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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-12-16 13:37:08
看板 Stock
作者 zzahoward (Cheshire Cat)
標題 [新聞] 美國加州和中西部未來五年有能源短缺風險
時間 Fri Dec 16 07:42:29 2022


California and the Midwest face ‘high risk’ of electricity shortages in
next five years




THU, DEC 15 20225:18 PM EST


Catherine Clifford


America’s electrical grid is being pushed to the breaking point, and
California, parts of the Midwest and parts of the South Central United States
are at “high risk” for energy shortfalls, says the not-for-profit
organization charged with managing and evaluating the grid.



“High risk” regions, marked in red on the map, may see shortfalls at “
normal peak conditions,” according to the 54th annual assessment from the
North American Electric Reliability Corporation released Thursday.




The reasons for the shortfalls vary.


In the Midwestern states and Ontario, more power generation is being retired
than is being added back online, NERC’s Mark Olson told reporters Thursday.
Projected energy shortfalls have been projected in that region since 2018,
Olson said.


In California, the risk is due to a “variable resource mix” and “demand
variability,” Olson said. That means there’s a lot of renewable energy in
the state, and its generation is not coordinated with the times people need
the most energy. NERC predicts that demand could fall below supply for 10
hours during peak summer months in 2024.


Much of the rest of the Midwest and the rest of the Western part of the
United States are at “elevated risk” (yellow on the map), which means
shortfalls may occur in extreme conditions, like during severe weather or hot
spells where everyone is running air conditioners. In New England, the
elevated risk comes in the winter when people use generators that depend on
natural gas.




“The natural gas capacity can be insufficient for generators, leading to use
of backup fuels, stored liquid fuels, and there are risks to being able to
maintain sufficient fuel storage during long duration events,” Olson said.


The Southwest could also suffer when demand is high and wind energy
generation is low in the region.


Extraordinary times


“We are living in extraordinary times from an electric industry perspective,
” John Moura, the director of reliability assessment at NERC, said on


Increasing awareness of climate change is pushing utilities to phase out
fossil fuel-based sources of energy that generate carbon emissions.
Renewables like wind and solar don’t contribute to climate change, but have
period where they don’t generate any energy (when the sky is dark or the
wind is still).



Renewables also don’t necessarily map to where demand is, unlike fossil
fuels, which can be transported and burned near where they’re consumed. That
means more transmission lines are needed, and building them can take from
seven to 15 years, Moura says.



Another area of note, according to NERC, is the increased power demand of
cryptocurrency mining and the need to plan for energy usage there.


Then there’s the weather. It’s tricky to tie particular extreme weather
events to climate change, but it’s generally true that a warmer world is a
wetter one, according to NASA climate scientists.


“Year after year, we’ve seen extreme weather leading to increased
reliability impacts. And so when we look at events over the last several
years, it’s clear that the bulk power system is impacted by extreme weather
more than it ever has,” Moura told reporters on the media call.



These factors are placing increased strain on the grid, and NERC
representatives urge grid operators to be conservative in their planning.


“Managing the pace of our generation retirement and our resource mix changes
to ensure we have enough energy and essential services are an absolute
necessity,” Moura told reporters on the call. “We need to work with the
entire ecosystem to make sure we’re managing that base, and to be very clear
that we’re not retiring generation prematurely — that is done in an orderly
fashion and especially in areas that are right on the edge.”



For its annual long-term electricity security assessment, NERC looks at the
coming decade, but energy and capacity risk assessment goes out for the
coming five years, from 2023 to 2027. There are too many moving parts and
uncertainties for a risk assessment past the next five years to be
worthwhile, according to NERC.




The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission certified NERC to measure and
enforce safety standards for the energy grid in the United States in 2006.
NERC is subject to the oversight of FERC, which is the federal governmental
agency in charge of regulating interstate electricity transmission.





CA: 供給和需求的時間差(再生能源問題)可能造成1-10小時的短缺

MISO: 1300MW短缺來自於需求上升以及機組汰換容量不足

Ontario: 1700MW缺口在2025年,和機組退休速度以及核電維修狀態有關



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kaga1991    : 美國很多種小動物1F 12/16 07:50
NoMomoNoLife: 核能大國法國都缺成那樣了2F 12/16 07:52
dayjay      : 蔡ee,我任期只到2024,能源與我無關3F 12/16 07:54
tctv2002    : 電子產品種類越來越多4F 12/16 08:05
littenVenus : 美雞電:QQ 缺電尼要講啊!5F 12/16 08:07
jasonkey123 : 2天前吹說核融合發成功,能源革命到來...6F 12/16 08:08
jasonkey123 : 現在又變成缺能源了
PA5566      : EE 抗議 他抄我8F 12/16 08:10
bcmaple     : 看來是不懂用愛發電喔9F 12/16 08:24
buddhawu    : 核融合商業化起碼還要數十年,等下輩子可等到10F 12/16 08:27
buddhawu    : 缺電卻是現在進行式喔
lc85301     : 反觀12F 12/16 08:32
yoshilin    : 幸好台gg的廠沒設在加州13F 12/16 08:44
ru04hj4     : 意思說核電多蓋一點啦14F 12/16 08:45
Retangle    : 現在就各大國在還2010年代因噎廢食的債啊15F 12/16 08:46
pponywong   : 加州之前阿諾當州長時 就有過一次電力短缺16F 12/16 09:03
fenix220    : 反觀17F 12/16 09:23
laechan     : 這樣還要蓋晶圓廠18F 12/16 09:29
laechan     : 論CP值,台灣仍是最理想選擇
abiggun     : 台灣沒有能源短缺20F 12/16 09:38
k798976869  : 沒錯 電不夠都是垃圾虛擬幣挖礦害的21F 12/16 09:43
Yishanhuang : 礦潮早就過了22F 12/16 09:47
roserule    : 反觀某島 五年內缺電還不痛不癢23F 12/16 09:59
roserule    : 美國幾個州幾個區 就寫得世界末日……
KBchen      : 電網要蓋15年喔25F 12/16 10:02
ru04hj4     : 起碼美國人誠實 台灣有「專家」不缺電26F 12/16 10:08
cityport    : 這些是regional transmission organizations27F 12/16 10:09
cityport    : 指的是電網,不是發電廠
MacD89      : 加州缺水比台灣嚴重29F 12/16 10:32
MacD89      : 跟缺水比起來電應該還是小問題
rahim       : 缺水就海水淡化開下去就好,不過加州左膠應該不會31F 12/16 10:45
rahim       : 同意
Ripper      : 我目前在加州已超過一年,從沒遇過停水停電,在台灣33F 12/16 10:54
Ripper      : 倒是每年好幾次。加州這邊的County有時常呼籲節約
Ripper      : 用水用電是沒錯。
crazydj     : 美花說不缺電不缺水 不管你信不信 我是信了36F 12/16 11:15
SILee       : 樓樓上,因為停的是農業用水,不是你家。37F 12/16 11:20
SILee       : 你沿著i5或ca99走,就會看到一堆農民的抗議布條了
SILee       : 至於說加州沒停電的...就是還太菜了XD
fenix220    : 台灣停水都是挖路挖斷管線吧 看洗車仔大旱期還是洗40F 12/16 11:36
fenix220    : 得不亦樂乎
MacD89      :  https://i.imgur.com/opkiLCN.jpg42F 12/16 11:36
MacD89      : 不過十年前就一直聽說加州缺水又很少下雨 到現在加
MacD89      : 州也還活得好好的 漲水價就好了 像台灣這種滿足所
MacD89      : 有刁民不能漲水價的社會主義式玩法壓力才大
patrickk    : 調水價的話林伯豐又要喊西進了46F 12/16 12:21
quartics    : 加州常停電或跳電好嗎?!比台灣還頻繁多了!47F 12/16 13:09

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