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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 真男人!衝浪遭襲擊 男子鐵拳狂毆鯊魚護妻子
時間 Sun Aug 16 14:17:14 2020
真男人!衝浪遭襲擊 男子鐵拳狂毆鯊魚護妻成功
(Shelly Beach),日前傳出一起鯊魚襲擊衝浪客的事件,
35歲的道爾(Chantelle Doyle)遇到一條長達3公尺的鯊魚猛咬,
而當時她正與丈夫拉普利(Mark Rapley)一同在海上衝浪。
而當地衝浪救生協會首席執行官皮爾斯(Steven Pearce)聽聞丈夫的英勇行為後,
編輯:廖梓翔 2020-08-16 11:28
Australia surfer saves wife by punching shark
15 August 2020
Earlier this year a teenage surfer was killed by a shark off New South Wales
A man leapt from his surfboard on to a shark that was attacking his wife,
repeatedly punching the animal until it let go, Australian media report.
Chantelle Doyle, 35, was surfing off Shelly Beach at Port Macquarie, New
South Wales, when the attack took place.
Her husband punched the shark until it released its grip and then helped Ms
Doyle to the shore.
She was airlifted to hospital with serious injuries to her right leg.
Experts quoted by the Port Macquarie News believed Ms Doyle had been mauled
by a juvenile great white shark up to 3m (10ft) in length.
Surf Life Saving NSW chief executive Steven Pearce praised the husband -
named by media as Mark Rapley - for his quick action.
"This fella paddled over and jumped off his board on to the shark and hit it
to get it to release her and then assisted her back into the beach," he said,
quoted by the Sydney Morning Herald. "Pretty full on, really heroic."
Inspector Andrew Beverley, of Ambulance NSW, said people on the beach
administered first aid to Ms Doyle before medics arrived.
"The bystanders on scene that rendered assistance should be commended. They
did an amazing job," he said.
He added that it was the third serious shark attack on that stretch of coast
in recent months.
Ms Doyle was flown to Newcastle Hospital for surgery and was in a stable
Australia surfer saves wife by punching shark - BBC News
A husband leapt on to the shark as it attacked his wife off Port Macquarie, New South Wales. ...
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VECznzX (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1597558641.A.F61.html
推 : 外國真的狂1F 08/16 14:17
→ : 五樓海邊游泳被水鬼拖下去肛死了變性奴隸2F 08/16 14:17
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→ : 紅髮傑克表示6F 08/16 14:18
※ 編輯: metallican ( 臺灣), 08/16/2020 14:18:41推 : 鯊魚:鯊小啦7F 08/16 14:18
推 : 拳願喔!8F 08/16 14:18
→ : 美國陳鷹村???9F 08/16 14:18
→ : 動保:?10F 08/16 14:19
推 : 巨齒鯊 傑森· 史塔森 Jason Statham11F 08/16 14:19
推 : 鯊魚:幹 莫名其妙被揍12F 08/16 14:20
推 : 他想跟你玩啦,只是含住而已13F 08/16 14:20
推 : 想想澳洲男人 再想想東方男人14F 08/16 14:20
推 : 洋屌的力量,應該不是開玩笑15F 08/16 14:21
推 : 厲害了16F 08/16 14:21
推 : 鯊魚好衰17F 08/16 14:21
→ : 如果是亞洲小屌,那鯊魚可能沒感覺18F 08/16 14:21
→ : 鯊魚不是不會吃人?19F 08/16 14:21
推 : 好猛20F 08/16 14:21
推 : 如果是俄羅斯人 今天晚餐就是鯊魚煙21F 08/16 14:22
→ : 台灣只會用流刺網底拖網不敢徒手搏鬥22F 08/16 14:22
推 : 澳洲魯夫 是你?23F 08/16 14:23
推 : bio 724F 08/16 14:24
推 : 澳洲吉貝爾?25F 08/16 14:24
推 : 海賊王4ni?26F 08/16 14:24
推 : 很愛拉普利的鯊魚 愛利鯊鯊27F 08/16 14:25
推 : 衝浪板在從水底下看像海豹,鯊魚:這海豹會打人QQ28F 08/16 14:26
推 : 魚降拳29F 08/16 14:27
推 : 史上最強弟子兼一 有演過30F 08/16 14:27
推 : 樓上XD31F 08/16 14:27
→ : 傑森史塔森去演那種好萊塢電影台的B級片 很好笑32F 08/16 14:28
→ : 魚降拳無誤33F 08/16 14:29
推 : 我朋友握力超強,被鯊魚襲擊直接捏爆鯊魚的鼻尖34F 08/16 14:29
推 : 花山薰?35F 08/16 14:30
推 : 我們台灣也有鐵拳男啊,但不是毆鯊護妻是毆妻36F 08/16 14:34
推 : 麥特凱??37F 08/16 14:37
推 : 幹 這是真男人38F 08/16 14:39
推 : 鯊本嚴正抗議39F 08/16 14:44
推 : 水裏揮拳?40F 08/16 14:49
推 : 讚讚讚41F 08/16 14:50
推 : 周伯通42F 08/16 14:52
→ : 鯊本呢?43F 08/16 14:53
推 : 飽打44F 08/16 14:54
推 : 鐵拳無敵45F 08/16 14:56
推 : 應該是不會痛啦 只是在水裡沒挨揍過 嚇到46F 08/16 14:57
→ : 雪莉漂亮嗎?47F 08/16 14:58
推 :48F 08/16 14:58
推 : 幹鯊小49F 08/16 15:00
→ : 霸王色霸氣...50F 08/16 15:10
推 : 鯊魚:我只是經過啊幹51F 08/16 15:13
→ : 傑森史塔森52F 08/16 15:13
推 : 鯊小53F 08/16 15:15
→ : 聽說打鼻子很有效 但是風險太高 一個失手四肢就變三肢了54F 08/16 15:16
推 : 騎鯊魚 超猛55F 08/16 15:18
推 : 澳洲老頑童56F 08/16 15:20
→ : 動保團體表示:57F 08/16 15:22
推 : 鯊魚:幹 路過就被打58F 08/16 15:23
推 : 為什麼要戴鐵手套游泳?59F 08/16 15:29
推 : 猛60F 08/16 15:40
→ : NBAdog61F 08/16 15:41
推 : 結果空運帳單一百萬澳幣直接自殺62F 08/16 16:13
推 : shark punch center?63F 08/16 16:18
推 : 鐵拳無敵64F 08/16 16:31
→ : 遇到台灣的垃圾漁民,這鯊魚就慘了65F 08/16 16:47
推 : 真男人66F 08/16 16:51
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