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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-04-04 20:39:54
看板 Gossiping
作者 Chuchushoe (啾啾鞋)
標題 Re: [問卦] 有沒有推薦的科普youtube影片創作
時間 Sun Mar 25 12:55:15 2018

※ 引述《forest1538 (三重金城武)》之銘言:
: 如題
: Youtube
: 最近想看一些科普或是人文地理相關的影片充實自己
: 長約十到三十分鐘
: 國外的創作者影片更佳
: 有沒有鄉民推薦的
: 類似vsauce 或者是realifelore那種類型的呢
: -----
: Sent from JPTT on my iPhone



BrainCraft - YouTube
Talking psychology, neuroscience and why we act the way we do. Subscribe for a new video every Thursday! Created by Vanessa Hill. Twitter/Instagram/Sn ...


ElectroBOOM - YouTube
Find the craziness in engineering from me, Mehdi Sadaghdar, but don't try them at home... Read articles at: and follow me on Faceb... ...


It's Okay To Be Smart
It's Okay To Be Smart - YouTube
Joe Hanson, Ph.D. is a curious group of atoms in a curious universe, and he's here to tell you how it all works. Subscribe for new science videos ever ...


Life Noggin
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SciShow - YouTube
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SciShow Space
SciShow Space - YouTube
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Seeker - YouTube
Seeker exists where technology, innovation and the future collide. We celebrate relentless curiosity with an insatiable drive to question, inspire, an ...


Numberphile - YouTube
Videos about numbers - it's that simple. Videos by Brady Haran ...


AsapSCIENCE - YouTube
Your weekly dose of fun and interesting science. Created by: Mitchell Moffit (@mitchellmoffit) Gregory Brown (@whalewatchmeplz) CONTACT asapscience[at ...


Veritasium - YouTube
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Vsauce - YouTube
Our World is Amazing. Questions? Ideas? Tweet me: Vsauce was created by Michael Stevens in the summer of 2010. Vsauce is...... ...



Periodic Videos
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Your ultimate channel for all things chemistry. A video about each element on the periodic table. And we upload new videos every week about science ne ...


Reactions - YouTube
Reactions is a show that uncovers the chemistry all around us. We answer the burning questions you’ve always wanted to ask: -How can I get my smartpho ...


NileRed - YouTube
I work on interesting chemistry projects and make videos about them! If you would like to support me, you can check out my Patreon here:  ...



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HELLO FELLOWS I make evolution simulators, BFDI, marble races and the Scale of the Universe. People were confused about which channels were mine, so.. ...


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Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice
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CrashCourse - YouTube
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Extra Credits
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Big Think
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Blank on Blank
Blank on Blank - YouTube
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Coffee Break
Coffee Break - YouTube
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Counter Arguments
Counter Arguments - YouTube
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Vox - YouTube
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The School of Life
The School of Life - YouTube
The School of Life is a global organisation dedicated to fostering emotional well-being, both through our YouTube channel and our real-life schools in ...


NowThis World
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Cracked - YouTube
America's Only Humor & Video Site, Since 1958 New sketches every week! ...


Wisecrack - YouTube
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Nerdwriter1 - YouTube
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Now You See It
Now You See It - YouTube
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The Game Theorists
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The Film Theorists
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Business Casual
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CGP Grey

colinfurze - YouTube
This channel is the home of crazy inventions, brilliant world records and constant disregard to health and safety. I guarantee you will not be disappo ...


ColdFusion - YouTube
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LEMMiNO - YouTube
Documentaries and list videos narrated by a 20-something Swedish guy. ...


Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell - YouTube
Videos explaining things with optimistic nihilism. We are a small team who want to make science look beautiful. Because it is beautiful. Currently we  ...


Practical Psychology
Practical Psychology - YouTube
Practical Psychology is dedicated to giving high-quality and informative videos to everyone who wishes to learn. This channel will upload animated boo ...


RealLifeLore - YouTube
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Second Thought
Second Thought - YouTube
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The Rest Of Us
The Rest Of Us - YouTube
"If you can't explain it simply, you haven't understood it well enough." - A. Einstein I love learning and explaining what I've learnt to others as cl ...


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SmarterEveryDay - YouTube
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Wendover Productions
Wendover Productions - YouTube
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Real Engineering
Real Engineering - YouTube
Interesting answers to simple questions. ...


Hand Tool Rescue
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Hand Tool Rescue - YouTube
Tool restorations and rescues. I rescue tools and put them back in the hands of people who can appreciate them. I will restore a tool for free if it i ...


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DOOHDLIHC: 社科再補一個Casually Explained1F 03/25 12:56
wuheroin: 啾啾鞋本尊!?2F 03/25 12:57
a910298: 推啾啾鞋大3F 03/25 12:57
hiimlive: 五樓同志4F 03/25 12:57
Mikoto41: 本尊朝聖5F 03/25 12:57
whiship: 感謝分享~6F 03/25 12:57
CharleneTsai: O.O 啾啾鞋本人嗎? 先卡個7F 03/25 12:57
t0455453: 啾啾鞋  朝聖8F 03/25 12:57
B05504021: PBS spacetime也不錯9F 03/25 12:58
wayne2468: 釣到本人10F 03/25 12:58
Julian9x9x9: 媽我在這11F 03/25 12:58
deepdish: 啾啾鞋 推推推12F 03/25 12:58
B05504021: 好像是一個學院的教授出來開的 講太空科學13F 03/25 12:58
SuicideHelps: Khan 在 TED 有一個介紹的演講, 想認識的話可以去了14F 03/25 12:58
da1234527123: 哇靠!是你15F 03/25 12:59
SuicideHelps: 解看看主辦人的介紹16F 03/25 12:59
ClotHaha: (椅稻・`)17F 03/25 12:59
DodiFed: 原來是本尊18F 03/25 12:59
banislolz: 有點猛19F 03/25 13:00
theeht: Vsauce都沒人翻譯了 聽不懂QQ20F 03/25 13:00
annkuo802: 釣到啦卡一個21F 03/25 13:00
qewadszxc: 推22F 03/25 13:00
Washington: 推 我有看seeker23F 03/25 13:01
da1234527123: 推到爆!24F 03/25 13:01
B05504021: 紅明顯等等補推 Vox講政治的立場其實有點偏頗25F 03/25 13:01
cubegaga: 啾啾鞋本人耶XDDDD26F 03/25 13:01
B05504021: 補補補27F 03/25 13:02
garysky82: 推electorboom 不過好像沒人翻譯了QQ28F 03/25 13:02
sonja66325: 本尊推29F 03/25 13:02
brother2013: 本人30F 03/25 13:02
heinse: 朝聖31F 03/25 13:03
likeshit: 推32F 03/25 13:05
eldar: 專業好文34F 03/25 13:05
smallsmile: 推整理35F 03/25 13:05
meowchen: 本人耶36F 03/25 13:06
snio2427: 推37F 03/25 13:06
longdeck: 推38F 03/25 13:06
yang666: 推39F 03/25 13:06
cool9203: 啾啾鞋先推,新影片說會上ptt還真的上了!!!40F 03/25 13:06
CDing: 幹 訂閱王是你41F 03/25 13:06
aa23512b: 推42F 03/25 13:07
Maplekuso: 啾啾鞋唯一信癢43F 03/25 13:07
ARHAN: 本人推44F 03/25 13:07
eich6659: 推 朝聖45F 03/25 13:08
jas0111: 本人耶46F 03/25 13:08
lai162: 沒有澳洲小哥Primitive Technology嗎?47F 03/25 13:09
darkbrigher: 有個求生的 原始科技 也很好看48F 03/25 13:09
Denim5566: 推! nice youtuber49F 03/25 13:10
darkbrigher: 就是我樓上說個那個...50F 03/25 13:10
dreamnook: 感謝51F 03/25 13:10
IsaacNewton: 真假 這ID是啾啾鞋?52F 03/25 13:10
rrr518: 我想說怎麼沒有推薦啾啾鞋 結果是本人啊XD53F 03/25 13:10
barber: 專業推!!54F 03/25 13:11
askye546388: 非常不錯55F 03/25 13:12
b02502073: 好詳細啊56F 03/25 13:12
mnnraku: 推57F 03/25 13:12
neil9830409: 推58F 03/25 13:12
roxcido: 推59F 03/25 13:12
holyshirt: 專業推60F 03/25 13:12
Sykec523: 推61F 03/25 13:12
angrycat: 推整理62F 03/25 13:13
a851315: 啊啊啊啊啊63F 03/25 13:13
xeriob021409: 本人有在推文出現過阿64F 03/25 13:13
AlarmBell: 還想說這名子怎麼這麼熟,推專業65F 03/25 13:13
BigBigBaller: 推認真整理66F 03/25 13:14
RushMonkey: 喔喔喔喔,本人67F 03/25 13:14
blue1227: push68F 03/25 13:14
davidoct12: 推本人69F 03/25 13:15
mm4669075:70F 03/25 13:15
wommow: 原來是本人R71F 03/25 13:15
scopeowl: 推72F 03/25 13:15
kabukiryu: ptt要如何才能將文章加到我的最愛73F 03/25 13:15
FlynnZhang: 大家好我是啾啾鞋74F 03/25 13:16
Moteha0627: 推啾啾鞋75F 03/25 13:17
leopika: 菜逼八退一萬步啦76F 03/25 13:17
fa881819: 推推推77F 03/25 13:17
Samsalt: 朝聖推個78F 03/25 13:17
mimi1020b: 敗持79F 03/25 13:18
asssstang: 推個 Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell80F 03/25 13:18
coldtoby: 推81F 03/25 13:18
joesarira:82F 03/25 13:19
frozenmoon: 我有看過你的影片耶83F 03/25 13:20
kipi91718: 本人!84F 03/25 13:20
NaiveRed: 推85F 03/25 13:22
ruby60625: 啾啾鞋給推86F 03/25 13:23
WK7er: 是啾啾鞋!!!87F 03/25 13:23
qulqulqul: 推88F 03/25 13:24
BlueRyo: 推啾啾鞋本尊89F 03/25 13:24
qulqulqul: 是啾啾鞋!!!90F 03/25 13:24
woone: 推91F 03/25 13:24
Nachts: 推92F 03/25 13:25
Otter3: 好文推個93F 03/25 13:25
flannery0123: 噓一下 沒噓過 2應該沒壞94F 03/25 13:25
Sakurafubuki: 板主不把這篇M起來嗎 八卦好文欸95F 03/25 13:26
Fooltodie: 推96F 03/25 13:26
LF25166234: 推推97F 03/25 13:26
josefan: 推98F 03/25 13:26
breadking: 推99F 03/25 13:26
chiu1505: 推個100F 03/25 13:27
michael71206: 推101F 03/25 13:27
Bossliaw: 推102F 03/25 13:27
handfox: 你推nowthis???你認真?????????103F 03/25 13:27
kimos: 窩靠  這麼多頻道都有在追?  不可思議啊啊啊104F 03/25 13:28
qwe04687: 啾啾鞋@@ 推推105F 03/25 13:28
kevin8290: 看ID真的是啾啾鞋,朝聖推106F 03/25 13:28
rrrrr123: 原來是啾啾鞋阿107F 03/25 13:29
buok: 簽名檔有聲音XD108F 03/25 13:29
ted124: 朝聖109F 03/25 13:29
Tbeck: 這篇要m起來110F 03/25 13:30
Useiss: 板主該出來M文囉111F 03/25 13:31
handfox: Nowthis這種惡意合併其他頻道的左派垃圾也有人推112F 03/25 13:32
joker7788996: 推啾啾鞋113F 03/25 13:32
beryll: 啾王!!!114F 03/25 13:33
heaviest: 推115F 03/25 13:33
wang460313: 有沒有 中文字幕的116F 03/25 13:34
c00823ue: 推117F 03/25 13:34
freewash: 竟然沒有Langfocus118F 03/25 13:35
xhung: 感謝分享~119F 03/25 13:35
blackkeyss: 推啾啾鞋120F 03/25 13:36
Tim1018: 是糾糾雪!!!121F 03/25 13:36
carter44970: 推122F 03/25 13:36
Noopsfilm: 好棒 感謝推薦123F 03/25 13:37
karevin07: 推推推124F 03/25 13:38
abstract1717: 不推不行125F 03/25 13:38
microtek1990: 推126F 03/25 13:38
nick84081212: 大家好 我是啾啾鞋127F 03/25 13:38
xhung: 靠盃是啾啾鞋耶 再推128F 03/25 13:39
Gestalk: 推129F 03/25 13:39
acpupu: 推個遊戲設計 Mark Brown130F 03/25 13:39
sus304: 好文 推131F 03/25 13:39
lysing12: 好文 噓一個留名132F 03/25 13:40
tenor0118: 啾啾鞋,推133F 03/25 13:40
arcv121256: 推134F 03/25 13:40
NinaMoon: 解成就 我噓過啾啾鞋了!135F 03/25 13:42
※ 編輯: Chuchushoe (, 03/25/2018 13:47:09
pimachu: 鞋哥好136F 03/25 13:42
inunoya: 推137F 03/25 13:43
dh4mve: 推138F 03/25 13:43
aborwang: 推139F 03/25 13:43
dls89861111: 本人耶!朝聖140F 03/25 13:44
qsdd0236: 推! 媽我在這!141F 03/25 13:45
kiki41052: 哇喔啾啾鞋 推142F 03/25 13:46
ganglia01: 好多阿,看不完143F 03/25 13:47
lucas: 推144F 03/25 13:47
star880613: 啾啾鞋 推個145F 03/25 13:48
wwer0916: good146F 03/25 13:48
andy199113: 啾啾鞋 支持柯文哲 噁147F 03/25 13:48
mcyf058325: 推148F 03/25 13:48
ghrpjjh6es: 怎麼沒有啾啾鞋?幹!原來是本尊!149F 03/25 13:48
andy199113: 拒看名單: HOWHOW 啾啾鞋 蔡阿嘎 冏星人 星期天150F 03/25 13:49
KASG: 推啾啾鞋151F 03/25 13:50
iewix: 這篇不錯152F 03/25 13:51
toboldlygo: 哇抬頭一看竟然是本尊153F 03/25 13:52
bradpete: 推The King of Random 舒壓影片154F 03/25 13:52
bochengchen: 推推推155F 03/25 13:52
chriskuo14: 推啾啾鞋 握過本人的手156F 03/25 13:53
killerchi: 優文給推 不過啾啾鞋是誰?157F 03/25 13:53
nullife: 推158F 03/25 13:54
wanchi1102: 啾啾鞋欸圍觀159F 03/25 13:55
kis28519: 推160F 03/25 13:55
jimmy30511: 太詳細了161F 03/25 13:55
bom114352: 簽名檔有聲音162F 03/25 13:56
alexjeter: 嗨163F 03/25 13:57
kyocartoon: 朝聖推164F 03/25 13:57
amurox: 真好 可以支持柯文哲165F 03/25 13:57
scarfman: 嘿!啾啾鞋你好166F 03/25 13:57
FW190Pilot: 先推167F 03/25 13:58
BlackCoal: 筆記筆記168F 03/25 13:58
kkk007: 推169F 03/25 13:59
suPerFlyK: 推 鞋大170F 03/25 14:00
DarkerDuck: 朝聖推171F 03/25 14:00
Benbenyale: 舊舊鞋居然也看Vox172F 03/25 14:01
chaby19913: 推個LIS173F 03/25 14:03
patigerman: 你4啾啾鞋174F 03/25 14:04
HBK21: 推啾啾鞋175F 03/25 14:04
taurussam: 推推 清流176F 03/25 14:05
w3951: 推推177F 03/25 14:06
Dreamerrr: 朝聖~178F 03/25 14:07
leleMDF: 啾啾鞋!!!!!179F 03/25 14:07
mino05510: 推180F 03/25 14:07
doraemon8709: 本尊!181F 03/25 14:09
rehtra: 哇哇哇182F 03/25 14:09
alog: 幹 真他媽的狂183F 03/25 14:10
alog: 看到文字腦子等有聲音了 還有招牌手勢
x94m405109: 朝聖185F 03/25 14:11
mow0412: 推186F 03/25 14:11
cura4404: 好多有趣的頻道!!!!超感謝分享~~~187F 03/25 14:12
lost3heart: 推啾啾鞋!喜歡你的影片啊!188F 03/25 14:12
hook227: 太神啦189F 03/25 14:13
sherlockt: 感謝推薦190F 03/25 14:14
Zhax: 推推191F 03/25 14:14
evol6381: 哇,揪揪鞋!!!!192F 03/25 14:14
fgyhk951: 推193F 03/25 14:15
soria: crash course 真的不錯 很簡單的大眾教學教材194F 03/25 14:15
banbanmeow: 喔!是啾啾鞋!195F 03/25 14:17
charley1204: 看文章也有聲音這是正常的嗎196F 03/25 14:18
tingvictor: 喔喔喔喔 推推197F 03/25 14:18
onceleggo: 推198F 03/25 14:19
harry881210: 啾啾鞋給推199F 03/25 14:20
wsjerry: 太神啦~~竟然是啾啾鞋~~必追隨阿~~200F 03/25 14:20
a123498765de: 推本尊!!!!201F 03/25 14:21
kenlin0105: 推推202F 03/25 14:21
f22313467: 你誰?203F 03/25 14:21
ken7788441: 推本人204F 03/25 14:22
mg14999: 朝聖205F 03/25 14:22
terrychan49: 我還想說原PO竟然沒有推啾啾鞋的頻道很不專業206F 03/25 14:22
sazdj: 可以鼻要這麼專業嗎!207F 03/25 14:22
terrychan49: 結果竟然是本人XDD208F 03/25 14:23
zmcx16: 推!!209F 03/25 14:23
Klosr: 太神啦 這麼多 看不完了 感謝分享210F 03/25 14:24
kevlius: vox就是跟cnn一樣偏民主黨211F 03/25 14:24
a5817439: 推啾啾鞋212F 03/25 14:25
ditto0718: 喔喔喔啾啾鞋欸!213F 03/25 14:25
barkingdog: 水管王214F 03/25 14:25
Tamama56: 推215F 03/25 14:27
freedomZ: 好文推216F 03/25 14:27
TrashSS: 推用心217F 03/25 14:28
Chikarable: 推本尊218F 03/25 14:29
esb6149: 啾啾鞋首po是一定要朝聖的219F 03/25 14:30
NBL123: 竟然沒有MinutePhysics和MinuteEarth!!220F 03/25 14:30
luckycat158: 朝聖221F 03/25 14:32
KingKingCold: 這篇很不錯耶,應該M222F 03/25 14:32
aa77528: 朝聖,推223F 03/25 14:35
rachihwei: 留名224F 03/25 14:37
HowardL: 推推!225F 03/25 14:37
Centauro: 哇226F 03/25 14:38
Schilling: 推227F 03/25 14:38
PeterSu1983: 強大228F 03/25 14:39
wsx88432: 推整理文 原來啾啾鞋會上8掛229F 03/25 14:40
bibico0206: 那PS的頻道呢?230F 03/25 14:40
showforce: 開啟大理組時代231F 03/25 14:43
likeyousmile: 讚232F 03/25 14:43
powercold: 推233F 03/25 14:43
c24253994: 看到GameTheory我就笑了XDDD234F 03/25 14:43
joylintp: 野生啾啾鞋欸 朝聖235F 03/25 14:44
quark00000: 哇 是啾啾鞋236F 03/25 14:44
lautomne: 超愛ASAPscience237F 03/25 14:48
ErROrGG: OK 專業推238F 03/25 14:49
ErROrGG: 靠北 原來是啾啾鞋
kay1994: 推!啾啾鞋240F 03/25 14:51
Fice: 朝聖241F 03/25 14:52
qazsedcft: 靠腰242F 03/25 14:52
chescaleigh - YouTube
Hey I'm Franchesca and I make YouTube videos! Business inquiries? Please contact my agent through my website -  ...

lautomne: 補一個,滿喜歡他的,原來原Po是啾啾鞋,現在才發現XD244F 03/25 14:53
lautomne: 還有Bright side也不錯看,很多種主題
jeffych: 謝謝! 推246F 03/25 14:53
blast2013: 推247F 03/25 14:53
papa004: 讚248F 03/25 14:53
BUymj: 先朝聖249F 03/25 14:54
aooa: 啾啾鞋爺250F 03/25 14:54
sos667771: 啾啾鞋!!!!!251F 03/25 14:54
trysoloQ: 推252F 03/25 14:56
asd139643179: 推一個3blue1brown 把艱澀的數學轉化成動畫來解釋253F 03/25 14:57
cerberi: 推254F 03/25 14:58
ms893030: 專業,謝謝分享255F 03/25 14:58
narihira2000: 推本尊啊啊啊256F 03/25 14:59
yongguo: 朝聖+1257F 03/25 15:01
a5245242003: 英文不好QQ258F 03/25 15:02
j1992624: 朝聖259F 03/25 15:03
zack0000: 還想說怎麼沒有推啾啾鞋260F 03/25 15:03
lu2272: 推261F 03/25 15:06
cabal7931: 朝聖262F 03/25 15:08
Cybermark: 沒有推啾啾鞋 啊 是本人喔263F 03/25 15:08
s870196: 推264F 03/25 15:08
sorcxnegi: 優文265F 03/25 15:08
sarsky228: 朝聖266F 03/25 15:09
sam830513: 朝聖推267F 03/25 15:09
asd2260123: 本人欸268F 03/25 15:10
hdaniellf2: Chuchushoes 給推269F 03/25 15:10
holocon11212: 推個270F 03/25 15:11
zaqmkovfr: 啾啾鞋RRRRRRRRRR271F 03/25 15:12
JF5385: 專業推272F 03/25 15:13
ghyt11: 就是你273F 03/25 15:13
web6037: 推啾啾鞋274F 03/25 15:14
pro1028: 朝聖推275F 03/25 15:14
ineleni: 朝聖276F 03/25 15:15
cheng31507: 朝聖 推277F 03/25 15:17
oook: 你的影片很棒!我有贊助你!借我噓一下過過癮,謝謝!278F 03/25 15:18
extrachaos: 好文279F 03/25 15:21
ken40220a: 有火車捷運交通類的嗎?280F 03/25 15:24
Dante6: 啾啾鞋本人!?281F 03/25 15:24
tearsong: 未看先推282F 03/25 15:25
wingalan: 推283F 03/25 15:25
Lydia66: 啾啾鞋本尊!? 我眼睛業障重(揉眼)284F 03/25 15:25
nicofox: 太神了 我必須推285F 03/25 15:26
bill09232002: 朝聖推一個286F 03/25 15:26
chenteddy: 噓你啦趕287F 03/25 15:28
TheFogs: 本地推!288F 03/25 15:29
bon01215: 朝聖推289F 03/25 15:30
nas100: 推290F 03/25 15:30
sam397: 乾 本人耶291F 03/25 15:33
unimaybe: 快推,神串留名292F 03/25 15:36
chenfrank: 推293F 03/25 15:36
heycircle: 本尊啊啊294F 03/25 15:36
ichan78: 啾啾鞋 推295F 03/25 15:37
Stan6003: 是啾啾鞋本人296F 03/25 15:37
GustavSo: 讚297F 03/25 15:39
celestine412: 推 life loggin可愛!298F 03/25 15:40
ciaadya: 是本尊!神串留名299F 03/25 15:40
silentowl: 這必須推300F 03/25 15:40
celestine412: *noggin301F 03/25 15:41
kaltu: 有 numnerphile 卻沒有 computerphile302F 03/25 15:42
Electra00: 推303F 03/25 15:45
huk40199: 推304F 03/25 15:46
ultradoublez: !!是本人305F 03/25 15:48
maxian30201: 加油 要繼續維持影片的品質嘿306F 03/25 15:49
Pcinereus: 嗨我是啾啾鞋307F 03/25 15:50
alex9708hero: 推308F 03/25 15:51
andy663: 朝聖推309F 03/25 15:52
satzu0627: 哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦310F 03/25 15:52
TwoSeam5566: 推推推推311F 03/25 15:54
leo42054205: 太神了 有鞋快拜312F 03/25 15:55
gc1319: 推313F 03/25 15:55
deed0903: 推整理314F 03/25 15:55
leo42054205: 偷偷噓一次啾啾鞋不然怕以後沒得噓315F 03/25 15:55
leo42054205: 好補回來
serafina1234: 啾啾鞋給推317F 03/25 15:56
ddddd0825: Chrisfix真的好看318F 03/25 16:00
a88593go: 推319F 03/25 16:11
k920354496: 推!320F 03/25 16:13
girafa: 很讚耶 大推321F 03/25 16:14
xx182731: 本尊推322F 03/25 16:14
cursedsoul: 國內的(敲碗)323F 03/25 16:14
Line2468: 推324F 03/25 16:15
cliff2001: 推325F 03/25 16:16
lyt5566: 簽名檔有聲音326F 03/25 16:18
std7912: 推327F 03/25 16:19
ginopun10477: 嗨嗨 啾啾鞋328F 03/25 16:19
qqccll: 推薦deep look329F 03/25 16:19
MasCat: 呃 抱歉沒聽過330F 03/25 16:20
ryoma9527: 感謝分享331F 03/25 16:28
tin123210: 好扯歐,你也追太多332F 03/25 16:30
zoo868e: 噓一個333F 03/25 16:31
swilly0906: 讚 收穫良多:)334F 03/25 16:32
TwoSeam5566: 右派頻道 也可看看StevenCrowder或The Daily Wire335F 03/25 16:38
TwoSeam5566: 台灣應該偏左的LastWeekTonight和DaliyShow比較有名
DysisKC: !!!!!!!!337F 03/25 16:40
MRfridge: 啾啾鞋捏338F 03/25 16:43
tbbyan: 我覺得佑來了還不錯欸339F 03/25 16:47
ShittyFace: 推個340F 03/25 16:49
g30f68: 推啦341F 03/25 16:51
daylight9157: 發現野生啾啾鞋,不噓此行342F 03/25 16:51
kiwiwoo: 卡343F 03/25 16:53
ted8344203: 推344F 03/25 16:56
yeh0416: 噓噓看345F 03/25 16:57
tmuejoelin: 推346F 03/25 16:57
k96623: 朝聖 超猛的啦347F 03/25 16:58
qscNERO: 想問有推薦中文的頻道或是有翻譯這類影片的頻道嗎QQ348F 03/25 17:00
lautomne: 樓上,目前我知道的是Asapscience有人翻譯,然後CC字幕349F 03/25 17:02
lautomne: 有多種語言可以選,但不是每個影片都有
kevinpc: 好多頻道都已經有訂閱 也挖到一些新的寶 thanks351F 03/25 17:05
Arescrow: 哇靠是本人,看到一半就覺得國外好多台灣揪揪鞋352F 03/25 17:05
CiangCiang06: 朝聖353F 03/25 17:06
user1120: 推354F 03/25 17:08
lightning879: 推實用,也推啾啾鞋大大355F 03/25 17:10
calamus: 好豐富壓 謝謝分享 筆記筆記推~356F 03/25 17:11
fish10606: 超豐富的!!357F 03/25 17:12
leoet82: 推358F 03/25 17:15
JQK2: 歐美教育和亞洲高下立判359F 03/25 17:20
dfgcvbhj12: 推360F 03/25 17:26
s900037: 推361F 03/25 17:32
unssy: 推推362F 03/25 17:33
qwer338859: 推363F 03/25 17:34
parislove3: 推8-Bit Guy364F 03/25 17:34
echojames: 推365F 03/25 17:39
Keywayly: 推薦超級歪366F 03/25 17:41
jame14521: 推367F 03/25 17:49
vvind: 這清單也太長368F 03/25 17:51
ZaneLin: 朝聖推369F 03/25 17:53
dannyiing: 推370F 03/25 17:55
Ayenyen: 神串留名371F 03/25 17:58
abc7711821: 解成就  你的影片很棒372F 03/25 18:01
cumore: 推373F 03/25 18:05
Eric89123: 我有訂閱你374F 03/25 18:10
abc7711821: 補推個375F 03/25 18:10
lgc8642000: 推376F 03/25 18:14
charlescute: 我是你粉絲RRRR377F 03/25 18:15
PigBlood: 朝聖378F 03/25 18:16
DanDisk: 怎麼蚱蜢多R379F 03/25 18:24
kiwiontwig: 有啾啾鞋就推380F 03/25 18:25
XDDDpupu5566: 推381F 03/25 18:28
twlicn: 推382F 03/25 18:30
wz70403: 認真推383F 03/25 18:31
MapleWings: 推推384F 03/25 18:36
kobed: 沒噓過解個成就385F 03/25 18:39
gfhnrtjpoiuy: 本人??386F 03/25 18:41
terrychan49: 借噓  喔耶387F 03/25 18:48
wsx12358: 推啾啾鞋388F 03/25 18:52
d970306: 推389F 03/25 18:58
aacj2642: 哇靠本人呀大大我有訂閱你呀!390F 03/25 19:04
nosheep: 推391F 03/25 19:05
ptoqharumb: 媽我在這392F 03/25 19:06
vadryna: 太神啦393F 03/25 19:10
zseineo: 推394F 03/25 19:20
Roger0123: 竟然是八卦首PO XD395F 03/25 19:20
johnlock221: 朝聖推396F 03/25 19:31
dzshdavid: 是本人欸 推397F 03/25 19:33
shunshunder: 朝聖398F 03/25 19:41
nm123493: 啾啾<3399F 03/25 19:42
rjamwxede: 噓啾啾鞋,耶~~~此生無憾400F 03/25 19:49
milkkiss: 朝聖401F 03/25 19:50
sk3s: 好多402F 03/25 20:00
LeopardCAT: 朝聖403F 03/25 20:08
jiang50513: 簽名檔真的有聲音XD404F 03/25 20:11
brian21201: 不知道你是誰 但好像很屌405F 03/25 20:12
augustlin: 來朝聖啾啾鞋406F 03/25 20:14
ECZEMA: 好認真407F 03/25 20:14
wpcivdod: 推408F 03/25 20:24
axlu: 棒409F 03/25 20:54
goodjackgu: 哇!優質文!410F 03/25 21:36
abb123456: 推411F 03/25 21:46
acer758219: 朝聖412F 03/25 21:56
ziy900409: 小動物相關可看Deep Look有很細緻的拍攝手段跟還不錯413F 03/25 22:29
ziy900409: 的介紹
jeffmib: 啾起來415F 03/25 22:34
youngzi: 認真文!416F 03/25 22:43
ken890126: 解鎖一下成就417F 03/25 22:47
a5b77cec: 啾啾鞋推418F 03/25 23:02
TRod: Life Noggin 好看419F 03/26 00:03
bill91305: 朝聖啾啾鞋420F 03/26 00:14
kkk593819: 收藏了幾個 還不錯!!!421F 03/26 00:15
virusDA: 啾啾鞋耶!!!! 推推  (扇子式揮手)422F 03/26 00:34
Taiyaki: 媽我在這!423F 03/26 00:44
s8900117: 77777424F 03/26 00:48
siensien: 推推425F 03/26 01:12
yu0117: 朝聖推426F 03/26 01:13
siberia: Push427F 03/26 01:17
joanna413703: 朝聖推428F 03/26 01:42
tyui0459: 居然是啾啾鞋429F 03/26 01:54
anann: 1430F 03/26 02:13
jl50491: 朝聖推431F 03/26 02:49
jay0215: 推啾啾鞋!432F 03/26 03:48
JasonHuang: 太猛啦!433F 03/26 06:03
kanging: 是揪揪鞋434F 03/26 07:14
nzxc: 好文推435F 03/26 07:45
yusiang: 推啾啾鞋,很喜歡你的Youtube頻道436F 03/26 07:58
cokejoba: 是啾啾鞋耶!(揮手437F 03/26 09:34
sui1231: 推438F 03/26 09:57
tp6al4: 朝聖推439F 03/26 13:22
i12348: youtuber系?  好像是耶!440F 03/26 14:06
lllkkkjjj: 推啾啾鞋知識頻道XD441F 03/26 14:51
ayugioh2003: 喔喔喔喔喔 !!!!!442F 03/26 14:54
emptydia: 推443F 03/26 15:39
FuSen000: 神串留名444F 03/26 16:19
x94fujo6: 紅明顯 翻譯用影片名找 有些台灣有翻 BiliBili也有445F 03/26 17:41
LouisQuan: 不會無聊了 感謝446F 03/26 18:17
y6532114jek: 推447F 03/26 18:52
Qoohunter: 推448F 03/26 19:38
KongCheng: 推一下兩個頻道:Lingspace和Langfocus。跟語言有關~449F 03/26 19:45
wtowillie: 推啾啾鞋450F 03/26 20:37
Sean64: 推這麼多頻道 看不完了啦451F 03/26 23:08
TZephyr: 沒推啾啾鞋 失敗  咦!?452F 03/27 10:36
a3649bbs: 推453F 03/27 13:35
aweak: 看超多,猛454F 03/27 14:56
ericf129: 朝聖~~~455F 03/27 15:52
deltz: 推個認真油土伯456F 03/27 17:37
TwoSeam5566:轉錄至看板 youtuber                                 03/30 09:41
yunchelsea: 朝聖!457F 03/30 10:17
yunchelsea: Vox撇除政治類的 不然其實影片品質 節奏都很好
hank20010: 哇感謝啾啾鞋提供超神的資訊459F 03/31 15:26

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 3 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 4954 
※ 本文也出現在 2 個隱藏看板
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b newbit, dean0618 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2018-03-25 14:49:30 (台灣)
  03-25 14:49 TW
如果 聽不懂科普等級的英語 又沒台灣正體漢字字幕
再簡單明瞭的影片 也只是科屁普隆共...
2樓 時間: 2018-03-25 22:24:32 (台灣)
  03-25 22:24 TW
3樓 時間: 2018-03-25 22:29:56 (台灣)
  03-25 22:29 TW
r)回覆 e)編輯 d)刪除 M)收藏 ^x)轉錄 同主題: =)首篇 [)上篇 ])下篇