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作者 標題 [外絮] LBJ開玩笑解釋為何想當Justin Timberlake
時間 Sat Jan 16 19:46:14 2021
來源:Lakers Daily
LeBron James hilariously explains why he wishes he was Justin Timberlake this late in his career - Lakers Daily
So far this season, LeBron James is averaging a career low in minutes, yet his Los Angeles Lakers still have the NBA’s best record at 11-3. After yet ...
LeBron James hilariously explains why he wishes he was Justin Timberlake this
late in his career
LBJ搞笑的解釋為何在生涯的末段 他希望他是Justin Timberlake
So far this season, LeBron James is averaging a career low in minutes, yet
his Los Angeles Lakers still have the NBA’s best record at 11-3.
After yet another blowout, this time against the New Orleans Pelicans, James
was asked if playing fewer minutes will leave him with more energy later in
the season, and he gave a funny response.
湖人記者Harrison Faigen推特:https://tinyurl.com/y5z5ltqs
@hmfaigenLeBron, when asked if it helps him save energy for later in the season when he gets to rest in blowouts.
"I wish I was Justin Timberlake in that movie where I could bank some time, but I'm not."
he gets to rest in blowouts.
"I wish I was Justin Timberlake in that movie where I could bank some time,
but I'm not."
「我希望我可以就像Justin Timberlake在那部電影裡面一樣,可以存時間,但是我不
On Friday night, James played less than 31 minutes, yet his team had its way
with the Pelicans, 112-95. Coming into the contest he was playing an average
of 31.9 minutes a game this season.
Still, the four-time NBA champ is putting up his usual impressive numbers,
averaging 24.3 points, 8.1 rebounds and 7.5 assists a game coming into
Friday. He’s arguably the frontrunner for the league MVP award at this
point, as his team is comfortably ahead of the pack.
Pretty soon, James may need to start bringing his A game, as the Lakers will
embark on a long road trip next week. It will include games against the
Milwaukee Bucks, Boston Celtics and Philadelphia 76ers.
那部影片應該是"鐘點戰"(In time)
IMDB: 6.7/10 爛番茄: 36%
不過如果真的如那部電影演的劇情 LBJ應該有滿手的時間 根本不會像Justin
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1610797580.A.DC6.html
推 : 那部大賈還不是靠Amanda才有一堆時間~1F 01/16 19:47
推 : 這部的amanda seyfried 超正2F 01/16 19:47
推 : 我還想說他怎麼會想當《超級男孩》的賈斯丁,整團只3F 01/16 19:48
→ : 有一個自己能扛,其他都路人,這麼懷念騎士1.0嗎
→ : 有一個自己能扛,其他都路人,這麼懷念騎士1.0嗎
推 : 現在才知道原來那部是justin演的...5F 01/16 19:49
推 : 薩諾詹 走錯棚了吧6F 01/16 19:49
推 : Amanda超讚7F 01/16 19:50
推 : 如果像終點戰的話 LBJ就有累積不完的數據了8F 01/16 19:50
推 : 可以考慮找Kevin Love合作 愛神平頭時跟JT有點像9F 01/16 19:52
推 : Amanda在這部真的超正,不過評價似乎不太好?10F 01/16 19:52
推 : 超級男孩=賈斯汀+快樂夥伴,是這個意思嗎?11F 01/16 19:53
推 : 這部最大的賣點是amanda穿高跟鞋還跑超快12F 01/16 19:56
推 : 如果可以存時間 LBJ真的可以打到他不想打為止13F 01/16 19:56
推 : 有跑得比暴龍快嗎?14F 01/16 19:57
推 : 陶子:我還能逆轉時間15F 01/16 19:59
推 : 可以去YouTube隨便點一支《超級男孩》MV,C位就不說16F 01/16 19:59
→ : 了,歌詞時間分配和MV鏡頭80%的時間都在賈斯汀身上
→ : 了,歌詞時間分配和MV鏡頭80%的時間都在賈斯汀身上
推 : 跟我不一樣 我想當JT 是因為有Amanda18F 01/16 19:59
→ : ,不說還以為其他四人是伴舞團19F 01/16 19:59
推 : 亞曼達真的神正20F 01/16 20:01
推 : 鐘點戰不錯看啊,那時亞曼達很香21F 01/16 20:03
→ : 血紅帽還有鐘點戰大概是亞曼達最巔峰正的時期
→ : 血紅帽還有鐘點戰大概是亞曼達最巔峰正的時期
推 : 賈斯汀與賈斯汀身邊的寵物們23F 01/16 20:04
推 : 亞曼達現在還是正啊 只是她死會而且當媽媽了24F 01/16 20:05
推 : 糟糕了要去疫區了!25F 01/16 20:06
→ : LBJ這麼一講才意識到鐘點戰是賈斯丁演的 太緊湊了26F 01/16 20:07
→ : 反而沒注意==
→ : 反而沒注意==
推 : 靠 原來是終點站的女角 我現在才知道28F 01/16 20:09
推 : Amanda Seyfried在鐘點戰裡面超正 不過劇情後面超糞29F 01/16 20:14
推 : 看的時候被Amanda正到30F 01/16 20:18
推 : Amanda在鐘點站真的香31F 01/16 20:19
→ : 以前對他還沒感覺..看這部直接愛上
→ : 以前對他還沒感覺..看這部直接愛上
推 : 比較喜歡她在熊麻吉 可愛33F 01/16 20:20
→ : 那部劇情真的糟糕透頂34F 01/16 20:20
→ : Amanda這部裡面讓人超硬35F 01/16 20:21
推 : 熊麻吉是蜜拉吧 ?36F 01/16 20:25
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 68
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