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看板 Programming
作者 sunhang09 (sunhang09)
標題 Re: 問一題JAVA的習題
時間 2016-01-28 Thu. 16:41:37

double distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
return java.lang.Math.sqrt(sumSquares(x2 - x1, y2 - y1));

※ 引述《Leon》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《Leon》之銘言:
: : 小弟在自學JAVA中
: : 教材是Think Java
: : 目前在第六章習題6.5卡關
: : 麻煩大家指點迷津^^
: : Exercise 6.5.
: : The distance between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is Distance = 根號((x2 � x1)^2 + (y2 � y1)^2)
: : Write a method named distance that takes four doubles as parameters—x1, y1, x2 and y2—and that prints the distance between the points.
: : You should assume that there is a method named sumSquares that calculates and returns the sum of the squares of its arguments. For example:
: : double x = sumSquares(3.0, 4.0);
: : would assign the value 25.0 to x.
: : The point of this exercise is to write a new method that uses an existing one.
: : You should write only one method: distance.
: : You should not write sumSquares or main and you should not invoke distance.
: : 搞不懂它到底要我怎麼做@@
: 自回
: 依題意它應該是要我寫個distance method(算兩座標點距),
: 裡面必須引用到一個假設的sumSquares method(算兩平方面積和),
: 而因為sumSquares只是假設的,故不需要main method實際去跑結果。
: 問題一、我的理解對嗎?
: 問題二、如果我的理解是對的,我卻想不出來如何在distance method裡面運用sumSquares,我想不出兩者的關係。@@

※ 作者: sunhang09 時間: 2016-01-28 16:41:37
※ 編輯: sunhang09 時間: 2016-01-28 16:44:28
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