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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-05-23 09:32:42
看板 Gossiping
作者 codechem (CC)
標題 [問卦] 關心但不介入英文怎麼說
時間 Fri May 22 19:00:42 2020








※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Unx3SN_ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1590145244.A.5FF.html
thai772: Costco1F 05/22 19:00
greensaru: IKEA2F 05/22 19:01
king761209: fuck3F 05/22 19:01
WolfTeacher: close heart but no borrow enter4F 05/22 19:01
firemothra: fcck off5F 05/22 19:01
mizunonana: lkea6F 05/22 19:01
Giornno: it's your bussiness7F 05/22 19:01
jolor26sou: thx Hong Kong but no help8F 05/22 19:01
bamama56: loli yes , touch no9F 05/22 19:01
xzcb2008: costco10F 05/22 19:01
firemothra: cum in my pussy11F 05/22 19:02
doro0202: car bat no in12F 05/22 19:02
locdan: Taiwan no,China yes13F 05/22 19:02
wz70403: care but no touch14F 05/22 19:02
BaDoYao: 樓下都用哪句英文約到尼哥甲?15F 05/22 19:02
rockon15: rape16F 05/22 19:02
euruing: concern but not to intervene 直翻XD17F 05/22 19:02
uco330: don't touch me18F 05/22 19:03
masterbation: thank you , next19F 05/22 19:03
z2wen: 選票20F 05/22 19:03
vomc: To be and not to be21F 05/22 19:03
AUwalker: rip22F 05/22 19:03
WeGoStyle: i dont car23F 05/22 19:03
firemothra: God bless you24F 05/22 19:03
kuanhunter: sorry25F 05/22 19:03
netio: Care but not enter26F 05/22 19:03
shwx0524: i dont give it a shit27F 05/22 19:03
DWESOME: fish yes28F 05/22 19:04
KillerMoDo: I DON FUCKING CARE29F 05/22 19:04
mansonrock: I don’t give a fuck30F 05/22 19:04
whiteflora6: don't fuck31F 05/22 19:04
holyhelm: Fuck off32F 05/22 19:04
XXXXLINDA: 蔡英文最了解33F 05/22 19:04
hipab: i love you but i don't insert you34F 05/22 19:04
tim1112: Miku is software35F 05/22 19:04
bjk3370: you are atm36F 05/22 19:05
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fly0204: go fuck yourself38F 05/22 19:05
garyoldb: I DONT CAT39F 05/22 19:05
will1118: Tsai In Wen40F 05/22 19:05
funwing: Hello?who are you?41F 05/22 19:05
hydrant: I dont give a fuck +142F 05/22 19:05
eterbless: i don't care43F 05/22 19:06
choco7: I hear you44F 05/22 19:06
JuiFu617: care about  but no intercourse45F 05/22 19:07
luke77318s: 支持但不提案要怎麼講? QQ46F 05/22 19:07
ilohoo: 英文就是這樣說的啊47F 05/22 19:07
hmt17: nbcs  nobody cares48F 05/22 19:07
kevinpc: may show gan mo49F 05/22 19:07
hsshkisskiss: Vote me50F 05/22 19:07
ray90910: I just watch, never help51F 05/22 19:07
CREA: DPP52F 05/22 19:07
JOHNLOVE: Bye53F 05/22 19:07
woaifafewen: go fuck yourself54F 05/22 19:08
wangsanmin: go fuck yourself55F 05/22 19:08
senior: vote dpp and shup up56F 05/22 19:08
bigcho: i don't care57F 05/22 19:08
CODDDD: you can do it58F 05/22 19:09
linceass: Show me the money59F 05/22 19:09
ja1295: it's none of my business60F 05/22 19:09
jason486: good luck61F 05/22 19:09
wangsanmin: senior 是shut up吧62F 05/22 19:09
nn70: you wanna choose KMT?63F 05/22 19:09
s8800892000: not my business and fuck out64F 05/22 19:10
fday: DPP65F 05/22 19:10
WeAntiTVBS: you handao?66F 05/22 19:10
manning: Taiwan can not help67F 05/22 19:10
WWLisme: I dot car68F 05/22 19:10
adk147852: close heart no borrow enter69F 05/22 19:11
sincere77: tsai ing wen70F 05/22 19:11
realmiddle: The election is over.71F 05/22 19:11
accordingto: say my name72F 05/22 19:12
justice0616: boogieman73F 05/22 19:12
OEC100: cockroach74F 05/22 19:12
RanceTsai: mumi75F 05/22 19:12
playboy007gy: I see bye bye76F 05/22 19:12
alex00089: we see but no play one77F 05/22 19:12
squareli5566: Who bird you78F 05/22 19:12
gm3252: I dont give a fuck79F 05/22 19:12
deathsman: fuck without intercourse80F 05/22 19:12
jerkingoff:  I doc car81F 05/22 19:13
tomx: vote for dip82F 05/22 19:13
qilar: im sorry but fu*k you83F 05/22 19:14
Cefilos: 推文讓我笑到肚子痛84F 05/22 19:14
billybbb: Dpp85F 05/22 19:14
TomChu: noted, thanks.86F 05/22 19:14
s6525480: k p eat shit 柯批兒食屎 選我正解87F 05/22 19:14
asgardgogo: give the shit88F 05/22 19:14
FrankCastle: election is over,not dpp's business.you should he89F 05/22 19:15
FrankCastle: lp yourself.
ksk0516: Taiwan can not help91F 05/22 19:15
hotlatte: Close heart to insert President Tsai.92F 05/22 19:15
gnirpsuwrof: concerned, but not to involve?93F 05/22 19:15
kk123: care but not involved94F 05/22 19:16
DellSale999: we care but no mind95F 05/22 19:16
pchunters: No VOTE NO CARE96F 05/22 19:16
goldflower: watch porn97F 05/22 19:16
LeonardoChen: bull shit98F 05/22 19:17
Workshy: no election who care you99F 05/22 19:17
qqqqwe15: Don't bother me.100F 05/22 19:17
kenro: ikea101F 05/22 19:17
Astrogod: I’m elected. Don’t bother HK102F 05/22 19:17
doctor75: Fxxk, no kiss.103F 05/22 19:17
rancilio: This is a book.104F 05/22 19:17
MosEnjoy: care but no car105F 05/22 19:18
garcia: I care,you take care106F 05/22 19:18
leocean9816: who car107F 05/22 19:18
sbflight: democracy degenerate party108F 05/22 19:18
tingjj: no Vote no Care109F 05/22 19:18
sbsame12455: we care but we don't jump into the shit110F 05/22 19:18
funwing: Please vote Dpp111F 05/22 19:19
FlashMan: no Vote no Care112F 05/22 19:19
jiaching: Taiwan can't help113F 05/22 19:19
vizjeco: i am a boy.114F 05/22 19:19
states: costco我笑歪115F 05/22 19:19
AaronCross: sorry116F 05/22 19:19
ZEYU: how dare you117F 05/22 19:19
VVax: China pig fuck your mother118F 05/22 19:20
Workforme: not my business,get out!!119F 05/22 19:20
cloudfantasy: Liar Tsai120F 05/22 19:21
kor525: This is a book121F 05/22 19:21
ccjj8: DPP122F 05/22 19:21
Gnau: Care but not interfere123F 05/22 19:21
cian0923: Well, I see.124F 05/22 19:22
jason26: don't give a shit125F 05/22 19:22
gourmand: we don't really care.126F 05/22 19:22
LBruce: Fuck yourself and enjoy sex127F 05/22 19:22
achiow: 簡寫為DPP128F 05/22 19:23
gotrend: It’s ur business129F 05/22 19:23
lwamp: 我都說DPP130F 05/22 19:23
cheng399: care,  but none of my business131F 05/22 19:23
gotrend: I don’t fucking care132F 05/22 19:24
pchome321: Thank you ,next133F 05/22 19:24
terry1043: I don't care.134F 05/22 19:24
homerun2005: Take care, but I wouldn’t give a shit.135F 05/22 19:24
abc1212050: Im sorry but fuck you136F 05/22 19:24
sazdj: I have a dream137F 05/22 19:25
steland: Who Car138F 05/22 19:25
e86117934: I care but none of my business.139F 05/22 19:26
imaxpayne: Not my business140F 05/22 19:27
h965715: care but do nothing141F 05/22 19:27
lanszul: I dot car142F 05/22 19:27
m50205811: I know but I don't want to support.143F 05/22 19:27
isotropic: Lin bei dan li144F 05/22 19:27
Nighty7222: IKEA145F 05/22 19:28
godfight: an apple a day keeps the doctor away146F 05/22 19:28
iygjghyjhguy: I do care about that, but I won`t get myself inv147F 05/22 19:28
iygjghyjhguy: olved.
gangrel: English shit149F 05/22 19:29
RLH: Vote for DPP/little smoke or be united150F 05/22 19:29
qqqqwe15: Give me money.151F 05/22 19:29
imaxpayne: No vote don't care152F 05/22 19:30
tengl: who cares153F 05/22 19:31
wayneh1556: sorry im dpp154F 05/22 19:31
ARTORIA: 817155F 05/22 19:31
nttc: 英文不說,交由非法公子發言156F 05/22 19:31
wayneh1556: you useless157F 05/22 19:31
j821005: care without intervention158F 05/22 19:31
OEC100: ATM159F 05/22 19:31
cheng399: HK brings me vote plz160F 05/22 19:32
jefe: Okay, I see!161F 05/22 19:32
yujuismylove: DPP162F 05/22 19:33
cheng399: Hong Kong today, Taiwan tomorrow163F 05/22 19:33
OxFFFF: Wei da li?164F 05/22 19:34
octopuso1c: 四樓翻的還不錯165F 05/22 19:34
tim32142000: care but not get involved166F 05/22 19:34
GGBronze: close me ass thing167F 05/22 19:34
jimmyada: ATM168F 05/22 19:34
JoeChang5566: gan ni niang169F 05/22 19:35
guest2008: Titanic170F 05/22 19:35
jycgaccac: i hear what you say171F 05/22 19:35
uniqueufo: dpp172F 05/22 19:35
blademaster: DPP173F 05/22 19:35
Dorae5566: gan world p s174F 05/22 19:36
finalband: Don’t touch me175F 05/22 19:36
dyrus: care but not to intervene176F 05/22 19:37
aaagang: just a joke177F 05/22 19:37
Dannyfish: Wait until next election178F 05/22 19:37
jacky820602: Suck my d**k179F 05/22 19:37
maxdream: Taiwan can’t help180F 05/22 19:38
denyy555: fuck off, HKers181F 05/22 19:38
farren7410: argo fuck yourself182F 05/22 19:38
adk147852: It's good to drink?183F 05/22 19:38
silminlia: good luck and goodbye184F 05/22 19:39
remprogress: 八卦版已死185F 05/22 19:39
babyMclaren: daddy186F 05/22 19:39
shark9201: I dot car187F 05/22 19:39
s08k521: I am a coward188F 05/22 19:39
t0kyohot: Car but no infocus189F 05/22 19:39
tomtom012: that is not my business190F 05/22 19:39
ke265379ke: don’t touch me191F 05/22 19:40
solitary0: Not my fucking bussiness192F 05/22 19:40
motan: u ok,u first193F 05/22 19:40
fleetindark: don't touch me194F 05/22 19:41
dennis02: Gogoro195F 05/22 19:41
zhuazhua: I dot car196F 05/22 19:42
Weky: I don’t care197F 05/22 19:42
pandp: Taiwan can care198F 05/22 19:42
hlpascer: acknowledged199F 05/22 19:42
menshuei: I have known your problem, but I won't shoot mysel200F 05/22 19:43
menshuei: f in the foot.
joeizilla: i dot car202F 05/22 19:43
pandp: You jump, I care203F 05/22 19:43
askaleroux: I don’t give a fuck204F 05/22 19:43
mxr: sow~ sow~ sow~ sow~205F 05/22 19:43
lasaio: Who care?206F 05/22 19:44
gn00399745: kp must die207F 05/22 19:45
ramirez: concerned but not involved208F 05/22 19:45
Sam0453: I know you have a hard time, but I don't a shit.209F 05/22 19:46
elmoman: 菸糞綠共吃屎死全家210F 05/22 19:46
Sam0453: *give211F 05/22 19:46
luoqr: I see and I see212F 05/22 19:46
pigmoo: care and  don’t care213F 05/22 19:46
bypetty: fuck out214F 05/22 19:47
VOLK11: care,not mind215F 05/22 19:47
okane: hello! hello? hell....216F 05/22 19:47
balagodie: 推文太好笑我的媽217F 05/22 19:47
ricky1111w: I like U, but I can't fxxk U218F 05/22 19:47
yolasiku: 柯糞吃屎219F 05/22 19:48
ironkyoater: It is fucking your business220F 05/22 19:48
alexjeter: Ke Fen chi shih221F 05/22 19:48
be5566: ok I know222F 05/22 19:48
GodsRevival: 共產黨施行暴政,但你們卻在攻擊台灣之政府。說不是223F 05/22 19:49
zweihander99: fuck off224F 05/22 19:49
skyyo: fuk tsai english225F 05/22 19:49
GodsRevival: 共匪還真難相信226F 05/22 19:49
joeyben: DPP227F 05/22 19:49
pisser: i care about it not so much228F 05/22 19:49
iwinlottery: DPP229F 05/22 19:49
VOLK11: care,not do it230F 05/22 19:49
linsww: no Vote no Care231F 05/22 19:49
dondue: 可憐232F 05/22 19:50
Kushforlife: ching chang chong ching chang chong ching chang c233F 05/22 19:50
Kushforlife: hong ching chang chong ching chang chong ching ch
arack: Is it good to drink?235F 05/22 19:50
Kushforlife: ang chong ching chang chong236F 05/22 19:50
f800830: That is your business. go fuck yourself237F 05/22 19:50
KillerMoDo: 嘻嘻 現在只是在笑政府雙標 結果就有人受不了扣帽子238F 05/22 19:51
ufo15526368: NOT MY BUSINESS.SORRY.239F 05/22 19:51
faye112358: chi chou ni low baan240F 05/22 19:51
x02e0444x: shut the fuck up241F 05/22 19:51
djbell: care ECFA, not HK242F 05/22 19:51
patigerman: I don't give a F243F 05/22 19:51
leo960164: thank you hongkong244F 05/22 19:52
kerberoSun: DPP245F 05/22 19:52
lesnaree2: vote dpp246F 05/22 19:53
nakinight: I fuck you but no enter247F 05/22 19:53
ridecule: too dangerous248F 05/22 19:53
df900127123: 大家英文都考100分呢!249F 05/22 19:53
new71050: urx250F 05/22 19:54
gibson72: I don not care251F 05/22 19:54
Maschinenbau: Dpp252F 05/22 19:56
tteeccddyy: I'm sorry but it is not my business253F 05/22 19:56
dennis197: none of my fking business254F 05/22 19:56
dan2metsheep: Who cares? I don’t care255F 05/22 19:57
rosemarylo: Fuck256F 05/22 19:58
kayu: dpp257F 05/22 19:58
CowBaoGan: It's not my business. FUCK OFF!!258F 05/22 19:59
jbking: 看看樓上的留言就知道為什麼台灣沒有國際競爭力259F 05/22 20:00
bigbigfrog: 大概只有悠久的語言才有這麼虛偽的句子260F 05/22 20:00
tending: Just see261F 05/22 20:00
iloveabaw: u vote KMT262F 05/22 20:00
tending:263F 05/22 20:00
questionboy: I-Wen doesn't care about HK264F 05/22 20:00
whsian: For VOTE265F 05/22 20:00
movieghost: No entry266F 05/22 20:01
jacky0207: 心配するけど関係ない267F 05/22 20:01
djbell: I'm sorry and good bye.268F 05/22 20:01
uco330: I'm OK, you GG first269F 05/22 20:02
gin10791: Hong Kong is good Atm270F 05/22 20:02
shakesper: 大家多益一定都999271F 05/22 20:02
SSkey: whoes car272F 05/22 20:03
eeccms: Go fuck yourself273F 05/22 20:03
ian40: I care but I actually don't274F 05/22 20:03
furano: Lady first275F 05/22 20:04
sharkimage: don’ touch me276F 05/22 20:04
NotUniqueSol: pretend caring277F 05/22 20:05
JayceYen: Go die278F 05/22 20:05
pcshgod: 菜英文 OUT279F 05/22 20:05
max1019: Taiwan can’t help280F 05/22 20:05
OAVAYAVAO: watch and learn281F 05/22 20:05
dobe: I’m so sorry282F 05/22 20:06
iyawen: dpp283F 05/22 20:06
SSkey: 這樣叫攻擊政府?是有多玻璃,哈哈,就是民主才可以這樣玩284F 05/22 20:07
sinlee: kiss my ass285F 05/22 20:07
giantwinter: Taiwan is helping286F 05/22 20:07
liu1030: close heart egg no borrow enter287F 05/22 20:07
tpkgo: RIP288F 05/22 20:08
wugi: Automated Teller Machine=ATM289F 05/22 20:08
zames0625: Concern but not involved (?290F 05/22 20:10
kevinhon: 學生:To Dai(東大)291F 05/22 20:10
kevinhon: 蓮實老師:To die?
liuhan: I care but not my business293F 05/22 20:10
Baumgartner: I don’t give a shit294F 05/22 20:11
biemelo157: wtf295F 05/22 20:11
ginopun10477: say my name296F 05/22 20:11
spitonface: Dry me ass thing297F 05/22 20:12
wxes30431: 完了!ptt裡面九成九都共匪298F 05/22 20:12
g1254501: You are plastic299F 05/22 20:12
a0921387223: ikea~300F 05/22 20:12
seal0903: taiwancanhelp301F 05/22 20:13
mojingri: DPP give you a shit and must take your all302F 05/22 20:13
spiders: good luck303F 05/22 20:14
edison9311: Care but not really lol304F 05/22 20:14
g1254501: Fuck off!305F 05/22 20:14
dbdudsorj: Taiwan can't help. Haha Hong Kong, China306F 05/22 20:14
iyawen: I love u but get lost307F 05/22 20:15
djbell: You can do it by yourself.308F 05/22 20:15
wisonmann: ikea309F 05/22 20:15
yank0612: ko fan shut up310F 05/22 20:15
aleckleehaha: Mazda311F 05/22 20:16
aaice: 東踏取秘312F 05/22 20:17
ctlwmmax: green cockroach313F 05/22 20:17
csddd: Love you instead of fucking you314F 05/22 20:17
TuChinJui: concern but I don’t care, fxxk u.315F 05/22 20:18
gugugaga: care but dont touch me!316F 05/22 20:18
blackstyles: agree to disagree317F 05/22 20:18
beariscut: DDP Taiwan Value318F 05/22 20:18
mimian17: I dot car319F 05/22 20:19
hadeshong: WHO Cares320F 05/22 20:19
Luos: I wish all the best to you321F 05/22 20:19
proDiverS: I don't f**king care322F 05/22 20:19
GN02209611: 推文英語都10級XDDD323F 05/22 20:21
MRfridge: concern but don't interfere324F 05/22 20:21
LipaCat5566: I don’t fucking car325F 05/22 20:21
kan8634: Dpp326F 05/22 20:21
simon978: Taiwan can help327F 05/22 20:21
ttlun: you mother fucker328F 05/22 20:21
crimsonmoon9: How dare  you329F 05/22 20:22
djbell: Thank you and what's your name?330F 05/22 20:22
NiMaDerB: 已讀331F 05/22 20:22
andytwtp2002: Haha. Poor you332F 05/22 20:22
evaal: keep watching,and watch only.333F 05/22 20:22
b2305911: TW don‘t give a fuck.334F 05/22 20:23
sbkqwer: i don't give a shit335F 05/22 20:23
abc22753939: I got it336F 05/22 20:23
kairiyu: not my business337F 05/22 20:24
aftercome: I see,so?338F 05/22 20:24
isaswa: notice, recognize, acknowledge339F 05/22 20:24
JDHorton: Hello?340F 05/22 20:24
chishanfann: How do you turn this on341F 05/22 20:24
yokoleo: Never give a shit342F 05/22 20:25
cycy771489: 大家都是菜英文343F 05/22 20:25
picacuo: Lie cheater---- by American's grandfather/practical i344F 05/22 20:25
peterkuok: 西踏取精345F 05/22 20:25
picacuo: ndependence worker。346F 05/22 20:25
tsaodin0220: Taiwan can help, but not HongKong347F 05/22 20:25
realvvv: fond but not inlove348F 05/22 20:26
suifong: SA YOU NA RA349F 05/22 20:26
djbell: I know it's hard, but who cares?350F 05/22 20:26
az57150: May show gun more351F 05/22 20:26
cloudpart2: who care352F 05/22 20:27
ian34530: fucking vote us353F 05/22 20:27
kokokko416: no shit354F 05/22 20:27
muffinpat: on the sidelines355F 05/22 20:27
picacuo: 樓上的:whoc cares啦,乾356F 05/22 20:27
abakama: DPP357F 05/22 20:27
job5786: I have watched it,aren't you thankful?358F 05/22 20:27
WenzdayJack: who cares ?359F 05/22 20:28
etiennechiu: I hear you XD XD XD XD360F 05/22 20:28
philip09227: FuXk China government and suck my dick361F 05/22 20:28
YamagiN: We don't give a shit.362F 05/22 20:29
buritoredcap: Concerned but will continue to monitor the situa363F 05/22 20:29
buritoredcap: tion
nodnod: who cares365F 05/22 20:29
ldeathkiller: I don’t give fuck366F 05/22 20:29
Dioooo: I dont car367F 05/22 20:29
wildli0422: i only need u always be bad368F 05/22 20:30
IsaacJJWang: Errr. NMSL and good show369F 05/22 20:30
wish770924: you jump I not jump370F 05/22 20:30
antibody27: sad but true371F 05/22 20:30
imyoming: NMSL372F 05/22 20:31
Hvenry: fuck dpp373F 05/22 20:31
mecca: None of my business!!374F 05/22 20:31
gary27: I dont care375F 05/22 20:31
alanismei: concerned but not involved376F 05/22 20:31
csghuuguh: we have a gift for you377F 05/22 20:33
kktt254: the floor is full of wax378F 05/22 20:33
sealdoom: DPP cheater379F 05/22 20:33
kktt254: FW JG mid open Afk 15ff380F 05/22 20:33
motan: god bless u381F 05/22 20:34
johntdlemon: thoughts and prayers382F 05/22 20:34
blackkeys: come suck my cockkkkkkkkkkkk383F 05/22 20:35
nova06091: How384F 05/22 20:35
odsan: close heart but no enter385F 05/22 20:35
enlkh: IR WINNER386F 05/22 20:35
dcggj2394: Care but don’t with387F 05/22 20:35
CmIvan: Vote to CF388F 05/22 20:36
wugi: Sorry, I lie to you389F 05/22 20:36
linwahaha: Care,but no insert390F 05/22 20:37
tairshin: Taiwan can’t help391F 05/22 20:37
hoinoi: i care but i dont interfere392F 05/22 20:37
candn: have concerns but no help393F 05/22 20:37
wulaw5566: ikea394F 05/22 20:38
McLovin: I dont freaking care395F 05/22 20:38
a123zyx: 無聊396F 05/22 20:38
chong17: close heart  ,  but no fuck.397F 05/22 20:39
BT5026: I care u but I can do nothing for you!398F 05/22 20:39
dc871512: 蔡英文399F 05/22 20:39
rebeliao: I love u but your father is China.401F 05/22 20:40
TungHan8787: Eat yourself402F 05/22 20:40
tomwu770926: Its too danger403F 05/22 20:41
kkbear: Screw Hong Kong?404F 05/22 20:41
nerdmode: Hello and bye bye405F 05/22 20:42
ojizz4u: only for campaign << 選我正解~406F 05/22 20:43
obeytherules: I see.. go fuck yorself!!407F 05/22 20:44
cksuck: Shut up & Vote to DPP408F 05/22 20:45
ralph409409: You guys cant vote for us so fuck you off409F 05/22 20:45
jej: kiss my ass, flow my penis410F 05/22 20:45
leonchou0928: get a fuck away411F 05/22 20:46
ez910115: nimasila412F 05/22 20:46
Orz9106: costco but ikea413F 05/22 20:46
lavine0639: care you but i don't care414F 05/22 20:46
bigtien6292: I car about u but go to hell415F 05/22 20:47
wow4alison: 我快笑死416F 05/22 20:48
shuterlo: WHO CARE418F 05/22 20:48
queen31227: You di da di da me, but I won’t hua la hua la you419F 05/22 20:48
queen31227: .
j900414: fuck but not input421F 05/22 20:49
elva19372004: God bless you +1422F 05/22 20:49
shintz: i dont car423F 05/22 20:49
iluvwaffles: dont touch me XD424F 05/22 20:49
DurianLover: You have no use for me.425F 05/22 20:50
iamlittle5: Your shit426F 05/22 20:50
aska521: Your home thing427F 05/22 20:50
macinwould: Look hot trouble428F 05/22 20:50
andachi: I’m OK, You die first.429F 05/22 20:50
molsmopuim: Don't touch me.430F 05/22 20:51
qtzbbztq: noted431F 05/22 20:52
fish3932000: Gan wo  pi shi432F 05/22 20:52
vincent1985: 關心但不插入433F 05/22 20:53
Bonkon: It's not my Fucking business.434F 05/22 20:53
Frankaze: I am DPP435F 05/22 20:54
Mitsuha: Yes I do436F 05/22 20:54
will331: SMD437F 05/22 20:54
GGrunrundela: close heart but no in your ass438F 05/22 20:55
max111111: I don’t give it a fuck.439F 05/22 20:55
toromeow: GOOD LUCK440F 05/22 20:55
mtg: care about U but not my business441F 05/22 20:57
Frankaze: I am DPP. You are ATM.442F 05/22 20:57
yeslin: how do you turn this on443F 05/22 20:58
abcorz: WHATEVER~~~~444F 05/22 20:59
a117078: hahaha uccu445F 05/22 20:59
ericsyyang: REST IN PEACE446F 05/22 20:59
ktyit: I'm sorry for helplessness447F 05/22 21:01
yf777: Ok but um um(搖食指448F 05/22 21:01
snopur: DPP attitude449F 05/22 21:02
cocolico: guan xindanbujie ru450F 05/22 21:03
cloudpart2: fa da tsai451F 05/22 21:03
vincentsoon: 蔡英文榮登2020幹話王寶座452F 05/22 21:03
arisisu: none of my business453F 05/22 21:03
shipinRD: nobody fucking care454F 05/22 21:04
vladmir: 英文什麼都沒說455F 05/22 21:04
sonax2k: Who car456F 05/22 21:05
ssd860505da: whos car457F 05/22 21:05
sl11pman: 60歲憨粉青年繼續感恩中國防疫貢獻!458F 05/22 21:05
trueloveisX: Taiwan can’t help.459F 05/22 21:05
gginin007: who cares460F 05/22 21:06
JJ6842: who cares461F 05/22 21:06
avrw: go home to eat yourself462F 05/22 21:06
Wolfgang9527: wait and see on the fence463F 05/22 21:07
thankyouXie2: I am Caring but not intervening464F 05/22 21:08
mudee: Who is your daddy?465F 05/22 21:09
candyrainbow:  i don’t care466F 05/22 21:09
Ujdhw3425: We are following it467F 05/22 21:10
mudee: 小英哪是幹話  她這句話超聰明der468F 05/22 21:10
jtrtsay: Wuhan Virus469F 05/22 21:11
mudee: 不然你各位要為港仔上戰場嗎?干涉中國內政?470F 05/22 21:11
wesleywesley: yes, but actually no.471F 05/22 21:11
jakewu1217: who cares472F 05/22 21:11
daniel815021: go to hell473F 05/22 21:12
hatephubbing: care about but no insert474F 05/22 21:14
rebai: don't worry be happy475F 05/22 21:14
chuchuchang: Concern without interference476F 05/22 21:14
cmcmcmcm2: gan wo pi 4477F 05/22 21:15
mystina43: Care but not my business478F 05/22 21:15
akwa: i’m dpper479F 05/22 21:15
mikechang829: I dont care but I insert480F 05/22 21:16
sion1993: Errrrrrr481F 05/22 21:18
noking7: election is far482F 05/22 21:18
ju06080719: tickets483F 05/22 21:19
belle0625070: Ok, I see.484F 05/22 21:19
onexxxpiece: say my name485F 05/22 21:20
duck0723: k p eat shit 選我正解486F 05/22 21:20
Ghamu: 關心不介入 就是用來避免中國操弄輿論說都是民台灣外國勢力487F 05/22 21:20
axvbn: I don't fucking care488F 05/22 21:20
Ghamu: 介入意圖分裂中國才要講的 然而國內柯韓粉好像無法看穿這件489F 05/22 21:20
plastic33: Taiwan cant help490F 05/22 21:20
Ghamu: 顯而易見的事491F 05/22 21:20
qqq5890003: Get out492F 05/22 21:21
Wannnng: hehehe493F 05/22 21:21
Ghamu: 台灣即使真的介入 真的做了什麼 也是只能做 不能說 這道理494F 05/22 21:22
Ghamu: 簡單但對柯韓粉的智商好想有點困難
cloud1030: CARE BUT NO INTERRUPT496F 05/22 21:22
opoa: NMSL497F 05/22 21:24
dcshoecousa: Gwon Sin Dan boooo Jay Zoo498F 05/22 21:25
fenllo: only fuck, no marriage499F 05/22 21:25
minutepop: We care about it, and500F 05/22 21:26
wahaha279: care ,but don’t care501F 05/22 21:26
roger840410: Fuck that502F 05/22 21:26
ds361007: Election Done Plz Fuck off503F 05/22 21:26
mikuyoyo: Winnie the Pooh504F 05/22 21:26
ibook0102: I dont give a shit505F 05/22 21:27
mirac1e: close heart but no borrow enter506F 05/22 21:28
ayrtonvitas: Go fuck yourselves.507F 05/22 21:29
TBBT1: China508F 05/22 21:29
star07: None of my business509F 05/22 21:29
ErinWei: I feel sorry for you, but my hands are tied.510F 05/22 21:29
jospa: DPP511F 05/22 21:29
Yves071: Im ok,you go first512F 05/22 21:29
riosk: 這串也太好笑 是什麼創意造句大賽XDDD513F 05/22 21:29
speed364: UCCU514F 05/22 21:30
webber04: do you have Taiwanese value?515F 05/22 21:30
sttyuio5083: WHO  car516F 05/22 21:30
Beccaria: Your business, not mine517F 05/22 21:30
ENJA: fuck my pussy harder518F 05/22 21:31
ayuiop: Hearts and prayers519F 05/22 21:33
leocean9816: DWJZ(Dai Wan Jia Zhi)520F 05/22 21:33
dustmoon: mayshowgunmore521F 05/22 21:34
kissung: I don’t cat522F 05/22 21:34
Frankaze: trivago523F 05/22 21:35
dreamyello: I am fine thank you and you?524F 05/22 21:35
kissung: God bless you525F 05/22 21:35
dreamyello: DPP選前講明白他們除了嘴 啥都不會做的話 現在才不會526F 05/22 21:36
dreamyello: 被酸
FlyingShark: I need vote528F 05/22 21:36
nfhlve: who cares529F 05/22 21:36
dreamyello: 又想舔共又想拿票 活該被罵530F 05/22 21:37
tenorio5: 英文不會,但中文叫:謹慎看好531F 05/22 21:37
Leesanity: Fuck you . Election is over532F 05/22 21:38
Jaygo5566: Taiwan value533F 05/22 21:39
ClownT: I just need Vote534F 05/22 21:40
fucker: care but not into535F 05/22 21:40
sky6726: Taiwan can help,just kidding~536F 05/22 21:40
tifa92180: Hong Kong can help537F 05/22 21:41
grayplace: Home gun538F 05/22 21:41
Aliensoul: dpp is shit539F 05/22 21:41
advk: Thanks for adding my votes.540F 05/22 21:42
et850917: Who care 記得要加s541F 05/22 21:42
mudee: Hong Kong  bye542F 05/22 21:42
davidturtle: Errrrrr...543F 05/22 21:43
allmyway: KP is king of world544F 05/22 21:44
houjay: glad to see you in pain.545F 05/22 21:44
probe: I do car546F 05/22 21:46
RONC: I dot car547F 05/22 21:47
em4: Taiwan Can Help.548F 05/22 21:49
railwaytaiwa: Be care but not into my asshole549F 05/22 21:49
gabimilktea: I dont car.550F 05/22 21:49
ggrreeeenn: 這篇文顯示ptt是如此沒救的自得其樂老平台551F 05/22 21:49
lightning879: yaranaika552F 05/22 21:50
kuwanosan: care but don’t give a fuck 哈哈553F 05/22 21:50
kanehhh: I phoneget554F 05/22 21:50
SeTeVen: 國民黨黨工五毛死全家555F 05/22 21:50
kevinacc084: fa da tsai556F 05/22 21:51
endlesskarma: HK is tool557F 05/22 21:51
s4552752: care but do nothing558F 05/22 21:51
luciffar: i care but i don't559F 05/22 21:51
StarTouching: put in my mind but not give my hand560F 05/22 21:52
kirakira520: I dot car561F 05/22 21:52
aaaRengar: 好了啦 Ghamu,選前講的可爽了、用嘴巴各種介入,現在562F 05/22 21:52
aaaRengar: 就不敢以總統之姿對外同選前般高喊啊
yop365: oh564F 05/22 21:54
aaaRengar: 前後態度差這麼多,還以為結婚前結婚後咧565F 05/22 21:54
fab5: [url=https://imgur.com/2fIhuw1]https://i.imgur.com/2fIhuw1.jpg[/url]566F 05/22 21:56
aben15: not my business568F 05/22 21:56
zaqimon: I pray for you. God bless you.569F 05/22 21:57
AGODC: no touch no see570F 05/22 21:57
kileess: none of my fucking business571F 05/22 21:57
koreawargod: I love u but I don't fuck you572F 05/22 21:58
pp3435: concerns but not involves573F 05/22 21:59
gin10791: thank u hk atm and dont touch me574F 05/22 22:00
handsomecat: We cares about you but do nothing for you575F 05/22 22:00
eason10: SUCK CHINA DICK576F 05/22 22:01
stormsnow: I don car 大概是這樣577F 05/22 22:01
Munro: idiot blue white garbage keke578F 05/22 22:02
jo4: care but no touch579F 05/22 22:03
ztcman: Go fuck yourself!580F 05/22 22:03
onehopu111: I know,but I don't give it a shit.581F 05/22 22:04
cheng399: I used you,  yeah,  I did  , then go home and fuck y582F 05/22 22:04
cheng399: ourself
zaqimon: Peace!584F 05/22 22:05
zaqimon: Love and peace!
yarnt: care but not my business586F 05/22 22:07
Download: hehehehe, look you,bye587F 05/22 22:07
TAKEZOU: i care but u fuck yourself588F 05/22 22:08
jnecoj: it's your bussiness589F 05/22 22:08
TR55: Take care590F 05/22 22:08
cheng399: Fei Fan Lin come out play ball,  you are the ball591F 05/22 22:09
pchome321: keep informed ,okay moving on592F 05/22 22:09
chang860708: 817593F 05/22 22:09
olly22: coffee or tea?594F 05/22 22:10
iamlittle5: I am fine,thank you595F 05/22 22:11
cheng399: nmsl,  HK596F 05/22 22:12
AlianF: HK is china597F 05/22 22:13
vasia: english cai598F 05/22 22:13
netx3101: see you599F 05/22 22:14
cheng399: a dpp a day,  brings brain away600F 05/22 22:14
kimura0701: Haha uccu601F 05/22 22:14
o0kk0ogreen: 民進黨雙標仔602F 05/22 22:14
makapaka: fucking China and kmt啊,你那麼關心,入籍中國嘛,這603F 05/22 22:15
makapaka: 樣你就可以干涉中國內政啦!
rocwild: Keeping you in my prayers.605F 05/22 22:15
gvvg5566: I car it but not enter it606F 05/22 22:16
csc43: l love ddp607F 05/22 22:18
donoh183: DPP608F 05/22 22:18
boris0610: Only look , No touch610F 05/22 22:20
realbout: Kops611F 05/22 22:21
Tawara: don't give a fuck612F 05/22 22:22
Lapislazuli: Our sincere semblance of concern. ^_^613F 05/22 22:22
shinrei: I'm fine, bye.614F 05/22 22:23
srxteam0935: Taiwan Value615F 05/22 22:25
Lmkcat: Talk shit616F 05/22 22:29
zarados: we don’t give a fuck.617F 05/22 22:29
giaour: masturbate but don't sex618F 05/22 22:29
mavissu150: concerning but no involving619F 05/22 22:30
Newschool: 洗三洨啦620F 05/22 22:31
chuan: Nobody cares621F 05/22 22:33
wugi: monitor622F 05/22 22:33
plzeatolives: gogoro XD623F 05/22 22:35
onlykeiryo: God bless you624F 05/22 22:36
foxvera: Guan Sin Dan Bu Jieh Ru625F 05/22 22:37
mrniceguy: it's your business626F 05/22 22:38
ChenXY: tmd不演了蹺班找大藍代理 [url=http://imgur.com/63qSO1A]http://i.imgur.com/63qSO1A.jpg[/url]627F 05/22 22:39
a65626780: nmsl628F 05/22 22:40
vlee: NOMB, none of my business629F 05/22 22:41
cheng399: taste,  but don't swallow630F 05/22 22:42
greenpeter: who care---s631F 05/22 22:43
plzeatolives: welcome to the friend zone.632F 05/22 22:45
molopo: hello bye bye633F 05/22 22:45
loveapple33: smarmy lad634F 05/22 22:46
XseraphimX: R. I. P635F 05/22 22:46
HookWorm: 又抓到一個網軍id636F 05/22 22:47
yiayia0333: I'm DPPer, bye.637F 05/22 22:47
itachi0609: no comment639F 05/22 22:49
csyhri: toyota altis640F 05/22 22:50
ronale1104: Go to speak your boss641F 05/22 22:53
saber102: Taiwan can't help643F 05/22 22:54
MoodyHJ: Take care644F 05/22 22:56
werttrew: cockroach645F 05/22 22:56
andygenisu: 認真回 just showing one’s concern and refrain fro646F 05/22 22:56
andygenisu: m getting involved
alanalan02: I don’t care648F 05/22 22:57
sophia6607: 你去幫香港打仗啊649F 05/22 22:59
lushoulian: 發言踴躍但請認真一點回答。650F 05/22 23:00
Shawnny: poor on you,but I dot car651F 05/22 23:01
taihaoler: nmsl652F 05/22 23:02
FLy60169: not my business653F 05/22 23:03
gusser: DPP654F 05/22 23:04
wind100: I don’t give it a shit655F 05/22 23:05
kochli: it's good to drink656F 05/22 23:06
adamsung: IKEA657F 05/22 23:07
arminvanbuur: you are my fucking atm658F 05/22 23:10
njunju: Concern rather than involve659F 05/22 23:12
suhs: We are concerned660F 05/22 23:15
suhs: 只講concern就是沒有要幹嘛的意思
ginobili62: To be or not to be663F 05/22 23:24
PttGod:664F 05/22 23:27
halfjustice: NIMB not in my backyard665F 05/22 23:28
mpppppp: 可以插入身體 但不介入生活666F 05/22 23:33
smallken0410: it's good  to  drink.667F 05/22 23:35
MalcolmX: I 'm OK, you die first.668F 05/22 23:36
tessie0725: ya lah, then?669F 05/22 23:37
ntmd: trust me you can't make it670F 05/22 23:39
MEOWWW:轉錄至看板 Eng-Class                                     05/22 23:40
CozyLife: I'm fine thank you and you?671F 05/22 23:40
s87269x: 四年後再說672F 05/22 23:40
GGdong: Care,but we don't care673F 05/22 23:42
chanceiam: 817674F 05/22 23:43
zolieko: 認真回 offering moral support675F 05/22 23:46
harry881210: vote to tsai ying wen676F 05/22 23:49
ytosh: I see ,you can do it!677F 05/22 23:50
twlicn: wait me two years.678F 05/22 23:50
GivemeApen: IKEA679F 05/22 23:53
QVQ9487: 蚵糞食屎 你告訴我 要怎麼介入 強如美國 都只能譴責不然680F 05/22 23:58
QVQ9487: 立法制裁 啊台灣連內鬼都抓不完 怎麼介入他國事物
ewjfd: care but don't inside682F 05/23 00:00
GodsRevival: 反正就無限上綱就對了,他自己也做不到但是可以嘴dpp683F 05/23 00:01
GodsRevival: 就好
thepstar: Wait a second685F 05/23 00:02
Leon0810: 強如美國都難以介入,柯韓粉教一下啊?686F 05/23 00:03
www26235673: i dont give a fuck687F 05/23 00:04
mbor: Over my dead body688F 05/23 00:07
suno1996: You suck689F 05/23 00:07
dinel7821967: Gun Ba Day690F 05/23 00:11
aresa: Fuck off691F 05/23 00:12
hesashiaaron: Taiwan can help692F 05/23 00:15
tprktpps: hello ATM693F 05/23 00:18
casperyus: Fuck off. 是要問幾次?694F 05/23 00:19
Cefilos: 你那邊care 我這邊ok695F 05/23 00:20
HAHOHEY: I do care about this issue but won’t get involved696F 05/23 00:22
phabit: Taiwan Value697F 05/23 00:32
mogli: Remain a concerned bystander698F 05/23 00:33
mogli: (gosh, it's cold)
kj632868: XDD700F 05/23 00:35
khkhs: costco but not ikea701F 05/23 00:40
cheng399: don't  be angry,  roach ~702F 05/23 00:42
jefflin0824: Hong Kong703F 05/23 00:45
kan8634: Dpp704F 05/23 00:50
cheng399: dpp dry mango,  on sale ! !705F 05/23 00:52
JRSmith: not the time to intervene yet706F 05/23 01:03
blastillocal: Give you a shit, but don’t touch your shit707F 05/23 01:05
umum29: I'm just saying, never mind~ 嘴砲模式708F 05/23 01:11
kapah: 鄉民英文水準也太爛了吧哈哈哈哈哈哈709F 05/23 01:11
sharkimage: DPP710F 05/23 01:12
great007: 太陽花林飛帆就是蔡英文養的職業學生711F 05/23 01:13
great007: 林飛帆當替代役 假台獨覺青吉娃娃
voyagesam: Taiwan News, “We do not interfere [in Hong Kong’s713F 05/23 01:17
voyagesam:  protests], but we highly support Hongkongers’ pur
voyagesam: suit of freedom and democracy.”
vlsi5575: don’t touch me716F 05/23 01:18
eknbz: 綠共氣噗噗717F 05/23 01:19
williamlo: Come back after 4 years718F 05/23 01:20
yvvelio: Go ahead and make my day719F 05/23 01:23
tshu: 大禹治水720F 05/23 01:37
jewish123: Fuck off Hong Kong721F 05/23 01:43
adgbw8728: go fuck yourselves722F 05/23 01:44
TPEE: I’m watching but not my business723F 05/23 01:47
HoshiRyou: I'll pray for you724F 05/23 02:02
a0952864901: We care, but we can’t do anything for you!725F 05/23 02:12
jeter8695: niman yao chia yo726F 05/23 02:17
TobyH4cker: I dot car. I dot in.727F 05/23 02:22
TobyH4cker: We acknowledge the situation, but Taiwan can't hel
TobyH4cker: p this time.
Kaede5908: Without Taiwan value730F 05/23 02:45
akwa: shut up, atm731F 05/23 03:13
junkiewang: don’t talk to me so much732F 05/23 03:20
dennis89675: 柯糞高潮完了沒?733F 05/23 03:24
a19880831: please vote for me734F 05/23 03:33
Pcinereus: We care but also don’t735F 05/23 04:50
mirac1e: 菸糞崩潰夠了沒736F 05/23 05:27
yiddishqq: 東踏取蜜737F 05/23 05:29
tytyty: D.P.P.738F 05/23 05:53
s90315: no votes who cares739F 05/23 06:17
s90315: for ballots,Hong Kong must be dead
tshu: We do care about why too soft can't in741F 05/23 07:39
la1aco: ㄓ742F 05/23 07:47
th88012: We care about human rights but only you can fight for743F 05/23 08:18
th88012:  it, no one else can.
beetlej: 哀冬凱耳(I don't care)745F 05/23 08:18
wang460313: who care or I don’t care746F 05/23 08:24
wirecut: 東踏取密747F 05/23 08:25
xiao2chen: I will concern748F 05/23 08:30
kissrain: KMT應大力支持香港,再回頭酸政府關心不介入,才有說服749F 05/23 08:36
kissrain: 力
JRSmith: support but not intervene751F 05/23 08:39
hanlon: 北七752F 05/23 08:40
cheng399: Otherwise,  you are going vote for KMT?753F 05/23 08:42
ddd1935: concern but no intervention754F 05/23 08:46
PttGod: ..755F 05/23 09:05
spwanbruce: Look but no insert XD756F 05/23 09:07
PttGod: 甘心757F 05/23 09:10
dinotea: WHO758F 05/23 09:18
PttGod:759F 05/23 09:30

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1800 
作者 codechem 的最新發文:
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b ntt12369, pttbest5566 說讚! ( ̄︿ ̄)p zoohoods, leon999su 說瞎!
1樓 時間: 2020-05-22 19:39:48 (台灣)
  05-22 19:39 TW
Young Taiwanese isn't only a coward but also likes to eat shit.
   (編輯過) TW
3樓 時間: 2020-05-22 20:35:01 (台灣)
  05-22 20:35 TW
[問卦] 人大附中是一所怎樣的高中 - 八卦 | PTT Web [問卦]人大附中是一所怎樣的高中@gossiping,共有5則留言,5人參與討論,1推 0噓 4→, 人大附中全名中國人民大學附屬中學號稱是中國最強高中北大清華的搖籃那到底有多強有贏過建國中學嗎?,earnformoney:他國事務,frommr:樓下ㄉ肛門肆怎樣ㄉ肛門?,iga38149:你把衡水 ...
4樓 時間: 2020-05-22 21:20:16 (台灣)
+2 05-22 21:20 TW
說別人不介入? 那你要怎麼介入?出來簽名呀?派你們去介入?             還是只會說?只會為嘴而嘴?
6樓 時間: 2020-05-22 22:35:33 (台灣)
  05-22 22:35 TW
Ignore after shooting....
7樓 時間: 2020-05-23 08:14:20 (台灣)
  05-23 08:14 TW
當他們抓社會民主主義者的時候, 我沉默了,因為我不是社會民主主義者。
當他們抓工會成員的時候, 我沉默了,因為我不是工會成員。
當他們抓猶太人的時候, 我沉默了,因為我不是猶太人。
最後當他們來抓我時, 再也沒有人站起來為我說話了。
8樓 時間: 2020-05-23 08:15:51 (台灣)
  05-23 08:15 TW
如果台灣人對香港關心但不介入 當中共打台灣全世界也會關心但不介入
9樓 時間: 2020-05-23 08:24:09 (台灣)
  05-23 08:24 TW
關心不介入   那是在操作甚麼鬼東西
10樓 時間: 2020-05-23 08:28:47 (台灣)
  05-23 08:28 TW
I don't give you a shit DPP!
11樓 時間: 2020-05-23 08:46:18 (台灣)
  05-23 08:46 TW
12樓 時間: 2020-05-23 10:45:20 (台灣)
  05-23 10:45 TW
13樓 時間: 2020-05-23 11:16:52 (台灣)
  05-23 11:16 TW
14樓 時間: 2020-05-23 11:41:15 (台灣)
  05-23 11:41 TW
Read only
15樓 時間: 2020-05-23 12:00:54 (台灣)
  05-23 12:00 TW
fuck u china!
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