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※ 本文為 LineageIII.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-08-16 01:12:37
看板 sex
作者 Nilo (辰)
標題 Re: [閒聊] 台灣女生看看吧..
時間 Wed Aug 15 19:40:12 2012


Let's be fair here. I have a gorgeous, adorable Taiwanese girlfriend
that I am willing to spend the rest of my life with. Not because she
is Hello Kitty, submissive, shallow, brain dead and a good fuck.
Because she calls herself a freak (a surprisingly foxy one) ,
standing out from that essentially numbed crowd that I call most of Taiwan
(excluding the "hen qi guay" lot), in ways that make most other girls
look like total idiots.

不是因為她腦袋死板,不是因為她只是個空花瓶(譯註:原文為Hello Kitty,

My hat goes to her even more knowing that she only lived 3 months in
the US, while being naturally open minded and full of dynamic debates
about all kinds of issues. Yes, she has all those traits that many guys
would want.


There are indeed some very interesting and charming ladies out here,
but to the best of my knowledge, they are depressingly rare. Why?
Because aside from being good at shallow chat followed by a deep fuck,
one, two, here, there and everywhere, most girls here just about do
a good job of sucking in all manner possible. Sex aside, let's not even
get into how much worse it gets for 95% of TW born and raised guys when
it comes to friendship with foreigners.


Yes the long eyelashed and legs empty egg-shells are gold diggers,
 oozing superficial arrogance that would turn a sensible man like
myself into a sexual vice animal against it.

台灣女生睫毛長、腿長、腦袋空(譯註:我不懂empty egg-shells何意,我

 Even many of those who can speak decent English will rarely go beyond
conversations about shopping, food, travel (if they dare to pretend knowing
anything worthwhile about the real world beyond American and Japanese
shopping malls) and maybe, just maybe, fun sex.

,除了美國商場和日本血拼商店外, 他們也想不出什麼,哦,或許在聊性事方面會

Take things further into the arts, music, DECENT movies beyond Hollywood,
politics, science and philosophy, I would say that 90% of people in Taiwan
are "educated" to work, not to please the depths of themselves and others
in particularly subtle ways.


The worst thing about all this is that the truly fascinating side of Chinese
culture is either a political conundrum for not knowing which side to choose
, or is slowly sinking face first into oblivion. There is room for tremendous
 melting pot in Taiwan, but not much is being done about it.


This is not a blind assault at intercultural differences, but a good stab at
old social etiquettes that were ditched in the 60 and 70's in the West.


The family, school, work ethics to my opinion kills people's potential.
Taiwan has grown economically, but it will reach full maturity only after
a hard look at itself in relation to the rest of the world, while learning
to accept and integrate true differences, like other Asian places such as
Singapore have learned to do, to make for a much nicer place to live and
fit in with open minded people.




In the meantime, it comes across as easy for Taiwanese people to be
pleasant and smiling on the surface, but I do believe that their most
visceral personal and social identity dangerously lacks confidence
and awareness with others at best, or is totally uninterested and
racist deep within, ever so silently.


P.S 小弟英文不是很好,歡迎強者更正。

1. 有指正的,請推文說明一下,小弟喝口茶,吃個東西,待會來翻第二篇


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◆ From:
atmosphere:1F 08/15 19:40
lainhoter:選我選我選我選我2F 08/15 19:40
r30385:3F 08/15 19:40
tom333498:4F 08/15 19:41
ThunderBlade:最後一段中肯5F 08/15 19:42
woeo241:6F 08/15 19:42
seeya08:Hello Kitty = 無嘴貓 = 沒口不會說話 = 小女人 我猜的7F 08/15 19:42
clear000:未看先推8F 08/15 19:43
Nilo:ok 我修改!9F 08/15 19:43
KuangChao:沒有錢了QQ10F 08/15 19:43
※ 編輯: Nilo            來自:        (08/15 19:44)
o523874:看完覺得台灣教育失敗11F 08/15 19:43
wgscwgsc100:推推12F 08/15 19:44
appless111:最後一段亞洲人寫的吧13F 08/15 19:44
danny0412:台灣人真的該檢討14F 08/15 19:45
app:最後一段很真實,明明冷漠的要命,還說台灣人最熱情15F 08/15 19:45
howtz:這人怎麼這麼中肯16F 08/15 19:46
ChoChoSean:快推                                 媽~~我在這!!!!17F 08/15 19:47
psychoF:認真的說 南部真的熱情多了  北部?顆顆 不用戰 這是事實18F 08/15 19:48
XOEX:很熱情阿 對阿豆阿19F 08/15 19:48
tedbwv:這文章是426寫的 最好西方人會講這種政治文化跟民族的鬼事20F 08/15 19:48
book2381: 台灣 = 鬼島                 中肯 無誤21F 08/15 19:49
rey123123:看幾個迷妹 就說台灣人不熱情? 太以偏概全了吧..22F 08/15 19:49
skylate:雖然是酸台女(而且不只) 可是部分挺中肯的......23F 08/15 19:49
a79621234:原po番的漫好的阿24F 08/15 19:50
a49061854:大家都心裡有數 只是沒人敢講 台灣男人真命苦25F 08/15 19:50
inmoking:辛苦了26F 08/15 19:50
mmmbop:翻的不錯 信雅達27F 08/15 19:53
plantqq:個人覺得南部中年人老年人很熱情28F 08/15 19:55
jerrylin:不爆不行30F 08/15 19:57
frank88:忠言逆耳阿31F 08/15 20:00
saddog:這外國人看得很透徹32F 08/15 20:02
herboy:他媽的真準33F 08/15 20:07
clovis666:真是中肯34F 08/15 20:08
vincent120:推35F 08/15 20:10
theskyofblue:中肯啊幹36F 08/15 20:12
KETA:教育部份真是一針見血37F 08/15 20:14
gungunit:幹怎麼可以那麼中肯38F 08/15 20:19
noil:最後一段滿中肯的39F 08/15 20:21
iamsiding:such as singapore have learnd to do40F 08/15 20:29
Hachiko:感動~~這篇應該裱起來41F 08/15 20:29
iamsiding:這是英語人士最寫出來的句子?42F 08/15 20:30
jerrylin:怎麼還沒推爆?43F 08/15 20:30
iamsiding:判斷力在哪呀,鄉民們。44F 08/15 20:30
gso5566:中肯46F 08/15 20:32
steven1102:我想  他的樣本都在夜店取樣吧...47F 08/15 20:34
onestepdie:教育部份 不得不有些同感48F 08/15 20:44
rockok71:快翻快翻49F 08/15 20:45
atien666:說到底 這裡的鄉民也都是CCR嘛 外國人的話就奉為聖旨了50F 08/15 20:51
adidas168:等第二篇~~推51F 08/15 20:57
※ 編輯: Nilo            來自:        (08/15 21:00)
avvy:這篇內容擺在sex版可惜了52F 08/15 21:02
rax1010:對比徵友版就知道了53F 08/15 21:03
sasaki0327:中懇54F 08/15 21:04
sasaki0327:誰可以轉到八卦= =?
brooksariba:推56F 08/15 21:08
ufoon:           好     屌57F 08/15 21:08
feelcorner:中肯到爆58F 08/15 21:15
placidmeow:這一看就是國外426的英文  酸民是傻了喔59F 08/15 21:20
iamsiding:such as singapore have learnd to do60F 08/15 21:22
sugarrax:其實中肯61F 08/15 21:25
※ 編輯: Nilo            來自:        (08/15 21:28)
appleIII:看看督割案就知道鄉民多好操弄 科科62F 08/15 21:32
CDing:覺得是426耶63F 08/15 21:39
Owens:更別提我覺得95%的台灣'男生'不善於跟老外交朋友64F 08/15 21:56
biaw:看了好難過 這些都是對的65F 08/15 22:04
rocwild:英文那用的像426?66F 08/15 22:05
NcNc:中肯!!!!!!!!!!!!!!67F 08/15 22:16
RachelMcAdam:這篇根本不是再說ㄈㄈ尺,根本在說台灣教育了orz68F 08/15 22:40
bluemms:太中啃了69F 08/15 22:40
schooldance:中肯,台灣很多racist70F 08/15 22:48
Koduc:推 寫得真好71F 08/15 23:13
jin0:說得好! 把台灣人看透了72F 08/15 23:44
xjapanfan:是否太深刻....男女通殺,直指台灣整體社會之弊.....73F 08/15 23:45
berniechen:借轉FB74F 08/15 23:48
song6:真的還假的阿75F 08/16 00:07
windofsprite:76F 08/16 00:47

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