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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-03-09 22:28:17
看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] 東區高管:Ja並沒有想像中那麼好,若SGA
時間 Wed Mar  9 22:09:58 2022


Memphis Grizzlies superstar Ja Morant is in the midst of without a doubt the bes
t season of his young career. So much so, that the 22-year-old has forced himsel
f to the MVP conversation. Moreover, Morant is also one of the frontrunners to l
and this season’s Most Improved Player of the Year award. That’s just how good
 he has been throughout the course of the campaign.


Despite his tremendous performance this season, however, there are still a good
number of folks out there who aren’t buying in on Ja Morant. One particular Eas
tern Conference executive, for instance, is not ready to jump on the hype train
just yet. In his mind, the unnamed exec firmly believes that Morant isn’t as go
od as most of us would assume:


“It’s weird to say this, but I don’t think [Morant] is quite as good as his p

ublic perception,” an East executive said, via Tim Bontemps of ESPN. “If you p
ut Shai on that Memphis team, he could potentially be doing a lot of the same th


That’s harsh. Shai Gilgeous-Alexander is no scrub but at this point, he does no
t appear to be on Ja Morant’s level. I guess what this anonymous executive is t
rying to point out is that the main reason behind Morant’s surge is the circums
tance he is in right now. The theory appears to be that it’s the Grizzlies squa
d, in one way or another, who are making Morant better, and that a guy like SGA
can pretty much replicate Morant’s heroics in Memphis if they swapped places.


Grizzlies news: Ja Morant ripped apart by anonymous league exec
An anonymous league executive believes that Memphis Grizzlies star Ja Morant is not as good as he's been built up to be. ...


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YABKuhx (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1646835000.A.AFB.html
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 03/09/2022 22:10:28
ken1825     : 確實1F 03/09 22:11
theBATMAN56 : 聽你放屁2F 03/09 22:11
MrTen       : 意思是雷霆隊文化不想贏只想求籤嗎3F 03/09 22:12
icoann      : 說個笑話,東區4F 03/09 22:12
qhaabk      : 是灰熊太爛好刷數據 還是灰熊太強好刷5F 03/09 22:13
IANSUE      : 不要酸葡萄6F 03/09 22:13
reason825   : 應該是陣容搭配不是講文化拉7F 03/09 22:13
sissykin    : 確實這季灰熊排了不少場8F 03/09 22:14
mose56789   : 其實是捧SGA啦 沒事9F 03/09 22:14
ste14563    : 陣容吧10F 03/09 22:14
PeterHenson : 不過SGA在灰熊也能做到一樣的事 這話沒毛病11F 03/09 22:14
ooplus      : 這兩個人體能就不是一個級別的了…12F 03/09 22:14
a1ibooda    : SGA確實也是低調強13F 03/09 22:14
a9527a      : SGA這兩季很傷14F 03/09 22:14
xgMd1trtw   : 互相得利啊 說實在沒ja時灰熊戰績也沒差多少 但有15F 03/09 22:14
xgMd1trtw   : ja灰熊才有人Care
WIGGINS22   : 樓下熊迷willy大怎麼看這篇?17F 03/09 22:15
kraftman    : 這是在捧SGA18F 03/09 22:16
a1ibooda    : 抄截火鍋來說SGA比較強 JA得分感覺比較愜意19F 03/09 22:16
willy911006 : 我沒什麼意見啊,Ja的確是有受惠到灰熊本季陣容組20F 03/09 22:18
willy911006 : 成的優勢,但他自己的確在各方面也有進步。我沒什
willy911006 : 麼在看雷霆不好多講,而SGA我認為他也需要一個相對
willy911006 : 好的內線擋拆搭檔才能打得更好
exile1205   : 雷霆那個陣容要贏球也太苦了24F 03/09 22:19

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