※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-04-09 15:33:14
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 抓猛換防後對位吉巴被吃 吉巴:不要這樣做
時間 Fri Apr 9 14:13:17 2021
來源: FadeAwayWorld
網址: https://tinyurl.com/ya9dk67n
Jimmy Butler Hilariously Tells Lakers “Don’t Do That” After Andre Drummond Switches Onto Him – Fadeaway World
Jimmy Butler and the Miami Heat may be having a rough season, but it doesn't mean they stopped having fun. During a ...
Jimmy Butler Hilariously Tells Lakers “Don’t Do That” After Andre Drummond
Switches Onto Him
Drummond在換防對位Butler後 Butler開玩笑地吼:「不要這樣做。」
Jimmy Butler and the Miami Heat may be having a rough season, but it doesn’t
mean they stopped having fun.
During a match against the Lakers on Thursday (an NBA Finals rematch), Butler
gave the world a taste of his electric personality, trash-talking the Lakers,
and Andre Drummond specifically, after netting a mid-range jumper.
其是對位Andre Drummond中距離跳投得分之後。
影片: https://youtu.be/pCBOpTW-0Ew

Once the switch happened, and Dre was standing in front of Butler, the Heat
star took advantage of the situation right away, backing up so he could set
up his move. Honestly, the effort was seamless — and the execution was near
"That's my Jimbo"
"How are you going to tell someone "don't switch" when he specifically made
the switch himself?"
"“I hunted for this match up but I know the cameras rolling so let me talk my
「吉巴表示: 我就是為這個對決準備好的,但是我知道鏡頭正在拍,所以就讓我噴點垃圾
"Love me some Jimmeeeehhh"
"They don’t call him MJ’s son for nothing"
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WR_23oA (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1617948803.A.C8A.html
推 : 不要這樣1F 04/09 14:13
噓 : 我的大吉巴!2F 04/09 14:14
推 : 湖人能守住吉巴只有姆斯和AD3F 04/09 14:14
推 : 結果下一波換MM守 直接麵包4F 04/09 14:15
推 : 雞巴狼XD5F 04/09 14:17
推 : 滿怪的 應該要對著抓猛喊啊6F 04/09 14:17
推 : XDDD不要自己出來給我點名7F 04/09 14:17
推 : 我大吉巴8F 04/09 14:19
推 : 好壞好帥9F 04/09 14:20
推 : 懂督勒10F 04/09 14:20
推 : 不要組團!不要組團!11F 04/09 14:21
→ : 東督賴12F 04/09 14:22
推 : 抓猛:被大吉巴吃了>///<13F 04/09 14:22
推 : 太帥啦 我大吉巴!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14F 04/09 14:22
→ : 抓萌VS大吉巴15F 04/09 14:23
→ : 吉巴被吃16F 04/09 14:24
推 : 如果總決賽湖人隊上籃網,我看抓猛可能上不了場...17F 04/09 14:24
→ : AD、LBJ、KUZ沒上,還少了THT,贏這點分數棒棒的18F 04/09 14:24
推 : JB:免っかわ来じっ套19F 04/09 14:24
推 : 被吉巴吃了不只一球20F 04/09 14:24
→ : 對上吉巴都被吃,鬍子跟KI哪會放過你...21F 04/09 14:25
推 : 有夠帥 又不會沒水準22F 04/09 14:26
→ : 的垃圾話
→ : 的垃圾話
推 : 假裝很猛,碰到大吉巴還是洩了24F 04/09 14:26
推 : 哼,等我兩位大哥回來,你就知道了25F 04/09 14:27
推 : 不是啊 那要對自己熱火隊友說不要去擋拆吧26F 04/09 14:28
推 : 不要這樣*n27F 04/09 14:28
→ : 不要醬28F 04/09 14:29
→ : JIMBO聽起來好糟糕29F 04/09 14:31
推 : 搖手指30F 04/09 14:31
推 : 帥到掉渣31F 04/09 14:35
推 : Jimbo是日文梗對吧32F 04/09 14:35
→ : 我“進步”很大33F 04/09 14:37
推 : 金寶 >/////<34F 04/09 14:41
→ : The Big Face Coffee Owner35F 04/09 14:46
推 : 你不要這樣!36F 04/09 14:48
推 : 不要組團有點好笑37F 04/09 14:49
推 : 糊糊快來罵黑哨贏球38F 04/09 14:51
推 : 給你滿滿的...大...吉.....巴39F 04/09 14:56
推 : 金寶就老二啊40F 04/09 14:57
推 : 笑死41F 04/09 15:04
→ : 大吉!42F 04/09 15:19
推 : 我大吉巴就是雞巴 讚43F 04/09 15:21
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 46
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