/24 14:25
eiiro: 推583F 03/24 14:25
jungle0712: 推584F 03/24 14:25
leolkkcs8251: hi585F 03/24 14:25
wesiy: 帥586F 03/24 14:25
vin62516251: 幫測587F 03/24 14:25
smallbrother: 幫測XD588F 03/24 14:25
j8109290: 推589F 03/24 14:25
tvv: 感恩590F 03/24 14:26
nyy24cano: 推591F 03/24 14:26
magio2211: 推592F 03/24 14:26
PierYu2151: 耶593F 03/24 14:26
iiisunny: 推~~~594F 03/24 14:26
gonego: test595F 03/24 14:26
G888888: 助人為快樂之本596F 03/24 14:26
yuusan: 喔?597F 03/24 14:26
maken310: 推598F 03/24 14:26
LeoYuri: 推599F 03/24 14:26
Mews: MONEY600F 03/24 14:26
haluka466: Ya601F 03/24 14:26
darkensky: 推602F 03/24 14:26
Kenc5: 推603F 03/24 14:26
leolkkcs8251: wwww604F 03/24 14:26
ultrareg: 推605F 03/24 14:26
ive60013: 推606F 03/24 14:26
iiisunny: 再來一次607F 03/24 14:26
alp945: 500= =??608F 03/24 14:26
Mews: 錢609F 03/24 14:26
goodheartman: 推610F 03/24 14:26
Mews: 錢611F 03/24 14:26
F12: 推612F 03/24 14:27
ggchioinder: 好613F 03/24 14:27
angel30632: 推~614F 03/24 14:27
novstock: 推615F 03/24 14:27
yash: 推616F 03/24 14:27
he00589298: 來吧617F 03/24 14:27
krod60021: 推618F 03/24 14:27
abc39398: 來619F 03/24 14:27
wilson31507: 推620F 03/24 14:27
neofish: 謝621F 03/24 14:27
chandlerchen: 推622F 03/24 14:27
fredkloi100: 嗨嗨623F 03/24 14:27
forgetcan: 推624F 03/24 14:27
Wilkie: 鄉民真好操弄625F 03/24 14:27
MartianDT: $$$626F 03/24 14:27
yujin28: 發發627F 03/24 14:27
youtobe: 推628F 03/24 14:27
andysamlee: 你好629F 03/24 14:28
nofu123: 推630F 03/24 14:28
gsade: 推631F 03/24 14:28
Deutschll: 我幫你測試 發我發我632F 03/24 14:28
soga0309: .633F 03/24 14:28
micro6902: 推634F 03/24 14:28
iamjust150: 推635F 03/24 14:28
NAGI: 推636F 03/24 14:28
apple210238: 真假637F 03/24 14:28
sion1993: 500了嗎?638F 03/24 14:28
twim1368: 推639F 03/24 14:28
a1bf004155: 推推640F 03/24 14:28
ajo865: 推推641F 03/24 14:28
shorny: 推642F 03/24 14:28
koim: 推643F 03/24 14:28
hanas: 嗨嗨 還有嗎還有嗎644F 03/24 14:29
cheetahspeed: 推645F 03/24 14:29
money1992922: 推646F 03/24 14:29
aqlec: 3Q647F 03/24 14:29
yuhantsai: 推648F 03/24 14:29
g5978gyy: ??649F 03/24 14:29
chemer: 感恩,收到紅包好開心啊650F 03/24 14:29
jkl15261526: 推651F 03/24 14:29
evelynable: 推!!!652F 03/24 14:29
clothk: 推653F 03/24 14:29
catem: 推654F 03/24 14:29
v7q4: 推655F 03/24 14:29
neofish: 謝656F 03/24 14:29
ineedpeepee: 耶657F 03/24 14:29
ttQoQ: ok658F 03/24 14:29
zerorock000: 好啦謝謝+-659F 03/24 14:30
Imdream: 推660F 03/24 14:30
chenchafan: 推661F 03/24 14:30
nasuchan: 推662F 03/24 14:30
free120: 來663F 03/24 14:30
emperor: 推664F 03/24 14:30
bennyhuang97: 推665F 03/24 14:30
adgbw8728: 推666F 03/24 14:30
nofu2002: 推667F 03/24 14:30
alwaysOGC: 推~668F 03/24 14:30
Hunternine: 好669F 03/24 14:30
fixjo: 推670F 03/24 14:30
bennyhuang97: 補671F 03/24 14:30
ayasedd: 推672F 03/24 14:30
ALJAZEERA: 錢錢673F 03/24 14:30
alas: 推674F 03/24 14:30
lcy870522: 推675F 03/24 14:30
scarbywind: ..676F 03/24 14:30
theblack: 推677F 03/24 14:30
ar33ar33: 錢678F 03/24 14:30
shadowrobot: 推679F 03/24 14:30
touurtn: /r /n ^p680F 03/24 14:30
rosabella: 推681F 03/24 14:31
cindy5doprp1: 推682F 03/24 14:31
x5937300: 推683F 03/24 14:31
biibiilight: 推684F 03/24 14:31
ogcxd: ㄎ685F 03/24 14:31
grantwei: 推686F 03/24 14:31
mono5566: 好687F 03/24 14:31
MillerPan: 測試688F 03/24 14:31
XECHS: 推689F 03/24 14:31
Taiwanotoko: 給錢..690F 03/24 14:31
qqww789a: 推691F 03/24 14:31
jan58912: 推692F 03/24 14:31
carky: 推693F 03/24 14:31
dkcljo: 科科694F 03/24 14:31
apperrla: 推695F 03/24 14:31
aaabbb111: ...696F 03/24 14:31
crazylin924: 2697F 03/24 14:31
mekiael: 推698F 03/24 14:31
s90366770607: 推699F 03/24 14:31
shoga: 推700F 03/24 14:31
poiuyli: 推701F 03/24 14:31
hahahasteven: 耶702F 03/24 14:31
ilikefish: 推703F 03/24 14:31
fgdf: push704F 03/24 14:31
syuan441: 推705F 03/24 14:31
kayashiba: push706F 03/24 14:32
physbook: 推707F 03/24 14:32
a9568756: 推!708F 03/24 14:32
swimming5445: 錢709F 03/24 14:32
metero0000: 錢錢710F 03/24 14:32
bg1526: 推711F 03/24 14:32
grantwei: 推712F 03/24 14:32
auowentai: 推,紅包收到手軟,再推713F 03/24 14:32
sam60513: +714F 03/24 14:32
bire: PUSH715F 03/24 14:32
freedomZ: 推716F 03/24 14:32
painechaos: 推717F 03/24 14:32
Ericdion: 試試718F 03/24 14:32
astrorice: ??719F 03/24 14:32
tzutzuyu: 推720F 03/24 14:32
PenguinLee: 推 謝謝721F 03/24 14:32
hung7242: 推722F 03/24 14:32
TSY000: 推723F 03/24 14:32
yehenchi: 推724F 03/24 14:32
slimebox: 推推725F 03/24 14:32
shiyobu: 發p幣文726F 03/24 14:32
sourhone: 推推推推727F 03/24 14:33
chrislove051: 厲害728F 03/24 14:33
NinaMoon: 來729F 03/24 14:33
ivan51405: 推730F 03/24 14:33
aaa80123: 推731F 03/24 14:33
spb330212: 推732F 03/24 14:33
troyxo: 推733F 03/24 14:33
J002: 推~734F 03/24 14:33
sean0212: 好735F 03/24 14:33
popo6307: 推736F 03/24 14:33
Melonx: 推737F 03/24 14:33
FlynnZhang: 錢738F 03/24 14:34
ptt8592: 推!739F 03/24 14:34
qwe555015: 推740F 03/24 14:34
f12312322: 推741F 03/24 14:34
notlE: ??742F 03/24 14:34
auowentai: 我快變有錢人了743F 03/24 14:34
foxymankind: 好744F 03/24 14:34
weixwei: 推推745F 03/24 14:34
stillnogf: 耶746F 03/24 14:34
billjoe: 2747F 03/24 14:34
j2618957333: 推748F 03/24 14:34
anuro: 推749F 03/24 14:34
lazyboy571: 耶750F 03/24 14:34
BalaBalaDaBa: 推751F 03/24 14:34
gvmlve: 推752F 03/24 14:34
ljay: 推753F 03/24 14:35
dehors: 收到了!!!大推 厲害754F 03/24 14:35
maggie90642: 推755F 03/24 14:35
kpkp3000: 推756F 03/24 14:35
goldenpickax: 推ㄍ757F 03/24 14:35
black810302: 推758F 03/24 14:35
cnuhandsome: 推759F 03/24 14:35
smile8167: 推760F 03/24 14:35
tony0501: 豪761F 03/24 14:35
BigDick56: 好762F 03/24 14:35
kennyk5928: 推763F 03/24 14:35
yamahablog91: 推764F 03/24 14:35
hahahahayou: 推765F 03/24 14:35
webberQOO: 來吧766F 03/24 14:35
robin90295: 推767F 03/24 14:35
lalawolala: 推768F 03/24 14:35
h44256: 拖769F 03/24 14:35
AHHHHHHH: 推770F 03/24 14:35
dogless: 推771F 03/24 14:35
sacredshino: 推772F 03/24 14:35
sea120424: 推773F 03/24 14:36
simpson083: 推774F 03/24 14:36
timh3316: 哦哦哦哦哦哦775F 03/24 14:36
wyvern7280: 推776F 03/24 14:36
bikevts: 唉喲,不錯喔777F 03/24 14:36
ch20: 推778F 03/24 14:36
Blue6: 推779F 03/24 14:36
kikiki37: 推780F 03/24 14:36
cold20922: 推781F 03/24 14:36
nihil0920: 推782F 03/24 14:36
whitehow: 這啥毀783F 03/24 14:36
dalipkid: 我也要啦784F 03/24 14:36
sea120424: 推785F 03/24 14:36
dsc450: 推啊786F 03/24 14:36
ji2my: 推787F 03/24 14:36
SupCat: 你以為我會推?788F 03/24 14:36
Nauglamir: Go!789F 03/24 14:36
j29980424: 推790F 03/24 14:36
sunnyer: 推791F 03/24 14:36
joe2joyce: 推792F 03/24 14:37
OgawaAsami: 1/2的機會793F 03/24 14:37
appletree: 推794F 03/24 14:37
hsiyafel: 推795F 03/24 14:37
CYCAD1982: 推796F 03/24 14:37
tokinosora: 你以為5p我就推嗎797F 03/24 14:37
asdg62558: 耶798F 03/24 14:37
badface: 推799F 03/24 14:37
BeMyHui: 幫測800F 03/24 14:37
poker0531: 安安801F 03/24 14:37
oh8412: 推802F 03/24 14:37
what62651: PUSH803F 03/24 14:37
kitty51024: 推804F 03/24 14:37
fishcho: 推805F 03/24 14:37
kevin8290: 推806F 03/24 14:37
cristine2931: 推807F 03/24 14:37
aheng6954: 推808F 03/24 14:37
dsc450: 推到爆809F 03/24 14:37
RichLook: 推810F 03/24 14:37
dogless: 推811F 03/24 14:37
kk7275: 33812F 03/24 14:37
sm801101: 推813F 03/24 14:37
diedikanny: 退814F 03/24 14:38
xxx0226xxx: 神815F 03/24 14:38
kevin8290: 再洗816F 03/24 14:38
makeamyth: 豪817F 03/24 14:38
xaxnxdxy: 快來測我818F 03/24 14:38
x8066397: 推819F 03/24 14:38
kevin8290: 好820F 03/24 14:38
m1224cool: 還有嗎?821F 03/24 14:38
chemer: 真心推薦,已收到再推822F 03/24 14:38
ace16525: 推823F 03/24 14:38
fireluk: 安安824F 03/24 14:38
EtherealSil: 給我錢825F 03/24 14:38
waterboy1012: 推826F 03/24 14:38
LiyunLyu: 推827F 03/24 14:38
ZoddKiWi: 推推828F 03/24 14:38
GOBS: 幫你做測試829F 03/24 14:38
m910418m123: 推推830F 03/24 14:38
sspsmusic05: 推831F 03/24 14:38
davis8211: 推832F 03/24 14:38
jiwwey: 推833F 03/24 14:39
scotseng: hi834F 03/24 14:39
andys92128: 推835F 03/24 14:39
massaget: 推836F 03/24 14:39
Seric: 給你試837F 03/24 14:39
ZoddKiWi: 推推推,感動838F 03/24 14:39
HedoTurkoglu: 推839F 03/24 14:39
etiennechiu: 推840F 03/24 14:39
pcmacgyver: 推841F 03/24 14:39
pig0038: 推842F 03/24 14:39
screwyouguys: 推843F 03/24 14:39
duke333999: 笑死844F 03/24 14:39
Galaxydai: 推845F 03/24 14:39
※ 編輯: starahsu (, 03/24/2017 14:39:40
fhscyt: 哈哈哈846F 03/24 14:39
JJbig: 推847F 03/24 14:39
recall: 推848F 03/24 14:39
timcheng: 推文賺p幣849F 03/24 14:39
kuzu: 耶850F 03/24 14:40
traveler2099: 請給我黃金851F 03/24 14:40
IamCuteGirl: 啊852F 03/24 14:40
wong4407: 推853F 03/24 14:40
IamCuteGirl: 嗯854F 03/24 14:40
sin60044: 推855F 03/24 14:40
IamCuteGirl: 啊856F 03/24 14:40



※ 編輯: starahsu (, 03/24/2017 14:40:56
pikachu147: 推857F 03/24 14:40
phil0113: 推858F 03/24 14:40
h8565656p: 推859F 03/24 14:40
scsa8860512: 推860F 03/24 14:40
pvq212: money861F 03/24 14:40
pig14283105: 錢862F 03/24 14:41
charliechao: hi863F 03/24 14:41
fpk1921: 推864F 03/24 14:41
ilanjoy: 推865F 03/24 14:41
abc332025: 推866F 03/24 14:41
ksyilj1283: push867F 03/24 14:41
arrrrrrt: 推868F 03/24 14:41
Lxylove: 推869F 03/24 14:42
kim79923: 推看看870F 03/24 14:42
a1933464522: 推871F 03/24 14:42
daa0207: 推872F 03/24 14:42
zxc246812: 推873F 03/24 14:42
nomieno: 推874F 03/24 14:42
dream42685: 推推875F 03/24 14:42
Ssy990324: 推876F 03/24 14:42
cleorin: 推877F 03/24 14:43
nightmare93: 推878F 03/24 14:43
VIPloser: 推879F 03/24 14:43
meloptt23: 推一個880F 03/24 14:43
Loitry: ㄊㄨㄟ881F 03/24 14:43
h7568413: 推882F 03/24 14:43
jiajian1213: 安安安883F 03/24 14:43
favorboram: 推884F 03/24 14:43
chith: ya大紅包885F 03/24 14:43
ajoe789g2000: 推886F 03/24 14:44
aarrcc: 推887F 03/24 14:44
brian9b3b: 我888F 03/24 14:44
shao98: 66666889F 03/24 14:44
lilicoco520: 推890F 03/24 14:44
kaede129: 推891F 03/24 14:44
blackshdows: 推892F 03/24 14:44
ted0713: 推893F 03/24 14:44
ericgtgod: 頂894F 03/24 14:44
hoha1111: 推895F 03/24 14:44
ivla8432: ㄛㄚ896F 03/24 14:44
blackshdows: 推897F 03/24 14:44
qwe789qwec: 推898F 03/24 14:44
q26766: 推899F 03/24 14:44
dchiang: 推900F 03/24 14:44
yanli2: 《經濟狀況》清寒   反詐騙!901F 03/24 14:44
edcyhn: 我902F 03/24 14:45
blackshdows: 推903F 03/24 14:45
qwe789qwec: 推904F 03/24 14:45
dazh123511: 推905F 03/24 14:45
kevin505: Push906F 03/24 14:45
hoha1111: 推907F 03/24 14:45
focus78612: 推908F 03/24 14:45
cherry880210: 推909F 03/24 14:45
boxboxfire: 推拉910F 03/24 14:45
comicat: 推911F 03/24 14:46
HKuo: 還有嗎912F 03/24 14:46
cmplbbl: 推913F 03/24 14:46
petero0oo00: 抽914F 03/24 14:46
iceroy: 有嗎915F 03/24 14:46
asweddd: 讚讚讚916F 03/24 14:46
hsk7672: 推917F 03/24 14:46
chemistry520: 推918F 03/24 14:46
azsx14520: 推919F 03/24 14:46
adf926: 讚920F 03/24 14:46
andy108tw: 推921F 03/24 14:47
adf926: 讚922F 03/24 14:47
s211275: 幫你測試923F 03/24 14:47
stevenhbw: 推924F 03/24 14:47
NCKUWLAN: 推925F 03/24 14:47
ck1215: 幫926F 03/24 14:47
suanting: 推927F 03/24 14:47
GABA: PPAP928F 03/24 14:47
sweetkiller: 推929F 03/24 14:47
mengshiue: 錢錢930F 03/24 14:47
zsxa1234: push931F 03/24 14:47
abtvctkto61: 推932F 03/24 14:47
arerckk: 推933F 03/24 14:48
firejur:934F 03/24 14:48
j1125387: 推935F 03/24 14:48
bobbyac01: 寫這個有點吃飽太閒936F 03/24 14:48
bill0205: 推937F 03/24 14:48
wxtab019: 圖片也有控制碼?我怎沒印象有推過938F 03/24 14:48
cygnusx123: 推939F 03/24 14:48
ckkun: 來當白老鼠囉940F 03/24 14:49
jeffery23509: 哈941F 03/24 14:49
sw22: 推942F 03/24 14:49
ynot210285: 推943F 03/24 14:49
ce1671821: 推944F 03/24 14:49
hihadog: 推945F 03/24 14:49
white28: 推946F 03/24 14:50
hua3318319: 哈947F 03/24 14:50
icou: 有用耶!! 收到了948F 03/24 14:50
joeworldlove: 推949F 03/24 14:50
qq353535qq: 哈哈950F 03/24 14:50
blowjob55: goood951F 03/24 14:50
sor: 推952F 03/24 14:50
RoseMonster: 推953F 03/24 14:50
Ericchen1847: 推954F 03/24 14:50
ann52066: 推955F 03/24 14:50
zx15698740: 推@@956F 03/24 14:50
QQKENTQQ: 推957F 03/24 14:50
tony30451: 推958F 03/24 14:50
Idonothaveid: 推959F 03/24 14:50
jeffchen022: 推960F 03/24 14:50
yl3218: 推961F 03/24 14:50
harry886901: 推962F 03/24 14:50
bbenson: 推963F 03/24 14:51
deng1210: 推964F 03/24 14:51
gfnn: 6666...965F 03/24 14:51
tujiwu: 推966F 03/24 14:51
himthin02:967F 03/24 14:51
aspd193: 推968F 03/24 14:51
azumi: 來了969F 03/24 14:51
gs951117: 好喔970F 03/24 14:51
qa1122z: 推971F 03/24 14:51
aspd193: 再來972F 03/24 14:51
bee999999999: 推973F 03/24 14:51
sole772pk37: 秀秀974F 03/24 14:51
joshualiu: Push975F 03/24 14:52
aspd193: 狂拿976F 03/24 14:52
qazwsx82128: 推977F 03/24 14:52
thesueshen: 測試978F 03/24 14:52
e65947: 推979F 03/24 14:52
monkshood: 推980F 03/24 14:52
kevinyin: 推981F 03/24 14:52
aspd193: 至少薴中一次吧982F 03/24 14:52
cc02040326: 錢983F 03/24 14:52
saint01: ok984F 03/24 14:52
peter750804: 推985F 03/24 14:52
sky203350: 推986F 03/24 14:53
strangelife: 推987F 03/24 14:53
lili999900: 推988F 03/24 14:53
x850519: 呵呵989F 03/24 14:53
rainie0417: 推990F 03/24 14:53
alger4713: 推991F 03/24 14:53
yorkyoung: 推992F 03/24 14:53
wasiku: 推993F 03/24 14:53
suger77: 錢拿來994F 03/24 14:54
eju901677: 推995F 03/24 14:54
lf0827m: ok來996F 03/24 14:54
max780417: PUSH997F 03/24 14:54
james921736: 推998F 03/24 14:54
enjoy1718: +++999F 03/24 14:54
today0219: 你好1000F 03/24 14:54
johnnyhb: 加減領~~1001F 03/24 14:54
becase: 推1002F 03/24 14:55
lkklove86: 推1003F 03/24 14:55
etu4315: $$$$$$$$$1004F 03/24 14:55
redredder: 推推1005F 03/24 14:55
messigoal10: 加減拿1006F 03/24 14:55
PPLong889: 推1007F 03/24 14:55
loxa556: 我1008F 03/24 14:56
lemel0101: 推1009F 03/24 14:56
rayxg: ><1010F 03/24 14:56
jhs9527: 推1011F 03/24 14:56
mr955258: 推1012F 03/24 14:56
goldflower: ??1013F 03/24 14:56
knight0201: @@1014F 03/24 14:56
fjuke: 有收到 推個1015F 03/24 14:56
mr955258: 推1016F 03/24 14:56
mr955258: 推
Suica5566: 我要錢1018F 03/24 14:57
happyqaz: 推1019F 03/24 14:57
Simpson39601: 推1020F 03/24 14:57
edlee921: 推1021F 03/24 14:57
v92210: 推1022F 03/24 14:57
wasawasa: 推1023F 03/24 14:57
bebelove0430: 3Q1024F 03/24 14:57
xiangyoo: ㄧ1025F 03/24 14:57
FWade: 推1026F 03/24 14:57
ao3fu6: 推1027F 03/24 14:57
jk593558: 領錢囉1028F 03/24 14:58
chemer: 推推,錢收好多啊1029F 03/24 14:58
kangapoo: 謝謝1030F 03/24 14:58
sodavoxyi: 推1031F 03/24 14:58
qwaqwa2007: ..1032F 03/24 14:58
adamdd44: 推1033F 03/24 14:58
akiyaxshin: 推1034F 03/24 14:58
newasus: 錢1035F 03/24 14:58
aegis0147: 推1036F 03/24 14:58
Max08689: 推1037F 03/24 14:58
abc88662a: 推1038F 03/24 14:58
yongxchen: 推1039F 03/24 14:59
jorden2895: 我要1040F 03/24 14:59
coolkids074: 推1041F 03/24 14:59
jedfjeff8673: 推1042F 03/24 14:59
jorden2895: 我還要1043F 03/24 14:59
kkk593819: 可1044F 03/24 14:59
prophage: 推!1045F 03/24 14:59
ott: ott1046F 03/24 14:59
jorden2895: 我還要更多1047F 03/24 14:59
emma102803: 耶!1048F 03/24 14:59
juila41437: 推1049F 03/24 14:59
bruceedm: 推1050F 03/24 15:00
ntuee1803: ?1051F 03/24 15:00
bjqsankaur: 推1052F 03/24 15:00
qszwax: 推1053F 03/24 15:00
yoursecret: 推1054F 03/24 15:00
INMOAS: 推1055F 03/24 15:00
ahoyhoy: show me the money 推1056F 03/24 15:00
breaden2: 推1057F 03/24 15:00
erika0806: 推推1058F 03/24 15:00
redspeed: 推1059F 03/24 15:01
ms893030: 喔喔1060F 03/24 15:01
jack80057: 好喔1061F 03/24 15:01
phix: 吃1062F 03/24 15:01
LiaMeow: 給我1063F 03/24 15:01
fatcatlin: 我也要1064F 03/24 15:01
wheado: 推1065F 03/24 15:01
zieo: 我問我窩窩1066F 03/24 15:01
nejieuh: ++1067F 03/24 15:01
cychine: 推1068F 03/24 15:01
W28327688: 推1069F 03/24 15:02
fix78: 推1070F 03/24 15:02
SimonAllen: 推1071F 03/24 15:02
Greeen14: 推1072F 03/24 15:02
pinzlin: 推1073F 03/24 15:02
obmij: 推1074F 03/24 15:02
rainbow0319: 推1075F 03/24 15:02
ilyaimy: 推1076F 03/24 15:03
lllin852: ya1077F 03/24 15:03
baw08180221: 喔喔喔喔喔喔喔1078F 03/24 15:03
z963214785x9: 測試1079F 03/24 15:03
acserro: 還沒來推已經收到紅包1080F 03/24 15:03
seaweed520: 推推1081F 03/24 15:03
wakj3234dry: 推1082F 03/24 15:04
haocccc: 推1083F 03/24 15:04
ymcee: 推1084F 03/24 15:04
shame70709: 66666661085F 03/24 15:04
LacrimosaMus: YA1086F 03/24 15:04
a122112259: 推1087F 03/24 15:04
hiphop0429: 推1088F 03/24 15:04
uriahs: 讚1089F 03/24 15:04
i534879: 推1090F 03/24 15:04
moneytom: 推1091F 03/24 15:04
pili30155: 推1092F 03/24 15:05
yakyu529: 發發發呆發發發1093F 03/24 15:05
farseer7: 希望可推測黑圖1094F 03/24 15:05
m3gl4a: 退1095F 03/24 15:05
JSeung: 幫推1096F 03/24 15:05
delica: .....1097F 03/24 15:05
XiaKo: 推1098F 03/24 15:06
onion2434: Money1099F 03/24 15:06
f840595: 推1100F 03/24 15:06
ssb573: 推1101F 03/24 15:06
Allison0503: 推1102F 03/24 15:06
kingweirong: 推1103F 03/24 15:06
yahe0526: 推1104F 03/24 15:06
naker: 猛1105F 03/24 15:07
ZachLavine08: 測試1106F 03/24 15:07
usmaik: 推1107F 03/24 15:07
kw61e2: 試試看1108F 03/24 15:07
a22300206: 推 拿錢啦啦啦啦1109F 03/24 15:07
xx995315: 我我1110F 03/24 15:07
ccleosh: YA1111F 03/24 15:07
peiwei85411: 推1112F 03/24 15:07
JUDSON1231: 推1113F 03/24 15:07
hyeeeezh: 推1114F 03/24 15:08
seven7th: 推1115F 03/24 15:08
Sec: Ya1116F 03/24 15:08
shinchu329: 推1117F 03/24 15:08
jack1235544: 推1118F 03/24 15:08
logitech2004: 我1119F 03/24 15:08
dkprotecter: 推1120F 03/24 15:08
a88019401: 退1121F 03/24 15:08
qas98765: 推1122F 03/24 15:08
Gouvon: ya1123F 03/24 15:09
jungjia: 推1124F 03/24 15:09
hedgehong: 推1125F 03/24 15:09
※ 編輯: starahsu (, 03/24/2017 15:09:49
sy4826951: 推1126F 03/24 15:10
DickJeter: 推1127F 03/24 15:10
aaaa714714: 錢!1128F 03/24 15:10
ing5623987: ya1129F 03/24 15:10
DickJeter: 推1130F 03/24 15:10
SpringOcean: 好1131F 03/24 15:10
DickJeter: 推1132F 03/24 15:11
as88129: 錢~1133F 03/24 15:11
zeldeo: 測試?1134F 03/24 15:11
powergreen: 推1135F 03/24 15:11
kangapoo: 謝謝1136F 03/24 15:11
wavespirit: 推1137F 03/24 15:11
Emajor: 推1138F 03/24 15:11
xeming: 推1139F 03/24 15:12
pilodee: 推1140F 03/24 15:12
JayceLai: 饋修1141F 03/24 15:12
※ 編輯: starahsu (, 03/24/2017 15:12:26
khoo4719: 推1142F 03/24 15:12
MINAKAMI: 推1143F 03/24 15:12
WLO2643551: 錢1144F 03/24 15:13
tckand: 推1145F 03/24 15:13
boochen: 推1146F 03/24 15:13
bloodywind: 推推1147F 03/24 15:13
W780124: 推1148F 03/24 15:13
poisonB: 推一下1149F 03/24 15:13
gerda: 推1150F 03/24 15:13
goodzoro: 好1151F 03/24 15:13
musicclassPA:1152F 03/24 15:13
paul861124: 推1153F 03/24 15:13
timmySMILE: 推1154F 03/24 15:14
cindylin8: 我1155F 03/24 15:14
musicclassPA: 來1156F 03/24 15:14
casual001: 推1157F 03/24 15:14
musicclassPA: 來1158F 03/24 15:14
aaaa8866: +++++1159F 03/24 15:14
snac: 推推1160F 03/24 15:14
musicclassPA:1161F 03/24 15:14
EdgeOfPeople: 推1162F 03/24 15:14
kershaw1221: 推1163F 03/24 15:15
laihungzen: 推推1164F 03/24 15:15
xcc363dkq: test1165F 03/24 15:15
qwqw0424: 推1166F 03/24 15:15
chiubaoer: 真的超快收到1167F 03/24 15:15
gab7912: te  s  t1168F 03/24 15:15
aghgna: 哼1169F 03/24 15:15
Jonny5: 推1170F 03/24 15:15
DarkyIsCat: 錢1171F 03/24 15:15
greatPlain: 謝1172F 03/24 15:15
ZhouGongJin: ???1173F 03/24 15:16
JohniRunner: 推1174F 03/24 15:16
yo1234: 錢1175F 03/24 15:16
didihome: 推1176F 03/24 15:17
ssshleo: 推1177F 03/24 15:17
rkb12246: 推1178F 03/24 15:18
fycboy: godd1179F 03/24 15:18
captain568: 推1180F 03/24 15:18
gtammy: Push1181F 03/24 15:18
tbp407: 推1182F 03/24 15:18
bb830216: 推1183F 03/24 15:18
suoo: 我1184F 03/24 15:18
SIRIUS: 推1185F 03/24 15:18
teddy30416: 過500了?1186F 03/24 15:18
s980314: 推1187F 03/24 15:18
b24333666: 推1188F 03/24 15:18
coward920: 5p1189F 03/24 15:18
kevinlike: 推1190F 03/24 15:19
ericayou: 推1191F 03/24 15:19
cccwit: 推1192F 03/24 15:19
TheRock0987: 推1193F 03/24 15:19
books30525: 推1194F 03/24 15:19
ms883050: 推1195F 03/24 15:19
saint01: ok1196F 03/24 15:19
Encourage: 推1197F 03/24 15:19
ha500030895: 推1198F 03/24 15:19
kevin45632: 推1199F 03/24 15:19
marchs24145: 幫測試1200F 03/24 15:19
lomo013076: 騙子1201F 03/24 15:20
kisisyone: 推1202F 03/24 15:20
Banrin: 推1203F 03/24 15:20
leo20335: 讚1204F 03/24 15:20
jeff9575697: 推1205F 03/24 15:20
a12349221: 推1206F 03/24 15:20
LauraRoslin: 推1207F 03/24 15:20
cchch: 喔喔喔喔喔喔1208F 03/24 15:20
yankees9499: 推1209F 03/24 15:20
uio55408133: 推推1210F 03/24 15:21
hsincheng78: 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊1211F 03/24 15:21
Massa: 推1212F 03/24 15:21
yangbingwei: 推1213F 03/24 15:22
blackcat666: 錢錢1214F 03/24 15:22
onspeed5318: 推1215F 03/24 15:22
g4111012: 推1216F 03/24 15:22
raid0884569: 推1217F 03/24 15:22
matthew531: 推1218F 03/24 15:22
g4111012: 推推推推推1219F 03/24 15:22
bigbirdfly: 耶,錢錢1220F 03/24 15:23
wl02641171: ya1221F 03/24 15:23
hijessie: 我是第5001222F 03/24 15:23
g4111012: 推推推推推推推1223F 03/24 15:23
mike40709: 推1224F 03/24 15:23
extrachaos: 好1225F 03/24 15:23
zxc30006: 推1226F 03/24 15:23
nebigeye: 推1227F 03/24 15:23
littlecolorg: 推1228F 03/24 15:23
g4111012: 推1229F 03/24 15:23
ruby704215: 試試看會不會中1230F 03/24 15:23
wsx8308041: 101231F 03/24 15:23
jamesa12: 推1232F 03/24 15:23
dou0228:1233F 03/24 15:23
never520053: 推1235F 03/24 15:24
daniel50508: 推起來1236F 03/24 15:24
lsbnnjames: 推1237F 03/24 15:24
elaine90579:1238F 03/24 15:25
ky860224: $1239F 03/24 15:25
Arronomy: 推 給我1240F 03/24 15:25
xxkoosaxx: 推1241F 03/24 15:25
elaine90579: 推1242F 03/24 15:25
a24681014: 恩恩1243F 03/24 15:26
t0768996: 推1244F 03/24 15:26
sowhat55555: 推1245F 03/24 15:26
cat031147: '-- sleep(1000)1246F 03/24 15:26
jacky0625: 推1247F 03/24 15:26
sky830517: 推1248F 03/24 15:26
metyou95: 推1249F 03/24 15:27
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1250F 03/24 15:27
nerv072: 推1251F 03/24 15:27
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1252F 03/24 15:27
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
s92004570: 推1254F 03/24 15:27
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1255F 03/24 15:27
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
kirakira520: 有錢耶1257F 03/24 15:27
solafate: 推1258F 03/24 15:27
shan91220: 推1259F 03/24 15:27
willion003: 乾爹1260F 03/24 15:27
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1261F 03/24 15:28
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
Ashbrook: 過了嗎1263F 03/24 15:28
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1264F 03/24 15:28
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
tingyi1219: 推1266F 03/24 15:28
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1267F 03/24 15:28
alex5206518: 推1268F 03/24 15:28
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1269F 03/24 15:28
tim11o9: 推1270F 03/24 15:29
yya55966: 推1271F 03/24 15:29
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1272F 03/24 15:29
abc125n1: 推1273F 03/24 15:29
Jennings7: 0.01274F 03/24 15:29
nicktop2001: 推1275F 03/24 15:29
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1276F 03/24 15:29
he01852151: 耶1277F 03/24 15:29
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1278F 03/24 15:29
ignoreyou: 推1279F 03/24 15:29
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1280F 03/24 15:29
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
airfantasy: 推1282F 03/24 15:30
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1283F 03/24 15:30
yosa: 推1284F 03/24 15:30
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1285F 03/24 15:30
js52666: 錢1286F 03/24 15:30
NeanBalax: 推1287F 03/24 15:30
lo781108: 推1288F 03/24 15:30
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1289F 03/24 15:30
yuchl: 推1290F 03/24 15:30
freddyho: 來1291F 03/24 15:30
jennyjames: 推1292F 03/24 15:30
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1293F 03/24 15:30
a5245242003: 推1294F 03/24 15:30
m112233: 推1295F 03/24 15:30
freddyho: 來1296F 03/24 15:30
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1297F 03/24 15:30
freddyho: 我要1298F 03/24 15:30
freddyho: 再來
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1300F 03/24 15:31
st8630a2000: 推! 有錢有推1301F 03/24 15:31
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1302F 03/24 15:31
wongmyth: 讚1303F 03/24 15:31
yasuyoshi: 推~我也要!!1304F 03/24 15:31
LOLOCHAT: 推1305F 03/24 15:31
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1306F 03/24 15:31
jmos123: 錢1307F 03/24 15:31
weilingyeah: 推推1308F 03/24 15:31
Xinlong: 真的假的?1309F 03/24 15:31
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1310F 03/24 15:31
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
tomshiou: 我1312F 03/24 15:31
osakaboy: 試試看啊1313F 03/24 15:32
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1314F 03/24 15:32
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
polo4778: 給我錢1316F 03/24 15:32
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1317F 03/24 15:32
fatrzb86332: 盒盒盒1318F 03/24 15:32
mountainn: ㄆㄛㄛㄛㄛㄛㄛㄛ1319F 03/24 15:32
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1320F 03/24 15:32
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
linci: 喔喔1323F 03/24 15:33
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1324F 03/24 15:33
jay22775284: 推1325F 03/24 15:33
Delta36D: 我要P幣的顏色1326F 03/24 15:33
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1327F 03/24 15:33
opoppp: 推1328F 03/24 15:33
yabibear: 幫你 作噓文的DEBUG1329F 03/24 15:33
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1330F 03/24 15:33
linci: 嗯1331F 03/24 15:33
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1332F 03/24 15:33
ascottevil: 卡1333F 03/24 15:33
duckereal: Test1334F 03/24 15:33
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1335F 03/24 15:34
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
linci: 是個1337F 03/24 15:34
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1338F 03/24 15:34
linci: 卡屁1339F 03/24 15:34
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1340F 03/24 15:34
xxd55664: 讚1341F 03/24 15:34
oliverroli: 推推1342F 03/24 15:34
fr303388: 推1343F 03/24 15:34
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1344F 03/24 15:34
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
linci: 12334566778776543322456787532223467775312r6798643ry88851346F 03/24 15:35
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1347F 03/24 15:35
linci: 434571348F 03/24 15:35
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1349F 03/24 15:35
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
TrashTalking: 推1351F 03/24 15:35
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1352F 03/24 15:35
hesashiaaron: 推1353F 03/24 15:35
TrashTalking: 推1354F 03/24 15:35
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1355F 03/24 15:35
kinkiaya: 推1356F 03/24 15:36
nomoty: 推1357F 03/24 15:36
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1358F 03/24 15:36
TrashTalking: 再來1359F 03/24 15:36
f12342red: %$$$$$$$1360F 03/24 15:36
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1361F 03/24 15:36
coco2501: 後面的沒有嗎 qq1362F 03/24 15:36
Alittlemore: 推1363F 03/24 15:36
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1364F 03/24 15:36
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
SRichie: 推1369F 03/24 15:37
catcat0327: 發完了嗎?1370F 03/24 15:37
MasterYA: test1371F 03/24 15:37
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1372F 03/24 15:37
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
TennisC: test1374F 03/24 15:37
abcrr123: 121375F 03/24 15:37
GoingMerry: 屋1376F 03/24 15:37
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1377F 03/24 15:37
lorrie: test1378F 03/24 15:38
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1379F 03/24 15:38
frank4543: 推1380F 03/24 15:38
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1381F 03/24 15:38
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
bhujm1642: 來1384F 03/24 15:38
davidjay300: 推1385F 03/24 15:38
tonyparkerx: ...1386F 03/24 15:38
suck1218: 推1387F 03/24 15:38
dragon2000: 推1388F 03/24 15:38
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest1389F 03/24 15:38
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
cavitylapper: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest
TommyWu1991: 推1392F 03/24 15:39
george40516: 推推看1393F 03/24 15:39
NigoMax: 推1394F 03/24 15:39
topexplorer: 推1395F 03/24 15:39
a101962000: 推1396F 03/24 15:39
apotatostory: 推1397F 03/24 15:39
robertchang: 推1398F 03/24 15:40
awdxabc295: 推1399F 03/24 15:40
ssmmll: +11400F 03/24 15:40
qpalzm963: 推1401F 03/24 15:40
pc5316: 推1402F 03/24 15:40
watertroll: 推1403F 03/24 15:40
tonyparkerx: 喔1404F 03/24 15:40
freddy60907: 推1405F 03/24 15:41
Justapig: 錢1406F 03/24 15:41
bibis: 推1407F 03/24 15:41
a5170706: ..1408F 03/24 15:41
mark796: 推1409F 03/24 15:41
a91112: 測試1410F 03/24 15:42
moneygg: 錢1411F 03/24 15:42
user010164: 推1412F 03/24 15:42
panex0845: 姆咪1413F 03/24 15:43
Allenjordan: 推1414F 03/24 15:43
pipi5230186: 推1415F 03/24 15:43
thisismasonl: 給你試1416F 03/24 15:43
a24373314: 推1417F 03/24 15:43
neo7804: 推1418F 03/24 15:43
def995: 推1419F 03/24 15:43
JFLung9536: 推1420F 03/24 15:44
illvicky: 推1421F 03/24 15:44
freener: 好1422F 03/24 15:44
iAmPtt: 發幣死全家1423F 03/24 15:44
s883355: abcd1424F 03/24 15:44
peterchen302: 一1425F 03/24 15:44
bevan0114: 推1426F 03/24 15:45
amigo123: test1427F 03/24 15:45
bi821010: 來1428F 03/24 15:45
oldwang327: 推1429F 03/24 15:45
JoelEmbiid: 推1430F 03/24 15:46
IcJack: 測試1431F 03/24 15:46
astrophy: 推1432F 03/24 15:46
mauve: 好厲害啊啊啊啊1433F 03/24 15:46
tingalien: 推1434F 03/24 15:47
jingxue: 推1435F 03/24 15:47
Lucifer888: 推1436F 03/24 15:47
ayakashen: Coool1437F 03/24 15:47
ang5050000: 推1438F 03/24 15:47
k82817: 幫1439F 03/24 15:47
jiasel: 推1440F 03/24 15:47
kuromomo: 耶1441F 03/24 15:47
fansu5945: 不要P幣幫忙1442F 03/24 15:48
OOQ: 謝謝1443F 03/24 15:48
fansu5945: 可以只針對推文者發P幣嗎?1444F 03/24 15:49
willyyyy: nice1445F 03/24 15:49
zzzzzken: 何時開放下載阿?1446F 03/24 15:49
inspire0201: 推1447F 03/24 15:50
brian914: 酷1448F 03/24 15:50
qwejoezxc33: 71449F 03/24 15:50
DenTisGirl: 推1450F 03/24 15:50
jimmy830203: 推1451F 03/24 15:50
qwejoezxc33: 51452F 03/24 15:50
qwejoezxc33: 6
konichiwaman: !1454F 03/24 15:50
qwejoezxc33: 11455F 03/24 15:50
qwejoezxc33: 9
qwejoezxc33: 8
qwejoezxc33: 2
qwejoezxc33: z
qwejoezxc33: a
charlieman: 推1461F 03/24 15:52
chanKR: 推1462F 03/24 15:52
ggcip0514: 推1463F 03/24 15:52
hankhsieh: 推1464F 03/24 15:53
hotgabee: 偷1465F 03/24 15:53
minibrand: 推1466F 03/24 15:53
redline012: 推1467F 03/24 15:53
chihippig: 推1468F 03/24 15:54
seaderate: 推1469F 03/24 15:55
asd601023: 推1470F 03/24 15:55
wchwc: 推推1471F 03/24 15:55
freetime0926: 推1472F 03/24 15:56
thehawk: 推1473F 03/24 15:56
klvs10025: 推1474F 03/24 15:56
vsop685: 推1475F 03/24 15:56
abcd44488: 推1476F 03/24 15:56
lucky118208: 推1477F 03/24 15:56
zxcvbnm00316: 紅底是程式編輯後自動出現??1478F 03/24 15:56
qwer338859: 好1479F 03/24 15:57
ken313j: 推1480F 03/24 15:57
steven801212: 推1481F 03/24 15:58
Jasste: 推1482F 03/24 15:58
ricemon: 推1483F 03/24 15:58
Joey4506: 推推 錢錢1484F 03/24 15:58
kotoda: 推1485F 03/24 15:58
a126sam01: 推1486F 03/24 15:58
wat753: 推1487F 03/24 15:58
s87087: 耶1488F 03/24 15:59
gacktz: 這樓太高啦1489F 03/24 15:59
poseiden: 推1490F 03/24 15:59
game226652: 推1491F 03/24 15:59
allen427247: 推1492F 03/24 15:59
avacssf: ,1493F 03/24 15:59
GtSoul: 推高高1494F 03/24 15:59
SKYXLOVE: ca1495F 03/24 16:00
jayne720: 忒1496F 03/24 16:00
sean90330: 好1497F 03/24 16:01
a2001555: 推1498F 03/24 16:01
batbruce00: 推1499F 03/24 16:02
lammin:1500F 03/24 16:02
mattjack: 11501F 03/24 16:03
kyleptt: 推~好強1502F 03/24 16:03
chocoislove: 推1503F 03/24 16:03
daoqu: 推1504F 03/24 16:03
a2881105: 推1505F 03/24 16:03
kyleptt: op1506F 03/24 16:04
namelessSZY: 推?1507F 03/24 16:04
terry21111: 推1508F 03/24 16:05
t520131412: 推1509F 03/24 16:05
hank850503: 推1510F 03/24 16:05
cat84108: 11511F 03/24 16:06
darren2586: 推1512F 03/24 16:06
fireheart988: 推1513F 03/24 16:06
BMWMB: $$$1514F 03/24 16:06
sulamau: 推1515F 03/24 16:06
starxls: 太少了吧1516F 03/24 16:07
cjocjo1314: 推1517F 03/24 16:07
jiahongqu: 推1518F 03/24 16:07
Ultramarine: 猛1519F 03/24 16:07
Riankuo: 推1520F 03/24 16:08
rouumaa: 推1521F 03/24 16:09
tinghsiao: 推1522F 03/24 16:09
flyhigh0408: 推1523F 03/24 16:09
Tawara: ya1524F 03/24 16:09
david855008: 推1525F 03/24 16:09
gay7788: 阿斯1526F 03/24 16:09
mevi: 還有?1527F 03/24 16:09
hellosnake: 推1528F 03/24 16:10
Yginger1: 推1529F 03/24 16:10
ghaz: 推1530F 03/24 16:11
tonyatta: XD1531F 03/24 16:13
puro: 推1532F 03/24 16:13
purplvampire: 推1533F 03/24 16:13
ben75280: 推1534F 03/24 16:14
dragonbooboo: 推1535F 03/24 16:14
jiahanchen: 謝1536F 03/24 16:15
OwO6666: 推1537F 03/24 16:15
ahfish722: 推推1538F 03/24 16:15
ch110: 推1539F 03/24 16:16
neymarjr: 推1540F 03/24 16:16
crisowu: 推1541F 03/24 16:16
zexd: 卡1542F 03/24 16:16
shuanxd: 推1543F 03/24 16:16
MartinLK: 3q1544F 03/24 16:16
zack0000: 測試1545F 03/24 16:17
bxb2016:  ...1546F 03/24 16:17
SHINeexstar: 推1547F 03/24 16:17
jimmysunny01: 推1548F 03/24 16:17
newdays211: 推1549F 03/24 16:18
lcjh23316: 推1550F 03/24 16:18
zxcbrian: 推1551F 03/24 16:18
tobyisme: 推1552F 03/24 16:18
canot77: 推1553F 03/24 16:19
howarddddd: 推1554F 03/24 16:20
show131827: 推1555F 03/24 16:20
vm5566: 推1556F 03/24 16:20
daube: 推推1557F 03/24 16:21
LonyIce: 測試1558F 03/24 16:21
ddddd0825: 推啊1559F 03/24 16:21
nancy722: 推1560F 03/24 16:21
cii99999: 推爆1561F 03/24 16:21
ga2006077755: 推1562F 03/24 16:22
wheatear7: o1563F 03/24 16:23
fyu223: 推1564F 03/24 16:23
hhus: 21565F 03/24 16:23
awheaton311: 推1566F 03/24 16:24
eric03170427: 錢錢1567F 03/24 16:26
csc09: 推1568F 03/24 16:26
boky2686: 推1569F 03/24 16:26
Coldfengzi: show me the money1570F 03/24 16:26
dondon0503: 推推1571F 03/24 16:26
a384331: 還有推1572F 03/24 16:27
EndlessrainX: 我也推1573F 03/24 16:27
siamese: ..1574F 03/24 16:27
stock168: 推1575F 03/24 16:27
MBubble: 喔喔1576F 03/24 16:28
prospectof: 推1577F 03/24 16:28
KunEco: 推1578F 03/24 16:28
bruce2248: 大家都好貪心XD1579F 03/24 16:28
whobirdyou: 推1580F 03/24 16:29
qq60816: 推1581F 03/24 16:29
jazzinfuture: 領薪水1582F 03/24 16:29
a35118: 推1583F 03/24 16:29
iamoldtwo:1584F 03/24 16:30
MayRN: 幫測試1585F 03/24 16:30
※ 編輯: starahsu (, 03/24/2017 16:32:39
hansonJu: 推1586F 03/24 16:31
ericyo: 5o1587F 03/24 16:32
Hillary: @@1588F 03/24 16:32
VEHV: 幫test1589F 03/24 16:33
hansonJu: 推1590F 03/24 16:33
※ 編輯: starahsu (, 03/24/2017 16:34:47
bikigaya: 推1591F 03/24 16:34
sw0721: 來1592F 03/24 16:35
jay0824: 蓋1593F 03/24 16:36
capdie159753: 推1594F 03/24 16:37
kingmou: TEST1595F 03/24 16:38
AnamnesisNT: 推1596F 03/24 16:40
Nyakoi110: 推1597F 03/24 16:40
beryah: 11598F 03/24 16:41
cysdala: 推1599F 03/24 16:42
※ 編輯: starahsu (, 03/24/2017 16:43:30
a2012cilldy: 推1600F 03/24 16:45
SkyAmami: 推1601F 03/24 16:45
peggy7998: !!!1602F 03/24 16:46
brian0211: 推1603F 03/24 16:46
freshbreeze: Test test1604F 03/24 16:47
jachin: 神人1605F 03/24 16:48
GFGF: !@#$%^&*()1606F 03/24 16:49
tp6608: 推1607F 03/24 16:50
samuel339115: 推1608F 03/24 16:50
dick51207: 請給我食物1609F 03/24 16:50
UMi12n3AT3I7: tt1610F 03/24 16:51
dot002128: 推1611F 03/24 16:51
iamstrapless: 錢1612F 03/24 16:53
raistlin349: 看看1613F 03/24 16:53
mbgb: 推1614F 03/24 16:54
jansan: 推1615F 03/24 16:54
aromaQ626: 推1616F 03/24 16:56
yang0918: ?1617F 03/24 16:56
leekeeker: 推1618F 03/24 16:58
※staff23 於 03/24/2017 16:58:43 將推薦值歸零
brian980466: 耶1619F 03/24 16:59
willy718066: 推1620F 03/24 17:02
nn3356: 推1621F 03/24 17:03
liga504123: 推1622F 03/24 17:05
georgegood: 推1623F 03/24 17:06
popsmile5278: 推1624F 03/24 17:07
ELV420: 好1625F 03/24 17:09
Jimmy54571: 推1626F 03/24 17:11
Seckel: 推1627F 03/24 17:12
dsleem: 推1628F 03/24 17:15
juststay: 推1629F 03/24 17:18
x6237: 推1630F 03/24 17:23
Michal1204: 推1631F 03/24 17:23
musicclassPA: 來1632F 03/24 17:24
musicclassPA: 我
※ 編輯: starahsu (, 03/24/2017 17:24:46
Jimmy54571: 推推推1634F 03/24 17:26
bubbleblue: 推1635F 03/24 17:28
dog147123: 推1636F 03/24 17:29
bluefancy: 推阿1637F 03/24 17:30
jackie9022: 推?1638F 03/24 17:30
f0921048125: 剛好差5p可以簽樂透1639F 03/24 17:30
weilingyeah: 推推1640F 03/24 17:36
patrickhou: 0.01641F 03/24 17:36
hung980627: 還有嗎QQ1642F 03/24 17:38
StanQoo: 噓1643F 03/24 17:38
cyanineeeee: 推1644F 03/24 17:39
brad850402: 推1645F 03/24 17:40
afunnyboy: 推1646F 03/24 17:40
qaz001233: 推1647F 03/24 17:41
ZaneLin: 推1648F 03/24 17:41
b906161: 推1649F 03/24 17:42
M013: 錢1650F 03/24 17:45
distribution: 看不到幾樓1651F 03/24 17:46
NChewinggum: 推1652F 03/24 17:48
lucky123820: 推1653F 03/24 17:49
duetobe: 5p www1654F 03/24 17:49
campoland: 推1655F 03/24 17:50
bernie0905: 厲害給推1656F 03/24 17:51
sam0819: 推1657F 03/24 17:51
zerobrain: 推1658F 03/24 17:55
jasonwu282: 我這樣是幾樓1659F 03/24 17:56
gamiga: 推1660F 03/24 17:56
JoshuaJP: 來1661F 03/24 17:57
str8guy: 推1662F 03/24 18:04
blueheart030: 推1663F 03/24 18:08
secure179: 推1664F 03/24 18:10
name246ppk: 推1665F 03/24 18:10
weiche0907: 推1666F 03/24 18:13
blindbird: 推1667F 03/24 18:13
asdjkl74789: 推1668F 03/24 18:14
gtcw: 推1669F 03/24 18:14
cloudpart2: 推1670F 03/24 18:17
vicky8610: 推1671F 03/24 18:21
tttya: 推1672F 03/24 18:23
bhbbbbb: 推1673F 03/24 18:33
jeffrey5510: 推1674F 03/24 18:38
wesley850824: 推1675F 03/24 18:39
syen: 推1676F 03/24 18:44
Absolue: ok1677F 03/24 18:46
gcobs008781: p1678F 03/24 18:47
moris927: 試試1679F 03/24 18:49
u715439219: YA~發財嘍,謝謝你唷1680F 03/24 18:52
fu041028: Y1681F 03/24 18:52
iuexeyz: 謝謝1682F 03/24 18:59
hb87116: 推1683F 03/24 19:02

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 312 
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