※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-04-08 02:42:29
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦]適合失戀聽的非中文歌
時間 Sat Apr 7 21:11:33 2018
英文喜歡So far away和Scared to be lonely
日文就平行線,韓文就hard to love
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推 : 我難過1F 04/07 21:12
詐欺我 那是中文推 : 蘇維埃進行曲2F 04/07 21:12
推 : En chantant3F 04/07 21:12
→ : I'm sad4F 04/07 21:12
→ : 宇宙天團5566-我難過5F 04/07 21:12
推 : zedd clarity6F 04/07 21:13
→ : 我不難過7F 04/07 21:13
Lily Allen | Fuck You (Official Video - Explicit Version) - YouTube 'Fuck You' from the album 'It's Not Me, It's You' Stream, download or buy – – Follow Lily online: www.lilyallenmusi...

『ニワカアメ | 驟雨』【花たん】中日羅字幕 - YouTube
ニワカアメ 驟雨 作詞:天野月子 作曲:天野月子 歌:花たん ふいに降り出す雨の音 fui ni furi dasu ame no oto 突然下起的雨聲 聲をあげて鳴く雲たち koe wo agete naku kumo tachi 高聲回響的雲朵 どうしてだろう doushite darou 為什麼呢 あなた...
ニワカアメ 驟雨 作詞:天野月子 作曲:天野月子 歌:花たん ふいに降り出す雨の音 fui ni furi dasu ame no oto 突然下起的雨聲 聲をあげて鳴く雲たち koe wo agete naku kumo tachi 高聲回響的雲朵 どうしてだろう doushite darou 為什麼呢 あなた...

→ : your love is a lie10F 04/07 21:13
→ : Gloomy Sunday11F 04/07 21:13
推 : 迪死怕係抖12F 04/07 21:13
Rick Astley - Giving Up On Love (Video) - YouTube
Rick Astley - Giving Up On Love (Official Music Video) Listen On Spotify - Follow Rick Astley Website:
Rick Astley - Giving Up On Love (Official Music Video) Listen On Spotify - Follow Rick Astley Website:

推 : All out of love14F 04/07 21:14
Stray Kids "Grow Up(잘 하고 있어)" M/V - YouTube
Stray Kids "Grow Up(잘 하고 있어)" M/V Find Stray Kids "I am NOT" on iTunes & Apple Music: Stray Kids Offici...
Stray Kids "Grow Up(잘 하고 있어)" M/V Find Stray Kids "I am NOT" on iTunes & Apple Music: Stray Kids Offici...

推 : Fuck you XDDDDD16F 04/07 21:14
推 : 我難過17F 04/07 21:14
→ : alternate18F 04/07 21:15
推 : 粵語-葡萄成熟時19F 04/07 21:15
推 : Merry merry Christmas ~~~20F 04/07 21:15
→ : 有戀可以失還不知足21F 04/07 21:16
沒失戀啦><推 : All hope is gone22F 04/07 21:17
→ : Stop crying your heart out
→ : Stop crying your heart out
推 : 樹枝孤鳥24F 04/07 21:17
推 : I'M SAAAAAAAAD25F 04/07 21:18
→ : Almost lover26F 04/07 21:18
噓 : 幹沒失戀 意思是有女朋友交往中嗎 必噓啦27F 04/07 21:18
想換個歌的風格喇推 : L'Arc~en~Ciel - My Dear28F 04/07 21:19
→ : When I was your man29F 04/07 21:19
Lauv - Chasing Fire [Official Audio] - YouTube
I met you when I was 18. is the first chapter of Lauv’s music and story. Follow the playlist at: "Chasing Fire" available now: ht...
I met you when I was 18. is the first chapter of Lauv’s music and story. Follow the playlist at: "Chasing Fire" available now: ht...

推 : Marshmello x Lil Peep - Spotlight31F 04/07 21:20
推 : someone like you32F 04/07 21:20
→ : all by myself
→ : all by myself
→ : Chasing fire好聽34F 04/07 21:20
推 : X Japan - Endless Rain (The Last Live)35F 04/07 21:21
推 : 幹 英文so far away那麼多首 誰知道你說哪首36F 04/07 21:21
→ : 旋律死金接受嗎?
→ : 旋律死金接受嗎?
→ : 應是說Roxette那首啦38F 04/07 21:22
Martin GarrixiKON - ‘사랑을 했다(LOVE SCENARIO)’ M/V - YouTube
#iKON #아이콘 #2ndALBUM #Return #TITLE #사랑을했다 #LOVESCENARIO #MV #20180125 #6PM #OUTNOW #NEWRELEASE #YG Available on iTunes & Apple Music @
#iKON #아이콘 #2ndALBUM #Return #TITLE #사랑을했다 #LOVESCENARIO #MV #20180125 #6PM #OUTNOW #NEWRELEASE #YG Available on iTunes & Apple Music @

推 : yesterday once more40F 04/07 21:23
噓 :41F 04/07 21:24
推 : 西城男孩的If your heart is not in it跟Leaving42F 04/07 21:25
※ 編輯: oneeee (, 04/07/2018 21:26:49推 : 時は流れて 泥は降りしきる 後悔 You never need me 43F 04/07 21:29
噓 : edguy wash a away the poison44F 04/07 21:30
推 : 忘了說 祝你失戀 wwwww45F 04/07 21:30
換個風格聽錯惹嗎→ : helloween if i knew46F 04/07 21:30
→ : 這兩首 必聽
好的 感謝 我等等聽→ : 這兩首 必聽
→ : 這兩首真心推薦48F 04/07 21:32
推 : burning mars gernade49F 04/07 21:32
再也没有那样的人[HD] Covered by Seammy趙乃吉 - YouTube
有悲伤的故事,但,比悲伤更悲伤的故事就是《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》"More Than Blue"……你们看过吗?~~思密达系列第二首《再也没有这样的人》 关注我的威信公众号 [乃吉的梦想圈],告诉我你们想听什么歌,顺便再一起聊聊梦想~到美拍搜索[Seammy赵乃吉],观看我的音乐视频。网易云音乐搜[赵乃吉]可以搜到...
有悲伤的故事,但,比悲伤更悲伤的故事就是《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》"More Than Blue"……你们看过吗?~~思密达系列第二首《再也没有这样的人》 关注我的威信公众号 [乃吉的梦想圈],告诉我你们想听什么歌,顺便再一起聊聊梦想~到美拍搜索[Seammy赵乃吉],观看我的音乐视频。网易云音乐搜[赵乃吉]可以搜到...

→ : 會讓妳哭出來吧 我想51F 04/07 21:33
→ : 你絕對會愛的
→ : 你絕對會愛的
Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars - YouTube
Click here to win a trip to London to see Snow Patrol live at Islington Academy on 11th April: Music video by Snow P...
Click here to win a trip to London to see Snow Patrol live at Islington Academy on 11th April: Music video by Snow P...

推 : 化粧 孤独の肖像 1st. うらみ・ます この世に二人だけ54F 04/07 21:33
CeeLo Green - FUCK YOU (Official Video) - YouTube
Watch the video for Cee Lo Green's massive single 'Fuck You!', the first single from the brand new album The Lady Killer New Christmas album 'CeeLo's Magic M...
Watch the video for Cee Lo Green's massive single 'Fuck You!', the first single from the brand new album The Lady Killer New Christmas album 'CeeLo's Magic M...

不必勉強~齊秦 - YouTube
不必勉強 詞:陳昇 曲: 李柏 主唱:齊秦 在每個分手道別的地方 總留一些紛亂的腳印 誰不曾徘徊過 不曾留戀過 將思念藏在未知的重逢裡 在一個淒清寒涼的夜裡 含著眼淚我默默離開你 千言和萬語 無從說起 只有靜待傷痛的痊癒 離開你不容易 想念你不得已 如果你真在意 不必勉強你自己 我不怪你 日記裡太擁擠 只要輕輕把...
不必勉強 詞:陳昇 曲: 李柏 主唱:齊秦 在每個分手道別的地方 總留一些紛亂的腳印 誰不曾徘徊過 不曾留戀過 將思念藏在未知的重逢裡 在一個淒清寒涼的夜裡 含著眼淚我默默離開你 千言和萬語 無從說起 只有靜待傷痛的痊癒 離開你不容易 想念你不得已 如果你真在意 不必勉強你自己 我不怪你 日記裡太擁擠 只要輕輕把...

Helloween - If I Knew HD 1080p - YouTube
Follow Us: Helloween is a German power metal band founded in 1984 by members of Iron Fist and Powerfool. The...
Follow Us: Helloween is a German power metal band founded in 1984 by members of Iron Fist and Powerfool. The...

→ : 這兩首超好噴淚的..><bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb60F 04/07 21:35
→ : 歌詞請搭配
※ 編輯: oneeee (, 04/07/2018 21:37:15→ : 歌詞請搭配
噓 : TT62F 04/07 21:37
推 : わかれうた 「元気ですか」 Lovers Only63F 04/07 21:38
推 : Love Psychedelico-last smile64F 04/07 21:40
→ : G-DRAGON - '(無題) 我老母推薦的65F 04/07 21:44
推 : 伍佰台語歌任你選啦66F 04/07 21:47
推 : 要男生視角還是女生視角67F 04/07 21:50
→ : 一場遊戲一場夢68F 04/07 21:56
推 : We don’t talk anymore69F 04/07 21:59
→ : 伍佰給你選70F 04/07 22:05
推 : a step you can't take back71F 04/07 22:11
推 : call of the mountain72F 04/07 22:12
推 : Passenger- let her go73F 04/07 22:14
推 : 失戀歌,必推粵語 "傾城" (許美靜 或 陳奕迅 翻唱版)74F 04/07 22:16
→ : 宇多田光-SAKURAドロップス75F 04/07 22:22
推 : let her go76F 04/07 22:25
推 : liability77F 04/07 22:25
推 : we dont talk anymore78F 04/07 22:25
推 : one more time,one more chance79F 04/07 22:26
推 : I love the way you lie81F 04/07 22:29
推 : 認真,伍佰台語歌任選~82F 04/07 22:29
Kodaline - High Hopes - YouTube
Get The High Hopes EP on iTunes: or on vinyl: You can also get 'In a Perfect World' on Amazon:
Get The High Hopes EP on iTunes: or on vinyl: You can also get 'In a Perfect World' on Amazon:

Michael Bublé - It's A Beautiful Day [Official Music Video] - YouTube Michael Bublé - It's A Beautiful Day [Official Music Video] Listen to It's A Beautiful Day on Michael Buble's album "To Be Loved" Co...

推 : Eminem-stronger than I was87F 04/07 22:36
推 : ED Sheehan 的 happier88F 04/07 22:44
推 : coldplay fix you90F 04/07 22:58
推 : Blur - No Distance Left To Run91F 04/07 23:11
【Piano Version】Calc. を英語で歌ってみた - YouTube
This video is NOT mine Nico Reprint: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calc. sm12050471 Piano version sm12198453 あたりめP user/2172821 ロッカ u...
This video is NOT mine Nico Reprint: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calc. sm12050471 Piano version sm12198453 あたりめP user/2172821 ロッカ u...

推 : Seafret - Oceans93F 04/07 23:15
【中/英歌詞】 Calc. (English.ver) [Piano]by まど@実写リロ - aa41867483的創作 - 巴哈姆特 YouTube: nico:詞/曲:ツミーサム 歌:まど@実写リロ 翻譯:yanaoWhen we grow apart, it's destiny - It' ...
推 : I hat you I love you95F 04/07 23:25
推 : fucking perfect96F 04/07 23:25
→ : Make me wanna die97F 04/07 23:25
Ed Sheeran - Happier [Official Audio] - YouTube
÷. Out Now: Subscribe to Ed's channel: Follow Ed on... Facebook:
÷. Out Now: Subscribe to Ed's channel: Follow Ed on... Facebook:

→ : 哭到停不下來99F 04/07 23:26
推 : Green Day-Wake Me Up When September Ends100F 04/08 00:25
推 : if 日文的101F 04/08 00:28
Nine Lashes - Anthem of the Lonely (Official Music Video) - YouTube Music video by Nine Lashes performing Anthem of the Lonely (Official Music Video). (P) (C) 2012 Tooth & Nail Records. All rights reserved. Unauthorized repro...

I Will Survive - YouTube
Gloria Gaynor I Will Survive At first I was afraid I was petrified. Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side. But then I spent so many nights ...
Gloria Gaynor I Will Survive At first I was afraid I was petrified. Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side. But then I spent so many nights ...

Hit the road Jack! - YouTube
In memory of Jack. Ray Charles Lyrics Ray Charles Hit The Road Jack ------------------------------------------------------------ Hit the road Jack and don't ...
In memory of Jack. Ray Charles Lyrics Ray Charles Hit The Road Jack ------------------------------------------------------------ Hit the road Jack and don't ...

It must have been love - roxette (lyrics) - YouTube
this video is only fanmade, die rechte liegen bei den jeweiligen urhebern... alsooo das ist jetzt mein erstes vid, hoffe es ist in ordnung^^ mal sehn was sic...
this video is only fanmade, die rechte liegen bei den jeweiligen urhebern... alsooo das ist jetzt mein erstes vid, hoffe es ist in ordnung^^ mal sehn was sic...

Rihanna - Take A Bow - YouTube
Get Rihanna’s eighth studio album ANTI now: Download on TIDAL: Stream on TIDAL: Download on ...
Get Rihanna’s eighth studio album ANTI now: Download on TIDAL: Stream on TIDAL: Download on ...

Starship - Sara - YouTube
Starship's official music video for 'Sara'. Click to listen to Starship on Spotify: As featured on Hits. Cli...
Starship's official music video for 'Sara'. Click to listen to Starship on Spotify: As featured on Hits. Cli...

Hinder - Lips Of An Angel - YouTube
Music video by Hinder performing Lips Of An Angel. (C) 2006 Universal Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
Music video by Hinder performing Lips Of An Angel. (C) 2006 Universal Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.

Theory of a Deadman - Not Meant To Be [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - YouTube Theory of a Deadman's music video for 'Not Meant To Be' from the album, Scars & Souvenirs - available now on Roadrunner Records. Download the album at http:/...

Augustana - Boston (Video) - YouTube
Augustana's official music video for 'Boston'. Click to listen to Augustana on Spotify: As featured on Pl...
Augustana's official music video for 'Boston'. Click to listen to Augustana on Spotify: As featured on Pl...

The Cure - Pictures Of You - YouTube
Read the stories behind the best The Cure videos here: Listen to more from The Cur...
Read the stories behind the best The Cure videos here: Listen to more from The Cur...

Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time - YouTube
Cyndi Lauper's official music video for 'Time After Time'. Click to listen to Cyndi Lauper on Spotify: A...
Cyndi Lauper's official music video for 'Time After Time'. Click to listen to Cyndi Lauper on Spotify: A...

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1502
4樓 時間: 2018-04-09 20:55:40 (台灣)
04-09 20:55 TW
5樓 時間: 2018-04-09 20:59:51 (台灣)
04-09 20:59 TW
Rick and Morty Soundtrack - Evil Morty's Theme (Quality Extended) [For the Damaged Coda]