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看板 NBA
作者 標題 Re: [專欄] 離開是否更好?前勇士板凳奇兵各自的精
時間 Thu Dec 29 21:46:46 2022
來源: Oregon Live
網址: https://reurl.cc/eWoLzb
When Trail Blazers’ Gary Payton II makes his debut is up to him - oregonlive.com
Payton has yet to play this season after undergoing offseason core muscle surgery. ...
When Trail Blazers’ Gary Payton II makes his debut is up to him
拓荒者後衛 GP2 會自己決定新賽季首秀的時間點
Last week, it was reported that Portland Trail Blazers guard Gary Payton II
could make his season debut this week.
For that to happen, Payton, who has been recovering from offseason core
muscle surgery, must play Friday at the Golden State Warriors, his former
Could that happen?
“I don’t know,” Blazers coach Chauncey Billups said Wednesday after
practice. “He could wake up tomorrow and say, ‘Man, I’m playing.’ I don’
t know.”
Payton practiced fully on Tuesday, according to Billups, but was limited
during Wednesday’s practice in part because it was the second workout on
consecutive days.
“We went a little longer today,” Billups said. “So, you’ve got to keep
those type of things in mind.”
槍西:「GP2 週三有進行完整訓練,不過週四訓練有限制讓他休息,因為是連日的二次菜單
Playing Friday would give Payton two days off before the team hosts Detroit
on Monday.
But that won’t happen until Payton says he is ready mentally and physically
to return to game action. The decision, Billups said, is entirely up to the
former Oregon State star.
“We’re never going to say, ‘No, you’re ready to play. You’re playing,’”
Billups said. “We’re never going to do that to a guy. He needs to be
comfortable with it. But I think we all feel very confident that he looks
good and he’s very close.”
Payton was originally expected to be ready to go by the start of training
camp in September. Then the date was pushed to the start of the regular
season. Since then, Payton has undergone several reevaluations and has said
on numerous occasions that he is close to playing. Billups has said several
times that Payton has been trying to reach the point where he can work out
without experiencing soreness and discomfort in his abdominal area.
GP2 原本預計會趕上9月的訓練營,但先延遲到正賽開打,再多次的重複評估,且多次表示
短評或心得: 重複又重複的評估,兩週又兩週的延後,導致有網友喊他GP2Weeks,
1. https://youtube.com/watch?v=vcOkU4h_1hI&feature=shares&t=394 (from 6:34)

2. https://youtube.com/watch?v=biF9JfJzKiI&feature=shares&t=478 (from 7:58)

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZhPf8qk (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1672321608.A.D2E.html
※ 編輯: foolishbi ( 臺灣), 12/29/2022 21:50:43
推 : 推翻譯,趕快上來守死咖喱,抄爆普洱1F 12/29 21:50
→ : 你拓也讓他過太爽了吧XD 我艇的狀況反而是隊醫不讓2F 12/29 21:54
→ : 球員上
→ : 球員上
→ : XD 我麻木了 GP2延後很多次了 槍西都差不多回答4F 12/29 21:56
推 : 讓他自己決定滿好的5F 12/29 21:56
→ : 反正給他時間 他OK的 就等下去囉6F 12/29 21:56
→ : 至少他是按表操課 進度是怎樣都看的到 問題不大吧7F 12/29 21:57
推 : 我已經想像的到普爾被抄爆的畫面8F 12/29 21:58
推 : 不到年薪1000萬簽下冠軍球員,也可以了,反正復出9F 12/29 22:04
→ : 後再看看
→ : 後再看看
→ : 是啦 透明的話狀況應該不大 但久了還是會有球迷不11F 12/29 22:05
→ : 滿的
→ : 滿的
推 : GP2的傷跟季後賽被灰熊的brooks傷的有關嗎?13F 12/29 22:05
→ : 肯定有的 #GP2Weeks #問就是兩週14F 12/29 22:06
→ : 我沒看見有外電說跟Brooks的惡犯有關 所以無罪推定
→ : 我沒看見有外電說跟Brooks的惡犯有關 所以無罪推定
推 : 我記得勇士的角色球員出去適應不良的蠻多的吧?16F 12/29 22:17
推 : GP2其實技能包空切灌籃跟防守抄截還是很強17F 12/29 22:19
→ : 如果對勇士復出,Poole會不會被守死XD
→ : 如果對勇士復出,Poole會不會被守死XD
推 : 我們家普洱很乖的,您老大晚個一場再復出行不行啊19F 12/29 22:24
推 : 普洱終究要面對高強度的防守者 早點適應 季後賽也比20F 12/29 22:29
→ : 較有辦法解決
→ : 較有辦法解決
推 : 大家都想霸凌普洱~22F 12/29 22:32
推 : 可不可以 再休一下下就好23F 12/29 22:55
推 : 期待GP2守爛普洱24F 12/29 22:58
推 : 感謝大大整理 期待他很久了XD25F 12/29 23:54
→ : 這隻真的沒這麼重要 頂多讓阿拓場均少失三分吧26F 12/30 00:07
→ : 場均少失3分超級巨大欸 你知道你在說啥嗎…27F 12/30 00:09
推 : 頂多場均少失三分?要不要看看你在說什麼……28F 12/30 00:11
→ : 守死k湯 我期待他跟gp2說 我有四冠29F 12/30 00:18
推 : 笑死 這叫頂多嗎30F 12/30 00:19
推 : 菜逼八問Billups為什麼叫槍西?31F 12/30 00:20
推 : Chauncey Ray Billups32F 12/30 00:21
推 : 因為他就叫槍西= =33F 12/30 00:21
推 : XD感謝樓上二位34F 12/30 00:22
→ : 他就叫槍西啊xd35F 12/30 00:45
推 : 小手套快出來守爛JP 勇士輸沒問題的36F 12/30 00:52
推 : GP2weeks太哭了吧XD37F 12/30 01:31
推 : 快回來把勇士守爆阿! 加油GP238F 12/30 01:35
推 : 因為他是The 6’3! Chauncey! Bi-Bi-BI-Bi-Billups39F 12/30 03:06
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