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看板 Naivete
作者 yehlieh (琊冽)
標題 Re: [女團] missA 傳說中的CB
時間 2012年02月15日 Wed. AM 11:41:16

[M/V] miss A "Touch" from the 4th project, [TOUCH]

[Teaser #1] miss A "Touch"(터치) from the 4th project [TOUCH] _SUZY
[Teaser #2] miss A(미쓰에이) "Touch"(터치) from the 4th project [TOUCH] _ JIA
[Teaser #3] miss A(미쓰에이) "Touch"(터치) from the 4th project [TOUCH] _ FEI
[Teaser #4] miss A(미쓰에이) "Touch"(터치) from the 4th project [TOUCH] _MIN

※ 作者: yehlieh 時間: 2012-02-15 11:41:16
※ 編輯: yehlieh 時間: 2012-02-19 23:39:46
※ 看板: Naivete 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 77 
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