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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-05-14 14:54:25
看板 Gossiping
作者 mayaman ( 馬雅人)
標題 Re: [問卦] 有沒有費曼跟馬雅文字的八卦?
時間 Tue May 14 00:45:50 2019

※ 引述《tffc (真的愛)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《mayaman ( 馬雅人)》之銘言:
: : 先說結論:費曼在馬雅文字破譯的歷史上,根本沒有扮演任何角色。
: : 他充其量可能只是有興趣,試圖研究馬雅文字,但是沒有成功。
: : 如果對於馬雅文字的解讀史有興趣,我以前曾經在專欄寫過文章,在這貼上來跟
: : 大家分享。
:   我覺得不能這樣說吧
:   你馬雅人的知識都是來自書本
:   費曼是真的去做研究
:   你怎麼可以這麼武斷的說費曼沒有扮演任何角色
:   不要人家一捧你就飛上天
:   你在這妄論費曼  真的有點搞笑



Michael Coe,Reading the Maya Glyphs

Linda Schele,The code of Kings
Peter Mathews,Classic Political Maya History

Lynn V. Foster,Handbook to life in the Ancient Maya World

另外,如果要說到實地探查,我也曾經好幾次跟David Stuart先生請益。


Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman: Adventures of a Curious Character

The only reason I knew anything about Mayan mathematics was that I was
getting exhausted on my honeymoon in Mexico with my second wife, Mary Lou.
She was greatly interested in art history, particularly that of Mexico.
So we went to Mexico for our honeymoon and we climbed up pyramids and down
pyramids; she had me following her all over the place.
She showed me many interesting things, such as certain relationships in the
designs of various figures, but after a few days (and nights) of going up
and down in hot and steamy jungles, I was exhausted.

I quickly figured out that a bar was equal to five dots, what the symbol for
zero was, and so on. It took me a little longer to figure out that the bars
and dots always carried at twenty the first time, but they carried at
eighteen the second time (making cycles of 360). I also worked out all kinds
 of things about various faces: they had surely meant certain days and weeks.


After that I began to read a lot about the Mayans, and found that the great
man in this business was Eric Thompson, some of whose books I now have.
而ERic Thompson扮演什麼角色,可以回頭看看前一篇文章。





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BRANFORD: 推1F 05/14 00:46
tigerblue663: 推推2F 05/14 00:46
seth582025: 前103F 05/14 00:46
BRANFORD: 挖出運啦!!!挖出運啦!! 我搶到頭推!!4F 05/14 00:46
nzsrr: 推5F 05/14 00:47
clausage: 前106F 05/14 00:47
YodsLing: 推7F 05/14 00:47
jakcycoco: 前108F 05/14 00:47
repuslin: 推推9F 05/14 00:47
IMMrYp: 推10F 05/14 00:47
rookiecop: 費曼的成就不在馬雅文字上啦 這方面他是比得上馬雅人逆11F 05/14 00:48
bassmaster: 前1012F 05/14 00:48
zora9794: 推推13F 05/14 00:49
Neil0503: 所以費曼到底值不值得讀?樓下他跟史密斯電子學誰好看?14F 05/14 00:49
alptraum: 推15F 05/14 00:49
snoe1119: 推16F 05/14 00:49
hanhanchuchu: 馬雅人推推17F 05/14 00:50
annahcr: 瑪雅人18F 05/14 00:50
jakcycoco: 不知道,但史密斯任務還不錯看。19F 05/14 00:50
crystal0100: 推20F 05/14 00:50
yu800910: 推21F 05/14 00:50
howshaw: \馬雅人/22F 05/14 00:50
kc890: 先推23F 05/14 00:50
sclbtlove: 哈哈24F 05/14 00:50
ts05593818: 媽 再看我一次25F 05/14 00:51
yap1403007: 前5026F 05/14 00:51
epiphyte: 第一次百推內27F 05/14 00:51
kevin9527: 前五十28F 05/14 00:51
seal81924: 推29F 05/14 00:51
lslayer: 我錯了  這不是筆戰 這是單方面的屠殺阿 推馬雅人30F 05/14 00:51
lycs0908: 百推內31F 05/14 00:51
DUCK5369: 百推內32F 05/14 00:51
repuslin: 印和闐~~ 印和闐~~ 馬雅人~33F 05/14 00:51
TheDraggers: 百推內34F 05/14 00:51
yangshaojiun: 推 我在這35F 05/14 00:52
snsdakb48: 推36F 05/14 00:52
kai1988: 推37F 05/14 00:52
ginsengwolf: 來來 雞排攤開出來38F 05/14 00:52
youjan: 推,本來人的能力就是有限的,不是上上媒體什麼事都是專家39F 05/14 00:52
chris44099: 一次兩篇40F 05/14 00:52
GentleJena: 百推內41F 05/14 00:53
youjan: 了。即使他在特定領域有很高的成就。42F 05/14 00:53
tearness: 神串留名 嘻嘻43F 05/14 00:53
joe199277: 馬雅人!!44F 05/14 00:53
yoji520: 推推45F 05/14 00:53
DDJwolf: 媽啊,馬雅人第一次參與戰文啊啊啊啊阿阿阿46F 05/14 00:53
Qailsa: 不推不行47F 05/14 00:54
Lizardon: 百樓48F 05/14 00:54
jybest: 推49F 05/14 00:54
Rue168101: 百推內!!!!50F 05/14 00:54
mayuzumi: 推推51F 05/14 00:54
pikakami: 費曼是物理專業,不代表在瑪雅領域也是天才~52F 05/14 00:54
fongshing: 百推53F 05/14 00:55
thetide: 推54F 05/14 00:55
wei071188: 50推內55F 05/14 00:56
ambershie: 推56F 05/14 00:57
veigarlol: 推57F 05/14 00:57
mariomaurer: 喔58F 05/14 00:57
nlzh: 推59F 05/14 00:57
starbucks16: 推60F 05/14 00:57
chrislai: 留名61F 05/14 00:57
heinse: 前五十62F 05/14 00:57
tuskasa: 推63F 05/14 00:58
ja1295: 推64F 05/14 00:58
gazette215: 推推65F 05/14 00:58
yuchuan0521: 先推再看66F 05/14 00:58
boogieman: 推67F 05/14 00:59
leoaflaf: 前面幾篇根本臉腫到爆68F 05/14 00:59
WLR: 專業推69F 05/14 00:59
eric21489: 百推內70F 05/14 00:59
fm06qup3m4: 百推內71F 05/14 00:59
visvim88: 推72F 05/14 00:59
pasaword: 安安73F 05/14 01:00
gigi030507: 推74F 05/14 01:00
wwhd: 百推內75F 05/14 01:00
shutout5566: 戰起來76F 05/14 01:00
RogueOne: 馬雅人,推77F 05/14 01:01
ii123444: 推 神串78F 05/14 01:01
bigtien6292: 推79F 05/14 01:02
bugattiss: 前百!80F 05/14 01:02
ymx3xc: 推81F 05/14 01:03
ShofTequil4: 好猛82F 05/14 01:04
USS: 百推內 媽我在這83F 05/14 01:04
ytcc: 百內84F 05/14 01:04
samuncle123: 推85F 05/14 01:04
yuijrt: 未看先推86F 05/14 01:05
WYchuang: 馬雅人!!87F 05/14 01:05
SydLrio: 約克羊羊我愛你88F 05/14 01:06
sppod: 推推89F 05/14 01:06
cyshmagic: 推90F 05/14 01:06
xomega: 何苦跟那種人計較91F 05/14 01:06
trasholzx: 推 留名92F 05/14 01:07
maxmeyer: 推!93F 05/14 01:07
angryfatball: 前來朝拜94F 05/14 01:08
Number87: 百推內95F 05/14 01:08
klkmit6117: 推96F 05/14 01:08
ckid: 前百推97F 05/14 01:08
sid037: 推98F 05/14 01:09
r98192: 馬雅!99F 05/14 01:09
g204094: 百推內!100F 05/14 01:09
CYpijia17: 推101F 05/14 01:10
shih1899: 佔102F 05/14 01:10
j65p4m3: 推103F 05/14 01:10
nucleolus: 推推推104F 05/14 01:11
b00668880: 你為什麼要跟嘴炮認真....105F 05/14 01:11
irisyu0305: 推106F 05/14 01:11
wow123475: 推107F 05/14 01:11
noelkuoe: 推108F 05/14 01:12
AuroraSkyFox: 推馬雅人109F 05/14 01:12
icou: 老話一句 認真就輸了110F 05/14 01:12
crazyke313: 那兩個要質疑別人也要提出點東西吧...111F 05/14 01:12
molln: 好猛112F 05/14 01:12
korzen: 學者的尊嚴是不容被嘴砲挑戰的 推馬雅人113F 05/14 01:13
rickey1270: 推114F 05/14 01:15
finderri: 前百推115F 05/14 01:16
AlvaroMorata: 馬雅人!116F 05/14 01:16
waloloo: 大概是不靠課本獨自推演微積分的感覺?117F 05/14 01:17
lloop: 歐耶118F 05/14 01:17
LivveTi: 是馬雅人!119F 05/14 01:17
mit28: 有料推120F 05/14 01:17
fuecho: 百推121F 05/14 01:18
miloskyman: 推122F 05/14 01:19
jj1379746: 推123F 05/14 01:19
hinajian: 推124F 05/14 01:21
meline: 推125F 05/14 01:21
oyabun: 先推再看126F 05/14 01:22
z72117211: 朝聖127F 05/14 01:23
TimeEngine: 推瑪雅人128F 05/14 01:23
aortic: 真看得起那兩位啊129F 05/14 01:23
yoshihuang8: 推130F 05/14 01:24
gipo776: 推131F 05/14 01:25
f222051618: 專業推132F 05/14 01:25
jellytrick: 推 應該要證明費曼在瑪雅文字有何貢獻 而不是說你怎麼133F 05/14 01:26
jellytrick: 知道費曼在瑪雅文字上沒貢獻
jellytrick: 有點像無罪推定
dondei2005: 推136F 05/14 01:27
vita88: 成功釣到137F 05/14 01:28
theta4719: 專業打臉138F 05/14 01:29
pi0901: 五毛就是沒料139F 05/14 01:30
fatetwister: 專業屠殺業餘的實例140F 05/14 01:30
arsonlolita: 推141F 05/14 01:33
CiCha: 推mayaman142F 05/14 01:33
madboy: 姆咪143F 05/14 01:33
foujeffeee: 跪144F 05/14 01:36
Jinomna: 推 擠進200內惹145F 05/14 01:37
MePrank: 推146F 05/14 01:38
transferlife: 推147F 05/14 01:38
ts00380362: 推148F 05/14 01:38
Maxine425: 推,要反駁卻沒有證明超好笑150F 05/14 01:54
Nighty7222: 補推151F 05/14 01:57
c24253994: 朝聖152F 05/14 02:02
tengentoppa: 月暈效應的真實範例153F 05/14 02:04
khst3man: 老高是你154F 05/14 02:25
jack41402: 百推外155F 05/14 02:25
TobyH4cker: tffc 笑死156F 05/14 02:28
kinomon: 推157F 05/14 02:47
ching620: 推馬雅人158F 05/14 04:09
Fengyo1963: 推159F 05/14 04:26
stw0975: 推160F 05/14 04:58
notneme159: 推個161F 05/14 05:49
celtics1997: 推162F 05/14 06:07
calvin0319: U文163F 05/14 06:40
DivineSX: 推164F 05/14 06:50
deathslipkno: 媽我在這165F 05/14 07:05
Mendess: 推166F 05/14 07:16
sample: 未看先推167F 05/14 07:34
BlackCoal: 推,戰力十足168F 05/14 07:50
nn1975:169F 05/14 07:51
fracs: 其實他們只是想釣170F 05/14 07:53
hdaniellf2: 這論述我給滿分171F 05/14 08:27
pleasewait: 推172F 05/14 08:33
pprisa: 推173F 05/14 08:40
ATND: 推174F 05/14 08:44
PeterHenson: 呵呵 想質疑被洗臉175F 05/14 08:46
brianhsu: 推176F 05/14 08:47

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