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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-07-29 18:05:11
看板 HatePolitics
作者 demitri (咚隆咚隆)
標題 Re: [轉錄] 阿北上外交家雜誌啦!
時間 Thu Jul 29 16:36:04 2021

※ 引述《tim2468x (宇宙の大統領)》之銘言:
: 1.轉錄網址︰
: https://reurl.cc/EnvxG0
: 2.轉錄來源︰
: The Diplomat
: 3.轉錄內容︰
: 整段翻好累 我翻關鍵段就好惹
: 自己往下滑 感謝谷歌翻譯大神


看新聞的翻譯 很多沒講到


: During the pandemic, Taiwan went about business as usual. Schools were open, con
: certs were playing, theaters were packed. Restaurants were bustling, the economy
:  was booming, and expatriates and overseas Taiwanese flooded into the island. Ta
: iwan was among a group of fortunate countries, including Australia, New Zealand,
:  Vietnam, and Singapore, whose citizens went about business as usual as tight bo
: rders, strict quarantine rules, and excellent contract tracing kept the virus at
:  bay.


: That enviable routine came to an end in mid-May 2021 when an outbreak of COVID-1
: 9 transmission upended everyday life. Yet, COVID-19 cases have fallen significan
: tly in recent days. New cases per day have fallen from 535 on May 17 to an avera
: ge of fewer than 20 in the past seven days. On July 26, Taiwan reported a new lo
: w of 10 cases of community transmission.


: How did Taiwan suppress this wave of COVID-19 transmission, even as Australia, V
: ietnam, and Singapore are struggling with an uptick of the virus?
: First, Taiwan doubled down on longstanding strategies of masking, quarantine mea
: sures, and contact tracing. Long before this wave, as early as April 2020, Taiwa
: n had already instituted mask mandates on public transportation. The government
: extended the mask mandate to everybody on the island and required its citizens t
: o wear a mask outside their home.



: Moreover, Taiwan extended its quarantine facilities for those entering the count
: ry from abroad to domestic COVID-19 patients. Many local governments began provi
: ding options for anyone testing positive to quarantine in a government-provided
: hotel or facility. The provision of quarantine facilities significantly reduced
: transmission of the virus within the family, thus reducing the number of cases i
: n the community.
台灣給入境的人擴充了隔離的設施, 地方政府給陽姓病人住政府提供的隔離所。

: Democratic Taiwan, in its attempt to maintain civil liberties, eschewed the more
:  invasive phone-based surveillance technology used by countries in the region. I
: nstead, contact tracers leveraged the records of Taiwanese businesses who encour
: aged their patrons to leave their contacts either by writing them down on a piec
: e of paper or scanning a business-provided QR code from an app from their phones
: . While these records were imperfect, they still managed to reduce transmission
: rates in conjunction with universal masking and enhanced quarantine measures whi
: le maintaining a high level of civil liberties.
取而代之的是讓人民在進入營業場所時留個資,掃描QR code等等,


: Second, the Taiwanese government was willing to listen to critics and change its
:  policies in fighting the pandemic. Taiwan emphasizes surface and droplet-based
: transmission of COVID-19 over the global consensus that the virus could be trans
: mitted through aerosols in poorly ventilated indoor spaces. Taiwanese authoritie
: s were reluctant to ban indoor dining in the early days of the outbreak, as they
:  felt that measures such as social distancing and plexiglass installation would
: prevent transmission. However, after growing intervention from its diaspora and
: local expatriates who urged the government to restrict indoor activities, many l
: ocal governments eventually banned indoor dining and restricting indoor activiti
: es. Incidentally, the mayor of the southern port city of Kaohsiung led the way i
: n limiting indoor dining. His early move became critical in preventing any sprea
: d of the virus in Kaohsiung from Taipei and New Taipei City, which had substanti
: al community transmission. Some local governments have continued to ban indoor d
: ining partly for fear of criticism from voters, even though such a ban was lifte
: d recently by the central government as cases fell. Finally, the ruling DPP gove
: rnment supported the high-profile purchase of BioNTech vaccines from Germany via
:  a mainland Chinese company by a former presidential hopeful in the rival Chines
: e Nationalist Party (KMT) after segments of the Taiwanese population expressed i
: nterest in obtaining those vaccines.



此外 在台灣人民表達想要買BNT後

: Third, the Taiwanese people actively sought accountability from politicians in f
: ighting the pandemic. Fighting diseases became a marker for good governance in T
: aiwan’s modern history, beginning from the colonial period, where Japanese medi
: cal officers sought to eradicate infectious diseases to benefit the colonizers,
: to the more recent period, where Taiwanese health experts criticized politicians
:  for being too slow and unprepared in dealing with the outbreak of the SARS viru
: s in 2003.



2003的sars也被批評說政府太慢 準備不周 etc.

: In today’s context, the mayor of Taiwan, Ko Wen-je, has been chastised by media
:  personalities, politicians, and voters for his relatively poor performance in f
: ighting the outbreak. They criticized Ko for not taking contact tracing and test
: ing seriously enough to contain localized outbreaks at markets, for failing to e
: stablish a proper vaccine distribution system, and pushing the blame for the per
: sistent community transmission on the ground to anyone but himself. Elected as a
:  populist, the physician-turned-mayor saw his approval numbers for pandemic cont
: rol falling almost 7 percentage points from June to July 2021, the most signific
: ant fall among all mayors. Ongoing criticism has spurred Ko to accept the help o
: f medical experts from the CDC reluctantly. They have sought to improve anti-pan
: demic efforts on the ground with the assistance of the vice mayor of Taipei.
: 在今天的背景下,台灣市長柯文哲因抗擊疫情表現相對不佳而受到媒體人士、政界人士和選
: 民的批評。 他們批評柯沒有足夠認真地進行接觸者追踪和檢測以控制市場上的局部爆發,
: 未能建立適當的疫苗分發系統,並將持續社區傳播的責任推給除他之外的任何人。 當選為
: 民粹主義者後,這位醫生出身的市長看到他的大流行控制支持率從 6 月到 2021 年 7 月下
: 降了近 7 個百分點,這是所有市長中降幅最大的一次。 持續的批評促使柯不情願地接受了
: 疾控中心醫學專家的幫助。 他們尋求在台北市副市長的協助下加強當地的抗疫工作。

: Fourth, Taiwan’s media played an understated role in fighting the pandemic. Tai
: wan’s free-wheeling media, which traces its origins to the democratization of t
: he media landscape in the 1990s, competed to provide the latest information on f
: ighting COVID-19 around the clock. Despite some outlets promoting vaccine hesita
: ncy through emphasizing alleged cases of deaths associated with WHO-approved vac
: cines, most television stations have modeled good behaviors in their broadcasts.
:  Almost all variety shows and news programs have moved online or insisted that a
: ll guests and hosts wear masks and socially distance. These measures reflected t
: he seriousness of the Taiwanese media in fighting the pandemic and modeling appr
: opriate behaviors for their viewers, irrespective of their political leanings.

(說到這 最近打開政論 發現口罩花色真多 還會跟衣服搭配)

: Fifth, Taiwan reaped the goodwill it sowed in the early days of pandemics. Taiwa
: n donated more than 51 million face masks to countries worldwide last year. Reci
: pient countries, in return, have gifted Taiwan precious vaccines during this out
: break, which the country struggled to obtain due to geopolitical reasons. Japan
: has given Taiwan more than 3.3 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccines, and the Un
: ited States has delivered 2.5 million doses of Moderna vaccines to Taiwan in the
:  last two months. Lithuania, Slovenia, and Czechia have also pledged tens of tho
: usands of vaccines to Taiwan. With the vaccines it purchased from COVAX and the
: United States, Taiwan has inoculated 28 percent of its population with one dose
: of vaccine, a considerable leap from the 1 percent of the population before the
: most recent outbreak.

所以在疫情爆發前到爆發後 疫苗覆蓋率大躍進。

: Taiwan’s success may not last, given the virulent Delta variant may breach Taiw
: an’s borders as it did in Australia, Vietnam, Singapore, and elsewhere. But its
:  experiences, both near and far, should put the country in good stead in dealing
:  with future outbreaks. Global health experts should consider how Taiwan has suc
: cessfully fought COVID-19 as a democracy, particularly in its incremental improv
: ements on testing, tracing, and isolation without significantly compromising fun
: damental freedoms and civil liberties.


: Despite criticism from the opposition party, the government’s willingness to sh
: are its homegrown vaccine, developed with the assistance of the U.S. National In
: stitutes of Health, has revealed Taiwan’s desire to be a responsible member of
: the global health community. Taiwan’s generosity in sharing masks, resources, a
: nd expertise reveals the urgency for Taiwan to be given an observer status in th
: e World Health Assembly. Taiwan can help, and the international health community
:  should facilitate such assistance in order to end the global pandemic.
: 儘管遭到反對黨的批評,但政府願意分享在美國國立衛生研究院協助下開發的本土疫苗,這
: 表明台灣渴望成為全球衛生界負責任的一員。 台灣在分享口罩、資源和專業知識方面的慷
: 慨解囊,表明台灣獲得世界衛生大會觀察員地位的緊迫性。 台灣可以提供幫助,國際衛生
: 界應促進此類援助,以結束全球大流行。




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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1627547766.A.B97.html
kickthewall: 推這篇,東森新聞的翻譯不完整也不太到位1F 07/29 16:38
※ 編輯: demitri ( 美國), 07/29/2021 16:39:43
jt13: 你信外媒都那麼閒 一堆小事都知道2F 07/29 16:39
tfct: 氣溶膠要長時間小空間共處3F 07/29 16:39
tfct: 像是飛機駕駛艙、飛行模擬機這種
godispower: 推5F 07/29 16:40
rexqwer: 一堆外媒在台灣有辦公室好嗎6F 07/29 16:40
demitri: 因為這不是普通外媒 這是專業的外交雜誌7F 07/29 16:40
tfct: 除此以外的感染幾乎都是親密互動的接觸8F 07/29 16:41
WTF55665566: 因為這些外媒本來的據點在香港 自從反送中後那邊加9F 07/29 16:41
WTF55665566: 速一國一制 思想控制 自然都轉來台灣或新加坡
takase: 孫世倫,新加坡出身的學者,跟台灣有點淵源11F 07/29 16:41
jt13: 那陳時中自大怎沒被提出來,超前部署吹牛怎不提出來,針對地12F 07/29 16:42
jt13: 方首長的外媒...
truevines: 一定都是綠營側翼雜誌啦。外媒怎麼可能這麼瞭解台灣14F 07/29 16:42
vincentkuo: 作者寫出很多台灣人都沒注意到的細節 柯還說人家亂寫16F 07/29 16:43
vincentkuo: 一通
jt13: 對阿。看誰利用外媒做大內選被抓到 還不就dpp被抓到過18F 07/29 16:44
demitri: 台灣過度放鬆這點在疫情剛爆發時有不少外媒報導19F 07/29 16:44
rexqwer: 說陳時中自大的 似乎不知道外國疫情多誇張 以台灣之前疫20F 07/29 16:44
rexqwer: 情 搞不好外國還覺得陳太謙虛了
ggda: 買不到疫苗靠乞討的可以美化成這樣我也是醉了22F 07/29 16:44
demitri: 不過現在壓下來了 那就報導成功原因 很合理吧23F 07/29 16:44
SPDY: 原本在中或港的外媒 苗頭實在不妙 當然會考慮離開24F 07/29 16:44
※ 編輯: demitri ( 美國), 07/29/2021 16:45:34
fuhaho: 所以美國說台灣疫情還好 一堆人不知在崩潰幾點的25F 07/29 16:45
rexqwer: 之前時代雜誌有報導過台灣爆發吧 怎麼那個時候就不是一26F 07/29 16:45
rexqwer: 堆外媒那麼關心台灣了
bruce2248: 四趴去看紅媒取暖啦28F 07/29 16:46
jt13: 台媒對中國也不會嫌到整篇只針對地方首長,一定先檢視權力29F 07/29 16:47
jt13: 最大的中央政府
peterw: 推31F 07/29 16:47
ggda: 口罩 隔離 疫調 哪一個環節被強化? 原本大眾運輸就得戴口罩32F 07/29 16:47
ggda: 五月中的暴發也沒寫原因  顯然再幫忙塗脂抹粉
jt13: 笑死。整篇好的都中央爛的都地方,有這種外媒34F 07/29 16:48
kepf: 全台最爛縣市首長還不能批評XD ,左轉八卦新華社35F 07/29 16:48
rexqwer: 針對地方首長 啊那個地方首長就爛啊 笑死36F 07/29 16:49
demitri: 不要外國媒體幫DPP講話就崩潰吧37F 07/29 16:49
a0986188522: 4%去看央視環球好了38F 07/29 16:49
fuhaho: 眼睛沒瞎的都看得出有個市長擺爛亂洨39F 07/29 16:49
※ 編輯: demitri ( 美國), 07/29/2021 16:50:54
ggda: 一個外媒針對台灣的縣市首長  然後捧另一個縣市首長40F 07/29 16:49
rexqwer: 說口罩沒被強化 是不是忘記之前台灣還處於口罩愛戴不戴41F 07/29 16:49
rexqwer: 都隨便的日子
ggda: 老實說 鄭州跟湖北湖南淹水 對我來說通通都是中國人死好43F 07/29 16:50
kepf: 人家看台灣是跟全球比較 4%是在崩潰什麼? 縣市首長當然就柯44F 07/29 16:50
kepf: 最差啊..
Sheltis: 外國雜誌都變成4%眼中的綠共了喔?我看柯粉根本跟韓粉差46F 07/29 16:50
Sheltis: 不多程度嘛
ggda: 誰在愛戴不戴  北捷早就禁止沒戴口罩不能搭車48F 07/29 16:50
jt13: 菸粉連滿意度最高的侯都能罵成廢物一樣有啥理性批評?49F 07/29 16:50
ggda: 也不是因為五月3+11爆發以後才班布的50F 07/29 16:50
iamdota: 推一個51F 07/29 16:50
ggda: 台灣跟全球比較  然後特別講縣市首長 擺明就是提供的新聞稿52F 07/29 16:51
jt13: 愛看五星雜誌是不知道侯是比你家鄭還強嗎53F 07/29 16:51
kepf: 5/6月不肯搞基礎功只會發明名詞亂搞  防疫記者會弄到佈道大54F 07/29 16:52
kepf: 會..全台包含中央有像他這樣?
akway: 這是權威雜誌 查證很詳細 柯文哲扯後腿那段也完全沒說錯56F 07/29 16:52
ggda: 還特別強調高雄好棒棒  難道是高雄首創不得市內用餐嗎?57F 07/29 16:52
demitri: 外交家雜誌很多都很細節 這是外交人士會參考的58F 07/29 16:52
rexqwer: 其他地方咧? 那時候我光看街上就一堆沒戴口罩的了 你拿59F 07/29 16:52
rexqwer: 那種單一地方的措施來比是怎樣
demitri: 看到結論沒?要外國可以參考民主國家如何防疫61F 07/29 16:52
demitri: 他們的受眾不都是普通人
ggda: 媒體散波疫苗恐慌也很好笑  那好阿  有疫苗嗎?夠用嗎?63F 07/29 16:53
rexqwer: 這樣就可以散播恐慌喔64F 07/29 16:53
eyeter: 「想代表反對黨選總統的郭董」這段我笑了65F 07/29 16:54
MVPGGYY: http://i.imgur.com/28WNETV.jpg66F 07/29 16:54
MVPGGYY: 12樓的jt13,其實這本雜誌六月時也登過台灣防疫破功的原
MVPGGYY: 因,那個時候還有人轉去八卦版推爆,人家其實也就是沒做
MVPGGYY: 好的地方會講,做好的時候也講一下而已,你們能接受同一
MVPGGYY: 本雜誌打政府就推爆,現在講別的就不能接受?我看你們才是
MVPGGYY: 最不能接受其他聲音的群體吧.......
cerberi: 推翻譯72F 07/29 16:54
cerberi: 不過對媒體 我不覺得值得那麼高評價
ggda: 今天不是針對雜誌權威性 而是這篇報導多處錯誤 或許雜誌權威74F 07/29 16:55
rumsouffle: 八卦版新華社  XD75F 07/29 16:55
※ 編輯: demitri ( 美國), 07/29/2021 16:57:03
ggda: 但是文字內容有誤或者是 政治誤導企圖強烈 就是老實提出來76F 07/29 16:56
bbo9527: 八卦板可以看新華社跟亞洲雜誌阿77F 07/29 16:56
win8719: 他的疫苗恐慌是副作用吧跟數量沒關係吧78F 07/29 16:56
SODtaiwan: 當初防疫破功這雜誌不是被8卦推的嗎79F 07/29 16:58
SODtaiwan: 怎麼稱讚一下台灣政府 4%就氣呼呼阿
demitri: 對 忘了翻 是過度強調副作用81F 07/29 16:59
demitri: 事實就是 台灣爆發時很多該檢討的 但後來壓下來
demitri: 也的確該稱讚 就事論事啊
demitri: @win8719 對 忘了翻 是說媒體過度強調副作用
win8719: 所以這篇哪邊政治誤導企圖強烈?或者內容有誤?85F 07/29 17:01
indium111: 八卦版現在就一堆五毛,只相信紅媒86F 07/29 17:02
kepf: 事實高雄做得好 台北做的爛  難道4%只生活在八卦版?87F 07/29 17:02
win8719: 這篇一開始的貼文只說稱讚柯CF你怎沒過去說政治誤導強烈88F 07/29 17:02
win8719: 你說的政治誤導強烈是他稱讚了高雄不合你心意吧
demitri: 挺綠:意識形態 反綠:正常人90F 07/29 17:05
demitri: 罵綠:公正客觀  捧綠:政治誤導
WTF55665566: dem不要太中肯 等等八卦跑來的4%又要崩潰92F 07/29 17:07
Chen73: 避孕粉就真的只活在八卦版 請勿要求太多93F 07/29 17:07
langeo: 不過八卦一堆五毛 是柯粉=五毛 看不慣任何台灣的東西94F 07/29 17:08
kadolong: 雙北做的那麼爛還能捧95F 07/29 17:08
s910443tw: 這串的柯粉跟畜生一樣沒辦法理性討論,看某樓就知道96F 07/29 17:08
win8719: 哪後外媒都有駐台灣記者為何不會這樣閒.97F 07/29 17:09
win8719: 當媒體只會關注自己國家的狀況嗎..
jt13: 五星縣市長菸粉都能選擇罵人 一樣等級有人就被罵成廢物 還99F 07/29 17:10
jt13: 有臉講自己多理性...
win8719: 誰一樣等級阿?101F 07/29 17:11
win8719: 照你的邏輯不是民調高就不能被罵了?
serval623: 儘管有些「支持柯文哲的」媒體散播疫苗恐慌,103F 07/29 17:13
serval623: 挺柯媒體像是柯天怎麼造謠就不多說了
ktpp: 唉,CF批不得啊,謗神者死105F 07/29 17:14
WTF55665566: https://reurl.cc/Lbx373106F 07/29 17:14
WTF55665566: 不知道五星有誰 但柯肯定是最差那邊的
threemore: 高雄馬上就控制下來,雙北的疫情卻遲遲無法清零。值得108F 07/29 17:15
threemore: 深思
eupa1973: 推翻譯110F 07/29 17:16
cohungogogo: 老招了 無法面對清楚知道綠色執政怎麼亂搞111F 07/29 17:17
lovegensokyo: 感謝習總加速師,一堆外媒的中文總部移到了台灣,112F 07/29 17:18
lovegensokyo: 除了讓台灣曝光度大大增加,台灣人也能透過除了容
lovegensokyo: 易被滲透的中文媒體以外的視野來更客觀的檢視自己
cohungogogo: 只好買海外媒體瞎捧或抹黑 反正南部農民只要知道115F 07/29 17:18
cohungogogo: "美國"或"日本"某"大報"有報 就80%相信了
RommelLee: 推翻譯,似乎看到4%柯糞悲憤到處噴屎117F 07/29 17:18
lovegensokyo: 對啦對啦,亞洲週刊最屌,其他都野雞雜誌綠營側翼118F 07/29 17:19
cohungogogo: 反正用來洗給綠色信徒用的 無法用中文誠懇面對台灣人119F 07/29 17:19
cohungogogo: 時 就愛找英文或日文報章來糢糊問題
langeo: 賤畜氣噗噗 我們只信阿北跟亞洲週刊121F 07/29 17:20
lovegensokyo: 亞洲週刊最誠懇,人民日報最真實122F 07/29 17:20
holysong: 柯糞崩潰,好誇張不能批評123F 07/29 17:20
yun0112: 禁止室內用餐我記得是台中先開始124F 07/29 17:21
abaddon: 為什麼高雄隨便就清零,而台北就一直有人確診,市長差距125F 07/29 17:22
abaddon: 啊
s910443tw: 畜生柯粉就是畜生啊,你看樓上那幾個畜生,只想舔柯文127F 07/29 17:22
s910443tw: 哲懶叫而已,哪聽得到人話
yun0112: 高雄最近也有旅館王了,希望能順利結束這波QQ129F 07/29 17:23
s910443tw: 然後又順帶戰南北,你就知道畜生柯文哲養出來的狗素質130F 07/29 17:23
s910443tw: 就是這樣,我幹你娘柯粉,幹你娘柯文哲
demitri: 台北也是運氣不好 但最難打的仗卻最擺爛132F 07/29 17:24
FishJagor: 推翻譯,然後柯韓粉好像看到台灣被讚美都會很生氣呢133F 07/29 17:24
mocca000: 我自己是台灣人 還不清楚有呼籲氣溶膠那段脈絡134F 07/29 17:25
mocca000: 今天看了國外報紙才知道
FishJagor: 但CF自己投稿誇自己和北市買廣告,都視而不見不覺得是136F 07/29 17:25
FishJagor: 大內宣了
langeo: 這記者對台灣觀察的滿仔細的 連誰是畜生在惡搞都知道138F 07/29 17:26
holysong: 推翻譯,整篇看下來,詳細報導台灣的防疫現狀139F 07/29 17:27
cohungogogo: 我個人非常想知道 陳時中部長個人投稿的那篇140F 07/29 17:27
photoshark: 蠢狗又在吠了141F 07/29 17:27
cohungogogo: 台灣防疫實力 國外專家怎麼評述的 怎麼都沒下文了142F 07/29 17:27
cohungogogo: 台灣防疫實力 國外專家怎麼評述的 怎麼都沒下文了
cohungogogo: 這篇用詞許多都從陳部長自吹裡挪用出來
FishJagor: 笑死!疫情都一年多了!沒有國際觀不去看外媒不去了解145F 07/29 17:30
FishJagor: 其他國家疫情狀況,看到外媒讚美台灣就直覺認為是大內
FishJagor: 宣,實際上台灣就真的做的很好
demitri: @mecca000 氣溶膠在國外變成防疫sop 但台灣一開始爆炸時148F 07/29 17:30
demitri: 好像還是著重在傳統的接觸跟飛沫 所以被罵說太過時
demitri: 未來台灣可能被delta進攻 氣溶膠傳播更猛
FishJagor: 這段期間海外台灣人看到國內一堆刁民巨嬰整天哭夭真的151F 07/29 17:31
FishJagor: 很不爽
demitri: 不知道台灣要不要強化口罩 像是推立體口罩或外面套布口罩153F 07/29 17:31
cohungogogo: 破口以後 台灣全民配合幫執政黨擦屁股 這點是做很好154F 07/29 17:32
demitri: 外國防疫各種狗屁倒灶 台灣相對之下算表現超好155F 07/29 17:32
cohungogogo: 問題3+11那種破口錯誤 民進黨敢講出已經"盡人事"156F 07/29 17:33
demitri: 哪國的防疫不要人民配合 只要政府忙就好?157F 07/29 17:33
demitri: 去住你的火星吧
s910443tw: 幹你娘柯文哲,幹你娘柯粉159F 07/29 17:33
cohungogogo: 符合科學專業 已經做到防不勝防才破口的160F 07/29 17:33
demitri: 還在3+11 真的跟念經一樣 就說萬華不是3+11傳的161F 07/29 17:33
s910443tw: 算了啦,畜生聽不懂人話162F 07/29 17:33
cohungogogo: 捫心自問講得出這種話? 拿全台百姓擦屁股和經濟損失163F 07/29 17:33
cohungogogo: 幫你"民進黨"粉飾太平 還敢往自己臉上貼金勒
s910443tw: 直接幹你娘柯文哲操你柯粉回他們就好,畜生165F 07/29 17:34
fxntdsxdr: 反正是地方的鍋就對了166F 07/29 17:34
s910443tw: 幹你娘柯文哲167F 07/29 17:34
cohungogogo: 萬華病毒和諾富特病毒株 定序後100%一樣 考慮傳染時168F 07/29 17:35
holysong: 就小缺點放大扣99分,中國、越南最近又爆發了,他們官員169F 07/29 17:35
holysong: 是不是該自殺
cohungogogo: 間無變種可能 這兩者應為同個途徑 以上是CDC原話171F 07/29 17:35
demitri: 粉飾太平咧 告訴我世界有幾個國家沒被疫情重創的172F 07/29 17:36
demitri: 真的過很爽
cohungogogo: CDC都承認 萬華=3+11 諾富特破口 陳時中都願意扛下174F 07/29 17:36
cohungogogo: 這3+11破口的責任 還想粉飾什麼
cohungogogo: 我只對台灣人自己選的政府監督 別國關我屁事
holysong: 幹cdc 該請三狗去當防疫專家,他最行177F 07/29 17:37
cohungogogo: 比爛不會進步!!178F 07/29 17:37
demitri: 萬華第一個人是4/23發病  告訴我機師怎麼提前傳進去啦179F 07/29 17:38
demitri: 現在還搞不清諾富特=/=3+11的 拜託不要秀下限了
win8719: 你怎會想跟3GO討論..181F 07/29 17:38
demitri: 諾富特是管理不善才有群聚 你機師關一個月都還是會傳啦182F 07/29 17:38
mukuro: 推文蚵糞滾啦,在這邊噴屎,媽的臭死了183F 07/29 17:38
cohungogogo: 諾富特管理不善誰得錯 誰給諾富特允許他可以3+11184F 07/29 17:39
s910443tw: 不要跟柯粉畜生認真185F 07/29 17:39
cohungogogo: 台灣疫情怎麼繞 都繞不出最起始爆發的因果186F 07/29 17:39
s910443tw: 他們只會舔柯文哲跟國民黨而已187F 07/29 17:40
cohungogogo: 一堆邏輯有洞的手下敗將 拿出證據和真理來討論巴188F 07/29 17:40
cohungogogo: 做不到 最起麻要懂得誠懇倒歉
s910443tw: 畜生沒辦法聽懂人話,我幹你娘柯文哲190F 07/29 17:41
sanguinesand: 萬華如果不是靠CDC把發病日往後延 病例還比諾富特早191F 07/29 17:45
demitri: 乖  都說諾富特的錯了 怎麼還會提3+11192F 07/29 17:45
z1976: 這就是4%眼裡沒看到的真實世界啊193F 07/29 17:45
boogieman: 三狗又在自慰了 真難看啊 別這樣精神戰勝法好嗎?194F 07/29 17:46
z1976: 人家看到的就是在缺疫苗的情況下把確診數壓下來195F 07/29 17:47
z1976: 相較國外扎實的疫調、口罩政策
z1976: 還是在不用犧牲人身自由的情況下完成的
demitri: 相對於歐美 台灣還是管很多 但以亞洲國家來說ok了198F 07/29 17:49
RadioMan: 狗雜種五毛見不得台灣好199F 07/29 17:49
suntw: 新加坡醫生是被誇大,政府怎會鳥一個外國醫生說什麼,當初200F 07/29 17:52
suntw: 還叫台灣立刻停班停課封城
nalthax: 推、謝謝202F 07/29 17:54
ferb: 這篇批評柯的那些不是就是林大便說的嗎203F 07/29 17:55
WTF55665566: 某三隻狗就不用理了XD 被打臉王204F 07/29 17:55
ferb: 中央政府好棒棒會聽民眾意見,連買疫苗也是哦205F 07/29 17:56
ferb: 而柯就是不疫調不檢測疫苗分配系統不好
ferb: 我咧去,這還用看嗎
lbowlbow: 氣溶膠好像是英國變種後才開始說的吧208F 07/29 17:57
ferb: 虧我還想耐心看完原文209F 07/29 17:57
ferb: 批評的那些不就是側翼和大便再造謠的嗎
ferb: 還敢提市場感染,多久前的案例被大便和側翼拿出來嚇人的

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