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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 中國的下個目標:湄公河
時間 Wed Jun 6 04:47:08 2018
the interpreter
China eyes its next prize – the Mekong
Beijing’s islands-building in the South China Sea and their militarisation,
replete with surface-to-air missiles, is near complete. With guile, threat,
and coercion, China can now seize control of one of the main transport
arteries of Southeast Asia, making a mockery of international laws and norms.
東南亞最主要的運輸動脈之一 ──無視國際法與國際準則
But there is another prize in Beijing’s sights, an artery that runs straight
through mainland Southeast Asia. The mighty Mekong River, which starts in
China (known there as Lancang), and connects Myanmar, Thailand, Laos,
Vietnam, and Cambodia, is a crucial lifeline that nourishes some 60 million
people along its banks.
Control of both the South China Sea and Mekong River will strategically
sandwich mainland Southeast Asia. Indeed, Beijing’s control of Southeast
Asian rivers looks set to be the other half of its “salami slicing”
strategy in the region.
對南海與湄公河的控制 將 戰略性的箝制住中南半島,北京對東南亞內外兩條
Famine is more terrible than the sword
Controlling the Mekong River’s flow with dams along the waterway ultimately
means controlling access to food, and therefore the livelihoods of tens of
millions of people in downstream riparian communities. Of the
hydroelectricity dams on the Mekong, the vast majority of currently installed
capacity (megawatts) is in China, accounting for more than 15,000 MW. This
includes a half-dozen mega-dams over 1000 MW, including Nuozhadu dam which
churns out 5850 MW.
Together these dams can hold back 23 billion cubic metres of water, or 27% of
the river’s annual flow between China and Thailand. Other dams in the lower
Mekong are piddling by comparison, with generating capacity in the tens or
low hundreds of MW.
The bottom line: Chinese dams can now regulate the Mekong’s flow.
This is even more pronounced in the dry season when the Tibetan Plateau
contributes between 40 and 70% of the river’s flow. The impact on food and
livelihoods is dramatic now, but could soon be far worse if 11 proposed
mega-dams, half with some Chinese involvement, go ahead.
A recent UNESCO and Stockholm Environment Institute report suggests sediment
flows in the river could reduce by up to 94% if the proposed dams go ahead,
significantly affecting fish catches and overall river health. This will
directly affect downstream riparian communities.
More worryingly, the raison d’être of the proposed dams and oft-cited
promise of a crucial electricity boost for the economies of the lower Mekong
has been found to be misguided. Many of the proposed lower Mekong dams will
export their energy to China, and others will have direct negative impacts on
the economy. It is projected that over the next 50 years, the cost for the
lower Mekong basin economy will be a net negative $7.3 billion, with Vietnam
and Cambodia the worst off. The social costs could be just as astronomical.
Dams as dominoes
During a recent trip to Laos, I encountered concerns about Chinese dams being
used as strategic levers, producing unannounced upstream releases of water
that impact not only communities but also new downstream dams. In such a
case, the downstream dams would need to immediately release water through the
spillway, at best resulting in the loss of valuable generating capacity,
potentially impacting electricity supply, and at worst flooding downstream
villages or damaging the integrity of the dam wall.
在最近一次寮國之行後,筆者注意到 中國是可以把大壩當成戰略槓桿使用的
上游水壩無預警的洩洪 不僅影響下游區域的居民,對新建成的下游水壩也有所影響
Already many of the dams on the tributaries of the Mekong are uninformed of
upstream releases in the Mekong proper, potentially affecting their own
release of water by creating a flood surge when the released waters converge.
One of the operators of a joint venture dam in Laos confided that there was
often little or no forewarning when water from a Chinese-built upstream dam
was released.
Many of these dams are Southeast Asian state–owned or involve European
firms, which could further complicate matters if an incident occurred.
Indeed, the release of unscheduled upstream water by Chinese-owned dams could
be used to engineer a public protest against the downstream dam’s parent
company. That is concerning because it turns dams into dominoes, with China
at first fall.
下游這些水壩 大部分都是東南亞各國國有的,或有歐洲的投資,如果發生了什麼事
上游無預警的排水 十分有可能引發下游居民對當地水壩的抵制與抗議
Dams without water, or without sufficient water in their reservoirs, also
disrupt economies as they are unable to supply expected electricity output.
With upstream Chinese firms controlling the Mekong’s flow, it has suffered
drought-like conditions attributed to the irregular flow of the river itself.
Salinisation of the Mekong at its mouth in Vietnam is one example; soil
erosion across the river system is another. It’s a huge problem for those
that rely on the river – the Mekong Delta in Vietnam alone produces 40% of
the country’s rice and much of the basin’s protein.
All hail Yu Shi
A much-overlooked and further source of strength in China’s control of the
river system, as well as river systems across the subcontinent, is the cloud
seeding project named Tianhe. The project’s stated objective is to increase
rainfall by 10 billion cubic metres – 7% of China’s current consumption –
over the Tibetan Plateau that feeds into key transboundary rivers, including
the Mekong, Brahmaputra, Indus, and Salween.
另一個常被忽視,但即將成形的是中國的大規模人造雨工程 "天河"
The project, part the broader artificial weather project, would seed rain to
fall over the plateau and into the catchments of these rivers. This water
would then be regulated by Chinese dams (see this comprehensive map), or
could be redirected domestically. But as Carnegie Council’s Janos Pasztor
notes, the seeding doesn’t produce rain, “it makes it happen somewhere,
which means that it will not happen somewhere else”.
但正如卡內基基金會的Janos Pasztor所說:雨水並不會無中生有
Controlling the weather and ensuring rain falls within China is the next step
to controlling water flows to neighbouring countries. In part, this is
worrying because China’s current record of natural resource management is
far from stellar: some 70% of rivers and lakes in China are polluted.
人工氣象、確保降雨是中國 控制周邊國家水資源的下一步,
Moreover, the potential control of rainfall creates further problems. In good
times it encourages countries to build electricity-generating dams, and in
bad could mean downstream drought and a full-scale weaponisation of water.
(An excellent anecdote on this is here).
Blowing up islands
Dams and rainfall are only one part of the equation. In contrast with its
islands-building in the South China Sea, China has embarked on a “Mekong
River Navigation Channel Improvement Project” that involves blasting islets,
rapids, and rocks in the Mekong River to create a shipping lane through the
heart of mainland Southeast Asia to Laos.
與南海大建人工島形成對比,中國正加緊實施所謂 "湄公河航道整治工程"
涉及了一系列 清除沙洲、爆破礁石,弭平急流的措施
The environmental and social damages, as well as a new highway for the import
of Chinese products, are expected to have a net negative impact on Southeast
Asian economies. As such, Bangkok is yet to yield to the project on the Thai
segment of the river.
Given the current assertiveness of Beijing’s foreign policy, in the event of
war this inland maritime highway would become a strategic nightmare. This,
alongside the negative economic outlook for the region, provides worrying
prospects for future sovereignty in mainland Southeast Asia.
Chinese tributaries of the Mekong
Unsurprisingly, Southeast Asian states and other concerned parties have long
tried to bring China to the table to establish appropriate rules for
The Mekong River Commission, established in 1995, aimed to do just that.
Beijing dragged its feet, frustrating the cooperative body where it could. In
2016, in line with Beijing’s current my-way-or-the-highway style of
diplomacy, it launched its own group.
The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation has bullied states into working together. As a
carrot for Southeast Asian states’ participation in the first LMC in March
2016, Beijing released water to drought-stricken downstream countries.
The threat was implicit: China controls the river. This notion is the
antecedent to conflict, not cooperation.
These concerns over the Mekong and other rivers, and their place in China’s
geopolitical strategy, are not new (see some excellent long-form reading
here, here, and here). But today we seem to be at a tipping point, to which
the region must respond.
Southeast Asian states, which are all set to lose, must find greater unity
among themselves. European partners in Mekong River dams should explore
alternative projects to supply energy. Others, such as Australia, must move
away from the cavalier “Xi’ll be right mate” attitude, and with a concert
of fair-minded friends support new energy alternatives and sustainability
initiatives to boost resilience in mainland Southeast Asia.
此外,像澳洲這樣的第三國,必須要擺脫 "習大大會是好朋友"的天真態度
China’s growing control over the Mekong is a crucial component of
immobilising sovereignty in mainland Southeast Asia. It must be appropriately
addressed and discouraged.
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
China eyes its next prize – the Mekong
After the South China Sea, Beijing’s “salami slicing” strategy is moving along Southeast Asia’s longest river. ...
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1R5lRJU- (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1528231635.A.7BE.html
推 : 習皇帝想要統治亞洲喇1F 06/06 04:47
推 : 炎黃世冑 東亞稱雄2F 06/06 04:48
→ : 有點擔心中國這樣玩下去,應該會被列強瓜分掉......3F 06/06 05:02
推 : 第三次世界大戰軸心國4F 06/06 05:02
推 : 彭于晏演過了5F 06/06 05:03
推 : 跳舞粉6F 06/06 05:14
推 : 讚哦!中國週邊的敵人越來越多了。7F 06/06 05:20
推 : 什麼中南半島,是印度支那8F 06/06 05:22
推 : 這三小,用水還要看支那臉色?9F 06/06 05:23
推 : 中國這樣搞 周圍有人真的跟他們有好嗎10F 06/06 05:24
推 : 我很贊成426这么做 搞的越大死越快 加油!11F 06/06 05:28
推 : 希望能看到歐美俄和解然後一起吃下中國12F 06/06 05:30
推 : 有望看到第二次八國聯軍嗎13F 06/06 05:34
推 : 8國聯軍會變成16國嗎?14F 06/06 05:35
噓 : 一堆人還在幻想 東南亞早就被買下來了15F 06/06 05:40
推 : 太棒了 改天就八國聯軍16F 06/06 05:44
推 : 現在哪裡有列強17F 06/06 05:48
推 : 中國的手段真的噁心18F 06/06 05:48
推 : 科科第三次鴉片戰爭囉!19F 06/06 05:50
→ : 不可質疑大中華共榮圈20F 06/06 05:55
推 : 我的國阿,您到處與人為敵21F 06/06 05:57
推 : 中國下一個目標:銀河系22F 06/06 05:58
推 : ...中國都搞到非洲了 一堆爵卿還在妄想歐洲反2623F 06/06 06:01
→ : 現在最舔的就是歐洲了
→ : 現在最舔的就是歐洲了
推 : 英法聯軍將巡南海中官媒酸「刷存在感」25F 06/06 06:04
→ : 呵呵 繼續作夢
→ : 呵呵 繼續作夢
噓 : 米國豬油時報?!27F 06/06 06:22
推 : 牆國的牆要擴張28F 06/06 06:32
→ : 看到標題進來補充五毛黑名單,大漁29F 06/06 06:33
推 : 推30F 06/06 06:35
推 : 世界的亂源31F 06/06 06:36
推 : 真不愧為世界蝗蟲32F 06/06 06:51
推 : 印度支那半島是支那神聖不可分的一部分33F 06/06 06:51
推 : 誰掌握水就掌握生命線34F 06/06 06:52
→ : 支那就噁心侵略國 幹 世界蟑螂35F 06/06 06:52
推 : 好文推一個 幹拎涼支那36F 06/06 06:54
→ : 中國真的很希望被圍爐嗎?37F 06/06 07:04
推 : 2016年就搞的越南差點就向中共開戰了= =38F 06/06 07:11
→ : 以為讓人家沒水喝就能控制對方
→ : 以為讓人家沒水喝就能控制對方
推 : 9.2:直接跟天朝投誠就沒事了40F 06/06 07:16
推 : 讓我們看9.2這群畜牲的示範41F 06/06 07:20
推 : 想看中國那天公開說越南是中國自古不可分割的一部分42F 06/06 07:22
推 : 世界毒瘤43F 06/06 07:34
→ : 逼得受不了不就開打了44F 06/06 07:44
推 : 幹,上游是中國有夠慘。應該說有中國當鄰居有夠慘,到處搶45F 06/06 07:44
推 : 戰爭囉46F 06/06 07:45
推 : 畜牲人種 支那w47F 06/06 07:46
推 : 世界之癌48F 06/06 07:47
推 : 這些東南亞人繼續舔就準備當中國奴吧49F 06/06 07:51
推 : 對中國抱有美好幻想的中華兒女繼續無視50F 06/06 07:52
推 : 厲害了,我的支畜51F 06/06 07:54
推 : 垃圾國家,世界毒瘤52F 06/06 07:57
推 : 這招真的蠻機掰的53F 06/06 08:10
推 : 海賊王劇情即視感54F 06/06 08:11
推 : Tibetan Plateau 西藏高原。 中國洗腦青藏高原55F 06/06 08:12
推 : 支那這樣玩真的會四面樹敵56F 06/06 08:17
推 : 其實從國府時代就想對印度支那上下其手了57F 06/06 08:21
噓 : 台灣被攻下 下一個就是東南亞 日本 這些傢伙好像覺得沒58F 06/06 08:23
→ : 自己事一樣
→ : 自己事一樣
→ : 超陰的這招 發電我用 環境成本你扛 偶爾施恩給點水60F 06/06 08:24
→ : 北印度支那而非台灣。62F 06/06 08:25
推 : 真心覺得未來可能會有第二次八+國聯軍63F 06/06 08:31
推 : 現在的支那比二戰的日本還扯64F 06/06 08:32
推 : 沒水台商又要對中國下跪了 笑死 四處跪65F 06/06 08:32
→ : 新南向會這樣被玩倒嗎
→ : 新南向會這樣被玩倒嗎
推 : 現在哪有列強 現在只有中美67F 06/06 08:37
噓 : 無法自產能源的支那,終究難逃滅亡之路,繼續掙扎吧68F 06/06 08:37
→ : 寮國只能靠中國了 沒靠海的大都很慘~~~69F 06/06 08:37
→ : 有些人就是不雞拜一下 渾身不舒服70F 06/06 08:38
推 : 哈哈 我的天 不怕越南拼命嗎?71F 06/06 08:41
推 : 新八國聯軍指日可待72F 06/06 08:42
推 : 世界毒瘤,屎支國73F 06/06 08:42
噓 : 世界毒瘤74F 06/06 08:44
推 : 垃圾國家不意外75F 06/06 08:45
推 : 祖國改善湄公河長年水患危機,卻被抹黑76F 06/06 08:48
推 : 我知道,這海賊王都有演過77F 06/06 08:48
→ : 這樣跟土匪國家有什麼不同78F 06/06 08:49
推 : 其實中國也對印度搞這一招79F 06/06 08:53
推 : 果然是垃圾國家 完全不管別人死活80F 06/06 08:57
推 : 垃圾支那81F 06/06 08:58
推 : 讚讚 一帶一路82F 06/06 09:01
推 : 東南亞一盤散沙吵成一團 現在要有共同敵人幫助團結囉83F 06/06 09:06
噓 : 電影演過了84F 06/06 09:11
推 : 好文 推85F 06/06 09:12
推 : 到時圍攻支那的n國聯軍會多這幾國86F 06/06 09:16
→ : 搞湄公河下游一定拼命喔...87F 06/06 09:18
推 : 這會戰爭的呵呵88F 06/06 09:28
推 : 推89F 06/06 09:30
推 : 毒瘤 支那畜90F 06/06 09:31
※ 編輯: takase (, 06/06/2018 09:37:35→ : 為什麼這麼想與全世界為敵91F 06/06 09:34
推 : 中國真的是垃圾92F 06/06 09:39
推 : 印度邊界 南島問題 釣魚台 新疆高壓統治 現在又媚水壩93F 06/06 09:44
→ : 開戰大概中共黨員先分反戰 然後鷹派強行軟禁他們 世界
→ : 譴責 俄國聽牌 美日韓控制貿易海域 北韓看風向不幫中國
→ : 印度菲律賓看方向加入美方 俄國直接領回北域 菲順勢拆
→ : 開戰大概中共黨員先分反戰 然後鷹派強行軟禁他們 世界
→ : 譴責 俄國聽牌 美日韓控制貿易海域 北韓看風向不幫中國
→ : 印度菲律賓看方向加入美方 俄國直接領回北域 菲順勢拆
推 : 中國讚讚讚 東南亞南蠻要喝水還必須靠我大天朝臉色~97F 06/06 09:54
→ : 垃圾支那 把水引去新疆灌溉98F 06/06 09:56
推 : 所以這就是為啥中國絕對要掌控西藏的最主要原因99F 06/06 09:56
→ : 就是因為這片大地上的雪水是灌溉滋養了許多國家的源頭
→ : 就是因為這片大地上的雪水是灌溉滋養了許多國家的源頭
推 : 人心敗壞的毒瘤國家101F 06/06 09:58
推 : 幸好我們有隔一個臺灣海峽...102F 06/06 10:04
推 : 中國……真他媽噁心103F 06/06 10:13
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3樓 時間: 2018-06-06 09:23:58 (台灣)
06-06 09:23 TW
9樓 時間: 2018-06-06 16:23:09 (台灣)
06-06 16:23 TW
twrdbb 唉喔 好兇喔 支那一有錢 就專門作這種逼死人的蠢事 欺負別人到底 逼別人拿命與支那拼命