※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-11-07 14:30:09
看板 HatePolitics
作者 標題 Re: [討論] FOX報導拜登得票來自自動加票程式漏洞
時間 Sat Nov 7 14:16:26 2020
※ 引述《eierom (非)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述 《markban》 之銘言:
: : 剛才朋友貼給我的
: : https://twitter.com/robbystarbuck/status/1324783531139235841
: : FOX新聞報導,有影片
: : Robby Starbuck
: : @robbystarbuck
: : One Michigan county clerk caught a glitch in tabulation software so they hand
: : counted votes and found the glitch caused 6,000 votes to go to Biden +
: : Democrats that were meant for Trump and Republicans. 47 MI counties used this
: : software. All must check now!
: : 點進去有新聞影片
: : 密西根州的程式有重大漏洞
: : 拜登可以得到六千票X47次的自動加票
: : 看來密西根州要重驗了
: : 其他州該不會也= =
: 這個報導是真的,因為軟體公司本身也有承認
: 錯誤說明有貼公告出來,不過比較神奇的是為
: 何這個霸克是拜登自動變多川普自動變少,就
: 很引人遐想了,總之這個是可以提告的證據之
: 一,之後誰當選還很難說
Michigan 官方回應
False claims from Ronna McDaniel have no merit
NOVEMBER 6, 2020
In response to the false claims made by Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, the Michigan Department of State issues the following statements of fact:
Michigan’s elections were conducted fairly, effectively and transparently and are an accurate reflection of the will of Michigan voters.
The erroneous reporting of unofficial results from Antrim county was a result of accidental error on the part of the Antrim County Clerk. The equipment and software did not malfunction and all ballots were properly tabulated. However, the clerk accidentally did not update the software used to collect voting machine data and report unofficial results.
Like many counties in Michigan, Antrim County uses the Dominion Voting Systems election management system and voting machines (ballot tabulators.) The county receives programming support from Election Source. Tabulators are programmed to scan hand marked, paper ballots. When machines are finished scanning the ballots, the paper ballots are retained and a totals tape showing the number of votes for each candidate in each race is printed from the machine.
In order to report unofficial results, county clerks use election management system software to combine the electronic totals from tabulators and submit a report of unofficial results. Because the clerk did not update software, even though the tabulators counted all the ballots correctly, those accurate results were not combined properly when the clerk reported unofficial results.
The correct results always were and continue to be reflected on the tabulator totals tape and on the ballots themselves. Even if the error in the reported unofficial results had not been quickly noticed, it would have been identified during the county canvass. Boards of County Canvassers, which are composed of 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans, review the printed totals tape from each tabulator during the canvass to verify the reported vote totals are correct.
The software did not cause a misallocation of votes; it was a result of user human error. Even when human error occurs, it is caught during county canvasses.
It is also completely false that the county had to or will have to hand count all their ballots. The ballots were properly counted by the tabulators. The county had to review the printed tabulator results from each precinct, not each individual ballot.
As with other unofficial results reporting errors, this was an honest mistake and did not affect any actual vote totals. Election clerks work extremely hard and do their work with integrity. They are human beings, and sometimes make mistakes. However, there are many checks and balances that ensure mistakes can be caught and corrected.
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11-07 10:24 ■ [討論] FOX報導拜登得票來自自動加票程式漏洞
11-07 12:11 ■ Re: [討論] FOX報導拜登得票來自自動加票程式漏洞
11-07 14:04 ■ Re: [討論] FOX報導拜登得票來自自動加票程式漏洞
● 11-07 14:16 ■ Re: [討論] FOX報導拜登得票來自自動加票程式漏洞
→ : 浮木表示:我還要浮幾次1F 11/07 14:17
噓 : 又把川粉的夢叫醒了2F 11/07 14:18
→ : 這個未更新的說法跟前一個城市是一樣的3F 11/07 14:18
推 : 不管,要求驗票!!!!4F 11/07 14:18
→ : 所以四人八個眼睛一開始都看錯 你月薪少六千你會不會看錯?5F 11/07 14:18
推 : 不過這樣為何Oakland那位議員會忽然翻掉6F 11/07 14:18
推 : 人生最慘的不是沒有希望,而是一直有希望,又一直破滅7F 11/07 14:18
→ : 原來川黒看到一篇澄清文就高潮了嘻嘻8F 11/07 14:18
→ : 美國韓粉。9F 11/07 14:19
→ : 真的是消息轉來轉去,眾說紛云10F 11/07 14:19
噓 : 有重新人工驗票了嗎?不影響總結是怎麼得來的結論11F 11/07 14:19
→ : 看看法院怎麼看吧12F 11/07 14:19
推 : 笑死 跟你說川粉不認啦13F 11/07 14:19
推 : 官方還有公信力嗎?14F 11/07 14:20
→ : 不過有趣的是川黑的雙重標準15F 11/07 14:20
→ : 川粉要求驗票 阿幹 台灣川粉有個屁用16F 11/07 14:20
→ : 不影響結果,那議員為何會翻盤..這邏輯我真的不懂17F 11/07 14:20
推 : 選舉浮木 載浮載沉18F 11/07 14:20
推 : 簡單講就是,這個錯誤有被呈報上去,但在列入正式統計結19F 11/07 14:20
→ : 果前就被抓出來並更正了
→ : 果前就被抓出來並更正了
→ : 相信黨,相信政府,讚21F 11/07 14:20
→ : 台灣川粉等等要整理10頁拜登作弊的證據了22F 11/07 14:20
→ : 川黑連fox news都不相信喔 OMFG23F 11/07 14:20
→ : 國民黨怎摸會做票呢!24F 11/07 14:21
推 : 可不可以解釋一下,非正式計票是什麼意思呢?25F 11/07 14:21
推 : 不影響啦 每次馬都不影響26F 11/07 14:21
推 : 那議員是怎麼回事27F 11/07 14:21
→ : 政府公告,就是要相信,蔡政府柯粉怎摸不信呢28F 11/07 14:21
推 : 不對吧,列出正式統計結果前就有抓出來的話,怎麼會有落選變29F 11/07 14:21
推 : 疑慮已經產生了,建議全部驗票,川跟拜的票都驗,30F 11/07 14:21
→ : 不然這點聲明根本不能讓人信服
→ : 不然這點聲明根本不能讓人信服
→ : 當選的情況發生?32F 11/07 14:21
→ : 呈報?有fc嗎33F 11/07 14:22
→ : 相信党 相信政府
→ : 相信党 相信政府
→ : 那這樣其他州也知道此事?並修正過了嗎?35F 11/07 14:22
推 : XD?36F 11/07 14:22
→ : 所以議員隔天翻盤是同步修正?那川普的票是當天即時修正?37F 11/07 14:22
噓 : 那議員為何翻盤?說啊?美國人也真好脾氣,台灣發生過類38F 11/07 14:23
→ : 似的事直接燒投票所xdd
→ : 似的事直接燒投票所xdd
→ : 而且這不僅是總統選舉,也對議員選舉產生影響了吧40F 11/07 14:23
→ : 一開始有這個Bug就很有問題了好嗎?拜粉只會洗不影響結果41F 11/07 14:23
→ : 還是現在當選結果都是先公佈沒經過確認的資料來決定誰當選?42F 11/07 14:23
→ : 現在誰當選是有正式公布還是都各媒體喊爽的啊?43F 11/07 14:24
推 : 說要相信黨,相信政府了,政府都公告了,川粉哭啊44F 11/07 14:24
→ : 翻譯:別再追了別再追了別再追了別再追了45F 11/07 14:24
推 : 現在只要被抓包的都出來說不影響結果就好了46F 11/07 14:24
推 : 推特又要鎖文囉 反正都是誤會47F 11/07 14:24
→ : 翻盤與否最終還是要各州政府正式公布才算數不是嗎?48F 11/07 14:24
推 : 推特這些平台變得比共匪還共匪49F 11/07 14:24
推 : 這個要噓要問的語氣能否好一點,人家只是放官方說法而已50F 11/07 14:24
推 : 為什麼有這種bug? 你說不影響就部影響51F 11/07 14:24
→ : 對啊信黨啊52F 11/07 14:24
→ : 出那麼大的包 一句話就打發掉了 共和黨人真溫和53F 11/07 14:25
→ : 實在看不懂一堆在岸上的台灣人在那邊死命抓浮木是抓什麼54F 11/07 14:25
→ : 意思的
→ : 意思的
推 : 到底有沒有可能全面人工驗票?56F 11/07 14:25
→ : 審計委員兩邊都有 所以共和黨自己人也要搞川就對惹XDDD57F 11/07 14:25
推 : 很多人會把媒體預測當作官方公告耶58F 11/07 14:25
推 : 他在八卦的回文還比較詳細啦,你問問這一位為何不放詳細的59F 11/07 14:25
→ : 柯粉要信蔡政府啊,黨欸60F 11/07 14:25
→ : 就是各地會統計票數,彙整上呈,最後統計會再查核看看呈61F 11/07 14:25
→ : 報上來的有無錯誤,這篇聲明的意思,是錯誤數據在被加進
→ : 去之前就被發現並更正了,所以最後的數據跟這個錯誤無關
→ : 報上來的有無錯誤,這篇聲明的意思,是錯誤數據在被加進
→ : 去之前就被發現並更正了,所以最後的數據跟這個錯誤無關
→ : 共和黨只想快點結束吧.2024再選贏面很大.只要不推川64F 11/07 14:25
→ : 。65F 11/07 14:25
→ : 這在台灣早就燒了選委會了66F 11/07 14:26
→ : 不過反正票都在,自費驗票全部拉出來對過就沒有bug 了,川67F 11/07 14:26
→ : 普輸也輸的甘願
→ : 普輸也輸的甘願
推 : 你用任何程序都不可能完全避免人為失誤69F 11/07 14:26
噓 : 岸上的台灣人就直接聯想到當年kmt做票史啊。嘔,氣氣氣氣70F 11/07 14:26
→ : 氣
→ : 氣
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