※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-04-26 23:30:25
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 聖母峰情侶找到了
時間 Wed Apr 26 19:27:34 2017
Missing Taiwanese couple found: man alive, woman dead - National - The Kathmandu Post
A Taiwanese couple was found 47 days after they went missing while trekking at Rubi Valley in Dhading district. ...
A Taiwanese couple was found 47 days after they went missing while trekking at Rubi Valley in Dhading district. ...
Missing Taiwanese couple found: man alive, woman dead
- Post Report, Kathmandu
Apr 26, 2017- A Taiwan couple has been found 50 days after they went missing.
The man was found alive while the woman was found dead, it has been learnt.
Liang Sheng-yu and Liu Chen-chun, who had stayed at a home-stay in Lawadung
of Tipling for three days till March 8, 2017, had gone for trekking in the
Dhading district through the Kathmandu-based Asian Trekking Pvt. Ltd.
They were last seen at Pangsang in Rasuwa on March 9.
Various parts of the district had witnessed heavy snowfall the same day when
the couple went missing.
It has been learnt that the couple had fallen from the Tyagrobhir following
the snowfall while they were trying to descend to the Somdang Valley.
The woman’s mother and the man’s father had also arrived in Nepal to search
for them.
The man’s father had also chartered a chopper to search for the missing
The trekking agency had deployed four guides to search for the missing couple.
The guides with the help of local Nepali Congress Tipling President Dawa
Thapa had found them from the Somdang Valley.
Published: 26-04-2017 16:11
Missing Taiwanese couple found: man alive, woman dead - National - The Kathmandu Post
A Taiwanese couple was found 47 days after they went missing while trekking at Rubi Valley in Dhading district. ...
A Taiwanese couple was found 47 days after they went missing while trekking at Rubi Valley in Dhading district. ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1P08GgI1 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1493206058.A.481.html
→ : !!!1F 04/26 19:27
→ : 我幫你番2F 04/26 19:28
→ : 不ey3F 04/26 19:28
→ : 男的搞不好是吃女生的血肉活下來的4F 04/26 19:28
→ : 男的吃著屍體 存活下來了(誤5F 04/26 19:28
→ : 他們上山有沒有遵守相關規定?假如沒有就別同情他們。6F 04/26 19:28
→ : 幫QQ7F 04/26 19:28
→ : 這男的準備後悔一輩子吧ㄏㄏ8F 04/26 19:28
→ : 聖母聖詠9F 04/26 19:28
推 : 哇……奇跡 不過男的要怎麼像女方交代10F 04/26 19:28
→ : 案情不單純11F 04/26 19:29
→ : 慘 R.I.P.12F 04/26 19:29
→ : 鍵盤柯南磨刀霍霍13F 04/26 19:29
推 : R.I.P.14F 04/26 19:29
→ : 唉15F 04/26 19:30
推 : 女生R.I.P16F 04/26 19:30
→ : [url]http://i.imgur.com/nj6sXYz.jpg[/url]17F 04/26 19:31
→ : 失蹤50天還能存活 好強18F 04/26 19:31
推 : 阿彌陀佛19F 04/26 19:31
推 : 不是說雪崩嗎 你們...20F 04/26 19:31
→ : 天擇21F 04/26 19:32
推 : 推九二共識~~~22F 04/26 19:32
推 : 遇到雪崩了 還能活一個算幸運了吧23F 04/26 19:32
→ : 就從一個什麼谷跌下去吧24F 04/26 19:32
噓 : 沒錢請雪巴人幫忙嗎 @@????25F 04/26 19:33
→ : 雪崩?26F 04/26 19:33
推 : 他說女的死了 內文沒有提到大體27F 04/26 19:33
推 : 痾 還以為變冰棒了 過那麼久還活著真不簡單28F 04/26 19:33
→ : 被吃了,我要求驗胃裡的殘骸物29F 04/26 19:33
推 : 女生RIP,希望男生沒事。30F 04/26 19:34
推 : 比貝爾還猛31F 04/26 19:35
推 : rip…32F 04/26 19:35
推 : 要被吉了33F 04/26 19:35
推 : 雪崩超可怕的34F 04/26 19:36
推 : 說他們失蹤那天 剛好附近區域有發生大雪崩 研判是要下山回35F 04/26 19:36
→ : 村莊的時候遇到雪崩墜谷
→ : 村莊的時候遇到雪崩墜谷
→ : 我只想到吃人?37F 04/26 19:36
→ : 還在那邊聖母峰...跟記者同樣程度38F 04/26 19:36
→ : rip阿 撐50天太強了39F 04/26 19:37
噓 : 不眠山40F 04/26 19:37
推 : 我要來寫一個少年呆的奇幻旅程41F 04/26 19:37
→ : 台男真自私42F 04/26 19:38
推 : 吃掉了喇,笑死,不請嚮導自以為43F 04/26 19:39
→ : [url]http://i.imgur.com/ny8Pfd6.jpg[/url]44F 04/26 19:41
→ : 喔幹不是雪崩 看太快了 只是大雪而已 抱歉QQ45F 04/26 19:41
噓 : 50天還能活下來 我看肚子裡面也沒辦法驗出什麼46F 04/26 19:42
推 : 那女的早就被消化掉了
推 : 那女的早就被消化掉了
推 : 一個人吃50天 也會餓死吧48F 04/26 19:42
→ : 看其他的外文是失足摔落懸崖,男的卡在中間,女的直接摔49F 04/26 19:44
→ : 到落差200m的河裡
→ : 到落差200m的河裡
→ : 就男的說了算啊51F 04/26 19:45
推 : .........52F 04/26 19:45
→ : snowfall 是降雪 不是雪崩 avalanche, 他們遇到大雪。53F 04/26 19:46
推 : 不作死就不會死54F 04/26 19:47
→ : 就根據內文來說55F 04/26 19:47
→ : ………56F 04/26 19:49
推 : 大雪也是很危險 1900年日本訓練雪中強行軍整團滅了57F 04/26 19:49
噓 : 保險金受益人58F 04/26 19:56
噓 : 什麼時候才會有人理解上喜馬拉雅山不等於要攻聖母峰59F 04/26 20:01
推 : 我開始腦補男友割斷女友繩索斷尾求生60F 04/26 20:03
→ : 走這路段不會結繩隊啦61F 04/26 20:04
推 : 就算不攻聖母峰 那座山氣候也很危險 比登玉山還危險62F 04/26 20:04
推 : 新聞那有寫吃人,推文不要亂講63F 04/26 20:04
噓 : 為什麼不請嚮導...64F 04/26 20:05
→ : 50天是怎麼活下來的@@65F 04/26 20:07
推 : 不眠山66F 04/26 20:08
噓 : 之前在那邊雞雞歪歪說啥產業道路的廢物給我滾出來67F 04/26 20:11
推 : 是1902年,也沒整團這麼慘,是8師團第5聯隊210人死了199人68F 04/26 20:12
→ : ....69F 04/26 20:12
推 : 之前說那邊路鋪好柏油很安全的咧 踹共阿70F 04/26 20:13
→ : R. I. P.71F 04/26 20:16
推 : 山真的別亂爬...72F 04/26 20:16
→ : 那個超嘴的鄉民不知道躲哪裡去啦 臉有夠腫73F 04/26 20:17
→ : 女的不知道好不好吃74F 04/26 20:17
推 : 那裏危險 這不就活下來了 只是剛好大雪困住75F 04/26 20:24
推 : 男活女死 男方老爸包直昇機救人76F 04/26 20:27
→ : 就算那段路平常很安全,遇到大雪還是不穩定啊,是要77F 04/26 20:37
→ : 踹共啥?
→ : 踹共啥?
推 : R. I. P.79F 04/26 20:53
推 : 死者不是男生嗎?80F 04/26 21:05
推 : man alive, woman dead,死的是女生,男生獲救的照81F 04/26 21:12
→ : 片另一篇有
→ : 片另一篇有
→ : R.I.P.83F 04/26 21:16
噓 : 女友好口連84F 04/26 22:17
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