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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-04-08 02:42:29
看板 Gossiping
作者 oneeee (′・_・`)
標題 [問卦]適合失戀聽的非中文歌
時間 Sat Apr  7 21:11:33 2018



英文喜歡So far away和Scared to be lonely

日文就平行線,韓文就hard to love


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a81255316: 我難過1F 04/07 21:12
詐欺我 那是中文
h88g88h88: 蘇維埃進行曲2F 04/07 21:12
Neil0503: En chantant3F 04/07 21:12
kent: I'm sad4F 04/07 21:12
OrzOGC: 宇宙天團5566-我難過5F 04/07 21:12
a25380: zedd clarity6F 04/07 21:13
fireheart988: 我不難過7F 04/07 21:13
LaLaYeh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFE6qQ3ySXE 這首不錯8F 04/07 21:13
Lily Allen | Fuck You (Official Video - Explicit Version) - YouTube 'Fuck You' from the album 'It's Not Me, It's You' Stream, download or buy –  – Follow Lily online: www.lilyallenmusi...

『ニワカアメ | 驟雨』【花たん】中日羅字幕 - YouTube
ニワカアメ 驟雨 作詞:天野月子 作曲:天野月子 歌:花たん ふいに降り出す雨の音 fui ni furi dasu ame no oto 突然下起的雨聲 聲をあげて鳴く雲たち koe wo agete naku kumo tachi 高聲回響的雲朵 どうしてだろう doushite darou 為什麼呢 あなた...

tsmcprince: your love is a lie10F 04/07 21:13
MrXD: Gloomy Sunday11F 04/07 21:13
ariel780102: 迪死怕係抖12F 04/07 21:13
Rick Astley - Giving Up On Love (Video) - YouTube
Rick Astley - Giving Up On Love (Official Music Video) Listen On Spotify -  Follow Rick Astley Website:

joker456: All out of love14F 04/07 21:14
EllaElla: https://youtu.be/a4jiotDjHe4 可切換為中文字幕15F 04/07 21:14
Stray Kids "Grow Up(잘 하고 있어)" M/V - YouTube
Stray Kids "Grow Up(잘 하고 있어)" M/V Find Stray Kids "I am NOT" on iTunes & Apple Music:  Stray Kids Offici...

linkekou: Fuck you XDDDDD16F 04/07 21:14
now99: 我難過17F 04/07 21:14
y3226999: alternate18F 04/07 21:15
BoYuYou: 粵語-葡萄成熟時19F 04/07 21:15
Taiwannapa1: Merry merry Christmas ~~~20F 04/07 21:15
ewjfd: 有戀可以失還不知足21F 04/07 21:16
px37521: All hope is gone22F 04/07 21:17
px37521: Stop crying your heart out
cat380015: 樹枝孤鳥24F 04/07 21:17
douCai: I'M SAAAAAAAAD25F 04/07 21:18
EngelF: Almost lover26F 04/07 21:18
ewjfd: 幹沒失戀 意思是有女朋友交往中嗎 必噓啦27F 04/07 21:18
tsm5566: L'Arc~en~Ciel - My Dear28F 04/07 21:19
crazyqq: When I was your man29F 04/07 21:19
Lauv - Chasing Fire [Official Audio] - YouTube
I met you when I was 18. is the first chapter of Lauv’s music and story. Follow the playlist at:  "Chasing Fire" available now: ht...

azxcv81: Marshmello x Lil Peep - Spotlight31F 04/07 21:20
jhoujhou: someone like you32F 04/07 21:20
jhoujhou: all by myself
azxcv81: Chasing fire好聽34F 04/07 21:20
clamperni: X Japan - Endless Rain (The Last Live)35F 04/07 21:21
heil3266: 幹 英文so far away那麼多首 誰知道你說哪首36F 04/07 21:21
heil3266: 旋律死金接受嗎?
ewjfd: 應是說Roxette那首啦38F 04/07 21:22
Martin Garrix
AsahiDRY: https://youtu.be/vecSVX1QYbQ 最近很喜歡39F 04/07 21:22
iKON - ‘사랑을 했다(LOVE SCENARIO)’ M/V - YouTube
#iKON #아이콘 #2ndALBUM #Return #TITLE #사랑을했다 #LOVESCENARIO #MV #20180125 #6PM #OUTNOW #NEWRELEASE #YG Available on iTunes & Apple Music @

wolver: yesterday once more40F 04/07 21:23
BradPeter:41F 04/07 21:24
microuzi9797: 西城男孩的If your heart is not in it跟Leaving42F 04/07 21:25
※ 編輯: oneeee (, 04/07/2018 21:26:49
BRANFORD: 時は流れて 泥は降りしきる 後悔  You never need me  43F 04/07 21:29
savetheworld: edguy wash a away the poison44F 04/07 21:30
crazyqq: 忘了說 祝你失戀 wwwww45F 04/07 21:30
savetheworld: helloween if i knew46F 04/07 21:30
savetheworld: 這兩首 必聽
好的 感謝 我等等聽
savetheworld: 這兩首真心推薦48F 04/07 21:32
sookie: burning mars gernade49F 04/07 21:32
lwind: https://youtu.be/eUSjMIUiAk4     怕你會哭50F 04/07 21:32
再也没有那样的人[HD] Covered by Seammy趙乃吉 - YouTube
有悲伤的故事,但,比悲伤更悲伤的故事就是《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》"More Than Blue"……你们看过吗?~~思密达系列第二首《再也没有这样的人》 关注我的威信公众号 [乃吉的梦想圈],告诉我你们想听什么歌,顺便再一起聊聊梦想~到美拍搜索[Seammy赵乃吉],观看我的音乐视频。网易云音乐搜[赵乃吉]可以搜到...

savetheworld: 會讓妳哭出來吧 我想51F 04/07 21:33
savetheworld: 你絕對會愛的
Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars - YouTube
Click here to win a trip to London to see Snow Patrol live at Islington Academy on 11th April:  Music video by Snow P...

BRANFORD: 化粧 孤独の肖像 1st. うらみ・ます この世に二人だけ54F 04/07 21:33
CeeLo Green - FUCK YOU (Official Video) - YouTube
Watch the video for Cee Lo Green's massive single 'Fuck You!', the first single from the brand new album The Lady Killer New Christmas album 'CeeLo's Magic M...

z84326: 淨化心靈 https://youtu.be/qvw__oBX5Z057F 04/07 21:34
CYH - 大悲咒 (feat. 海濤法師,勤策堂師父) - YouTube
追隨 訂閱 Follow Me :    影片、人聲取樣 :

不必勉強~齊秦 - YouTube
不必勉強 詞:陳昇 曲: 李柏 主唱:齊秦 在每個分手道別的地方 總留一些紛亂的腳印 誰不曾徘徊過 不曾留戀過 將思念藏在未知的重逢裡 在一個淒清寒涼的夜裡 含著眼淚我默默離開你 千言和萬語 無從說起 只有靜待傷痛的痊癒 離開你不容易 想念你不得已 如果你真在意 不必勉強你自己 我不怪你 日記裡太擁擠 只要輕輕把...

Helloween - If I Knew HD 1080p - YouTube
Follow Us:   Helloween is a German power metal band founded in 1984 by members of Iron Fist and Powerfool. The...

savetheworld: 這兩首超好噴淚的..><bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb60F 04/07 21:35
savetheworld: 歌詞請搭配
※ 編輯: oneeee (, 04/07/2018 21:37:15
j6rmp4jo32k7: TT62F 04/07 21:37
BRANFORD: わかれうた 「元気ですか」 Lovers Only63F 04/07 21:38
XECHS: Love Psychedelico-last smile64F 04/07 21:40
teddy72: G-DRAGON - '(無題)    我老母推薦的65F 04/07 21:44
Yanagi5566: 伍佰台語歌任你選啦66F 04/07 21:47
ewjfd: 要男生視角還是女生視角67F 04/07 21:50
HoneyHunter: 一場遊戲一場夢68F 04/07 21:56
chumifa: We don’t talk anymore69F 04/07 21:59
ss9281122: 伍佰給你選70F 04/07 22:05
dblcu: a step you can't take back71F 04/07 22:11
ryama: call of the mountain72F 04/07 22:12
bydaspm02: Passenger- let her go73F 04/07 22:14
woodwild: 失戀歌,必推粵語  "傾城"  (許美靜 或 陳奕迅 翻唱版)74F 04/07 22:16
emou: 宇多田光-SAKURAドロップス75F 04/07 22:22
ryohgi: let her go76F 04/07 22:25
ht5201: liability77F 04/07 22:25
amogha100: we dont talk anymore78F 04/07 22:25
kevin79416: one more time,one more chance79F 04/07 22:26
plummy: http://m.vlive.tv/video/44486 嘻嘻80F 04/07 22:27
ryohgi: I love the way you lie81F 04/07 22:29
hahadonyo: 認真,伍佰台語歌任選~82F 04/07 22:29
shibacat: 很悲的歌 MV也很好看83F 04/07 22:34
shibacat: https://youtu.be/E4povfmX144
Kodaline - High Hopes - YouTube
Get The High Hopes EP on iTunes:  or on vinyl:  You can also get 'In a Perfect World' on Amazon:

shibacat: 還有這首 明明是失戀可是非常high85F 04/07 22:35
shibacat: https://youtu.be/5QYxuGQMCuU
Michael Bublé - It's A Beautiful Day [Official Music Video] - YouTube Michael Bublé - It's A Beautiful Day [Official Music Video] Listen to It's A Beautiful Day on Michael Buble's album "To Be Loved"  Co...

jezz9740: Eminem-stronger than I was87F 04/07 22:36
iamedfan: ED Sheehan 的 happier88F 04/07 22:44
emou: Adele-Rolling in the Deep  https://youtu.be/rYEDA3JcQqw89F 04/07 22:48
Adele - Rolling in the Deep - YouTube
Buy/Listen 25:  Buy/Listen 21:  Buy/Listen 19:  Fo...

ianian45: coldplay fix you90F 04/07 22:58
abruby2522: Blur - No Distance Left To Run91F 04/07 23:11
【Piano Version】Calc. を英語で歌ってみた - YouTube
This video is NOT mine Nico Reprint:  ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calc. sm12050471 Piano version sm12198453 あたりめP user/2172821 ロッカ u...

abruby2522: Seafret - Oceans93F 04/07 23:15
WindSpread: Calc.  歌詞:https://tinyurl.com/ybafdjhe94F 04/07 23:15
【中/英歌詞】 Calc. (English.ver) [Piano]by まど@実写リロ - aa41867483的創作 - 巴哈姆特 YouTube: nico:詞/曲:ツミーサム     歌:まど@実写リロ 翻譯:yanaoWhen we grow apart, it's destiny - It' ...

wtffffff: I hat you I love you95F 04/07 23:25
ch25: fucking perfect96F 04/07 23:25
wtffffff: Make me wanna die97F 04/07 23:25
Ed Sheeran - Happier [Official Audio] - YouTube
÷. Out Now:  Subscribe to Ed's channel:  Follow Ed on... Facebook:

pengrass: 哭到停不下來99F 04/07 23:26
kobe6148: Green Day-Wake Me Up When September Ends100F 04/08 00:25
HardenRock: if 日文的101F 04/08 00:28
sDwlr: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kgS1zjvCPF4  Lonely之歌102F 04/08 00:31
Nine Lashes - Anthem of the Lonely (Official Music Video) - YouTube Music video by Nine Lashes performing Anthem of the Lonely (Official Music Video). (P) (C) 2012 Tooth & Nail Records. All rights reserved. Unauthorized repro...

I Will Survive - YouTube
Gloria Gaynor I Will Survive At first I was afraid I was petrified. Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side. But then I spent so many nights ...

Hit the road Jack! - YouTube
In memory of Jack. Ray Charles Lyrics Ray Charles Hit The Road Jack ------------------------------------------------------------ Hit the road Jack and don't ...

It must have been love - roxette (lyrics) - YouTube
this video is only fanmade, die rechte liegen bei den jeweiligen urhebern... alsooo das ist jetzt mein erstes vid, hoffe es ist in ordnung^^ mal sehn was sic...

Rihanna - Take A Bow - YouTube
Get Rihanna’s eighth studio album ANTI now: Download on TIDAL:  Stream on TIDAL:  Download on ...

Starship - Sara - YouTube
Starship's official music video for 'Sara'. Click to listen to Starship on Spotify:  As featured on Hits. Cli...

Hinder - Lips Of An Angel - YouTube
Music video by Hinder performing Lips Of An Angel. (C) 2006 Universal Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.

Theory of a Deadman - Not Meant To Be [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - YouTube Theory of a Deadman's music video for 'Not Meant To Be' from the album, Scars & Souvenirs - available now on Roadrunner Records. Download the album at http:/...

Augustana - Boston (Video) - YouTube
Augustana's official music video for 'Boston'. Click to listen to Augustana on Spotify:  As featured on Pl...

The Cure - Pictures Of You - YouTube
Read the stories behind the best The Cure videos here:  Listen to more from The Cur...

Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time - YouTube
Cyndi Lauper's official music video for 'Time After Time'. Click to listen to Cyndi Lauper on Spotify:  A...

jay1202:  這首中文的還是推一下https://youtu.be/eMfW1Lp2Fgk113F 04/08 01:49
于文文 - 體面『再見!不負遇見~』《前任3:再見前任》插曲【動態歌詞Lyrics】 - YouTube 訂閱頻道收聽更多好聽的歌: 頻道①: 頻道②: Facebook臉書專頁: I...


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