※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-02-13 20:32:41
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [爆卦] AIT是不支持喜樂島不是反對台灣獨立!!
時間 Wed Feb 13 20:26:00 2019
※ 引述《kinki5566 (近畿小子5566)》之銘言:
: : “But given China’s clear opposition to an independent Taiwan”
: 這裡你是在亂翻譯,該句子全文是
: But given China’s clear opposition to an independent Taiwan and the
: position of the United States that it does not support Taiwan independence,
: the Alliance’s proposals are certain to stimulate controversy.
: 由於中國很明顯的反對一個獨立的台灣而且美國不支持台灣獨立,
: 所以喜樂島聯盟的要求必定會引發爭議。
An open letter to Mr. Kuo Pei-hung and his colleagues
Richard Bush pens an open letter to a group of activists in Taiwan, who seek to use referendums on questions of Taiwan's sovereignty. ...
of the United States that it does not support Taiwan independence, the
Alliance’s proposals are certain to stimulate controversy.
「the United States support Taiwan independence」
: : 卜睿哲表面上談的是美國的利益,其實背後也包含保護台灣人的利益
: : 不然他不會在信中寫這句
: : “It is up to people in Taiwan to render a judgement on ideas such as making
: : Taiwan a “normal country” through a referendum.”
: : 追求台灣成為一個正常國家,不能只依賴一個公投,還需要很多其他工作
: : 想要藉機帶風向的智障五毛和吸白粉的可以滾了!統媒看不懂英文的話記得去找翻譯!
: 同文後面還寫到以下句子
: The first aspect is that the proposal touches on the national interests of
: the United States, specifically its abiding interest in peace and security in
: the Taiwan area and its longstanding view that neither side of the Taiwan
: Strait should try unilaterally to change the status quo.
: 我的第一個觀點是這個要求會觸及美國的利益,尤其是在對於在台灣地區的和平及
: 防衛方面的關注以及美國長久堅持的海峽兩岸都不該單方面改變現狀的觀點。
An open letter to Mr. Kuo Pei-hung and his colleagues
Richard Bush pens an open letter to a group of activists in Taiwan, who seek to use referendums on questions of Taiwan's sovereignty. ...
the United States, specifically its abiding interest in peace and security in
the Taiwan area and its longstanding view that neither side of the Taiwan
Strait should try unilaterally to change the status quo.
「the United States Should try to change the status quo.」
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SP0pRCW (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1550060763.A.320.html
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● 02-13 20:26 ■ Re: [爆卦] AIT是不支持喜樂島不是反對台灣獨立!!
02-13 20:28 ■ Re: [爆卦] AIT是不支持喜樂島不是反對台灣獨立!!
→ : 哈哈哈哈1F 02/13 20:26
推 : 明天到新聞部報到3F 02/13 20:28
推 : 笑了4F 02/13 20:29
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