※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-06-15 18:53:02
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] Zion Williamson簽名球員卡拍賣:99800鎂
時間 Mon Jun 15 13:31:26 2020
來源: CBS Sports
網址: https://tinyurl.com/ybevpoqt
Pelicans' Zion Williamson rookie card goes for nearly $100K in online auction - CBSSports.com
Even with minimal NBA experience, Zion still garners the hype ...
Pelicans' Zion Williamson rookie card goes for nearly $100K in online auction
在線上拍賣 鵜鶘Zion Williamson的球員卡成交價接近10萬鎂
The NBA season has been forced to a halt because of the coronavirus pandemic,
but fans are still showing their interest in the sport. For instance, New
Orleans Pelicans forward Zion Williamson's rookie card recently sold for just
under $100,000, according to Darren Rovell of The Action Network. The
autographed Williamson rookie card was sold for approximately $99,800 in an
online auction.
如說,根據The Action Network記者Darren Rovell報導,鵜鶘菜鳥前鋒Zion
Darren Rovell推特:https://tinyurl.com/y8ws447d
After a solid freshman year season with Duke University, Williamson was
selected by the Pelicans as the first overall pick in the 2019 NBA Draft.
Despite the excitement Williamson has garnered, the 6-foot-6, 285 pound
teenager played just 19 games in his rookie season after tearing his meniscus
in the preseason.
Williamson was expected to be the runaway favorite to win Rookie of the Year,
but with the time he missed because of his injury and Ja Morant's success in
his rookie campaign with the Memphis Grizzlies, Williamson's chances of
winning took a hit.
Williamson made his NBA debut on Jan. 22, 2020, and impressed with 13
straight games of 20-plus points in 19 appearances. It was the first such
streak for a teenager in NBA history. Williamson turns 20 next month.
Prior to the suspension of the NBA season on March 11, Williamson held
averages of 23.6 points, 6.8 rebounds and 2.2 assists in 29.7 minutes per
game. He scored at least 20 points in 14 of his final 15 games.
The NBA has voted to return with a 22-team playoff format in Orlando
beginning on July 31. There will be a play-in tournament to determine the
eighth seeds in each conference. While the plan for resumption of the 2019-20
NBA season has been approved, it is far from finalized.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UvmUoXA (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1592199090.A.84A.html
→ : Nba瘋狂炒作他耶,我覺得Ja Morant強多了1F 06/15 13:32
推 : 他的外型再怎麼看 都不像是聯盟未來看板球星的感覺.2F 06/15 13:36
→ : ....
→ : ....
→ : 詹皇當初都不知道有沒有十萬鎂4F 06/15 13:37
推 : 不過我就真的很愛看他打球,炒作也算有理吧5F 06/15 13:38
→ : 現在只想看KL和Zion
→ : 現在只想看KL和Zion
推 : 左手賣右手 炒作身價 以獲取後續利益7F 06/15 13:38
推 : 怕受傷...8F 06/15 13:44
推 : 大國寶RPA最貴的系列很正常9F 06/15 13:45
推 : 當年林來瘋時期的簽名卡也有賣到2萬多美金10F 06/15 14:00
→ : 不知道當年那位買家現在在想什麼
→ : 不知道當年那位買家現在在想什麼
→ : LBJ快要退了 當然要再捧個球星出來當看板12F 06/15 14:01
推 : 能炒一個算一個阿 寧可NBA捧zion也不要捧球哥13F 06/15 14:04
推 : 超前部署漲價 XDDDD14F 06/15 14:04
推 : 關外型什麼事哈哈,當初媒體排長相醜的排行,LBJ還15F 06/15 14:06
→ : 上榜咧
→ : 上榜咧
噓 : 外型?17F 06/15 14:13
噓 : 大國寶1盒公司價要75000...18F 06/15 14:22
推 : 炒作是一回事,Zion的確是十年一遇的俊才19F 06/15 14:36
推 : 國外已經說買家沒付錢了20F 06/15 14:43
噓 : 外型?LBJ:21F 06/15 14:49
→ : LBJ挺帥的啊。22F 06/15 14:50
推 : lbj長相粗曠豪邁 但扯不上帥23F 06/15 14:55
→ : 用當初炒lbj的方式炒作他 希望他能努力靠真實力拿冠24F 06/15 14:57
推 : lbj是霸氣。尤其單手扣籃的時候。25F 06/15 14:58
推 : 一盒75000還買不到才扯29F 06/15 15:08
推 : 75000本來就買不到啊 我能賣十萬幹嘛賣七萬五30F 06/15 15:21
推 : 他可以當粗曠型代表31F 06/15 15:31
推 : rose也這樣吧 這種年輕趕快撈也不錯32F 06/15 15:40
推 : 現代版的Barkley 炒一波33F 06/15 15:53
推 : 回一下,morant不管最終有沒有比zion強,或是更好的34F 06/15 16:07
→ : 生涯,以現階段的可塑性未來性可看性,甚至人氣,
→ : 全輸zion,當然聯盟捧啊
→ : 生涯,以現階段的可塑性未來性可看性,甚至人氣,
→ : 全輸zion,當然聯盟捧啊
推 : 不捧他才傻吧 人氣從高中灌籃影片就累積了 ncaa三37F 06/15 16:54
→ : 王又炒一波
→ : 王又炒一波
推 : 這價格已經超越Curry,字母才扯39F 06/15 17:01
→ : 五年後傷退休 這張卡會跌到2千鎂左右 哈哈哈40F 06/15 17:45
推 : LBJ當初板上也是酸長相 畢竟前面是MJ跟KOBE41F 06/15 18:05
→ : 8742F 06/15 18:06
推 : 重點是買家好像棄標43F 06/15 18:07
噓 : 粗獷為什麼不能說帥?他就是霸氣的那種帥R44F 06/15 18:16
推 : 因為他覺得不管啦不帥 我覺得這不能叫帥la45F 06/15 18:20
→ : 炒作的啦 那以後不就百萬46F 06/15 18:24
推 : shilling47F 06/15 18:34
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 204
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