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作者 標題 [新聞] 俄羅斯承諾縮減基輔附近的軍事活動
時間 Tue Mar 29 21:30:35 2022
Russia pledges to scale down military activity near Kyiv, Chernihiv
— live updates
Russia pledges to scale down military activity near Kyiv, Chernihiv — live updates | News | DW | 29.03.2022
Russian and Ukrainian negotiators have concluded a round of peace talks, with both sides expressing cautious optimism. Russia says it will reduce some ...
原文內容:Russia, Ukraine conclude 'constructive' round of talks in Istanbul Southern Ukrainian city of Mykolaiv says Russian strike hit government building IAEA chief makes unannounced visit to Ukraine Ukraine says civilian evacuations from conflict-affected areas resume This article was last updated at 12:56 GMT/UTC Russia pledges to reduce some military activity after talks General Alexander Fomin, Russia's deputy defense minister, told reporters that Russia would reduce its military activity
around Kyiv and Chernihiv in light of the "constructive" negotiations with Ukraine. "In order to increase mutual trust and create the necessary conditions for further negotiations and achieving the ultimate goal of agreeing and signing (an) agreement, a decision was made to radically, by a large margin, reduce military activity in the Kyiv and Chernihiv directions," Fomin told reporters. According to the AP news agency, Ukraine's military said it had noted withdrawals around Kyiv and Chernihiv.
However, the Pentagon said it could not confirm the reports. Turkey said Russian and Ukrainian foreign ministers were expected to meet in the next phase to set a mutual understanding and set the stage for a meeting between Zelenskyy and Putin. "We are extremely happy to see an increased rapprochement between the two sides at every stage," Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said. Russia-Ukraine talks conclude in Istanbul Ukrainian and Russian negotiators concluded face-to-face peace talks in
Istanbul on Tuesday, with the Ukrainian side saying that there have been enough developments to have a meeting between the presidents of the two countries. Russia said the talks were "constructive," raising hopes that there could be progress toward ending the war. However, Russian top negotiator Medinsky said a meeting between Putin and Zelenskyy is possible only if a deal has been approved by the foreign ministries of both countries. Following the talks, Ukrainian negotiators told reporters that
Kyiv would agree to a neutral status if a security guarantee system is put in place. They said, under the new system, Israel, Poland, Canada and Turkey could be among Ukraine’s security guarantors. The neutral status would include not hosting any foreign military bases on Ukrainian territory. There needs to be full peace across Ukraine for any final agreement with Russia to come into force, the Ukrainian side stressed, adding that a referendum would be needed in Ukraine on the terms of any final
deal. They also proposed holding consultations with Russia on the status of Crimea. The talks on Tuesday lasted around four hours with occasional breaks. It is unclear if the discussions will continue for a second day. Russia says rules for gas payments in rubles will be ready in days Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow was working out practical arrangements for foreign companies and governments to pay for Russian gas in rubles. Peskov said the plan would be ready by Thursday, in line with
Russian President Vladimir Putin's set deadline. "No one will supply gas for free, it is simply impossible, and you can pay for it only in rubles," Peskov told reporters on Tuesday. He added that "all modalities are being developed so that this system is simple, understandable and feasible for respected European and international buyers." Peskov's remarks came a day after Germany said the G7 nations rejected Putin's demand to pay for Russian gas in rubles. Berlin said the demand was a breach of the
pre-agreed terms and conditions. Zelenskyy addresses Danish parliament, urges tightening sanctions Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed Danish lawmakers on Tuesday, saying that the EU must tighten sanctions on Russia. He urged European countries to cut off all trade with Russia, including a ban on Russian energy supplies. Speaking via video link, Zelenskyy said of the Russian invasion that "the brutality is more violent than what we have seen during World War II." The Ukrainian leader
has so far made online speeches to lawmakers in several countries, including the United States, Britain, Germany and Japan, among others. Russian rocket hits Mykolaiv government building A Russian rocket strike on Tuesday destroyed a regional government building in the southern city of Mykolaiv, local authorities said. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the missile strike killed at least seven people and wounded 22. "We're clearing the rubble. Half the building was destroyed. My office
was hit," local governor Vitaliy Kim said in a video statement. Mykolaiv, a key port, has been under heavy assault for weeks, along with other southern port cities like Kherson and Mariupol.心得/評論: ※必需填寫滿30字,無意義者板規處分
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推 : 騙人的吧1F 03/29 21:31
推 : 不覺得美國會同意2F 03/29 21:31
噓 : 明天噴爆3F 03/29 21:32
推 : 俄羅斯從頭到尾騙幾次了4F 03/29 21:32
→ : 明天看好長榮航起飛!5F 03/29 21:32
噓 : 斯拉夫人反反覆覆,你信?6F 03/29 21:32
推 : 後勤有問題暫退吧7F 03/29 21:32
推 : 看那個雙方"退讓"後的談判條件,肯定還要來回扯很久8F 03/29 21:33
噓 : 美股開高然後拜登爆料說俄羅斯已經展開核活動殺低9F 03/29 21:33
推 : 啥玩意兒 退軍啊廢物 隔靴搔癢啥10F 03/29 21:33
推 : 快點談和啊11F 03/29 21:34
→ : 管他後續如何 美股先噴再說12F 03/29 21:34
推 : 老美不是很喜歡搞區域動盪? 然後自己安心發展??13F 03/29 21:35
→ : 好的 等噴爆14F 03/29 21:35
推 : 俄羅斯輸了!歐美爆噴!15F 03/29 21:36
→ : 烏東16F 03/29 21:37
→ : 先退回去擺平東部,搞定以後再看狀況17F 03/29 21:39
→ : 沒說要同意多久耶18F 03/29 21:40
推 : 好的 放鬆一下 第2波閃電戰19F 03/29 21:41
推 : 等抬轎20F 03/29 21:42
→ : 肺炎股崩崩 明天看東鹼多殺多22F 03/29 21:44
→ : 肥料
→ : 肥料
→ : 盧布匯綠回到戰前,沒事了啦,繼續開趴24F 03/29 21:44
→ : LVMH噴爛25F 03/29 21:44
推 : 俄羅斯的承諾能信嗎 一堆人都因為他們死了26F 03/29 21:45
→ : 錢四腳人兩腳,台指期盤後噴出。外資期貨淨空單減,27F 03/29 21:45
→ : 早就有人知道卡位啦
→ : 早就有人知道卡位啦
推 : 收兵才是真的 其他都屁 拖時間而已29F 03/29 21:46
→ : 東風要吹了? 空空準備起飛?30F 03/29 21:46
→ : 不要帶任何偏見,價格是最真實的。31F 03/29 21:46
→ : 基輔有人在保護當然打不下來32F 03/29 21:46
推 : 明天特定族群比手速??33F 03/29 21:47
推 : 騙票的啦 普亭正在加空單34F 03/29 21:47
噓 : 俄羅斯的承諾跟用過的衛生紙一樣。35F 03/29 21:48
推 : 美股噴上天中36F 03/29 21:49
→ : 外資期貨空單剩5千多口,這盤就是要噴你滿臉37F 03/29 21:50
→ : 郵輪旅遊股大噴發38F 03/29 21:50
推 : 減少活動x 被殲滅o39F 03/29 21:51
噓 : 有說跟沒說一樣40F 03/29 21:52
推 : 郵輪CCL、RCL終於…41F 03/29 21:52
推 : 縮減意味烏克蘭也不能趁此機會打了,等補給跟上三42F 03/29 21:54
→ : 天後給歐盟天然氣斷炊再打
→ : 天後給歐盟天然氣斷炊再打
噓 : 信用破產了啦44F 03/29 21:54
→ : 俄羅斯哪有輸 最要緊的烏東都沒說45F 03/29 21:55
推 : 又再騙46F 03/29 21:55
→ : 只看到烏克蘭說我可以中立 退回攻擊前47F 03/29 21:56
推 : 說大話我不信,軍隊離開才算數48F 03/29 21:56
→ : 這樣是烏克蘭一點都沒拿到開始談49F 03/29 21:56
推 : 原油狂降50F 03/29 22:01
→ : 黃金也是
→ : 黃金也是
噓 : 明明就自己打不下來52F 03/29 22:02
噓 : 盧布現在又不敢自由兌換53F 03/29 22:02
推 : 玉米烙賽中54F 03/29 22:03
噓 : 和談就會回歸了,通膨跟石油..但真正和談是何時~~~55F 03/29 22:03
推 : 基輔的俄軍自己都快崩潰了56F 03/29 22:06
推 : 俄哥的話能信,大便都能吃57F 03/29 22:07
噓 : 哈欠!拳頭貓下去才是溝通的硬道理,所有的和談都58F 03/29 22:08
→ : 是為侵略而鋪路
→ : 是為侵略而鋪路
噓 : 自己找台階下60F 03/29 22:12
推 : 誰信,勿忘上次撤軍消息61F 03/29 22:16
推 : 找台階下62F 03/29 22:17
→ : 集結後應該會再次攻擊,所以現在應該是波段高點吧63F 03/29 22:25
推 : 這種和談至少來回幾十次,軍隊撤出前都看看就好64F 03/29 22:25
推 : 發現打不贏就說我自願減少軍事活動真聰明65F 03/29 22:27
推 : 美國說他們不相信?66F 03/29 22:36
推 : 原油繼續下探再說吧67F 03/29 22:36
→ : 眼睛業障重68F 03/29 22:36
推 : 兵不厭詐!!只要沒有全面撤軍離開烏克蘭,難保不會69F 03/29 22:37
→ : 趁你鬆懈直接偷家!!
→ : 趁你鬆懈直接偷家!!
推 : 那些說盧布變壁紙的恐慌仔呢71F 03/29 22:39
→ : 笑死喔
→ : 俄羅斯亡國的恐慌仔呢
推 : 這裡就說是反指標聚集地,說多準有多準
→ : 笑死喔
→ : 俄羅斯亡國的恐慌仔呢
推 : 這裡就說是反指標聚集地,說多準有多準
推 : 俄羅斯被打到解體才能相信75F 03/29 22:47
→ : 對於鵝螺絲不能用聽的,要看牠們實際上怎麼做76F 03/29 22:47
→ : 別忘了開戰前、戰爭中,普丁總統級的親口豪小
→ : 別忘了開戰前、戰爭中,普丁總統級的親口豪小
噓 : 就感覺是假的78F 03/29 22:49
推 : 俄軍要崩潰幹嘛跟俄軍和談 這麼強直接幹爆他們不就79F 03/29 22:49
→ : 好了
→ : 好了
噓 : 我們也承諾暫時不反攻大陸zzz81F 03/29 22:50
噓 : 明明是打不贏82F 03/29 22:54
推 : 哥爸妻夫頭髮最長 海珊總統不愛打仗83F 03/29 22:55
推 : 不用理俄羅斯了 就讓俄羅斯的科技樹停留在2022吧84F 03/29 23:05
→ : 盧布大漲,之前抄底買盧布的都大賺啊!85F 03/29 23:05
→ : 烏自願成為中立國,克里米亞15年以後再說
→ : 烏自願成為中立國,克里米亞15年以後再說
推 : 還不是自己軍力不夠武器不夠87F 03/29 23:07
推 : 怎麼買盧布?88F 03/29 23:14
推 : 怎麼打到現在感覺基輔是牽制用,馬力波往死裡打89F 03/29 23:24
→ : 普丁打從一開始就打算把烏東吃掉吧?
→ : 普丁打從一開始就打算把烏東吃掉吧?
推 : 以布丁的為人,明天可能飛彈就掉到基輔了…91F 03/29 23:26
推 : 打不下才這樣講 緩兵之計 你看他烏東烏南就沒停過95F 03/29 23:32
推 : 烏克蘭都要準備打俄羅斯了96F 03/29 23:39
推 : 真的停戰的話,美股四大指數不會只漲這樣97F 03/29 23:40
推 : 布丁說謊成性,可能要對基輔來一波大的了98F 03/29 23:46
推 : 簽和平協定都可以變成歷史文件了,別太相信俄帝99F 03/29 23:53
→ : 只有緩基輔吧 其他地方打很爽阿= =100F 03/29 23:53
噓 : 入侵前 也說過撤軍101F 03/29 23:54
→ : 阿這樣差在哪 不過看消息面 這幾天漲夠多可以跑一波102F 03/29 23:54
→ : 沒意外過沒幾天 布丁會開始亂丟飛彈 而且丟更兇
→ : 沒意外過沒幾天 布丁會開始亂丟飛彈 而且丟更兇
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