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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-07-23 04:26:11
看板 Gossiping
作者 KSHLO (Wunderbar)
標題 Re: [爆卦] 慕尼黑剛剛發生槍擊事件
時間 Sat Jul 23 01:54:43 2016

Munich shooting: Police operation underway, at least 6 dead - CNN.com
Gunfire rang out at a shopping mall in the German city of Munich on Friday evening, leaving several people dead and others wounded, CNN affiliate NTV  ...


Report: Several killed in shooting at Munich shopping mall

(CNN)Gunfire rang out at a shopping mall in the German city of Munich on
Friday evening, leaving several people dead and others wounded, CNN affiliate
NTV reported.

The shooting, which started at about 6 p.m. local time at the Olympia
shopping mall, is over, police spokeswoman Claudia Kvenzel said. Kvenzel had
no immediate information about casualties or what led to the shooting.

槍擊案當地時間六點 Olympia購物中心

Lynn Stein, who said she works at the Jack Wolfskin store in the mall, told
CNN that the shooter was inside the mall.
"I heard several shots," Stein said. "(I) was just going to buy something
while my coworker was still in the shop.
"People started running. I went outside as well; more people running outside.
I think I heard more shots. Then it sounded like he went to the parking house
next to the mall -- several shots there."
Stein said she then went back into the mall.

 發生時,人群開始奔跑 我也向外跑,我想我聽到了很多次槍聲

 然後他(槍手)似乎跑到了停車場 那邊也有槍聲」

"I saw ... somebody lying on the floor, presumably dead, I don't know. Or
badly hurt. And there's a woman over them, crying."
Eventually, she said, police "told everyone to clear off the area and go to
the other side of the street."
「我看見..有人躺在地上 可能已經死了
  我不確定,也可能中傷了  有個婦人在旁邊哭泣

"And we just stayed there for a while until police told us to go further back
and further back," she said.
Developing story - more to come



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PTTLawyer: 在BBC網站還有一個槍手在麥當勞外面對路人開槍的影片1F 07/23 01:55
BBC好像有中文了 翻完才看到 囧
德國慕尼黑購物中心槍擊案6死多人傷 - BBC 中文网
國南部城市慕尼黑髮生槍擊案,3名槍手在一家大型購物中心內開槍,造成至少6人死亡,許多人受傷。警方表示槍手仍然在逃。 ...

※ 編輯: KSHLO (, 07/23/2016 01:56:48
NCISAL: 不就版友剛剛分享Instagram的31s2F 07/23 01:56
JuiFu617: 歐洲倒底怎麼了3F 07/23 01:56
See this Instagram video by @oziano_r • 29 likes ...

kkjjrtlym: 不平靜的原因不就那幾個 偏偏歐洲人就視而不見5F 07/23 01:57
angellll: 不是歐洲人視而不見 而是掌權左派故意當作沒看到6F 07/23 01:57
kkjjrtlym: 反正別人ㄉ小孩死不完阿ㄏㄏ 說說漂亮話繼續裝傻7F 07/23 01:58
sheng76314: 不是掌權左派故意當作沒看到  而是早就被滲透8F 07/23 01:58
larailing: 商人只會想有沒有人趁機偷東西10F 07/23 02:01
richstar: 槍擊影片: https://goo.gl/Ga6HHf11F 07/23 02:02
Thomas Seymat

Alleged video of a shooter in #Munich, location confirmed by a friend working close by (she did not film the video)
shaochilee: 媽的 我剛要搭車過去耶...12F 07/23 02:02
ronray7799: 台灣肥宅未卜先知一定是穆斯林幹的13F 07/23 02:03
還不能確定 但機率不低
evonre: 川普根本先知,一堆智障在那愛與和平14F 07/23 02:03
※ 編輯: KSHLO (, 07/23/2016 02:04:18
evonre: 被射得滿臉豆花也是剛好15F 07/23 02:03
Mariano42: 愛開放邊界難民 被殺剛好 川普是對的17F 07/23 02:05
a2470abc: 我在德國 三天候要去慕尼黑....18F 07/23 02:06
veryGY: 對回教徒仁慈 就是對自己殘忍19F 07/23 02:06
shaochilee: 第一次去慕尼黑玩就遇到這種鳥事囧20F 07/23 02:07
Mariano42: ISIS德國組 最近趕進度喔 不能讓法國組專美於前21F 07/23 02:07
GoodMemory: 樓上在慕尼黑?22F 07/23 02:07
AdPiG: 慕尼黑車站(hauptbahnhof)疏散中 火車停駛23F 07/23 02:08
kkjjrtlym: 寧願生活在提心吊膽當中  也要展現愛與包容 歐洲棒棒25F 07/23 02:09
CobeBryant: 看看中東 某族支持改變信仰死刑的比率就知道不能收了26F 07/23 02:09
vicklin: 現在死是死十幾個,極右派當權搞世界大戰就死幾億27F 07/23 02:10
AiManX: 中東難民就寄生蟲 哪邊爽就哪邊跑 然後要其他人用愛包容28F 07/23 02:10
vicklin: 連這種都不會算還說是先知..29F 07/23 02:10
AdPiG: 疑似又有第三現場 在karlsplatz附近的Isartorplatz30F 07/23 02:10
Audien: 么獸 還好住在台灣31F 07/23 02:11
finalvisual: 但掌權的不是左派吧   梅克爾基民黨好嗎32F 07/23 02:11
shaochilee: 剛到科隆要轉車 考慮要不要掉頭跑了33F 07/23 02:11
vicklin: 當然是說以後...34F 07/23 02:11
hihi29: 為什麼不跑 難道遇到槍手 他會看你是黃種人饒你一命?35F 07/23 02:12
mytoychiu: 先離開吧 不怕一萬只怕萬一36F 07/23 02:13
shaochilee: 說的我褲子都濕濕的...還是回家躲起來好了37F 07/23 02:13
AiManX: 還不往回跑 子彈不長眼 就算去到沒事 也一團混亂 能幹嘛?38F 07/23 02:13
shaochilee: 現在人在科隆也覺得很危險rrrrr39F 07/23 02:13
anoreader: 先別進慕尼黑吧! 槍手都不確定有幾人了 萬一車站有就40F 07/23 02:14
ImBBCALL: 台灣幸福41F 07/23 02:15
AdPiG: 慕尼黑案發現場的醫生護士被緊急召回42F 07/23 02:15
kc1345: 直接去DB Zentrum問能不能退票吧43F 07/23 02:16
kc1345: 科隆多待一天附近玩的也很多
cinnie: 買防彈衣穿45F 07/23 02:17
sweetgold: 太危險啦……還好我這次放假準備去大溪地46F 07/23 02:17
AdPiG: Munchen hbf都停駛了是要怎麼進...47F 07/23 02:18
jerry543: 慕尼黑火車都停駛了,要去也去不了了48F 07/23 02:18
sweetgold: 歐洲剩北歐比較安全49F 07/23 02:18
terry1043: 北歐有殺人魔呀50F 07/23 02:19
theword: 北歐前幾年才發生過散彈槍屠殺破殺人紀錄 ...51F 07/23 02:19
KSHLO: 如果是步槍子彈 穿防彈衣還是輕鬆穿過...52F 07/23 02:20
PTTLawyer: 北歐殺人魔是殺移民吧53F 07/23 02:21
wie10112: 歐洲變戰場了嗎54F 07/23 02:21
AdPiG: 慕尼黑警方說這是恐怖攻擊55F 07/23 02:21
shaochilee: 因為我是坐大巴的 下午才訂的房 準備看看能不能退票了56F 07/23 02:22
CNN另一則宣布 慕尼黑警察呼籲暫時不要前往
※ 編輯: KSHLO (, 07/23/2016 02:23:35
fecccc0000:  西方日常57F 07/23 02:26
mytoychiu: 有cnn轉述警方說別去慕尼黑的網址嗎58F 07/23 02:26
Munich shooting: Police operation underway, at least 6 dead - CNN.com
Gunfire rang out at a shopping mall in the German city of Munich on Friday evening, leaving several people dead and others wounded, CNN affiliate NTV  ...

AdPiG: Karlsplatz撤離59F 07/23 02:27
※ 編輯: KSHLO (, 07/23/2016 02:27:39
wht810090: 來看看若確實是穆斯林難民幹的 某a這回又要鬼扯啥毀60F 07/23 02:27
AdPiG: https://goo.gl/gs47cd 慕尼黑警方叫大家不要去in法文61F 07/23 02:28
Polizei München

S´il vous plait éviter le public pour le Moment á Munich. #München, #oez, #schießerei
wht810090: 在科隆的那位能跑快跑 事態平定前不要進慕尼黑...62F 07/23 02:28
AdPiG: 慕尼黑polizei的twitter也有英文的教大家遠離公共區域63F 07/23 02:29
mytoychiu: 謝謝64F 07/23 02:31
kc1345: Fernbus就查一下票價規則吧, 還真的沒退過@@65F 07/23 02:33
akimei: 如果是Flixbus可以15分鐘前退~~~66F 07/23 02:50
Artuoleya: 人權團體去哪裡了?快出來維護這些被殺的權益啊!啊,死67F 07/23 02:59
Artuoleya: 人沒用啦
MoneyDay5566: 回教69F 07/23 03:18

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