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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-04-13 12:49:41
看板 Gossiping
作者 xxaxx (艾克絲欸唉可是)
標題 Re: [新聞] 英將捐24億 譚德塞:證明這是全球必須做
時間 Mon Apr 13 10:48:42 2020


搬運自 Reddit 臺灣板




Why are people in Taiwan surprised at the actions of the WHO director-general? H
e was a top member of violent Ethiopian Communist Party(TPLF). Even many Ethiopi
ans opposed him becoming WHO director-general.

台灣民眾為何對世衛組織總幹事的行為感到驚訝? 他是暴力的埃塞俄比亞共產黨(TPLF)
的高級成員。 甚至很多埃塞俄比亞人都反對他當世衛組織總幹事。

It's also the first time in a long time that an UN organization recognized Taiwa
n as having its own foreign ministry and response to pandemic. Caught Taiwan off

這也是長期以來,聯合國組織首次承認台灣有自己的外交部和應對疫情的組織。 讓台灣人

Deep down, Taiwanese people are actually thrilled to hear the words TAIWAN come
out of a UN organization and repeated many times.  For so many decades of being
ignored Taiwan is now center stage due to the incompetence of the WHO. Taiwan ge
ts the global spotlight by being one of the few countries that is containing pan
demic. A shining beacon for countries struggling to keep their health systems wo

在台灣人的內心深處,其實台灣人聽到 "台灣 "這幾個字從聯合國組織里出來,而且是多次
世衛組織的無能,而成為了中心舞台。 台灣是世界上為數不多的遏制疫情的國家之一,成
為全球矚目的焦點。 對於那些努力維持衛生系統運作的國家來說,台灣是一盞明燈。

If it wasn't for the WHO's kowtowing to the CCP regime in China perhaps Taiwan w
ould have still been ignored on the world stage (and so many saved lives  ).
Taiwanese has always wanted to be recognized, and wants to help save as many li
ves as possible using every bit of effort 23 million freedom-loving people can m

救了那麼多的生命)。 台灣人一直希望得到認可,希望用2300萬熱愛自由的人民所能付出

Kind hearted, without fear, always lending a helping hand. Taiwan can help. So
proud to be Taiwanese

心地善良,不畏懼,總是伸出援助之手。 台灣人可以幫忙。 身為台灣人,真為自己是台

I just got translated summary of local magazine published regarding Tedros. The
 man is an absolute monster. I'm struggling to believe a man of that crime manag
ed to be head of WHO.

剛剛收到了當地雜誌上關於Tedros的翻譯摘要。 這個人絕對是個怪物  我很難相信,

Winnie probably promised him a free villa in Guangzhou, China... (after he reti
res from his current job at the WHO)
People in Guangzhou absolutely love people from Africa!

維尼大概是答應了他在中國廣州的免費別墅......  (等他從世界衛生組織退休後)


I cross posted the source of your link to /r/worldnews and it was automatically
 tagged as "No Satire", which I think means it was filtered out of all results.

我把你的鏈接發到 r/worldnews,結果被自動標記為 "禁止諷刺",我想這意味著它被過

編按:Reddit 於 19 年獲得來自中國騰訊(Tencent)共 1.5 億美元的投資

most parts of reddit are now censored by moderators who are probably afraid of
offending the Chinese communist government.... /r/politics included.


Why are people in Taiwan surprised at the actions of the WHO director-general?
Because Taiwanese people have unhealthy obsession over UN and its organs. Even
though these organizations have been proven corrupt and unable to act, people fr
om Taiwan still feel like they are missing out and want to be a part of this mes


因為台灣人對聯合國及其機關有一種不健康的迷戀。 即使這些組織已經被證明是腐敗的

I imagine what the phone call in January would have been like:
Taiwan:  "Hi, this is Taiwan, there's going to be a big pandemic of some weird
new virus coming from China"
WHO: "I see, please hold, while I check your membership"
WHO: "ok, I see that you were granted membership last year?"
Taiwan: "Yes"
WHO: "I just checked my database. Don't worry about it. The virus has been cont
ained to just half a dozen people.  It's all good, no need to do anything about
it.  Thanks for calling, don't forget that your membership fees are due next wee
k. Please wire the $50 million directly to the WHO account in Geneva"
Taiwan: "excellent, now we can tell our people to party hard... it's lunar new
year in a few weeks... millions will be having big parties with their families"
WHO: "sounds fun, have a great time"
fast forward to March 30 phone call:
Taiwan: "WHO WTF?  You told me it was going to be all good, but we have a milli
ons citizens who seem to have some kind of weird virus???  half of them are dead
WHO: "oh, you're that new member, Taiwan, right?  Did you miss new member orien
tation?  We said our organization was operated by two chipmunks and 50 dung beet
les... and you believe us over your own scientists?"
Taiwan: "but you're the WHO and we paid $50 million a year for membership!!!"
WHO:  "haha...."(Bart Simpson voice)


台灣的。   "你好,我是台灣,中國大陸將有一種新的怪異病毒大流行"

世衛組織。 "我看到了,請等一下,我檢查你的會員資格"

世衛會。 "OK,我看你去年就被授予了會員資格?"

台灣:"是的  "是的"

世衛組織。 "我剛剛查了我的數據庫。 不用擔心了。 病毒已經被控制住了,只有半數人
。   一切都很好,不需要做任何處理。   謝謝你的電話,別忘了下周就要交會員費了。

台灣的。 "很好,現在我們可以告訴我們的人民,要好好地開派對了..... 再過幾個星期
就是農歷新年了..... ...幾百萬人要和家人一起開大派對了"

世衛組織。 "聽起來很好玩,玩得很開心"


台灣。 "WHO WTF?   你跟我說,本來都是好事,可是我們有幾百萬公民好像得了什麼奇

WHO:"WHO。 "哦,你是那個新會員,台灣的吧?   你錯過了新會員介紹會了嗎?   我

台灣:"台灣。 "但你們是WHO,我們一年交了五千萬的會員費!"

世衛組織:"哈哈...........    "哈哈..........."(巴特-辛普森的聲音)

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UazCCeJ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1586746124.A.A13.html
leon771170: 請正名 非洲黑鬼彈到屎1F 04/13 10:49
BITMajo: 原來還是個死共匪ㄛ2F 04/13 10:49
Howard61313: 在廣州的免費別墅XDDDDDDD3F 04/13 10:50
BITMajo: 還真他媽的根正苗紅,難怪會被支那拱上去4F 04/13 10:50
Howard61313: 最後一行,是霸子辛普森啦5F 04/13 10:51
holyhelm: 真的就好險沒加入WHO   真正垃圾組織6F 04/13 10:51
whitenoise: 挖哩勒,CHO無誤7F 04/13 10:52
donation12: 高級酸民XDDDD8F 04/13 10:52
eierom: 選一個共產黨的當主席OP9F 04/13 10:52
jorden: 埃塞俄比亞是三小10F 04/13 10:53
doomhammer: 樓上 伊索比亞11F 04/13 10:54
yannjiunlin: 通篇翻譯是中國用語~但諷刺好笑給推12F 04/13 10:54
doomhammer: 原來這傢伙還是共產黨啊13F 04/13 10:55
Albert666: XDDDDDD14F 04/13 10:55
sellgd: 共產黨 不解釋了15F 04/13 10:56
BITMajo: 說真的這篇對台灣當局態度的評論好像還蠻對的16F 04/13 11:06
BITMajo: 雖然人民的想法大概是另一種情況
seemoon2000: 廣州免費別墅 意外的靠北XDDDD18F 04/13 11:12
lostman: 推19F 04/13 11:38
intointo:   這篇寫的不錯20F 04/13 12:19
thinkfun: 推21F 04/13 12:35

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( ̄︶ ̄)b gdchazer, zoohoods, leon999su, goddarn, tarbo888, FormosaUSAgi 共 6 個人 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2020-04-13 13:00:47 (台灣)
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