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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-01-03 15:15:11
看板 NBA
作者 ckurryobe (咖筆)
標題 [花邊] Wall說他曾可能因為感染失去他的腳
時間 Sun Jan  3 12:02:51 2021

John Wall Says He Could Have Lost His Foot Due to Infections During Injury Rehab | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
Houston Rockets guard John Wall divulged Thursday that there was concern about him losing his foot due to infections while rehabbing from a torn Achil ...


Houston Rockets guard John Wall divulged Thursday that there was concern about
 him losing his foot due to infections while rehabbing from a torn Achilles.

Wall described the situation during an interview with Shams Charania of Stadiu
m and The Athletic (beginning at the four-minute mark):

Wall said he dealt with "three or four" different infections and that it got t
o the point of "are you gonna have to cut your foot off or not."

The 30-year-old veteran missed the entire 2019-20 season due to the injury and
 was subsequently traded from the Washington Wizards to the Rockets this offse
ason for Russell Westbrook.

Washington made Wall the No. 1 overall pick in the 2010 NBA draft, and he was
among the best point guards in basketball during his time with the Wizards.

Wall was a five-time All-Star and one-time NBA All-Defensive Team selection wh
o averaged 19.0 points, 9.2 assists, 4.3 rebounds and 1.7 steals per game in 5
73 regular-season appearances for the Wiz.

He has yet to appear in a game for the Rockets this season due to COVID-19 con
tact tracing, but he is set to make his Rockets debut Thursday night against t
he Sacramento Kings.

The Rockets are off to an 0-2 start, but with Wall and DeMarcus Cousins joinin
g forces with 2018 NBA MVP James Harden, Christian Wood and others, Houston ha
s a chance to make some noise in the Western Conference.

When Wall takes the court Thursday, it will mark his first NBA regular-season
game since Dec. 26, 2018, and his first NBA game with a team other than the Wi

He will look to help Houston pick up its first win of the season and hand the
surprising 3-1 Kings just their second defeat of the campaign.


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bobon0921   : 復健變成感染?1F 01/03 12:03
josephpu    : 術後的感染吧2F 01/03 12:05
gn00945822  : 好慘 能回來真幸運3F 01/03 12:05
PoLiao      : Grant Hill表示4F 01/03 12:07
aaa40303    : 手術後都有感染風險5F 01/03 12:08
heavensun   : 他短期連動兩次  感染風險更大6F 01/03 12:11
lws0527     : 蠻希望火箭能打出一番東西的7F 01/03 12:11
mhkt        : 我記得好像是動第二次刀  就有感染跡象……8F 01/03 12:16
mhkt        : 要不是約翰牆撐住著危險期
sunnydragon7: 術後感染的風險10F 01/03 12:17
※ 編輯: ckurryobe ( 臺灣), 01/03/2021 12:19:01
hasn8620    : 難怪爆哭11F 01/03 12:23
ESTARRIOL   : 運動員要截肢,光用想的就很痛苦12F 01/03 12:24
gp03dan     : 加油13F 01/03 12:27
steven0515  : 不只運動員截肢會想哭 任何人截肢都會想死吧14F 01/03 12:47
Gibye5566   : 能回來打球一定很感動15F 01/03 12:48
a92005712d  : 推牆哥16F 01/03 12:50
heavensun   : 前一次好像是 左腳肌腱鈣化17F 01/03 12:50
mhkt        : 阿基里斯腱那刀啦  術後感染18F 01/03 12:51
micbrimac   : 乾 這樣我更不敢手術了...19F 01/03 13:02
mhkt        : 常見感染就是怕引發敗血症  所以手術風險就是這麼20F 01/03 13:05
mhkt        : 高
nuturewind  : 這種通常是蜂窩性組織炎吧,很可怕22F 01/03 13:05
nuturewind  : http://i.imgur.com/vEssiEM.jpg 剛開完ACL刀又看到
nuturewind  : 牆哥講這個真的會怕24F 01/03 13:07
spring719   : 樓上加油25F 01/03 13:13
mhkt        : 自然大你開刀0.026F 01/03 13:14
※ 編輯: ckurryobe ( 臺灣), 01/03/2021 13:19:28
PTTfaggot   : QQ27F 01/03 13:23
nuturewind  : ACL跟半月板啊,要慢慢復健28F 01/03 13:28
mhkt        : 這要休養一段時間了……29F 01/03 13:29
mhkt        : 要一年了喔
nuturewind  : 半年前道路坑洞的交通事故受傷,拖到跨年前工作有空31F 01/03 13:32
nuturewind  : 檔才能開,感謝關心啦,至少之後還是能有機會回到正
nuturewind  : 常狀態
crownschou  : 保重 早日康復34F 01/03 13:38
h760108     : 現在還能回歸根本奇蹟了35F 01/03 13:48
CaTkinGG    : 很珍惜打球的機會啊36F 01/03 13:49
ninaman     : 保重,希望早日康復,也恭喜牆哥回到NBA賽場了37F 01/03 14:06
t3031476057 : 腿38F 01/03 14:40

※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 66 
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